Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 02:13:10 am

Title: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 02:13:10 am
In the time long before the invention of vehicles other than the locomotive, mankind relies solely on the horse. In the working discovery of the Western part of the newly founded United States, resources were little, so man turned to the native wild horse herds that inhabited the plains they sought to settle. Many herds of these mustangs were rounded up in vast numbers for the use of man. Some to be broken in and serve in the mounted Calvary in the constant wars waged upon the Native peoples, others tamed and used for farming work or caravan movement.
The hammer is about to drop on one herd of wild equines, the hidden away Chimera Herd, who are the last large herd in remaining in the area. Because of their desolate location inside confusing canyons, the humans are unable to do a mass roundup, thus slowing their process. However, man is determined, and so horses from this herd are slowly beginning to disappear one by one as they are found by the land-hungry humans.

As a member of the Chimera Herd, capture is a very real and pressing possibility. You notice your herdmates beginning to vanish, and you know exactly why, even the lead stallion has fallen victim to the onslaught of man's needs for equine workers, leaving the herd helpless and directionless. Every day, the humans press farther into your land, and every day your small herd's numbers drop until there are very few left. Soon enough, there will be a lasso around your neck.
Will you fight for your freedom, or give in to the ways of this new man-run world?

With the determination of man ever present, you will most likely end up being captured, though you do have a choice in the matter. In this RP, you will have the choice of who you are captured by. The Cavalry Soldiers for military training, farmers seeking to expand their property, settlers who are in need of wagon pullers, or the Native Americans.
You can either eventually be tamed by the people for their uses, or you can put up a fight and launch a daring escape and obtain your freedom once again.]

Teehee, sorta based off of "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"  Cause I've been obsessing over the soundtrack recently. Shhhhh.


Roleplay Rules
1. Realism is key. If the real life odds of your character escaping from their captivity with the humans is completely unlikely or impossible, don't post it. Stick to facts and details.

2. Know your limits. Simply know the physical limits of a horse when it comes to escape attempts, taming attempts, etc.

3. No one-liners, please. c:

4. No, you do not have to be captured. Though it would be more fun, juss' sayin'. c;

Physical Appearance(Height, Color, Markings, Scars, etc):
Tamable?(Is your character willing to be/will they eventually be tamed?)

Current Events:
Current weather: Sunny with patchy clouds
Time of day: Mid-morning
Temperature: Mild, brisk.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 02:22:53 am

Name: Renegade

Breed: Kiger Mustang

Age: 4 Y/O

Gender: Stallion

Physical Appearance: 15.4 Hands tall, buckskin in color, two white hind socks, white blaze, a few scars from bites scattered around his body.

Personality: Renegade is strong, caring, and devoted, recently taking the herd into his own leadership through inheritance after the capture of his father. He has a one track mind, and would give anything to defend himself or his fellow equines, even equines he has not met. He is selfless, non hesitant to sacrifice his physical safety or freedom to protect that of his herdmates. He has a bitter hatred towards humans, and would sooner die than give in to their wills.

History: Born into the herd, he was raised with the sole purpose of future leadership, father being the lead stallion.
Family: Judah(Father, former lead stallion of herd, recently captured, whereabouts unknown.), Night(Mother, captured during his yearling years, whereabouts unknown.)

Tamable?: No way. He will fight and fight hard to maintain or regain his freedom, unless he somehow has a change of heart moment.

Extra: Nopety nopety no.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 22, 2013, 06:49:06 am

Name: Renn

Breed: American Mustang

Age: 3 1/2 years old.

Gender: Mare/Female.

Physical Appearance: 13.2 Hands high, coat the color of chestnut, two white hind socks and one fore white sock, white blaze and some old scars around her legs caused by ropes.

Personality: To sum Renn up in one word, the word would be stubborn. If she has an opinion, she will stick with it, even if it is wrong. She is also very loyal, willing to die for the herd and even be captured by the humans if it meant for their safety. She is one that accepts bad  things in her stride, always looking on the bright side of things and rarely being negative. This mare has a small crush on Renegade, but she doesn't show it or make it obvious. Her strength at heart falters quite often, and she will often let fate lead her.

History(optional): Renn was born to the herd, and grew up with the herd. She was once caught by the humans alongside her mother when she was a foal, resulting in the rope scars on her legs. She escaped months after, her mother sacrificed herself to make sure that Renn could go free.

Family(optional): Mother, Raven, deceased. Father, Fall, recently captured, whereabouts unknown.

Tamable?: Renn often wonders what she would do if she ever was captured again. She would put up a fight for sure, but she is tamable and will probably get captured at some point.

Extra: Oh meh gerd, I lurve Spirit Stallion of the Camaron, I still have to watch it at least once a week xD

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 11:34:46 am
[[Hehe, accepted. Welcome! x3
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 22, 2013, 12:59:18 pm

Name: Gin

Breed: American Mustang {Not confirmed}

Age: 2 y/o

Gender: Stally

Physical Appearance: 14.2hh, red tinted bay coat with a white facial markings and socks.

Personality: Since he's still maturing, Gin will obey and listen to commands with sky-high respect and will step back if someone tells him too. He loves to have fun, but his mother raised him to be as serious as he can- thus making him rather boring to other colts. He prefers mares, since he was bullied at a young age after running away from a couple of cowboys. Stallions frighten him, especially when they're loud.

History: He was born inside the herd, but quickly became an orphan as his mother was captured and his father left by his own will.

Family: N/A

Tamable?: Gin is deathly afraid of humans and will fight for his or someone else's life to not be captured.

Extra: Nuffin.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 01:54:57 pm
((Das one smexy howrse. Accepted, of course. X3
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 22, 2013, 06:43:39 pm
(http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b618/DemonicHeir/image_zpsc4307cd5.jpg) (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/DemonicHeir/media/image_zpsc4307cd5.jpg.html)

Name: Misty
Breed: Appaloosa
Age: 2/Y
Gender: Mare
Physical Appearance(Height, Color, Markings, Scars, etc): She stands at about 13.6 Hands. She has a white coat and black speckled markings on her body legs and head. Her mane is white with streaks of black and she has blue eyes.
Personality: She is a hot head but is normally kid and loves to meet new horses. She plays like she's still a foal and it makes her happy.
History(optional): Ask Her
Family(optional): Has none
Tamable?(Is your character willing to be/will they eventually be tamed?) Yes, she will eventually be tamed by native americans.
Extra:(Optional) Nothing
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 22, 2013, 08:57:49 pm

Name: Cheyanne
Breed: American Mustang
Age: 3 Y/O
Gender: Mare
Physical Appearance: Cheyanne stands at around 15hh being the average size, her body build is quite muscular and few scars cover her body from attacks and even a few fights shes gotten into in the past. Chay has long legs and a beautiful flowing mane and tail-her eyes are a beautiful dark brown. Her hooves are a brown/cream colour. Her markings are brown and white well known as 'Paint, on her head she has a star that is soon followed by a snip-although some mistake it for a blaze some how. Her mane and tail are a mix of white, brown, black and cream.
Personality: Cheyanne is a stubborn mare who doesn't give in easy, she puts up a good fight and will throw her weight around. Its hard for most to tell this mare what to do as she doesn't take to kindly to it, but there is a time when she will listen and when she feels its necessary. Many think she is a bitter and harsh horse but actually-she's pretty protective of the herd and would risk every limb for them. At times Chay can act like a foal and will prance around the fields and try and entertain those who are down, also always being there for them. If the herd is in trouble she's one who will lead the danger away from the herd, even if risking her life.
History: As a foal she lived in one of the larger herds of the west, a loyal herd that loved one another dearly. A life of freedom was what she expected-until the humans got their stupid ideas. Her herd was chased and hunted for use of the humans, her mother took her to a safe place that was close to one of the most hidden herds, leaving she retreated back to the herd to help but she never returned. Cheyanne now believes her parents are locked away. Along with her older brother Apache she not long discovered,,,
Family: Her mother Katori, her father Wanbli and her brother Apache.
Tamable?: Because of her protectiveness of the herd i would assume she is untameable and will be no use for those at a ranch or as a pet, more of a pest of the land. Although she may be caught by the humans they will never break her spirit.
Extra: Nothing extra.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 10:06:25 pm
[[Welcome, both of y'all are accepted, and we may now start! c:
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 22, 2013, 10:31:32 pm

The brown paint mare woke as a bright light began to shine onto her eye lids, a snort flaring past her nostrils as she allowed her eyes to slowly peel open. With a brisk shake of her head Chey began to slwoly shuffle to her hooves, causing a small cloud of dust to form near her hooves-as they stomped down on the dusty terrain. Flicking her mixed colour tail that was soon followed with a flick of her mane she glanced around-her chocolate eyes focused on her surroundings. Yet another snort flaring past the Mustangs nostrils as she stomped her front left hoof against the ground nodding her head a little. Her optics examining the small amount of horses that seemed to surround her-seeing as nothings posed as a threat just yet Cheyanne dipped down her head and began to nipple at the large clump of grass that lay on the ground near her hooves.

((Not sure if we're already in the group or still apart?))
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 22, 2013, 11:02:11 pm
[[Ah yeah, that's my bad, should've clarified more. But yesh, they're already in le group.



The buckskin stood atop one of the various canyon ridges slightly elevated over the ledge where the others were located. Renegade's gaze shifted between his herd and the large open valley that lay on the other side of the ridge, keeping a cautious watch with the knowledge that the man-beasts have indeed been becoming wiser in their methods of reaching them through the labyrinth of a canyon. Blinking, the stallion gave his overgrown mane a quick shake before refocusing his attention on his herdmates. No sign of 'em, yet. He thought to himself as he slowly meandered back down to the company of the herd. Sightings of the humans were becoming too often for comfort, and Renegade kept a silent watch as not to alarm the others. Blowing a soft snort from his flared nostrils, he dipped his head in a good morning greeting to the horses as he passed.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 22, 2013, 11:33:27 pm
((Okay :D ))

The paint mare let out several snorts as she continued to graze from the small patches that slightly covered the canyon ground-her ears up right in order to keep alert in case another human encounter happened. The quiet sound of clopping hooves caused her head to dart up and turn to the left, seeing Renegade heading back towards the herd-he was the one who took over the herd and took many horses in after they were all stirred up and many captured. Showing her respect to the stallion she dipped her head and let out a quiet neigh to not draw attention to the herd. Cheyannes tail continued to flick as a small breeze brushed past her once again-letting out a snort the brown patched mare dipped her head down once again. Ripping out a large clump of grass from the ground she lifted her head once again-her chocolate optics scanning the large area that was filled with the canyon rock-her ears flicking at the chirping from birds in the distance and the odd screeches of eagles. A snort flowing out her nostrils once again as she continued chewing on the many blades that were still held in her jaws.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 23, 2013, 01:48:57 am
(http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b618/DemonicHeir/image_zpsc4307cd5.jpg) (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/DemonicHeir/media/image_zpsc4307cd5.jpg.html)

Misty fluttered her eye lids open, the sun casting brilliant orange streaks across the sky. She stood up and tossed her head, ridding her mane of grass and any other things that would come out so easily. She began walking to a small watering hole a few steps away. Once she got there she lowered her head down and sipped the water quietly. Misty then lifted her head up and made her way to a patch of grass and began to graze. She could see Renegade looking over the herd before coming down the slope toward them. She perked her eyes to stay alert for the man-beasts. She has been noticing the strange disappearances of the herd. She had lost her father a year ago to these beasts and wasn't going to let them take anymore of the herd.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Celeyan on November 23, 2013, 02:05:26 am

Name: Lycanix is his name.
Breed: He is an appaloosa, at least- that's what he thinks.
Age: He is three years and a half old.
Gender: Lycanix is a stallion.

Physical Appearance: With a head held high, a mean gaze imprinted on a bold face- he is a stallion that many have tried to capture and have failed to do so. A strong horse- muscles rippled under his vulcanite-black pelt, clear that he is a fighter, and a survivor. He is a tall horse- standing at 16.1 hh, with tresses of silky obsidian-black that plunged over his neck and pooled off his shoulders like a waterfall made of the moons shadow. The flames in his soul had become his eyes- churning into large fiery spirals of a dark, fiery amber. Scars line his pelt- one noticeable one is on his back- a long gash that has healed over the months, while another is split across his left leg- corded with muscle as well.

Lycanix is the horse of the wild.

He has suffered physically in order to gain the tough figure he has now, which shows that he is a true survivor of these lands, built for toil and survival. With heightened senses, he has a suspicious, wary attitude- and is prone to pick up things that are either dangerous, or at least something the others should be cautious about. Lycanix is a loyal horse of the herd- he isn't that sociable, yet his loyalty is shown through his actions. He isn't afraid to die, or get captured by man, as he is focused on protecting his herd, willing to lay his life on the line for the well-being of another. A heart of pure gold.

He isn't as bulky as most stallions- yet he is rather intelligent, and even cunning when it comes to brain power- something else that has helped him stay out of the ropes of the humans for this long. Around other horses, he can be a bit of a defensive stallion, he likes his privacy- and doesn't like others to ask him a lot of questions, as he doesn't wish to reveal too much about himself to anyone, unless he trusts them. Usually- he is more shy, yet when the situation forces him to change, he will change. As a foal, his most prominent trait was his curiosity; he was always asking questions, always seeking to learn more. It didn't seem to matter what it was, he just wanted to learn it, as he was a quick learner- this information has proved to help him, at points. He is usually a cautious horse, yet around others- he can be seen as a kind character, caring with an adventurous nature that never seemed to die out as a foal.

The stallion does have a truly chivalrous side (usually towards mares), as well as a more laid-back and good-humored disposition that often shows itself when he is most peaceful, which is something he hasn't felt in a while. The threat of the humans is making him anxious.

History: He lived a simple life, just ask him about it and he'll tell you.
Family: He has a sister in the herd, named Eki.

Tamable: He believes the humans are evil for taking away his herd members, and he will fight hard in the case that he should be captured by a human. Should the human prove to be trustful enough- his views may be changed, but he will always wish to return to the wild, his fiery spirit can become lighter- yet it will burn, and never be doused. He has actually helped his more, calmer sister- Eki, escape the humans once, and also helped release a few other horses, so he'd be more of pest to humans, as his trust isn't easily gained.

Extra: Nothing about him, but I loved the movie!

Lycanix is done, now I must do his sister!
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Koolwolfe on November 23, 2013, 03:29:58 am
Name: Tesha

Breed: Quarter Horse.

Age: 4 Y/O

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance(Height, Color, Markings, Scars, etc): (http://i41BannedImageSite/ibb8zd.jpg) 15'1

Personality: Meet her please.~

History(optional): Never says

Family(optional): She is guessing they are dead she never met them.

Tamable?(Is your character willing to be/will they eventually be tamed?) She will eventually be tamed, but will be hard to tame. (Can someone act as the human who captures her?)

Extra:(Optional) She has eagle feathers in her mane.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 23, 2013, 03:37:08 am
[[Wowzers, bootiful application, Meowzers! He's accepted, of course!
@Taxmania, Tesha ish accepted. However, human control with capture, taming, etc. is all up to you.



The mustang, with his head low, continued making his way through the small herd, his tan hooves clopping on the hard canyon ground beneath him. Renegade flicked his dirty tail at his golden brown flanks, the motion making an audible swishing sound as the hairs brushed across his hindquarters to discourage the landing attempts of a few pestering flies. With a soft huff, the stallion slowly came to a stop beside the two mares known as Cheyanne and Misty. Keeping his head prominently raised, he did yet another cautious sweep of their surroundings. "Well, no sign of them yet." Renegade murmured, almost under his breath. Shaking his mane, he dipped his head to snatch up a few blades of grass before raising it again. "Just don't let your guards down. They've always got a way of surprising us." He added sternly, his observant gaze scanning all the possible places he knew of where the man-beasts could find a way in.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Koolwolfe on November 23, 2013, 03:44:44 am

 The large mare reared up blinking slowly, she was free, and for that she was grateful not to be captured by those creatures with 2 legs and not four, they were rather strange. She sighed lowly if only she wasn't alone, she walked around as she saw a appaloosa, she thought she was alone, well guess not. After saying that within her mind she trotted over to the stallion in a friendly approach she then responded "H-Hello..."


Mentioned: Lycanix
Addressed To: Lycanix
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Celeyan on November 23, 2013, 04:16:17 am

Lycanix had looked around slowly, observing the land- and watching with a cautious eye.

He had gone to patrol the herds lands before most of his herd-mates woke up, as he was growing wise in the ways of humans. Lycanix figured that if the horses could see the humans coming early on, they could leave and hide before the humans had gotten to the main herd. He didn't want to lose any more herd-members than he already had lost. It killed him every time he had noticed a disappearance in the herd. The thought of losing so many friends, made him hate humans with a bitter hatred. Never would he want to be tamed by those vile creatures- they captured his kind, and forced them to do work. That was something Eki, his sister would have gone through, if he hadn't of saved her before.

He had recalled the time he had noticed the herds members disappearing. Eki was worried, as was he- and he was a fairly more protective brother than usual. At one point- his white-maned sister had escaped his sight, and the next day- he had found she hadn't returned to the herd, like so many of his herd-mates. The thought of his sibling being taken away sent such a rage through his body, that he was willing to die to save his sister. So- he had set off, away from the herd to find her. He had found her- tied up with a few other horses a few days after searching. With the rage of the horses captured- one of a captured king, he had helped Eki, and the others escape. The humans had watched him with awe- and with an angry snort, and with the rage of a brother who had just found his sister in danger, he had given a harsh kick to the man closest to him.

That was only the beginning of his rage for the humans.

With a snort, and a last glance around, he had begun to walk back to the herds home, his head held high, and his stature one of a proud king who was confident in the ways of his land. He moved in the way of a march, yet that had soon broke into a confident and rather fast gallop. He had flew off his feet into the daring wind- as if he was flying, before his hooves kissed the ground, as he plummeted forward. He had run with his mane and tail streaming behind him, whipping around like un-tameable wildfire, like the fire that danced in his eyes as he soared forward. It didn't take him long to get back to the herds home, and he had slowed his fast pace, moving into a trot- before easing into a calm walk as he saw his herd-mates come into view. The stallion had trotted off to go graze off on his own. His sister, Eki- had walked over with a smooth trot, and he had acknowledged her with a fine snort.

He was about to speak to her, when the sound of a voice filled his ears. The stallion had turned his head- as did Eki, and they both stared at a mare who had approached in a friendly manner. The stallion had shrunken back shyly, he was particularly shy around mares he didn't know, but he tried his best to socialize. "Hello." He had said simply. Eki- noticing his discomfort had looked at Tesha, her tail swishing behind her- as she greeted the mare as well. "Hi." The stallion had looked at his sister, his tail swishing behind him before he turned back to the mare, giving a friendly bow of his head. "How are you?" Eki had spoken, trying to spark a conversation with the mare. Lycanix had turned his head- looking around for a moment before he saw the lead stallion. Shouldn't he report to him what he had seen, no sign of humans was a good sign. He had turned back to the two mares. "Excuse me, but hold on. I have to report to Renegade." He had said- gesturing towards the lead stallion.

Lycanix had trotted over, his posture low, he made it clear he was addressing Renegade, before speaking. "When I went to patrol the lands, there were no signs of the humans."

Mentioned: Tesha, Eki (NPC), and Renegade.
Addressed: Eki (First), Tesha (Second), Renegade (Third)

(( I want to make Eki but I also want to post, so Eki is a slight npc for now if that's alright with you? xD)

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 23, 2013, 04:46:28 am
[[Hehe, no problem. x3 I adore your RP skills, btw. o3o



Alternating between a few nips of the grass and surveying the landscape, Renegade kept his mind focused on keeping a lookout. It was his job after all. Craning his muscular neck down once more, he snatched up a few more blades of the short grass, jaws working side to side as they ground down the foliage. The stallion noticed the approaching hoofsteps of the other, Lycanix, whom he knew as a skilled scout. Anticipating the coming report, Renegade raised his head, ears laid forward as the appaloosa approached. "Any news?" Renegade questioned lightly, taking a step forward to meet the equine. He blinked and nodded at Lycanix's good report, dipping his head respectfully. "Oh? That is good news indeed. Thank you, Lycanix." The buckskin replied with a thankful smile and subtle huff of relief, though he knew this didn't mean their troubles were over.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 23, 2013, 06:32:29 am
A pair of dark brown eyes darted across the horizon, not picking up any signs of movement. The chestnut mare's tail flicked rhythmically as she craned her neck down to pull out a few of the delicate blades of grass beneath her. She lifted her head up once she had finished her mouthful, lifting each one of her legs individually to release the stiffness in them. She trotted away from the boundaries of the herd and more into the centre of the gathering of horses.

Renn had not failed to notice the decreasing numbers in the herd, the thought had planted a deep pit of dread in her stomach, and a burning fire in her heart. Her thoughts travelled back to the time she had been captures by the two-legs, she had never paid much attention to them since that experience. Her mother, a beautiful white Arabian had saved her beloved foal by letting the two-legs take her instead. The memories still haunted Renn like nightmares, and the only source of comfort had been her father, but he had been recently taken alongside sme others from the herd.

The Mustang snapped out of her thoughts as her gaze rested on another mare from the herd, named Cheyanne. Renn let out a quiet snort as she tossed her mane, pawing at the dry, cracked earth with her hoof. She smiled at the mare and made her way towards her, "Good morning." The chestnut mare nickered, her attention on Cheyanne as she stopped a few hoof steps away.
Mentioned: Cheyanne.
Addressed: Cheyanne.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 23, 2013, 11:03:46 am

The paint pare paws at the ground as she continued to graze, her tail flicking to get rid of the flies that made several attempts to land on her. As she nibbled at the tasty green plant she gave her head a brisk shake before lifting it up to hear a soft but deep voice-it seemed Renegade had now joined her and the Appaloosa mare known as Misty. Giving a dip of her head she listened to what the stallion had to say-a large smile on her face. "That's great, its a shame those pests don't keep away.." She muttered letting out a sigh. The loss of many herd members had grown on the mare and did upset her, especially when some of the foals/yearlings had been taken-but she didn't show her sadness. Dipping her head back down she grabbed another mouthful of grass, then lifting her head to see the muscular Appaloosa approaching them-he was one of the best scouts of the herd. Cheyanne smiled in a greeting towards the stallion and sighed in relief to the news of no humans lurking near by. Just as the brown-patched mare was about to turn her head it soon shot back in the other direction as Renegade spoke about not letting their guard down-nodding her head in agreemed the mare turned-her chocolate eyes scanning the area with a half smile.
The tudding of hooves caught Cheyannes head to turn, a chestnut mare seemed to be heading her way-the one she knew as Renn. Shooting a smile in her direction. Chey shifted around carefully in order to not nudge any of the others-she was now facing the approaching mare. Dipping her head in a greeting-lifting her head it seemed her mane had fallen over her face. Flicking her head back her mixed man fell back in its place. "Hello Renn" she replied with a small smile to her face as her ears continued to twitch-keeping out for any signs of unfamiliar sounds.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 24, 2013, 12:08:53 am
I wanted to make Misty have a foal but forgot to add an application. So right now her foal is an NPC and his name is Shadow and his picture is below.))

(http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b618/DemonicHeir/image_zps60d563d9.jpg) (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/DemonicHeir/media/image_zps60d563d9.jpg.html)
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 24, 2013, 12:33:13 am
[[Ermagersh. -dies of cuteness overload- But yeah, that's fine. x3



Renegade dipped his head once more in thanks to the appaloosa stud. "If you'll excuse me." He said softly, turning and walking slowly back up the small hill, tail swaying a bit in the breeze. Pausing at the top, the buckskin turned to address the herd. "Alright everyone. There've been no sightings of the humans yet, but I'm not about to have us be here like sitting ducks when they do." He nickered over the light murmurings of conversing equines. "So let's head deeper into the canyon. The cliff gets pretty slim, so we may have to go in single file. Renn, do you mind taking the lead? I'll bring up the rear. Let's go everyone." Renegade nickered, head held high.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 24, 2013, 02:22:41 am
On my phone so no picture.))

Misty perked her ears and lifted her head as she heard Renegade speak. It was true though, how we shouldn't stay here like sitting ducks, but what if we ran straight into them? She shook the thought out her head. It was a very slim chance. Besides, if they did we could just run before they knew what was happening. Misty glanced at her foal then back at Renegade. "What do we do if we run straight into the man-beasts?" She nickered. She didn't have much to worry about but she'd like to know for sure.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 24, 2013, 10:44:28 am

Hearing the voice of Renegade she turned her head and nodded-soon turning back to the mare she had previously been speaking with. But Chey was soon interupted when the buckskin began to speak, turning her body around she glanced up at the hill Renegade stood on-as he began to adress the herd. Hearing what he had to say she let out a snort and kicked out her legs stretching them a little more. "Best get moving" she muttered "And looks like your upfront.." She muttered once again to Renn. The painted mare shook her head as she calmly walked on waiting for someone to take the lead-she always prefered to be near the back of the line and that's where she would be.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 24, 2013, 01:08:48 pm
Holy- almost forgot about this RP. :c Sorry.~

I changed Gin's appearance if you don't mind.


The yearling trotted about, his ears flinging back and forth as he widened his nostrills and raced across the field, bucking along with a few loud nickers before he came to an abrupt stop infront of his herd. Obediantly, he lowered his head and kept his quickened breath shallow, eying the other horses with his darkened orbs. He had just came back from his lunch, and the excited murmurs of the others made his eyes glint with suspicion. He allowed himself to slowly piaffe' towards the back of the heard, neatly dipping his dappled head at the pinto mare known as Cheyanne. "Hello.~" He snorted, once again dipping his snout in a sign of respect towards the older female.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 24, 2013, 03:44:45 pm

Cheyanne continued trotting through the canyon with her head held high-but it did bob and down occasionally with each stride. A snort flared past the painted mares nostrils as she flicked her tail-in order to get away the pesky flies that kept trying to land on here. Hearing a low voice she turned her head to see the young yearling-Gin-standing beside her. Smiling at the youngster as he spoke "Well hello, Gin!" She replied dipping her head at the young one-she thought he was a very respectful young horse along with most of the others. Turning her attention back onto where she was going-her ears perked waiting for the youngsters reply.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 24, 2013, 04:21:30 pm
The chestnut mare nodded once as the lead stallion suggested that she would take the lead, "Sure." She agreed, advancing forward to the front of the herd. She led the way thorough the canyon, picking her way through the narrow path, making sure not to look over the edge of the cliff below. Her ears flicked back to the murmuring of the equines behind her as they continued on with their conversations. Renn flicked her mane out of her deep brown eyes, grateful to be in the shade whenever the cliff face jutted out over them. The echoing of the herd's hooves meeting the hard ground echoed through the canyon, creating an eerie feel to the place. The flies that continuously buzzed around Renn's ears caused her to snort quietly in frustration, afterwards turning her head around to make sure the herd was safe behind her.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 25, 2013, 12:50:01 am


The stud dipped his head at the chestnut mare and snapped his gaze to glance over at Misty, ears perking at her concerns. "Don't worry. As long as we're going deeper into the canyon, there's no possible way the humans could have gotten there ahead of us, so there's no way we'd run into them." Renegade murmured softly, hoping to reassure her as the herd began to move. His gaze wandered down to Misty's young colt. "You stick close by your momma, okay?" The stallion nickered with a brief chuckle before raising his head. "Alright everyone. Let's go. And watch your step once we get to the narrow ledge." He nickered over the her, inspecting the individuals as he trotted past them to reach the rear in order to encourage any stragglers and put himself between the back of the herd and the open country in case of danger. After shooting a quick glance behind him, he walked along behind the horses as Renn lead the way farther into the canyon. Every now and then he would have to give the older mare in front of him a light nip on the flank to keep her from straying or encourage her forward as her old age slowed her mind and muscles. All the while, he kept a cautious lookout for any signs of the dreaded man-beasts.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 25, 2013, 02:07:02 pm
On my phone again.))

Misty perked her ears as Renegade reassured her. She nodded and put her young colt beside her before catching up to the herd. When they got to the narrow part she would have him in front of her just in case she needed to help him. Misty kept glancing back at Renegade.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 25, 2013, 05:24:34 pm


With his ears flattened, the dappled colt slowly clopped after Cheyanne. The sounds of yelping coyotes made his short fur stand on end. "Say, would the coyotes try and attack us? Just asking." He threw the question at Renegade, tossing his head back with a confident snort.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 25, 2013, 06:19:42 pm


Renegade flashed an encouraging smile at Misty as they approached the narrower part of the trail and she glanced back at him. The question of the yearling made the stallion's ear twitch and he shot a glance back at the dappled colt. "Coyotes? I wouldn't worry about it." He started, shaking his head. "As long as we're all together we're safe. They wouldn't launch an attack on a close group of horses, especially in a canyon like this where there's not much room to run." He assured, casually flicking his tail at his golden brown haunches. "Besides, we've got bigger things to worry about." Renegade added quietly, his gaze wandering upwards to lock on a small shadow on the ridge far above them, though it was difficult to make out what it was- or if it even was anything to be concerned with. Nevertheless, better be safe than sorry. "Watch your steps everyone, and I want everyone on full alert." He simply ordered with a soft nicker, glancing back up to where he'd seen the shadow- which was no longer there.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 25, 2013, 06:27:39 pm

Cheyannes ears twitched at the muttering of the other equines as they continued on with their conversations-a quiet snort blew through the mares nostrils as she gently shook her head. The only sound that could really be heard in the canyon were the few sounds of the Coyotes and the clattering of the horses hooves against the canyon ground. The paint mare couldn't help over hearing the conversation between the two males behind her. "I doubt a Coyote would even go for a horse, I mean it would have to be one stupid canine.." She chuckled still focusing on where she was going-although she wasn't actually sure if a Coyote would attack a horse or not she wasn't really bothered by the company of the canines in the canyon-besides they would be easy to chase off.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 25, 2013, 07:23:25 pm
The mare's ears flicked back to the reassuring words of Renegade, looking back at him for a few seconds as he ordered everyone to stay on the lookout. She watched as he slightly tilted his head up to look above him, her drown eyes followed his gaze to spot several shadows moving around on the top of the cliff-face. A wave of fear took over her as she watched the figures move away from their view, what if it was the two-legs? They had no chance of escaping on a ledge like this. If it was for the sound of crumbling rocks beneath her, Renn would of plummeted to her death. She planted her hooves firmly to the dusty ground on the edge of the ledge, it was a dead end. She turned to ask the lead stallion for help, "It's a dead end." She simply stated, taking a small step away from the fall below.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 25, 2013, 09:27:11 pm
Misty also noticed the shadows above them. A new wave of fear filled her as Renn stated it was a dead end. What if the two-legs planned this? Maybe they were leading the horses into a trap. She got her colt close to her to try and protect him incase two-legs started to trap them. "What are we gonna do?" She asked nervously turning her head back to Renegade.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 25, 2013, 09:36:37 pm


At the murmurs of others, Gin quickened his pace and stood next to Renegade, narrowing his dark eyes. "Everbody stay together, we're going to think this through." The colt snorted, watching the edge of the ledge with a slight shudder.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 27, 2013, 06:00:34 pm
Anybody gonna post? o.0))
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 27, 2013, 10:59:24 pm

The mares head bobbed up and down with every stride she took-her tail gently flicking as her hooves thudded the ground. Turning her head she peered at the others who seemed to be continuing their conversations-shrugging the brown painted horse focused back up to where she was going. Shadows seemed to be peering down and showing onto the trail-her head lifting as she soon dark figures-shaking her head she glanced up once again, but they were gone? Could it really be the two-legged freaks? She thought to herself. Maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her, or another animals from this place. A snort flared past Cheyannes nostrils as she let out a sigh-the herd soon stopping as there was said to be a dead end. Turning to Renegade a questioned look on her face "What we gonna do?" She asked-her hoof tapping against the ground as she waited for an answer.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 28, 2013, 06:57:20 pm


The panicky nickers of those up ahead made Renegade raise his head to gaze over the horses in front of him. His ears flickered backwards upon noticing it was indeed a dead end. "Dammit." The stallion murmured, stomping a hoof and glancing around for any ideas. "Yes, everyone stay together. There's gotta be another way. Stay calm." The buckskin neighed over the voices of the others, nostrils quivering with anxiety. There seemed to only be one connecting gap in the rocky side of the canyon, the gap forming an alternative path for them. "Hey, there's a gap here." Renegade called to the others, gesturing towards it with his head. As he took a single step forward to lead, echoing galloping hoofsteps rang from inside the large crevice in the canyon side- hoofsteps that were soon accompanied by audible human voices.[/font[color]
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 28, 2013, 08:06:37 pm
Misty twitched her ears as Renegade told them there was a gap. She felt a new anxiety as she heard the echoing of human voices. She began to panick as she pulled her colt closer to her side. "What are we gonna do? We're trapped!" She nieghed, anxiety taking over. Misty began to pin her ears back as the voices began to come closer. She knew this was a trap! The man-beasts just wanted to get us in a closed space before they roped them and took them away.

I may let Misty get captured by the people but then escape somehow.))
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 28, 2013, 08:49:22 pm

Cheyanne turned to look at Renegade and followed his gaze towards the ledge-a sigh of relief blowing past her lips. The sudden sounds of someone panicking caused her head to turn-seeing one of the yearling fussing and causing a scene. "Quit it kid, your gonna panic everyone!" She snapped stomping a hoof "Follow Renegades lead ignore what's behind us we'll make it.." She muttered smiling warmly towards the youngster. Turning towards the buckskin who was heading towards the front of the heard she poked out her head carefully. "Should I turn back and lead the humans away? Or even into a different part of the canyon so they don't find the herd?" Her head tilted as she questioned the lead stallion. Cheyanne had done this many times in the past whilst in the herd and even whilst being alone, her tail flicked as she began to grow impatient. The voices and sounds of whips and horses neighing caused her ears to flick.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 28, 2013, 09:27:55 pm
Renn's ears flicked back in worry as the scarily familiar voices drew nearer by the second. She wasn't scared for her own safety, only for the herd's. Her gaze rested on Cheyanne as she suggested that she could be used as a diversion. "If you're going, I'm coming with you. If they see a lone horse, they're more likely to go after a whole herd instead." The chestnut mare stepped forward. This wasn't the only reason she had put herself forward, she also wanted to impress Renegade and the rest of the herd. Her brown eyes briefly darted to the gap in the canyon, their only escape, as multiple shadows rose on the cliff face. Her tail said her anxiously as she awaited an answer from the lead stallion.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 28, 2013, 09:31:42 pm
Another appearance change hnnng


The youngster's dark eyes stared up at his leader, feeling a shiver rippling down his spine before he shook it off with a swish of his tail. "Everyone stay quiet- you'll alert them with your panicking." He murmured towards the others, trotting next to Cheyanne with a slight sigh. "I'll gladly help you with that. Besides, I've never done anything useful in my life, so why not?" He pulled his lips into a smile, plastering his large white ears across his thick scalp while eying the bucksin stally.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on November 28, 2013, 09:41:47 pm


A string of curses flinging through his mind, Renegade took a few steps back from the gap in the canyon wall where the approaching humans drew closer. Snapping his attention around to the panicking herd and the suggestions of the few, he flattened his ears. "Diversion? Hmm, good call, Cheyanne." The stallion nickered, his voice in a hurried pace. "Right, then. You three go ahead and lead them away, just be careful. Do whatever it takes to lose them. Meanwhile, I'll take the herd in the opposite direction." He murmured, trotting to the front as he spoke to the three who suggested it. "No one's getting captured today. Not on my watch." He snorted, halting once he was in front of the herd in order to turn and face them. "There's no time to lose. They're getting closer. Everybody come on." Renegade neighed to address the whole herd, nodding his head at the three that made up the diversion party to make their move.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on November 28, 2013, 10:43:09 pm
Misty began to calm down as three of the horses suggested being a diversion. She perked her ears as Renegade said he would lead them in the opposite direction. She followed after the rest of the herd and dipped her had in thanks as she past the three horses who volunteered. She still kept her colt next to her in-case the plan didn't work and they would have to fight for their freedom.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 28, 2013, 11:22:56 pm

The mares ears perked as two other horses offered to help-a smile appearing on her face as she dipped her head. The paints brown eyes soon drifting onto the stallion who gave her praise-dipping her head as he spoke about what was happening and how the plan should work. Once the final words were spoken she dipped her head at Renegade and gestured for the yearling and the mare to follow. Cheyanne began taking lighter steps as she apprached the opening-taking one last glance at the fast moving herd. Her gaze shifted towards the two behind her "Ok, maybe if we stomp our hooves and make a little more noise whilst walking out they won't suspect a herd is near by-and may thinks its just three loud horses.." Her gaze onto the shadows that had gotten closer. "Now, we will dart out past them-hopefully knocking a few off guard and making them trip or stumbled backwards even frightening their horses-then we run. They'll be to busy trying to catch us they'll forget about the others-i know a few ways be can escape so hopefully they are still open.." She spoke in a pretty fast way-looking at the others "Ready?" She questioned as she began stomping her hooves and neighing making the noises she had suggested.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 29, 2013, 07:24:39 am
The chestnut mare nodded once as Cheyanne went through her plan, she began to stomp her hooves against the stone ground, just as the other mare was doing. As they rounded another corner, the humans came into sight. They were even more frightening than last time, with their whips and guns. Her ears flicked forward as multiple shouts protruded from the men's mouths, they were pointing in their direction. Renn let out a loud neigh, to make sure they had their attention, before shooting a glance towards Cheyanne.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 29, 2013, 08:39:27 am


Gin looked up at Cheyanne, pricking his ears at what she has to say. "This might work." He flared his nostrills, lifting himself up onto his hind legs before stomping his front two onto the ground, continuing to neigh and nicker. "Renegade, get the herd out of here!" The youngster called with another stomp across the dusty earth. He could see the dark shapes of humans in the distance, making his fur stand on end.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 29, 2013, 12:33:34 pm

A snort flared past the mares nostrils as she reared-kicking her hooves out towards the humans with an echoing neigh. It seemed they had noticed them and had begun pointing fingers. Looking at the others she nodded and snorted. Taking a step back "Go!" She ordered. Taking no hesitations Cheyanne burst out of the canyon. Nipping at a few humans on her way and charging at a few horses which startled them-some humans shrieked and fell backwards. Smiling it seemed her plan was going right so far, the painted mare turned her head making sure the two were following her-slowing down she began to run at an even place towards the two. "We can either split up then meet up. At Old Mans River. There's a small forest like area not to far from there that leads to a field which soon leads you to the open of another canyon that will lead us back to safety-but a dangerous jump is included and the humans won't take the risk! Or we can stay together.." She suggested picking up the pace across the fields a little-shouts were still heard from the humans and it seemed all were following.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: meeeea on November 29, 2013, 05:28:21 pm


Seeing the paint mare run for it, he dashed besides her, bucking up and smacking his hind legs at a tame horse behind him while nickering and neighing along with the two other mares. Halting, he tossed his head up, grinding his teeth together with a slight snort. "Just go towards the canyon- the fools won't follow us, I hope." The colt said, looking back at Renn with a flirty look in his eyes. "Come on, guys!" Gin reared before pivoting off his sturdy legs and into a gallop.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on November 30, 2013, 08:49:00 am
Renn galloped past the humans, causing a few more of them to lose their balance and fall off of their horses. She let out a mocking neigh and slowed down as she caught up with Cheyanne. "I think we should split up," she agreed, it seemed like the better idea. "If we stay together, they might be on our tail for hours." She explained, picking up the pace slightly so that she was level with Cheyanne. Her gaze turned to Gin, who was now galloping ahead, she had not failed to notice the flirty look in his eyes, but she didn't have time to question it before he tore off.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on November 30, 2013, 01:16:45 pm
As they thundered across the field Cheyannes attention turned to the yearling who suggested they headed straight for the canyon-a sigh escaping past her lips. "If we head straight to the canyon they're bound to follow-and we may even accidently lead them to the herd. Atleast if we split up and give them a run we'll lose a few on the way.." She muttered as she picked up the pace a little. Looking back it seemed a few of the humans had already got the rope ready and were hurryign behind-others attempting to go around the outsides. "Split up and meet up at Old Mans Creek, be careful when running out they're heading up the wings!" Cheyanne ordered as she shot off to the left dipping her head at the two other horses-bucking at one of the humans that had ran up the wind forcing his horse to rear and chuck the human off. A echoing neigh escaped the mares mouth as she charged through the fields.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on December 02, 2013, 04:56:30 pm
Just waiting for someone to post before me, don't want to hog the Rp xD
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 02, 2013, 06:46:43 pm

Misty walked behind Renegade cautiosly. She kept glancing back making sure no humans had come. The last time she did she heard the yelling of humans but it didn't sound like the ones she faced before. When she looked towards the sound there were dark skinned people on the backs of horses but all they were doing was sitting there watching them. "Renegade..." She whispered. "Who are they?" She asked looking towards the people.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 02, 2013, 06:48:16 pm
[[Hurr. Sorry for my absence. Can I get a recap, please? o3o
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on December 02, 2013, 07:31:29 pm

((Nothing really, Misty is just speaking to Renegade cause some dark skinned humans seem to be watching them. Cheyanne, Renn and Gin are still running from the humans. A plans been made they're going to split up to lose the humans-and meet back up at 'Old Mans Creek' then they will go through the fields and a small forest and soon enter a different canyon-where they will take a jump across a platformed area so they can get back to the herd. The humans won't take the dangerous jump and they've already lost some of the humans. I believe the rest are still with the herd)).

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 03, 2013, 10:01:06 pm
Anyone gonna post? x3))
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 03, 2013, 10:30:49 pm
[[Thanks, Tay.
And yes, yes. My apologies, I seem to be having extreme writer's block with this for some reason. o3o



"Right. Everyone this way." The stallion neighed over the herd as the three galloped off to lead the intruding humans away. Turning, he moved his way to the front of the remaining members of the herd and began quickly picking his way back along the path in the opposite direction from where his three herd-mates had led the humans. Moving in a cautious, yet rushed pace, Renegade was too focused on the path ahead and getting his herd to safety to notice the few new humans who had apparently showed up, according to Misty. He perked his ears as she spoke, lowering an eyebrow and slowing down to trace her gaze up at the overhanging cliff, where a group of darker humans were indeed watching them. "I don't know- but we're not about to stick around to find out. Everybody keep moving, let's go!" He huffed, raising his voice as he addressed the herd and quickened his pace in order to put distance between the lurking two-leggeds and the herd.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 03, 2013, 10:41:08 pm
Hmm, I'm trying to determine I should be captured by these humans now or not...It would add more drama. xD]

Misty tossed her head and quickened her pace with Renegade. "I agree." She neighed. The second time she looked up the dark skinned humans were cantering down a rock side that was seeming to be like steps. "I think we should pick up the pace some more!" She snorted. She quickened her pace a bit but not enough to pass Renegade.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 03, 2013, 10:47:55 pm
[[X3 Go for it. Though I didn't intend on having Renegade captured by the Natives- but the Calvary Soldiers, I think I've worked something out to where both will happen. Gotta get this RP moving again.



Renegade arched his muscular neck as he broke into a hasty trot. At Misty's exclamation, he staggered to a brief halt in order to gaze up and notice the humans picking their way down the side of the mountain. Plastering his ears against his head, the mustang flared his nostrils, turning completely around to face them. "Misty, you take lead of the herd. I'll bring up the rear so I can fight these freaks off if need be." He snorted, giving the stone ground a quick scrape with his forehoof.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 04, 2013, 12:32:13 am
I'm gonna get captured with my colt. lol))

Misty nodded and galloped to the lead. She lead the herd through the canyon as she glanced back at the dark skinned humans. Her colt was running next to another mare in case something happened to her. She saw the dark skins gaining on them. Automatically she tried picking up the speed. "Hurry!" She neighed to them. "Run ahead of me if you must but stay together!" She whinnied. About two went ahead and the rest stayed behind Misty. "Go ahead. Destara(Random Name), take the lead!" She called to the yound mare. Misty slowed her pace to match Renegades. "I can lead them somewhere else." She said calmly as she looked back at the dark skins. Just then her colt appeared next to her. "Can I help?" He was getting older and he could come with her she guessed but it was up to Renegade really.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 04, 2013, 02:25:49 am


Ears flat against his cranium and head low, Renegade tagged behind the fleeing herd, nipping at the flanks of some slowing members. Behind, the few dark skinned humans had begun to approach rapidly on their own horses. Renegade trotted to a halt as Misty weaved through the moving equines to speak with him. Nostrils flaring in signs of his stress, he quickly shook his head. "No way. Especially since you have a colt. I already have three of us out there, I'm not risking another herd member. It's my job to defend the herd anyhow. I want you at the lead. With the other three gone, you're the most experienced here. I need you at the front." He quickly neighed, raising his head a bit. "Now go, both of you. Take them to the valley in the inner canyon. It should be safer there." He insisted as he turned with a stomp of his hoof to face he oncoming humans, placing himself as a protective barricade between the threat and his still fleeing herd, who had begun to get farther and farther from Renegade, Misty and her colt.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 04, 2013, 02:56:34 am
Misty snorted at his response but had no time to argue as he stoped and stood in front of the humans and the herd. She neighed to him as a thank you and a goodbye. She didn't know if these humans were going to get him. She bolted ahead of the herd with her colt in the middle of it and began leading them to the valley. She turned around to see the fading figure of Renegade and the humans. There seemed to be wuite a few.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 04, 2013, 03:29:54 am


Clenching his teeth, Renegade threw a quick glance over his shoulder at the herd as they began to drift out of sight. He quickly snapped his glare back to the group of people who were now upon him. Standing his ground, he pawed furiously at the earth, hoping maybe he could hold them back long enough to let the herd escape. The few men drew their horses to an abrupt halt before the boldly standing stallion, who had taken a few steps backwards. Tossing his head, Renegade half reared with a high pitched neigh, bringing his forehooves down with a hard thud on the stone ground almost as a warning before ducking his head and lunging forward but halting suddenly in a mock charge. The men shouted words to each other in a language Renegade was unfamiliar with, their horses backing up a bit. In a bold attempt at either driving off or distraction, the stallion continued to stand his ground. A couple of the men began to unravel their lassos, continuing to babble to each other and restrain their horses at the same time. It seemed his intimidation display was failing, forcing Renegade to find an alternative. Glancing around, he spotted a narrow path carved into the cliffside. Rearing high on his hind legs, front hooves raking the air in aggression, the stallion made a hard right and suddenly bolted into the crevice. He heard the men shout to each other for a moment, but little time had passed before they were right on his tail.
Renegade continued sprinting through the tight space, glancing around rapidly for his next move as he hadn't been in this labyrinth before. His hooves flew over the earth as he galloped along, nostrils flared and huffing with every stride. As he rounded a corner, he suddenly came face to face with a vertical wall cutting off his path. Dead end. With a rough whinny, he scrambled to a halt. There was nowhere else to run and nothing left to do but face the enemies. Snapping around, he shoved his upper body up into the air in another rear, forehooves violently scraping the air. He brought his front hooves back to the ground repeatedly in a few aggressive stomps, inching his way towards the three men on horseback who continued murmuring commands to each other. Ears flattened, Renegade went to make a lunge forward in an attempt at harshly shoving one of the mounted horses aside which would provide a tunnel of escape- however, in his focused fury, he hadn't noticed one of the mounted men that had gone around his side. As he began his furious charge, he felt a sudden tightening around his neck. The lasso tightened and the line snapped tightly, violently jerking the stallion's head back and almost forcing him to flip off of his feet. He almost failed to keep his balance, but twisted his upper body in the air as it was jerked off the ground to turn towards the source of the defiance. At his awkward angle, his front hooves slipped out from under him as he landed, forcing him down to his side in a thud. Legs thrashing, he quickly sprang back to his hooves, ears flat in confusion and anger. Letting out a shrill neigh, he reared again, only to have another lasso from behind slip itself over his head and tighten as well, then a third rope fastened itself around his neck. The three rope holders moved their horses in opposite directions to tighten the line and thus prevent the ability for large motions from the stallion. Because of the three lines tugging in different ways, Renegade was unable to move his head anyhow, though he still fought, half rearing and tugging backwards, all the while making a loud fuss.

There were two men who were not doing anything, and one of the others motioned them off, probably to continue down the path in search of the herd. Meanwhile, as Renegade bucked, half reared and tugged, the men worked to get him off his feet in order to apply a rope halter for easier transport, by roping one hind and one foreleg as he lashed out. The motion was successful, and before he knew it, Renegade was flipped helplessly off his hooves. Grunting, kicking, and snorting, the stallion struggled on his side until the men dismounted and threw themselves on top of him to prevent his struggling, where they proceed to hold down his head and attach the rope halter.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 04, 2013, 12:35:11 pm
Guess it's time for her to be caught. lol))

Misty was still running when she heard the loud neigh of a horse. She closed her eyes realizing it was Renegade. She couldn't resist and skidded to a halt. "Everyone head to the valley! I need to help Renegade!" She neighed and before you knew it, she was off. Misty didn't even notice her colt following her until she saw the shapes of two men on horseback. She skidded to a halt but her foal didn't see them in time and soon had a lasso around his neck. She could hear the men yelling things in an unknown language as they pointed at her. Her nostrils flared and she ran at the men. Before she could get the man who had caught her colt a lasso tightened around her neck. She tried rearing but the man who got her colt had two ropes and got it around her neck. She reared up trying to release herself but failed as they dove off their horses onto her. She wasn't ready and landed on her side with a thud.

They slid a rope halter on her for easier transport and got back on their horses with the ropes tied on her halter and her colt had on the same halter with the lead wrapped around one of their hands. Her eyes filled with sorrow as she watched him neighing loudly and trying to break free. Misty reared up again and began bucking as well as possible with the restraints. As she finally stopped she was lead towards the part of the canyon where Renegade had stopped and lead some of them off. But they turned down a narrow path way and what she got when they reached the end, was Renegade captured. She let out a loud neigh and tried to go over to him but was pulled back. She snorted angrily but didn't try to break free. No way to do it now.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 04, 2013, 01:59:38 pm


Gritting his teeth, the stallion fought back with violent thrashes in an attempt at getting back to his feet. Once the people had fastened the rope halter, the jumped off of him and he immediately scrambled to his hooves. Lassos still around his neck, two legs, and now his head from the halter, movement was very limited. His ears flicked forward to notice them tugging in Misty and her foal. Nostrils flaring, he ducked his head in an attempt at violently rearing and kicking with his forehooves- an attempt that was quickly hindered by the many ropes and holds they had on him. The men spoke with each other once more, gesturing to the pathway to signify they were ready to leave.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on December 04, 2013, 05:00:05 pm

Totally oblivious to what had happened back at the canyon Cheyanne continued to thunder across the fields-her long silk like tail flowing behind her as the shouts of the humans continued to run behind her. Carefully, the painted mare turned her head and glanced at the small group of humans who weren't to far away-they seemed to be getting their lassos ready, her eyes filled with anger and annoyance as she kicked back her legs-sending one of the humans off guard and causing him to fall from the large black horse he was mounted on. Letting out an echoing neigh the mare grinned and picked up her pace a little-these humans didn't seem to know when to quit. Her cream hooves thundered the ground as she lept down a small ditch and sprinted forward. Cheyanne ran through a river causing water to splash up in every direction, her nostrils flared as her head lunged forward with every long stride she took. Shaking her head she looked back once again three humans only seemed to be chasing after her now-the others must have given up. Many bellowing neighs escaped the mares mouth as she ran from the humans-she turned seeing the herd moving in the distance-her eyes widened as they were alone. Unsure of why she turned and lead the humans in a different direction so the humans didn't see the fast moving herd-slowing down then speeding up she made attempts to taunt the humans making them more eagre to catch her. The loud roars of mountain lions could be heard from the desert like surroundings-but she chose to ignore them and continued on. A light tapping feeling was felt on her back causing her to turn, seeing the three men attempting to throw a lasso around her neck but failing terribly-grinning she began to pick up the pace.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 04, 2013, 06:36:01 pm
She reared up in another attempt to free herself but the men pulled on the rope holding the halter and it pulled her back down. She let out a shrill neigh but fianlly just let them lead her. Her colt had come to her side as she watched Renegade, her blue eyes full of sorrow. Once they signaled they were ready to go, the indians began to lead the equines out of the canyon. Misty fell in place behind the men leading Renegade and held her head low.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 04, 2013, 06:47:04 pm


Renegade locked his legs defiantly, forcing the humans to practically drag him. Head low to where his muzzle was inches above the ground, the stallion used his body weight to tug backwards at the tight ropes. Every tactic of defiance he threw at them seemed to fail. These humans were experienced in the concept of wild horse capture. Nostrils flared in fury, the buckskin jerked his head up in an attempt at rearing. Because of the tight lines, this action was near impossible. Instead, he slammed his front hooves back to the ground and ducked his head, lashing out a violent kick with his hind legs that almost dislodged the man marching behind him from his saddle, though he jerked the reins of his horse to quickly stop and narrowly avoid the kick. Renegade huffed and neighed wildly, shaking his head in a vain attempt at jerking the ropes free. He refused to go down so easily as the humans slowly made their way out of the canyon, dragging him along unwillingly. If he couldn't escape in the moment, he'd make things as difficult for them as he could.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on December 04, 2013, 08:43:04 pm

Hearing more shouts the mare turned her head to see three horses being lead on the canyon by a group of what looked like Indians. Natives. She had witnessed these humans before and they seemed pretty kind when it came to horses-although she was never captured. The mares head tilted as she continued to run full speed-her eyes narrowing as she realised Renegade, Misty and her colt being dragged from the canyon-anger filled the mare as she turned seeing the horses had ripidly gained on her. "Gheez!" She snorted as she extended her stride-she needed to help her herdmated but she needed a plan. Cheyanne couldn't just charge towards them or she would end up in rope by the Natives of even the more 'posh' humans.
A blaze seemed to shoot across the ground as she ran-her white and brown pelt barely visable-her beautiful mane and tail gently blowing behind her in the wind. Taking a turn she ran through a small forest like area-her ears twitching at the many infamiliar sounds that pierced her ears. Taking no hesitation the paint took a sharp turn and leading off the trail and through the trees. Once exiting the forest it seemed only one was chasing her now. Although this human would still be able to catch her she had to take a risk. Halting, Cheyanne turned to look at the others gritting her teeth. Turning back she face the human who had seemed to slowen his pace on the equine and look directly into the mares eyes-her tail flicked as she dragged her hoof across the ground.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 04, 2013, 10:52:05 pm
Misty watched Renegade trying to break free. "Just give up Renegade. These people are skilled with us wild horses." She said looking back at the ground as she walked. Just then, out of the corner pf her eyes she spotted cheyanne still running from the humans and then she disappeared. She was gonna call to her but couldn't do it.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on December 05, 2013, 07:12:20 am
I'm really sorry for the shortness, I'm just trying to debate whether Renn should get caught or not, since three horses have already been captured.))
The chestnut mare picked up the pace slightly so that her hooves were barely touching the ground, she stole a glance behind her and quickly counted the amount of two-legs on her tail. Five. She purposefully slowed down, so that the men were level with her, and took a sudden sharp turn. One of the horses a man was riding stumbled and fell at the sudden change in direction. Four. A smirk arose across her maw, her mane flying out behind her. Renn let out a quiet snort, speeding up so that she was once again ahead of her pursuers.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on December 05, 2013, 08:20:26 am
((Yeah that's what I was thinking, just gonna wait until the others are released or have escaped))

The painted mare let out a snort as she thundered forward, kicking up mud and dirt behind her as she galloped across the grassy terrain. Her long legs allowing her to run at a fast pace with easy, also being easier for her to jump over obstacles. Letting out a neigh Cheyanne took another dart left and up a hill-the human seemed to be a few miles behind her-it was usually hard for domestic horses to keep up with a wild Mustang. Letting out an echoing neigh she lifted onto her hind legs and kicked out her front hooves as the threat towards the human, slamming her cream hooves onto the ground a snort flaring past her nostrils as she began to breathe a little heavier from all the running.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 05, 2013, 03:24:08 pm
[[It's all good. Y'all can get captured if you want to. -shrug- S'up to you.



At Misty's defeated words, Renegade gave one last tug of his head then stopped, glancing back at her as far as he was able. "You're just going to give up that easily?" He snorted, sides heaving from the effort he continued making. "I don't think so." The stallion huffed, stomping a forehoof. Once again, he locked his forelegs, making the humans' transporting him all the more difficult if he wouldn't willingly walk. Nevertheless, they continued onward, dragging the buckskin along behind them. With a low neigh of defiance, Renegade suddenly shoved himself upwards, half rearing and making a scene once more. The humans were undeterred, and continued the struggling transport until they had slowly, eventually made it out of the canyon and onto land that was unknown to Renegade.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: IndigoCloud on December 05, 2013, 05:49:37 pm
May I ask, are Renegade, Misty and her foal all captured by the Indians?
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 05, 2013, 06:28:02 pm

Misty snorted at Renegade. "Giving them a hard time won't do anything." She whinnied. "It will only make them rougher with you." She neighed. Misty rose up her head as she saw multiple other dark skins walking around. There were houses shaped like cones, she didn't recognize them. The dark skin holding her lead and the one holding her colt's lead them away from Renegade to a round pin. She was lead inside with her colt and released but she was trapped inside of it. Her colt pressed up against her as they glanced around.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 07, 2013, 01:26:26 am
Sorry for the double post but, is anyone gonna post yet?))
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 07, 2013, 02:39:21 am
[Sorry. I was at a church event, just got back home.



Renegade gave his head one last violent, but in vain jerk, then relaxed. