Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: darkknight on October 06, 2013, 03:48:57 pm

Title: Feral Fails
Post by: darkknight on October 06, 2013, 03:48:57 pm
We've all had them, an epic fail, or as I call it, a feral fail that we have done before. It could be on the forums, within the game, creating a map, it can be whatever. Anything you have done that just caused you to facepaw yourself while on Feral Heart. Come on, let's not feel ashamed and just share our feral fails with one another. What is your feral fail?

I think my lesser feral fail is when I was browsing for items and new markings for my avatar, three months later after playing the game. I looked over and over the same forum, not knowing it was the one I was looking for. It took me 20 minutes to realize this and just shook my head in shame.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Travis on October 06, 2013, 05:24:51 pm
I've had a feral fail Before. Took me ages to notice XD So once i was playing, walking around, then I saw people (Mate beggars) Everywhere, when i just Joined feralheart. Then, i saw that i was 'Un-Realistic'.... Then i was Astonished. Next day, i was like 'What type of realistic animal shall i create?' Ten Million times ten  banged my head on the wall. xD Thats my Feral Fail, being Un-realistic in my first go... I always wanted to be a realistic char xD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: OreoHeroz on October 06, 2013, 06:31:31 pm
Do I really have to go through all of them? Too many to count... o.o

When I joined Feral heart, I went through the Help forums to see what was going on, and I noticed one topic so I clicked on it randomly. I scanned through it and noticed it was about I think flying in Feral heart or something, I forgot. I didn't know how to so I asked in the topic, and after I posted, I looked at my post, then at the one above me, and realized that my answer was right before my eyes. I felt so stupid and I wondered how to change my post (since I didn't know how to yet), and I felt embarrassed when someone said my question was answered already. More of an embarrassment than a fail, though. I hate it when that happens and I'm just like: "Oh crap. - bangs on the laptop - C'mon, load so I can modify it! o_O"
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: jesswuvs2laf on October 12, 2013, 12:39:33 am
Too many to count.

Maybe whenever I enter the Plains, it takes about 5 minutes to load and then it's kind of laggy. I don't mind that much.

Or when I was new to the game, I kept getting lost in Ice...those were troubling times.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 21, 2013, 09:09:20 pm
Me zoning out while advertising my Rps and then realize five minutes later some one is talking to me xD!
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Fallenleaf on October 29, 2013, 12:50:08 am
When I typo'd the word pumpkin.
I wrote potato instead.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: unnbrellas on October 29, 2013, 01:16:00 am
 Once I was maling a map, and it kept crashing. I was getting desperate. Took ne forever to realize it wasn't greyscale. I felt pretty stupid.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: angelre0702 on November 10, 2013, 02:55:52 am
When I was running around SP the first few days I joined. I realized when I typed something in local it wouldn't come up, so I kept screaming "OMG HELP ME LOVCCAL IS BROKEN" when I had it turned off.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Delija on November 11, 2013, 02:11:00 am
Ok, this thread was probably made for someone like me. .w. I'm one of those people who has way to many to count, my latest one though, is probably my first time attempting to make a preset. xD It looks so bad, I can provide a screen-shot is wanted .w.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: gold feathers on November 15, 2013, 10:12:43 pm
 My most failed and most embarrassing one is when I tried to fly without wings on my char. I didn't notice that i took off the wings and kept pressing E and wondering why I wasn't flying. But my character was all black so it could take off the dumbness and blame it on the contrast xD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: cloudfire on November 16, 2013, 12:51:16 am
 Hum. Where to begin?

[Me whispering between 2 friends. I was whispering friend 1 at the time when friend 2 told me something, so I got super confused!]

 <Friend 2> Hey, I have to go to bed... D:
 <Me> WHAT NUUUU DX IF you must though ;-;
 <Friend 1> ...wat
 <Me> You told me you had to go!
 <Friend 1> ... No I didn't LOL
 <Me> Yeah you did! Jus---
 <Friend 2> Whisper mix-up
 <Me> Yep...
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: ZombieKitteh on November 16, 2013, 09:23:10 am
I have alot of fails, my latest one though... is dozing off mid roleplay while waiting for someone else to post.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: cloudfire on November 17, 2013, 02:40:07 am
 Aha! I've done that alot.. ^
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: gold feathers on November 17, 2013, 05:18:29 pm
Haha same here!

I have once role-played in-game with one of my friends and I went away from the laptop because I had a headache and I wanted to get some water to drink. But I forgot that she was still waiting for me to come back because the Feral Heart game tab was open because I planned to zoom upstairs as soon as I finished with the water.

But I got caught up in this movie and stayed downstairs for two hours. When I went up, I burst out laughing because I totally forgot about her and she wasn't very happy with me... Believe it or not she was still waiting for me... Ooops xD

The good old times with DarkCrystalWolf
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: iCandy on November 18, 2013, 12:33:39 am
While testing out a little rock mesh, I got frustrated because the material file wasn't working. 30 minutes later I figured out I typed in 'roc_.png' instead of 'rock_.png' in the coding!
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 18, 2013, 04:19:48 pm
 LOL! xD Thats just plain FUNNY!
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: cloudfire on November 19, 2013, 07:26:27 am
Indeed, I love hearing floofy stories! c':
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: gold feathers on November 19, 2013, 07:47:32 pm
So do I! They are hilarious some of them xD
anyways I don't think I have any more funny moments or failed on Feral Heart, i can't remember any at the moment.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on November 26, 2013, 09:10:00 pm
When I use the forums I'm usually on my iPad (I am right now)

Let's talk about Apple products, they have this so called "helpful" thing named autocorrect. It has trolled me countless times. Although usually I notice it and modify the post before anyone notices >:3 like it one time changed bread to beard :P and kill to kiss xD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: mossstar1992 on November 30, 2013, 10:47:42 pm
 Ha, i flunk at things so much its hard to pinpoint one thing...
There was the time that I tried to run and flew into the air....(Forgot i had wings)
The time I was on a wolf..and caughed up a hairball before being strictly reminded that i was a wold and not a cat today o3o
The time I made it to the top of asention island...then forgot to set home and jumped off e.e
The time I licked another player to show i liked them..and they turned out to be the same sex and already in a relationship..
The time i managed to spam my way so badly into a rocktype maze i had made in a map, i actualy had to recall my character
The time I laughed so hard i fell out of my chair..then realized I was the only one who thought it was funny (Can't remember the joke)
When I got my butt kicked my a kit in a Rp...and i was a grown wolf..(Not really sure how that happened..probable a lot of powerplaying xD)
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Jango_Fett on December 04, 2013, 04:43:34 pm
 Oh. My. a KIT? xD!
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: whitewolf223 on December 04, 2013, 09:12:04 pm
I walked up to warriors as a fox and said hi. I forgot they were racist against every fox in the world. -Fail
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 04, 2013, 11:48:14 pm
Welll..... When I first joined (ages ago), I was super, ridiculously, idiotically, nooby and young, and had no clue what your typical abbreviations for things were in the online world. So, I thought for a good few months or so that "RP" meant "rape."
So whenever somebody asked someone else to RP, I was quite creeped out and confused. o3o

Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 05, 2013, 01:13:54 am

I fell asleep on with my head on the keyboard on a Skype call with some friends .-.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: magicfairy on December 05, 2013, 01:25:13 am
Once I was making a map and I made a heightmap. It kept crashing until I realized it was the size x512 x512 XD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: BraveSoldat on December 12, 2013, 04:23:23 am
Lol xD. This one happens to me all the time, without fail... I'd be playing, listening to my music in the background and I'd tab out, ALWAYS forgetting to look straight up when doing so. Now.. I do this most often at either Ascension Island, that one map that you have to jump up the rocks to get to, or stonebridge. So when I tab back in, I always end up either falling into the river (stonebridge) or just ending up falling for a few minutes XD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Oogie Boogie on December 12, 2013, 09:06:25 pm
Once I was just watching the chat in South Pole and somebody said, "You have met a great fat!" Everyone started dying of laughter. The person then did "*Fate XD"
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Mewwn on December 18, 2013, 03:05:22 pm
Many of us may have that habit where we think one word but type another. xD This one time Rping:

Scorchstar trotted out of his den, fleeing onto the highrock. "Let all cows old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the highrock for a Can meeting!"

Yea... xD I guess we're a Can of cows now!

When making Warriors Maps, I end up flooding the caps bymistake xD

When I made a preset one time, I ment to put a stripe under my dog's belly, but my mouse clicked, I made a dot on the butt, and I forgot to change it into a line. xDDDD

And when making a character, I had spent a while finding the perfect markings. Until I switched back from YouTube to FH and clicked another body marking.... *Sigh*
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: SL138197 on December 18, 2013, 03:41:29 pm

I was in SP with one of my friends and I had accidentally sent this to another friend through whisper: "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey come below the highrock for a clan meeting." and waited for her response.  Couple minutes later I realized nobody sent back except someone in a whisper saying -_-

I have many more I cannot think of right now :/
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: hugrf2 on December 18, 2013, 04:48:56 pm
One time in a roleplay my character was "breathing strangely" due to him starting to be unable to breathe, then someone in OOC said something about I need to be specific... OH GOSH HOW THAT LOOKED. XDDD My character was staring at another guy while breathing like that too, which made it way more awkward.

Meanwhile in the same roleplay... AKA last night... I was confused about the positions everyone was in in the RP. I thought I was inside the TARDIS (yes, it's a doctor who rp) but someone said I was outside and just... eifjiej. I'd consider this a feral fail because it was so confusing! >_<

Then there's the writing in cadet blue in my signature I got from there. My character said "I like cats" and sinked into the shadows... and my hyper friend pointed out how hilarious that was. xDDD Ahh, I love you, roleplay. :I

Any other feral fails? "His head slipped off his head." The first head was supposed to be hat. YEP! Dang it, brain... just... XD Ahh, I don't think I know what I'm talking about and if I posted here before I might have already said one of those maybe? I don't know. I forgot, but I hope ya understand me somehwhat. LOL.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 18, 2013, 05:03:17 pm
Aye ^^ I hate typos too

Bread >> Beard
Kill >> Kiss
Flag >> "Flag" without the "L" o_______e
Lion >> Loin
Jump >> "Jump" but with an "H" .-.

*sighs* Sadly I am a victim to all of these typos. They weren't funny at first :I

Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: darkknight on December 19, 2013, 01:53:59 am
So many typos and mistaken identities, lol. But that's our great fat. Er, fate.*   
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Vespian on December 19, 2013, 02:04:20 am
Hue, well there's certainly way too many fails for me to keep general track of. However, I will recall one that happened a while back via roleplay-wise.

One of my characters, Hatred, my fursona before Vespian, was being lectured fiercely at by one of the higher ups. Well, they were lecturing him via General chat in the private map we were lurking within. Being the forgetful nub I am, I was completely oblivious to the fact I had General turned off. So, the result was me sitting quietly, wondering for around 10-15 minutes why they weren't saying anything. I finally realized my mistake when their character turned and sauntered off, which was when I checked which chats I had turned on or off.
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Jango_Fett on December 19, 2013, 04:06:12 pm
Poor Hatred! XD!
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: hugrf2 on December 21, 2013, 10:13:50 pm
Oh yes, that happened to me recently. Me and a friend were talking about Doctor Who (don't judge, we talk about a lot of stuff x3) while I was roleplaying in party. It took me a while to realize I posted something in Party instead of Whisper that was meant for her. XD Yep... That awkward moment... At, least the roleplay had Doctor Who stuff in it, too! Haha. :{P
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: lindaminda on January 26, 2014, 10:11:06 am
Hmm I guess It was when I was derping around Bonfire Island and saw a group of Zebras. I was on my black wolf charrie (Not using her anymore). And I tried to act like a zebra (I thought they are real roleplayers and that they will take it seriously)
but they were just like 'Are you serious..?'  :)
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: Shenidan on January 26, 2014, 01:28:48 pm
Accidentally buttswinging in front of my group when I was afk..also typos, like when I was teaching a member on game like how auto walk, then I said shift but without the 'f' ..it was awkward xD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: magicfairy on January 26, 2014, 02:13:26 pm
Not fully sure if this happened but... my friend was whispering me (I was trying to talk to someone else at the same time but change who I was whispering to) and I whispered the wrong person dah hole time. XD
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: gold feathers on January 26, 2014, 07:17:04 pm
I do love to scroll down and just read through the posts, they make me laugh and remind me of my fails both in-game and forum (and other sites lol...)
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: hugrf2 on January 26, 2014, 08:32:36 pm
I apparently didn't know what a word that rhymed with groaning meant, and I used it once in roleplay... and was told that. I'm officially embarrassed. |:I *Curls up in corner* Why am I a victim of such embarrassing-ness... almost cried. ;u; *Throws memory off into the distance* =-=yes I can post moar than once here |D
Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: TouchOfMadness on January 28, 2014, 11:24:34 pm
Well...there was that one time my friend and I were meeting in-game, and I was going to show her how to get to Ascension Island. So we both went to Lonely Cave, and our conversation in whisper went something like this...

<Me>Where are you?
<Friend>In Lonely Cave.
<Me>...Where in Lonely Cave?
<Friend>Inside the cave...?
<Me> Why can't I see you?
<Friend>I don't know. I can't see you either.

So then we spent about ten minutes of leaving and coming back, logging off and back on, and probably a lot of squabbling between us  ::) Then, when we were about to give up...

<Friend>You know, maybe its's called Lonely Cave because you can't see anyone else...
Lol, yup, that's my fail.

Title: Re: Feral Fails
Post by: magicfairy on January 29, 2014, 12:58:40 am
Well...there was that one time my friend and I were meeting in-game, and I was going to show her how to get to Ascension Island. So we both went to Lonely Cave, and our conversation in whisper went something like this...

<Me>Where are you?
<Friend>In Lonely Cave.
<Me>...Where in Lonely Cave?
<Friend>Inside the cave...?
<Me> Why can't I see you?
<Friend>I don't know. I can't see you either.

So then we spent about ten minutes of leaving and coming back, logging off and back on, and probably a lot of squabbling between us  ::) Then, when we were about to give up...

<Friend>You know, maybe its's called Lonely Cave because you can't see anyone else...
Lol, yup, that's my fail.

When I first joined FH I was curious about Lonely Cave cause I never saw anyone, so I had a conversation with my self it went like this:

<Me> Why does Lonely Cave have no one in it?
<Brain> Well..
<Me> WHAT?!
<Brain> Ok it's probably programmed to do that so.. yeah, cause it's called Lonely Cave.
<Me> Oh.. thanks, myself... XD