Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: blueroseknight95 on October 20, 2013, 01:16:03 am

Title: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 20, 2013, 01:16:03 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 20, 2013, 01:22:10 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 20, 2013, 08:17:28 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 20, 2013, 06:03:53 pm
((Ooh. o.o ^^ Welcome.))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 20, 2013, 06:06:35 pm
:3 Danke.~~))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 20, 2013, 06:42:03 pm
((^^ I dunno what to do yet. I guess we can wait until one more joins.))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 20, 2013, 06:47:50 pm
Alrighty. I shall put on my patient hat. o3o))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 20, 2013, 06:55:22 pm
((o.o Got an extra~? Izaya stabbed me for stealing his. XD))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 21, 2013, 01:04:21 am
xD I have no more, sadly. ;A;))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 21, 2013, 01:54:33 am
((o.o Ok~. :3))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 21, 2013, 02:31:45 pm
Okay. I broke my patient hat. D: I CSNT WAIT.))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 22, 2013, 12:40:12 am
((o.o Do you wanna start? XD))
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 22, 2013, 03:57:22 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 22, 2013, 04:02:53 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 22, 2013, 04:25:58 am
xD Fabulous-Power FTW. |D Also, do the demons only reside in that antique shop?))

Kaos removed her brown hat and fanned her self with it, sitting on the ledge of a window in an abandoned house. Y?rei was much better, so far...She watched the lonely street from the second floor, legs swinging. So far, though, she had heard some rumors from other kids whispering about some strange entity of sorts. She raised a hand to fix her gold hair before placing her hat back on.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 22, 2013, 04:41:09 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 22, 2013, 04:53:03 am
Alright. Kaos is new to the school, so I'll just make her randomly walk in like a boss. xD))

Kaos carefully jumped off her ledge, landing on the broken balcony on the first floor. From there, she easily jumped off to the road, fixed her boy-ish clothes and started walking over to the school. Visiting it couldn't hurt, could it? She smiled to herself. She was shunned the last time she went to her own school, but nobody at Y?rei knew of her past, so maybe she wouldn't be that bad. Until, of course, chaos came. And that was her. She smirked faintly.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 22, 2013, 05:09:40 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 22, 2013, 05:18:09 am
Are they both at different schools? o3o))

Kaos paused at the school's entrance, looking up at the whole building. She continued to stare for a moment before actually walking in, and felt her courage from before melt into nervousness. She sighed and dragged her hat down further, where it at least covered her green eyes.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 22, 2013, 05:30:44 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 22, 2013, 05:39:31 am
D'aw. Does Kaoru actually knows that it's Hikaru, though?))

Kaos looked around while she entered the school, gloved hands shoved into the pockets of her white coat. Nobody was here...Was there even any school today? She bit her lower lip subconsciously and continued walking around like a lost ghost, curiously staring at a few random objects.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 22, 2013, 04:14:31 pm
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 22, 2013, 04:23:44 pm
She tilted her head as she wandered around the hallways, hands slowly going out of her pockets to fiddle with the loose necklace around her neck. "Anybody here?" She called out without hesitation, looking up at the ceiling as though it would reply.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on October 23, 2013, 03:40:09 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on October 23, 2013, 04:15:40 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 10, 2013, 08:29:19 pm
     Hikaru tilted her head a little to the right. The only word she really knew was 'bonjour', and supposed that 'estudiant' was 'student'. She smiled faintly, and held a hand to shake with her. "Hai, I am." she said quietly. It was a mere guess at a translation.

     Kaoru cackled a little. "Man, I can't wait to see the bloody look on his his face!" his English side was showing, now that he was happy and laughing. The other boys looked up and laughed as well.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 11, 2013, 09:42:50 am
She grinned back, and shook the girl's hand. So she did know French...Or just guessed. Either way, she nodded. "My name is Kaos, and...Uh, I just decided to visit this place." Her accent wasn't heavy, but you could hear just a little in her words. She cocked her head to the side. "You know French?"
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 11, 2013, 05:50:50 pm
     She smiled lightly. "I'm Hikaru." she bowed, then heard her question. "I know a couple words... my father was English, and thought it was necessary to learn, but it never clicked." she smiled sheepishly.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 11, 2013, 06:11:21 pm
"Oh." She muttered, shoving her gloved hands back into the pocket of her dusty jacket. "Do you have school today?" She looked behind, as if expecting something to appeared, before glancing back. "I couldn't really find anyone around." The mischief-maker shrugged, and small frown on her face.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 11, 2013, 06:25:32 pm
     "Well, we do, but... most of the students are out, due to a game." she sighed faintly. "I'm not a sports fan, so I'm here." she blinked and looked up, hearing foot steps approaching from behind her. "Great..."

     Kaoru sighed as he and his friends made their way back down the stairs. "I just thought about something. He's going to know who did it." he couldn't help but chuckle lightly.
     The others seemed to laugh a little as well. Then, they looked up at the two girls at the end of the hall. "Huh. This early in the morning, and they're already gossiping, huh?" one said with a smirk.
     "I dunno, Alec. There's one that I've never seen before..." another said as he looked a Kaos.
     Kaoru shrugged. "Let's just go... I don't want you guys to start being stupid, and bragging about how we were pulling another stunt." he glanced towards Hikaru and sighed, before turning his nose to the sky like a snob.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 11, 2013, 06:53:21 pm
She nodded at the answer, blinking before looking over Hikaru's shoulder, cocking her head to the side as she took in the sight of a group of boys, watching as they exchanged words. She couldn't help a small smirk when she saw one pointing his nose in the air, like a lot of those rich kids liked to do. The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. "What's wrong? Are we unworthy of your presence?"
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 16, 2013, 04:44:26 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 16, 2013, 07:54:26 am
"And did you truly talk to her yet?" She moved slightly to lean on the wall, staring at the white-haired boy. What a strange Colour that was...She glanced back at Hikaru, noticing that she too had white hair. Kaos narrowed her eyes slightly before looking back at the boy.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 16, 2013, 08:05:43 am
     Kaoru crossed his arms over his chest before looking at the clock in the hallway. "There's never really any time."
     Hikaru sighed faintly, then smiled lightly at Kaos. "Don't worry about it. It's become normal for me." Her voice was quiet, in a near whisper. It was definitely not as obnoxious as her brother's. "He's just a spoiled brat, anyway, just like the other people here."
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 16, 2013, 08:24:43 am
She glanced to Hikaru, narrowing her eyes slightly, though she did agree with the last statement. Suddenly, she pushed herself off the wall, and grabbed Hikaru's arm, moving to drag her towards Kaoru. "Nope. Now, both of you seem to have time, so, talk." She spoke with a sharp tone, glaring at The boy. "And every insult or bad words you give each other will be returned with a kick to the ankle."
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 16, 2013, 08:32:39 am
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 16, 2013, 10:20:43 am
Kaos caught her gaze and gave a mischievous smirk as she nodded.  She moved back to lean against the wall again, giving a small glance at the other boys, wondering if they were just going to stay there and listen as well, or was going to abandon their friend and go off.
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: blueroseknight95 on November 16, 2013, 02:51:03 pm
Title: Re: Sleepy Little Town~ Horror/Tradgedy RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: crystwolf on November 16, 2013, 05:49:59 pm
She crossed her arms as she stared at the two talking, narrowing her eyes slightly at Kaoru's comment, but didn't do anything. Yet. She blinked, frowning slightly. "You two look awkward. Come on, just talk about something. Like, your lives at school. I don't know." She gave an amused snort, glancing at the others again.