Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: femalecreature on October 08, 2013, 12:55:04 am

Title: Deer.
Post by: femalecreature on October 08, 2013, 12:55:04 am
Literally, just 2 minutes ago, I saw two deer. Another 17 minutes ago: a whole herd of deer.
The 2 deer weren't in that "herd." I appreciate the creative thinking, but... I've seen a lot of deer around. o_o Not to mention cold-blooded wolves, Warrior Cats...

But really, back on topic:
Deer are EVERYWHERE. Admit it! Count them! Whatever! It was creative at first, but now deer pop up everywhere! Deer, deer, deer. They're all that I see, besides illiterate wolves/Clan cats.
Truth be told, I'm not a huge fan of deer. Although I'm surrounded by them... in my state, my head, my home, and now FeralHeart.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that deer are bad, and that you're bad for RPing them or liking them...
Honestly, I don't! My dog loves deer and hunts them...
(Really, I'm sorry if you're hurt by my post. But it's true, think about it.)
Mix it up, a little. I shook of Warrior Cats for a while, stopped the producing of them, and made a new species: Atheia, the cross-species wolf with a gun and blade. (Yeah, cheesy but AWESOME to RP...)

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: DuskPegasister on October 08, 2013, 01:01:10 am
Oi. I agree. I see deer in my yard all the time, and recently a whole bunch of hoofed animals have seemed to pop onto FH. I don't hate deer, it's just they are a noussaince sometimes.

(And this is really irrelevant, but I love what your siggy says.)
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Satsuki on October 08, 2013, 01:13:56 am
Where in the world do you be seeing all of these deers at? o.O I have only saw one deer yesterday hopping around in FP but that was it... I am sorry to say this but I am GLAD that we are getting a new bunch of animals roaming around feral heart. All I see in flourite plains these days is nothing but Wolves and Warriors... Sometimes prides but they do not even last 15 minutes once finding a spot to role play in.

I guess you are just going to have to shake off the deer herd just like the clans roaming around here. The wolf blade gun seems pretty interesting... Some people however like to keep it a bit realistic here and do not wish to run off as a fantasy creature... But yeah we need more fantasy role plays, Sparkle dogs anyone?  ::)
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: kopat on October 08, 2013, 01:35:20 am
There's these sudden BURSTS of deer, there's like an invisible deer on/off switch. Sometimes there's 0, sometimes there's humongous groups of them XD
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Wizardmymom on October 08, 2013, 01:37:59 am
Ah, yes.
The deer.

Me, causally strolling along Bonfire Island with a new dragon wyrmling (from A Practical Guide To Dragon Riding) when I see <___ Deer> spamming the chat.
I just...
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: hugrf2 on October 08, 2013, 01:45:00 am
WHERE'S SAM? /shot

As soon as I saw ( OMG DADAY !!! XD )) in exact quote I thought "wait, wasn't I there?" Sorry, just saying.. *pushes Doctor Who on Netflix away and coughs* But that was in bonfire, unless you were in bonfire at that moment.

Anyway, on-topic now... o.e

I guess deer are starting to become popular animals? Deer are pretty nice (and caribou, heh...) creatures, but at least horses aren't invading, mostly mares, right? I assume this is Bonfire Island because of how common that happens... o3o

Does seem kind of strange that you see them like... all the time though. Hopefully something else will invade though, soon, maybe.... o_o

Weird... I even have a deer character which I never use, but it's probably fun for them? e_o

I don't really mind them. As long as they don't run up to me, get scared and get someone to kill me because "i was going to eat them" or something along those lines. xD...... happened before sort of.

I might have gone off-topic a bit here.... oh well. o3o
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ~|Cookie|~ on October 08, 2013, 01:52:15 am
I know it's not on topic but I used to be an in elk herd. The RP kindof died ayter I got amate and hhe heud I was in to go to my mates jerd. The lead buck of my old herd challenged him. o.0 Creepy stuff. But anyway. I hace noticed quite a few out bursts of deer, especially in Bonfire
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: rustheart on October 08, 2013, 02:01:11 am
I once saw a deer that ate meat and growled.  The person also spoke like this,
'As you can see the deer is hunting.'
'As you can see the deer is running away.'
It just was weird and annoying.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: BlackLuna06 on October 09, 2013, 08:57:40 am
Where are all these deer coming from? Send me some? XD

I am lucky to see about 2 deer a WEEK unless I go into Bonfire and get spammed by illiterate ones. Yeah. Not happening.

Anyway, you must live in some sort of 'Deer Zone' (Or Zebra Crossing, herpderp ;D) and seen them all then.

A little off topic, but there seem to be periods throughout the day that are frequented by different species. I have somewhat subconsciously learnt not to bring, say, a dog out at times because I will promptly be killed by evil wolves XD
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 09, 2013, 05:39:16 pm
I see them in my back yard all winter, and never on FH really, :P
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: peete on October 10, 2013, 08:42:21 pm
For those of you who rarely see deer on FH. Here you go.


??????????????.....Don't rage when you see this photo lol.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ~|Cookie|~ on October 10, 2013, 08:49:42 pm
For those of you who rarely see deer on FH. Here you go.


??????????????.....Don't rage when you see this photo lol.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: femalecreature on October 10, 2013, 09:23:45 pm
??????????????.....Don't rage when you see this photo lol.
Too bad, I did!
Deer are everywhere, guys. C'mon, it's not that hard to admit all hoofed creatures are nearly everywhere. I'm talking deer, caribou, horses (even though this topic is mainly focused on deer!)
Where I live, deer is the talk of the town ---
"Did you see that deer herd?"
"The one with the big buck?"
"No, that other one."
"Naw, I saw a huuuge one!"
AND YET this continues to trail into FeralHeart! My agrivation level: serious.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ZearTheAkumian on October 10, 2013, 10:01:04 pm
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: longjump on October 10, 2013, 10:15:57 pm
http://fhnature.tumblr.com/post/63404767042/deer-deer-are-creatures-found-most-commonly-in (http://fhnature.tumblr.com/post/63404767042/deer-deer-are-creatures-found-most-commonly-in)
Pretty much sums up a majority of Bonfire deer, lol
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Kerriki on October 10, 2013, 11:42:52 pm
I don't mind the huge population of deer at all. -Poofs-
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Smilodoncat on October 11, 2013, 05:39:33 am
I don't understand all this hate on deer. I don't mind them at all.
I actually much prefer ungulates over wolves, even though deer are not a particular favorite of mine.

The only really annoying thing about the deer is powerplay. But every species powerplays. Lions, wolves, warrior cats, etc.
The deer actually do it far less than some other species.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: peete on October 11, 2013, 11:09:21 am
I don't really hate deer either. I actually think it's kind of neat that someone made a hoofed character out of an animal that has paws XD But you know, if you hate them it's your opinion...
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ~|Cookie|~ on October 11, 2013, 12:56:14 pm
Practically all deer are illiterates. I haven't interacted with them but recently when I went to Bonfire I was sitting on my little rock and watching them RP. Example: the buk lay on the gras
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: meeeea on October 11, 2013, 01:54:29 pm

Why the hate? Feral Heart is about creativity after all, so the population of deer isn't really anything to be angry about. If the user wants to make a deer character, it wants to make a deer character. Nothing to hate about. I actually had a couple of deer characters on my character slot, but they were realistic at least.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 11, 2013, 04:12:37 pm

Why the hate? Feral Heart is about creativity after all, so the population of deer isn't really anything to be angry about. If the user wants to make a deer character, it wants to make a deer character. Nothing to hate about. I actually had a couple of deer characters on my character slot, but they were realistic at least.

We Don't mind them, its when they start acting like Predators and Power Playing Freaks is when we get annoyed :P  One of my early days in FH, I was on my first wolf character I believe, (Charlotte, Edited her so she is not as..... Neon bright :D) or Cat, and hunted the deer, because I was bored, and it was ALWAYS able to somehow get away from me -.-
Yeah, god modders the main lot of them.

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: longjump on October 11, 2013, 10:14:12 pm
I watched a herd of does hunt down and slaughter a lion. xD. I guess, that might be why I don't care much for them. Deer don't hunt little bunnies or giant predators.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Wizardmymom on October 12, 2013, 01:26:32 pm
Ah, those deer.
I have been most unfortunate to be on my dragon when about 20 deer where on.
-Twitch- Also made the mistake of hunting a little fawn.
Before long I was mobbed.

My head was being torn off, my wings where being torn to shreds, and my body became the equal to road kill.

WORD OF ADVISE: Do not mess with those deer.
They shall slaughter you then mate on your corpse.

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 13, 2013, 06:50:31 pm
Ah, those deer.
I have been most unfortunate to be on my dragon when about 20 deer where on.
-Twitch- Also made the mistake of hunting a little fawn.
Before long I was mobbed.

My head was being torn off, my wings where being torn to shreds, and my body became the equal to road kill.

WORD OF ADVISE: Do not mess with those deer.
They shall slaughter you then mate on your corpse.


I belive Suragha said something simaler to that xD!
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on October 13, 2013, 08:04:45 pm
I really don't mind deer characters. I once participated in a deer roleplay in Bonfire Island.... but then we were attacked and eaten by a pack of wolves and a pride of sabors.

Ah, those deer.
I have been most unfortunate to be on my dragon when about 20 deer where on.
-Twitch- Also made the mistake of hunting a little fawn.
Before long I was mobbed.

My head was being torn off, my wings where being torn to shreds, and my body became the equal to road kill.

WORD OF ADVISE: Do not mess with those deer.
They shall slaughter you then mate on your corpse.


Sounds like the flesh-eating deer of the Left 4 Dead video games. XD
There are some species of deer that do maul predator animals. But of course, mauling a dragon is certainly unrealistic and powerplaying. Deer have been known to attack people and predators, especially during the rut season when bucks like to attack anything and everything. Mule deer, elk, and moose can be the most dangerous.

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ~|Cookie|~ on October 13, 2013, 08:30:27 pm
Well bucks mauling animals with their horns is realistic but when something like this happens: (B is the buck D is the doe and M is me)

M: ~Chills on rock in BonFire~
D: ~stalk te wolf~
B: ~follows behind~
M: o.0 Deer don't stalk wolves.
B: ~Jumps out of bush and stabs wolf with horns~
D: ~Rips head off wolf~
M: Pwerplaying much? ~Ignores~
D: you have to react!
B: She's so unrealistic
M: I'm unrealistic? Ok. ~Walks away~
M: Ok then..... o.0

Keep in mind most deer are illiterate power players who rage when they don't get the reactions they want. Most like a mate begger but can be worse. That's the main reason I don't like deer.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Abomine on October 13, 2013, 08:48:33 pm
As much as I love seeing people rping as animals other than wolves or lions or Warrior cats, it's just annoying that these people are rping as deer...but they don't seem to know anything about them other than that they live in herds and they eat grass and the males have antlers.

Not only does it make people who are trying to be creative look bad, it helps contribute to the general consensus that "anybody who doesn't rp as a canine or a feline is weird and should not be playing FeralHeart".

And it's a shame, because deer are very interesting animals that would make for great roleplay...if only this sudden spurt of "deer folks" actually knew what they were doing. A little Google search wouldn't kill ya, people!

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: DancingWithDeath on October 13, 2013, 11:09:04 pm
I was playing as Sasha F Wolf, and we were fighting an idiot carnivorous doe named Seo /gets gun and shoots seo.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 14, 2013, 01:26:20 am
I was playing as Sasha F Wolf, and we were fighting an idiot carnivorous doe named Seo /gets gun and shoots seo.

Save Me Some Venison!
(Sorry, I love deer, but I like venison too... ;-;)
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: DancingWithDeath on October 14, 2013, 07:53:12 pm
-le gives venison-
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 15, 2013, 12:49:19 am
-le gives venison-
Yay! :D

As much as I love seeing people rping as animals other than wolves or lions or Warrior cats, it's just annoying that these people are rping as deer...but they don't seem to know anything about them other than that they live in herds and they eat grass and the males have antlers.

Not only does it make people who are trying to be creative look bad, it helps contribute to the general consensus that "anybody who doesn't rp as a canine or a feline is weird and should not be playing FeralHeart".

And it's a shame, because deer are very interesting animals that would make for great roleplay...if only this sudden spurt of "deer folks" actually knew what they were doing. A little Google search wouldn't kill ya, people!

But in all seriousness, I agree quite Well, It IS Creative, but to a point, if they behave and act like lions or wolves, why call yourself a deer?
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ::BarkingHowl:: on October 15, 2013, 04:08:24 pm
It's because the first deer is usually a stag, so the mate beggars think "OOH A STAG LETS GO BE HIS MATE" and it sort of .. escalates quickly. :| It happens all the time, and does sort of annoy me cause they speed up the chat like hell.
They also seem to act like they are friggin carnivorous or something. It's creative and everything, which is the whole point of imaginitive RPing, but you should learn about the animal before becoming one. ^^
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on October 15, 2013, 05:16:45 pm
As much as I love seeing people rping as animals other than wolves or lions or Warrior cats, it's just annoying that these people are rping as deer...but they don't seem to know anything about them other than that they live in herds and they eat grass and the males have antlers.

