Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: ritat on November 18, 2013, 03:17:42 pm

Title: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: ritat on November 18, 2013, 03:17:42 pm
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Feareh on November 18, 2013, 03:47:25 pm
 I highly doubt that he will come back, Kovu left for his own reason and that's the way it is. If you do have contact with him by all means talk to him. But I highly doubt he will want to come back and fix this game. He was even asked to come back from the staff and didn't/refuse to come back. Also he had about 2 years to come back and give the source codes to staff so as this might be a good gesture but I don't think really much will change.
KovuLKD left the game even while most people still loved him. I doubt his leaving is an issue of him not feeling appreciated enough in the community as you make it seem with this thread. If KovuLKD left the game for those reasons that would seem quite shallow of him. We staff get plenty hate and negativity thrown our way along with love and appreciation and that doesn't make us stop doing what we do. An individuals got to genuinely love what they do for them to dedicate them self to that thing not just do it because they are expecting praise and or reward.

KovuLKD left on his own accord. Staff and others have done all they could to get him to come back but he refuses and pretty much ignores everyone. I don't hate the guy but I do think it was a bit cold, immature, and inconsiderate of him to just drop a whole community that clearly loves his game and appreciates him and not even at least tell them why.

 KovuLKD knows that there are plenty people that love him he doesn't need people to kiss up just to get back some source code. If he wanted to give it up he would of by now. People just need to respect and accept that for whatever unannounced reason KovuLKD left. Nothing we can do will bring him back. It's up to him to come back out of his own true desire.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: ritat on November 18, 2013, 04:10:22 pm
Don't worry, I will try my best to make this happen. -Crosses heart- I have no time to lose.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Senrova on November 18, 2013, 04:14:56 pm
I would love to help. I might as well find some good pictures and pm to you. Anyways, I think this may work if we put lot's of effort into it. However, you said he was quite sensitive, right? So what if someone ruins it by taking it too seriously? On the positive side, I agree with this. I wish you luck.

I hope he'll come back.

This is SmokePelt, peace out!
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 18, 2013, 04:18:10 pm
 It would be nice if he came back, but, he will more than likely not do so I'm afraid.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on November 18, 2013, 04:26:29 pm
Like others have said, I don't think he will return to the game. It would be nice if he were to return and give a few updates, but it seems like it's not going to happen.

I don't think this game and community is falling apart as you say. Even though it hasn't been updated in a couple of years, it doesn't mean that it's all going to fall apart and be done with. Kovu may not be here to update the game and make it more fun for everyone, but it's up to us the members to do best with what we got. We can make the game better for ourselves by making presets, maps, items, textures,and other add-ons.
I honestly think trying to persuade Kovu to come back isn't going to get you anywhere. As Feareh said, he didn't return at the request of the staff members of the game. If he didn't come back at their request, what makes you think he will come back at yours? It's a waste of time. Why waste your time when you can be playing with what you got?
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: ritat on November 18, 2013, 04:31:39 pm
I have planned my letter, and almost all the people who read it cried and I am not wasting my time for no reason, I will follow my moto. As it says "Ritat~ Your life saver". I am not a person who gives up for anything, even though people will tell me it's just a waste of my time, it's something to do daily...
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on November 18, 2013, 06:26:43 pm
I have planned my letter, and almost all the people who read it cried and I am not wasting my time for no reason, I will follow my moto. As it says "Ritat~ Your life saver". I am not a person who gives up for anything, even though people will tell me it's just a waste of my time, it's something to do daily...

Alright then. There's nothing I can do but wish you good luck with it. If you're able to convince him to come back, then that's fantastic. Like I said, it would be nice if he were to return and give the game some cool updates.
But just don't get your hopes up too high. If he refuses your request, try not to get upset about it. At least you tried.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: WhiskerWatcher on November 18, 2013, 07:32:45 pm
Good luck with everything Rita. It would be amazing if he did come back. But like others had pointed out, don't get your hopes up too high. There is little chance he would come back, but little chance is better than none.

I wish you the best.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Chapawee on November 19, 2013, 02:01:39 am
Good luck Rita! :3

I'm keeping my 'paws' crossed here. Hopefully no one takes this whole thing too seriously and hurts his feelings about it. Again, good luck to everyone!
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: ritat on November 19, 2013, 12:23:28 pm
I've got good news! EVERYONE:

I sent a message to him and he said that there is a even chance he is coming! That means I am getting ahead well :D 30% chance up.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: nicekind on November 19, 2013, 12:40:35 pm
For some reason I have hard to believe that everything you say in here is true? Even thou why should I not believe in it?
Anyways it would be amazing if he would come back. I like how people still have hope in this :3
But yeah other than that good luck.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: unnbrellas on November 19, 2013, 01:47:09 pm
I came here within the last year, and never had a chance to be with the game when updates was still a possiblitiy- I wish for that to change.

I really wish Kovu would return, many amazing game ideas have been suggested, but sadly can never be put to use.

Good luck rita, tis a wonderful thing your doing, trying to get Kuvo back.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: LordSuragaha on November 19, 2013, 02:15:28 pm
As awesome as it would be to get him back Rita I some how find it hard to believe. How do you know that the person you are talking to is really KovuLKD and not just some poser? Be careful not to get your hopes up in case it's really not him. Many people have tried to contact him including the staff team and have had no luck. If you really have had the luck to find him and get to him to talk to him then congrats and best wishes to you with getting across to him. There are plenty people including myself who would be more than happy to welcome him back.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Kerriki on November 20, 2013, 12:52:06 am
As others have said, I doubt he will come back. But, I will not push him away if he does return to FH. I wish you the best of luck Rita, but don't get your hopes up too high. ^^
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: ritat on November 20, 2013, 12:43:08 pm
As awesome as it would be to get him back Rita I some how find it hard to believe. How do you know that the person you are talking to is really KovuLKD and not just some poser? Be careful not to get your hopes up in case it's really not him. Many people have tried to contact him including the staff team and have had no luck. If you really have had the luck to find him and get to him to talk to him then congrats and best wishes to you with getting across to him. There are plenty people including myself who would be more than happy to welcome him back.

Believe me, I know him. and where he is.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: shiftyglob on November 20, 2013, 11:34:41 pm
I would love to see Kov come back. Though I can play the game perfectly fine without any added gimmicks, I don't really think it needs any updates. But Kov, as a person, was fun to talk to and hang out with, and I would like to see him back playing the game he made, without getting mobbed by swarms of beggars looking for the next hype. We already have the capability to do a lot with this game, we can make items, maps, roleplays, and events, so people shouldn't NEED an update to keep them happy, they just need someone to start something new for them to enjoy... They don't need prey since people already roleplay that, as well as pets, so the only thing that could really use some fixing is maybe a few bugs people find here and there... But if Kov doesn't want to come back, then I don't think anyone should push him, if he doesn't want anything to do with this game, then that is his choice and if we have even an inkling of respect for him, we should also respect his decision.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Feareh on November 21, 2013, 08:38:51 pm

Believe me, I know him. and where he is.
You know maybe he left the game cause he had other important things to do. My gosh everyone wanting this guy to come back. Just let the guy go in peace. Whether he is wanting to give out the source codes is entirely his decision, you cant force someone to give something when it is initially his. Now I know there is no right or wrong side to this but he has been gone for a very long time. It comes to the point where it is apparent he wont come back whether you ask or not. I mean there is no harm in asking im sure, but im sure he left this place cause he didn't want the constant nagging about it.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Sayba on November 22, 2013, 12:15:15 pm

Believe me, I know him. and where he is.
You know maybe he left the game cause he had other important things to do. My gosh everyone wanting this guy to come back. Just let the guy go in peace. Whether he is wanting to give out the source codes is entirely his decision, you cant force someone to give something when it is initially his. Now I know there is no right or wrong side to this but he has been gone for a very long time. It comes to the point where it is apparent he wont come back whether you ask or not. I mean there is no harm in asking im sure, but im sure he left this place cause he didn't want the constant nagging about it.

I never liked the way he just upped and left with no word, in my opinion that was wrong, hundreds of people play this game so in a way hundreds of people were sort of let down. But then it is just a game. If it was my game and I had had enough of it, I would have given the coding to someone I trusted and let them do with it what they want. At the end of the day though, it is his decision to make, no one if forcing him to come back, but they have some right to ask. Him coming back would be great, after leaving for so long I'm sure we wouldn't expect much in an update anyway. He doesn't even have to come back to the game if he doesn't want to, giving someone else the codes would do fine.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on November 22, 2013, 12:56:00 pm
I hope Kovu comes back, although it's unlikely, we have nothing to lose in doing something like this. :)

Good luck, Rita<3
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Bawfle on November 22, 2013, 02:31:18 pm
I highly doubt that KovuLKD will ever return back to FeralHeart. With him leaving without informing the staff and community was a definite sign that he didn't particularly care about FeralHeart and/or the community. The person you are probably talking to is another member of the community posing as KovuLKD. Members of staff have tried getting in contact with him nonstop the year he left and there was no answer. Why he left? We do not know. But as said before, in the previous comments, it was his choice to abandon the game, and so it is his choice whether or not to come back, like I and other people said before, it's more than likely that he won't return. Therefore we should leave him in peace for whatever his reason/excuse is.

To be fair, I think we should end the search for Kovu because so far I'm seeing this search as a big 'act' and who ever you are contacting is playing a game many of us do not want to play. Let him come back when ever he wants to, it's most likely he is afraid to come back for all the possible abuse he will have for doing this. Even though he isn't here to do regular updates for the game, you should be happy that the Staff we have now are putting 110% effort into the game to make the FeralHeart community happy even though quite a big piece of the game is missing. All the events they put up for you so we can all have fun, laugh.. I believe its all 10 times better than an update on this wonderful game.

Sorry, but it's a complete waste of your time trying to find this guy. Who ever might be posing him is making you run around in circles at the moment. It's already pretty clear he's not coming back for gosh knows how long. So lets just end this now instead of 'teasing' everyone. Many people have their hopes up and once they realize he's nurturing, they will all be devastated. Don't take this the wrong way, I understand you're trying to help but all this is just quite pointless.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: gold feathers on November 22, 2013, 08:36:35 pm
Although as unlikely as it sounds, there is a small possibility that Kovu might return. But let's not get ahead of ourselves because for all we know it might be a poser. It would be great to see him back here at Feral Heart and I am sure that everyone would be glad for his return however I don't really trust these situations.

Is there any proof rita? Can you give us some more information?
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Reanaw on November 22, 2013, 08:42:40 pm
I don't think that he will return either, like many people have said. But it would be cool if he gives the codes of the game. There are many people who can do lots of stuff with Blender etc. If Kovu gives the codes he wouldn't have to worry about FH anymore.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 22, 2013, 09:26:50 pm
Oh, and Rita?
I don't think you should sign the Letter that you want to send with 'Your Life Saver'.
He may take it the wrong way, so I strongly caution that.

But yes, as everyone has state over and over again, he will probably never come back.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Bohimei on November 24, 2013, 09:34:44 pm
This post worries me. I hope no one gets too excited. I mean I truly do wish Kovu could have given us the codes and whatnot, but perhaps he does not wish to just give out something he worked quite hard on. He may fear that they can slip into the wrong hands in the community as well. Either way, if Kovu does return, we should not hold anything against him, instead we should be thankful the even took he time to come. Though, as most have said, it is very unlikely. It's a shame, but life goes on.

~ Komoria
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: meeeea on November 25, 2013, 10:05:13 am
I'm against this, to be honest. Kovu has left without a word and since then the staff had tried coming in contact with him, and if they can't talk to him, I doubt you can, rita. Instead off nagging about how he doesn't care for his own game and all, we should be grateful he even made the game in the first place. Leave Kovu be and move on- I don't see him coming back, honestly. I'm content with what we have, and I hope you all feel the same. For now, this just might be a poser so I don't advise it to speak to this "Kovu". I hope you take something in from what I said. It's his game, so he can leave and come back when he wants to.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: angelre0702 on November 26, 2013, 12:02:38 am
BigBangTheory, ah, but.. how would someone not take that the wrong way? Just curious.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: Transatlantic on November 26, 2013, 12:27:13 am
He's...probably not coming back, tbh. Although I've never actually known him, I know multiple people who have. He doesn't care about the game. If he did, he'd return on his own.

