Velcome Vlooves! How are you today, so I made this lovley arts. If you were wondering why I was off for awhile it was because of this arts and my real life house shifting. Anyway, were was I..... Oh yes! -Smashes head with pie- I hope they are really good and it is now available for people to show me tutorials and comments to tell me how to improve my drawings! I want a great goal, so by the end of the year I could achieve something that I loved when I was 3 years old. :3 Thank you for everyone who will help me, I will give them a floof.
PLEASE NOTE: Doesn't mean if you see me wanting to give you a floof you should do that job, I just want people to help me to improve. c:
Oreo's request - No Black Lines, more detail.
Request from cookie : :D
Ritat ~ Your Life Saver! :D
Well, since the other floofs pretty much covered any possible tips I could think of, here I am lingering on by to compliment on your artwork. Indeed impressive, I must say, plus you're still improving so there's no doubt your work will get even more intriguing. I wish you luck with your future art pieces.
Oh good, I think your mind is blown already. xD
If you would like I can make the background for the request anddd I'm done! :3