Not only does it make people who are trying to be creative look bad, it helps contribute to the general consensus that "anybody who doesn't rp as a canine or a feline is weird and should not be playing FeralHeart".

And it's a shame, because deer are very interesting animals that would make for great roleplay...if only this sudden spurt of "deer folks" actually knew what they were doing. A little Google search wouldn't kill ya, people!

That's when I escape to the world of The Endless Forest. Even though there is no chat to communicate with people, there is no such thing as powerplaying and killing each other.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 15, 2013, 06:29:26 pm
As much as I love seeing people rping as animals other than wolves or lions or Warrior cats, it's just annoying that these people are rping as deer...but they don't seem to know anything about them other than that they live in herds and they eat grass and the males have antlers.

Not only does it make people who are trying to be creative look bad, it helps contribute to the general consensus that "anybody who doesn't rp as a canine or a feline is weird and should not be playing FeralHeart".

And it's a shame, because deer are very interesting animals that would make for great roleplay...if only this sudden spurt of "deer folks" actually knew what they were doing. A little Google search wouldn't kill ya, people!

That's when I escape to the world of The Endless Forest. Even though there is no chat to communicate with people, there is no such thing as powerplaying and killing each other.

Endless forest?  I heard of that, owo

But back to the subject, Yes, Do your research, you might just learn something! =^.^=
I did the same with Hyenas.

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Fallenleaf on October 15, 2013, 11:46:24 pm
FH's deers seem like they don't belong to any deer species in themselves. It's like everyone's basing their deer off the young Bambi. C'mon guys. Some research on that doesn't hurt, especially when it comes to realism. And deers becoming carnivore isn't for today. No, they won't decide to hunt because of some false sign given by a NY zoo Koala plushie. Really.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: femalecreature on October 16, 2013, 12:50:58 pm
My point exactly. I actually saw the same two deer hunting birds, and the birds were like, "Wtf? 8I"

It gets old, having to point out that... well... um... deer don't eat meat.
A little research goes a long way in FeralHeart, doods. x'D
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: wolfdragonplasma on October 16, 2013, 03:18:22 pm
If the situation calls for it, herbivores can and will turn carnivorous.  There have been observations of deer taking their fill from carrion.  There have even been some that turned predator and hunted for fish, frogs, and even birds.

Here's something that I found that you may be interested in reading:
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/11/deer_eat_meat_herbivores_and_carnivores_are_not_so_clearly_divided.html (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/11/deer_eat_meat_herbivores_and_carnivores_are_not_so_clearly_divided.html)
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Abomine on October 16, 2013, 04:23:28 pm
It gets old, having to point out that... well... um... deer don't eat meat.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sQOQdBLHrLk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sQOQdBLHrLk)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q91dUtDYkU&feature=player_detailpage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q91dUtDYkU&feature=player_detailpage)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=T-39iXlitGM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=T-39iXlitGM)

Needless to say I never looked at deer the same way ever again.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 16, 2013, 04:26:56 pm
If the situation calls for it, herbivores can and will turn carnivorous.  There have been observations of deer taking their fill from carrion.  There have even been some that turned predator and hunted for fish, frogs, and even birds.

Here's something that I found that you may be interested in reading:
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/11/deer_eat_meat_herbivores_and_carnivores_are_not_so_clearly_divided.html (http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/11/deer_eat_meat_herbivores_and_carnivores_are_not_so_clearly_divided.html)

yes, but, they are acting like wolves do, and lions, not hungry deer searching for food.
And they powerplay while doing so.
And, those videos, are they from a trustable source?  Because the deer that come around my house, even in winter, don't touch meat.  Ever.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: wolfdragonplasma on October 16, 2013, 04:40:24 pm
I guess it all depends on where you live.  I myself have never seen herbivores that are hunters, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen elsewhere.

Even squirrels, who we all know eat things like nuts and seeds most of the time, can also turn predator and eat things like insects, eggs, and sometimes even other small rodents.

And, not every carnivorous ungulate is a powerplayer.  I know a few who actually play rather literately, and powerplaying is a big no for them.  So lumping them all together and calling them all powerplayers isn't exactly fair, is it not?
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 16, 2013, 10:43:05 pm
I guess it all depends on where you live.  I myself have never seen herbivores that are hunters, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen elsewhere.

Even squirrels, who we all know eat things like nuts and seeds most of the time, can also turn predator and eat things like insects, eggs, and sometimes even other small rodents.

And, not every carnivorous ungulate is a powerplayer.  I know a few who actually play rather literately, and powerplaying is a big no for them.  So lumping them all together and calling them all powerplayers isn't exactly fair, is it not?

So, being near where the coldest of all Winters in the U.S., deer don't get desperate.(And next to a large lake to Boot)

And, I think most people know that Squirrels eat eggs, they are not herbivores in the sense that other animals are.

And I said 'the main lot of them', not All of them.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Abomine on October 18, 2013, 01:18:34 am
I guess we can all agree that animals like deer will occasionally eat flesh, and not always when they're hungry or desperate (judging by the videos I posted).

It's probably just them supplementing their diets with extra protein...

However, it doesn't give these "carnivorous deer" any excuses to be powerplayers.

I was hanging around by the Cape Portal in Fluorite one time, and some deer were advertising a herd made up of warrior deer who hunted wolves as a rite of passage. I personally thought it was an interesting concept, but a lot of folks were giving those deer flak.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: DancingWithDeath on October 18, 2013, 09:26:11 pm
I guess we can all agree that animals like deer will occasionally eat flesh, and not always when they're hungry or desperate (judging by the videos I posted).

It's probably just them supplementing their diets with extra protein...

However, it doesn't give these "carnivorous deer" any excuses to be powerplayers.

I was hanging around by the Cape Portal in Fluorite one time, and some deer were advertising a herd made up of warrior deer who hunted wolves as a rite of passage. I personally thought it was an interesting concept, but a lot of folks were giving those deer flak.
I dont allow carnivorous deer in my unfinished rp.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on October 18, 2013, 11:24:40 pm
I guess we can all agree that animals like deer will occasionally eat flesh, and not always when they're hungry or desperate (judging by the videos I posted).

It's probably just them supplementing their diets with extra protein...

However, it doesn't give these "carnivorous deer" any excuses to be powerplayers.

I was hanging around by the Cape Portal in Fluorite one time, and some deer were advertising a herd made up of warrior deer who hunted wolves as a rite of passage. I personally thought it was an interesting concept, but a lot of folks were giving those deer flak.

Yes, its a very interesting concept, but no, The deer are not being seen 'Attacking' animals, just general road kill and small stuff,

Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: ~Firepool~ on October 19, 2013, 01:24:18 am

Oh my god the deer.
Okai children, story time from yours truly.

So, I happened to be strolling around FP, chatting with some friends, stuff like that. And suddenly, we stumble across this huge herd of deer. We were all on canine or felines at the time, so the herd ended up getting spooked and running off. I ended up having to log off and decided to come on early next morning like I usually do. Unfortunately, I didn't see any deer again, so that was sad.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Lunatia on October 21, 2013, 04:31:09 am
I've never seen a deer in FH yet... *goes to make a deer*

Lol, but that's funny.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: whitewolf223 on November 06, 2013, 11:20:59 pm
I see them constantly, being a coyote I start to "hunt" them. In other words I walk up to them and get Power Played.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: shiftyglob on November 07, 2013, 01:01:56 am
I have seen a lot of deer in bonfire the past two months, they're normally on the side opposite the hill, mingling with all the horses. Though when ever I head over in that direction, I hardly ever see power playing or illiterate deer, there are a few of course, but mostly the only problem they seem to have is that they haven't researched deer at all so they don't know their behavior. Most of them are quite polite with the predators who want to hunt them, and I have only seen a few incidents when they try to chase anyone away from their role play.. Though I do have to admit, a deer walking up to a dragon and trying to chase it off by growling at it is a little weird, but I have also seen horses and sea lions do the same, so what ever.

Personally I think if the people are all having fun together playing deer (or anything else), then there is no problem with the amount, as long as they keep things civil and don't try to force people away with insults and bad attitude.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Delija on November 07, 2013, 02:39:30 am
There everywhere in my neighborhood... but I must admit, I have never seen one in the lands of FH
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: DancingWithDeath on November 07, 2013, 02:43:58 am
I wish deer never ate flesh.
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 07, 2013, 09:02:32 pm
I now have a Doe named Mori xD! So far from my 'Observations', None have power played, but they have thrown in the rut season card, Battling LEFT anf RIGHT!
Title: Re: Deer.
Post by: whitewolf223 on November 07, 2013, 09:45:59 pm
I Though I do have to admit, a deer walking up to a dragon and trying to chase it off by growling at it is a little weird, but I have also seen horses and sea lions do the same, so what ever.

This~ This is my life while i'm online.