Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: rustheart on October 02, 2013, 05:25:25 pm

Title: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: rustheart on October 02, 2013, 05:25:25 pm
Which gender do you prefer for your characters?  I personally have almost no female characters.  Even though I am female I have a easier time roleplaying as male characters.  I even made my Fursona, CharChar, male.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: meeeea on October 02, 2013, 05:41:50 pm
My Fursona, Ellie, is a female, though she can genderbend since I like her to have a male side too. I mostly balance out my females and males so I have a decent amount of characters to RP.

Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Kerriki on October 03, 2013, 03:47:14 am
I usually make female characters, and that is what my fursona, Kiki is. But once in a while I will make a male character just for the heck or it. ^^
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Vespian on October 03, 2013, 03:55:01 am
I only have/prefer male characters, simply put.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: JackJackleHound on October 03, 2013, 04:08:05 am
I personally have a good mix of both, however I do tend to enjoy playing my male characters more then the females, more to explore and elaborate on, freedom to express my ideas in a different light. My comfort zone  however will forever lie with the females, I take on stronger Rp roles with them just so I feel like I can express my true feelings and "Authority"  Without having to worry about my girlishness seeping out of  my Male Charrie cx
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: .Insanity. on October 04, 2013, 10:37:43 pm
I have about.. 80 % of male characters and the rest - females. I don't know why, but I prefer male characters. Maybe because I'm a girl and rolelplaying with a male character gives me a chance to look through male eyes. Lol.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: jay warfang on October 22, 2013, 04:37:41 am
I tend to have issues with expressing emotion, and since (unfortunately) females seem to be expected to be more emotional or at least rather expressive I tend to find myself playing male characters. I also tend to prefer the behavior I am expected to have as a male. Anyway there is my useless and rambley thoughts on the subject.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 22, 2013, 04:30:18 pm

No idea what that means.

But anyways, I mainly do Females, because its easier because I know how they act.
Because I AM a Female! :D
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: ShadowBlind on October 22, 2013, 07:11:20 pm
I absolutely hate  female chars. It ussally depeneds the mood I'm in. If I'm just sitting there, I don't care. But I'm almost always a male. And screw the people who think it's freaking gay to play as a female when you're a male, and male when you're a female. A ton of people do it. It's not gay. Just pisses me off. *Off topic* Sorry. But yes, I play as males. (Such as Shadow *Blind*)
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on October 22, 2013, 08:59:36 pm
Well, it's about 40/60 for me, males to females.

While my "face" on FH is my male lion, Linger (whom I adore, he is my baby<3), I honestly see which characters I use as a reflection of my mood, particularly in terms of male or female.

Especially as of late, some of you may have also noticed me playing my female red wolf (Allegra, shown in my current siggie), who is my real "fursona." As in, if I were to be any of my FH characters, I would probably be Allegra, though Linger is a close second, as a male counter-part of mine.

I don't mind playing either of them, be it OOC or while roleplaying, though I am most comfortable as Allegra.

As characters in general go, though, I have a slight tendency toward females, because I generally find myself understanding them a bit more (lul). However, there are days when I feel a bit more bold, or I just don't feel like playing a female character, or even if I have a RP personality in mind that I think fits a male best.
In this case, I will make a male char, and usually I have no problem playing him.

Mostly females, though I love my guys, too. :3
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: AlphaEclipse on October 22, 2013, 10:40:53 pm
Not sure why, but I prefer female characters over male characters. Not sure why, but I've always preferred them. I rarely make male character, but when I do, they then to be very tall and large. If I had to choose between using a male character as a OOC or for a roleplay, I'd rather the roleplay because my other OOC, Sagitta, is female, and (in my opinion) it'll just seem weird with the gender mix up if ya' understand what I'm saying. xD

I guess I roleplay as females because I can understand them more. xD
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Lopunny on October 22, 2013, 11:46:17 pm
Actually, I've noticed I stick mostly to male canines. Than I go to female she-kitties. XD

I don't know why, I love having either cocky, gentleman-like, or just cold acting males... and sometimes females can't hit that point you know? And with she-cats (especially in warriors roleplays) they are so fun to roleplay ^^ Though I consider myself balanced with the genders I roleplay ^^
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: rustheart on October 23, 2013, 01:11:29 am

No idea what that means.