I feel like this thread is going to start an argument one way or another, even if that's far from the intentions.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: longjump on November 26, 2013, 01:22:42 am
I think Kovu DOES care about the game. Just because he left doesn't mean he doesn't care. There are good reasons for him leaving, and good reasons for him not coming back. Remember his facebook FH game? That's still going as far as I know, and if it's not, are any of the game's issues game-breaking? We can go on without updates, it was fine as it was.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: WolfQueen on November 27, 2013, 07:07:35 am
Ohh man, to be honest, this is the most stupidest movement I heard in my life. Since KovuLKD rejected the staff's pleading, I don't think he would be provoked by a puny member of the community like you. Use your brain, and think multiple times before you make a decision like this. I actually think he's never coming back to this game. Don't even try to "take him back to the game".

I heard from someone that he is busy on his own gaming company. FeralHeart is like a piece of scrap medal to him now. He doesn't really care about the game anymore. But, what I do not understand is that why he rejected giving out the source code of this game. He gave the Impressive Title (Impressive World wasn't the first game of it's code. That's right kids!) code out, but he refuses to give out the FH code to like Redlinelies. :/

Sorry if this sounds mean, pup, but after a couple of years of his absence and the rejection, everyone doubts it he will ever come back.
Title: Re: KOVU: Might Come Back!
Post by: LordSuragaha on November 27, 2013, 09:53:06 am
Ohh man, to be honest, this is the most stupidest movement I heard in my life. Since KovuLKD rejected the staff's pleading, I don't think he would be provoked by a puny member of the community like you. Use your brain, and think multiple times before you make a decision like this. I actually think he's never coming back to this game. Don't even try to "take him back to the game".

I heard from someone that he is busy on his own gaming company. FeralHeart is like a piece of scrap medal to him now. He doesn't really care about the game anymore. But, what I do not understand is that why he rejected giving out the source code of this game. He gave the Impressive Title (Impressive World wasn't the first game of it's code. That's right kids!) code out, but he refuses to give out the FH code to like Redlinelies. :/

Sorry if this sounds mean, pup, but after a couple of years of his absence and the rejection, everyone doubts it he will ever come back.

As upset as many have been with his absence and seeming "lack of care" for the community by not announcing his leave I don't think this tone is appropriate either there dear. While I have my doubts that he'd return yet alone that Rita has actually managed to reach him I wouldn't be so quick to downgrade her attempts here. This isn't the stupidest movement no I wouldn't say that. Truth is Rita has her heart in the right place. Like any member who loves this game dearly she is just trying what we have all already tried before. There's nothing wrong with having a little hope and trying again. I think a few of you are being a little to rough to her with your responses.

 Also calling her a "puny member"... No. Just stop that right now. I'll be very frank with you but no member of this community is small or insignificant, every single member of this community is an essential piece of the grand picture that is Feral Heart. Whether you are a admin, a mod, new or old user you are an important addition to the Feral Heart community so never let me hear you say something like that again dear. Think wisely about your words in the future and don't let emotions take over reason. Let this be the last time I tell any of you that.

I do agree that perhaps this matter should have been kept private until it was verified that it really is KovuLKD rather than spreading a potential rumor around. If KovuLKD is deciding to come back he would announce it himself. Sure the least we could do is still show gratitude towards him for what he has done for the community REGARDLESS of his recent absence. It's not fair that a community act like a bunch of babies throwing tantrums just because the creator decides to poof and not say why. It's not our business. It's upsetting yes but truth is there's nothing we can do about that. Dragging his name around making him seem as though he doesn't care for the community isn't nice to do. Let's not judge the guy anymore. We don't know why he left nor if he'll ever return but let's not make the chances of him returning any less by drawing assumptions about him. Leave KovuLKD alone.

I shall be locking this thread now.

Thanks for your efforts Rita but as I said before if KovuLKD wants to return he'll do it on his own. No one pushed him away or mistreated him in the first place. There's nothing keeping him from returning but himself and his own business.