But anyways, I mainly do Females, because its easier because I know how they act.
Because I AM a Female! :D
It means they are born with both genders.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: ace13 on October 23, 2013, 05:14:11 am
I don't know what it is with me and males... *sigh* honestly I only have 2 female characters, any other character I've made up until now has been male and rarely female... Although for my fursona it doesn't really make much difference because I'm apparently a squash fruit xD ... that's also why squash ball racquets are prohibited around me, I am very delicate... But you know, there are male and female plants/trees, so yeah, I just find being males are more comfortable because I don't feel like some sort of target, plus I feel funnier when I'm a male character. lol
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 23, 2013, 03:55:46 pm

No idea what that means.

But anyways, I mainly do Females, because its easier because I know how they act.
Because I AM a Female! :D
It means they are born with both genders.

 Ohhhh... .

But yes, :D I prefer females over males.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: rustheart on October 23, 2013, 04:48:05 pm

No idea what that means.

But anyways, I mainly do Females, because its easier because I know how they act.
Because I AM a Female! :D
It means they are born with both genders.

 Ohhhh... .

But yes, :D I prefer females over males.

I didn't think anyone would pick it but I did meet a character in game with it so I thought I should give people a chance to vote for any possibility.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: GameJester on October 27, 2013, 11:23:40 pm
It really doesn't matter to me whether the character is male or female so long as the said character is enjoyable to RP with. I honestly don't consciously decide whether a character is male or female when I initially create them. It just sort of falls into place. That being said there are exceptions every so often, such as my nyala bull, Jilani, who's gender was decided simply because I preferred male nyala's appearance over the female's. The former situation is what occurs most often, however.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: XxInsaneAsylumxX on October 28, 2013, 12:12:40 am
I have an equal amount of both genders. One male and one female. c:
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: greenart6 on October 28, 2013, 01:18:18 am
I have more female characters than males, but I actually enjoy roleplaying with males much more. All my female characters are so...uncivilized? xD My male characters are nice and calm while the females are raging about everything, so I really enjoy males better.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Hjordis on October 30, 2013, 05:28:53 pm
I personally prefer using male characters, even though I'm female. I just like males. With everything - even my pets are mostly male. :)
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: shiftyglob on October 31, 2013, 08:14:44 am
Ever since I first started playing my own characters, meaning when I was like.. Five, I played girls. In fact, everything I had was a girl, I wouldn't even try to play a guy character other then the occasional bad guy here and there (Meaning they appeared and died within five minutes, no personality what so ever). Then one day, a few years ago, my sisters tricked me into cosplaying, and suddenly I was addicted to playing guys. Now  all of my characters that I a fun time roleplaying are guys... Not a girl in sight.. In fact, out of the fifty + characters I have, I only have like.. Three girls, and I never play them, they just sit and collect dust in the far corner of my character list.

I find that my main problem with playing girls is that a lot of the time my characters personalities are based off of how people treat them, and since everyone treats girl characters as such, they all end up as a 'girl'. I am trying to remedy this by putting one of my 'male' personalities on a female, but I have yet to roleplay her (Since in the roleplay she is in, she hasn't been born yet) so I have no idea if I can stay in character.. Hopefully I will succeed!

Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Blue_Apples on November 02, 2013, 06:16:41 pm
I, like most other girls who've replied here, lean toward having more males characters than females. Though my reasoning for this is a little different. I don't know if its just me who thinks this way but I view girls, both in game and in real life, as being snotty and stuck up and just generally being b*tchy. (I know it isn't true of most girls actually!) And guys are just the nice middle ground where they go from being rich and stuck up to down to earth, being bad to being the nicest people ever. So yeah, most of my characters are now males.

But there is another reason, and I'm sure most others have experienced this. Most packs/clans/whatever have a lot of girls in them and very few guys. So to even things out I'd usually create a male character to help beef up the guy's side.

Plus its just really funny to watch girls I hardly know fight over my character. What a sick sense of humor I have.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: ~Firepool~ on November 09, 2013, 03:04:20 pm

I have a mix of both male and female characters (Though most of them are female). I have an easier time roleplaying female's than males, but I do try to be a little different once and a while and create a male character.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Chapawee on November 09, 2013, 06:33:38 pm
I'm a girl but I sort of prefer male characters for a number of reasons, partly because I'm a tomboy. I can relate to them a bit more and it offers a different way of expressing myself.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on November 10, 2013, 01:12:18 am
I play both male and female characters. I play more male characters than I do females.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: DomesticFox on November 30, 2013, 10:47:44 pm
I play male characters for the most part, though I often give them "intersex" characteristics because my perception of my own gender and physical sex. (Intersex is what you mislabeled as hermaphrodite an offensive slur, but most people don't realize that...so yeah.) Intersex means that the chromosomes of both sexes are somehow present in the dna of an individual. This sometimes shows up physically, which is the way most people know of the condition. As I am probably not a real intersex (there are hospital tests for that- so I don't know for sure) I don't use the term, but yeah... I guess you can say my characters tend to be non-binary males, or just simply males, depending on the individual character.  (I am a big part of LGBPT community so I thought I'd clarify on that.)
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: mossstar1992 on November 30, 2013, 10:51:42 pm

Yeah, I'm a cross-gender role-player so i play both genders. I prefer a Male more, even though im a she~
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: anotherstatistic on November 30, 2013, 11:29:08 pm
Being genderqueer myself, I make some genderqueer characters. Most of the time I make a decision on the gender of the character by role-playing it out. However, when I do make characters with clearly defined sexes, I make males, even though I'm physically female. I'm a feminist too, but the fact that I play on male characters doesn't have much to do with that.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Sukani on November 30, 2013, 11:36:40 pm
I tend to like having characters of each gender equally much.
My fursona is male, as I in real, am female.
But I don't think it should matter too much, that you are playing a different gender in-character, than you are in real. I know, however, that many are against this.

I have four characters in total, two are male and two are female. So that has simply been divided fairly. Heh~
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Smilodoncat on December 01, 2013, 12:26:08 am
I actually find this thread a bit sad. It appears the most people prefer male characters, even if they are female in real life, and that's perfectly alright.
But then you have to think about the reasons why people choose to play males than females. I think it's because in most works of fiction, male characters are allowed to behave and act like actual characters, while females are condemned to archetypes. True, male characters have archetypes as well, but they are much less limiting. There is an idea called the "Smurfette Principal". This states that your average series will have a main cast of mainly male characters, with one token female. Each of the male characters will have a "unique" personality trait (the smart one, the brave one, the shy one etc) well the female's unique trait is simply the fact that she is female. The male's characters will be developed, but the female will not be developed much more than the fact "she's a girl!".
I believe subconsciously this idea has rubbed off on roleplayers. Roleplaying a more well developed character with a deeper personality is much more fun than roleplaying a shallow character. And all this media we see ties into character creation. So people end up making complex males, and shallow females. So in the end, they prefer the males.
This is just my theory, of course. But still.

Personally, I prefer female characters over males. Why? Because I am female and I find them easier to relate too.  When I create a new (female) character, I try to break away from those limiting archetypes when it comes to designing my female characters. I try to avoid the typical "girl" personality type.

I do not play only as females, though. I have a few male characters, a few characters that would be considered to not have a gender, and I even have a couple hermaphrodite charries.  
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: anotherstatistic on December 01, 2013, 12:43:25 am
Wow, thank you, Queen Chrysalis. That's perfect.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Chapawee on December 01, 2013, 02:28:58 pm
That's interesting how that happens. I wonder why society hasn't figured out that there's personalities beyond stereotypes though, because it's just sad. For example, a reason I don't like school is because a lot of social stuff involves stereotypes, and being as I don't fit their stereotypes, I find it exasperating. People who fit stereotypes are fine as long as they're not shallow, but people really need to think outside the box in real life.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 02, 2013, 12:52:57 am
I honestly don't care but I honestly have more male characters than female. My OCC is Starry and she is female, but when I'm RPing I like male characters more :3
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: CrimsonChaos on December 02, 2013, 05:58:43 am
Oh yus. I find it a lot easier to roleplay a male character, even though I am female. When do you look at a Female's Bio that says 'She was abandoned, beaten, etc, whatever, etc' and think, 'Oh, this girl is so not conceited and self-centered.' I don't know about you, but when a Female bio says that I think that. When a male bio says that, I don't know it's just not so self-centered. Plus, there are more females anyway, and groups sometimes need males since they are over-flowing with females already. But, I do have some characters female, such as my OC. :)
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: cloudfire on December 02, 2013, 07:14:26 am
 Pretty sure my characters are evenly balanced, I don't have alot of characters though so they may be an odd number.
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: Morqque on December 02, 2013, 12:03:12 pm
I mostly play on male characters and rarely even create a female one. Even tough I'm female o3o
Title: Re: Male Or Female Characters?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 02, 2013, 12:23:21 pm
When do you look at a Female's Bio that says 'She was abandoned and beaten

.....My female OCC, Starry, has a bio like that here (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=35118.msg482721#new)....
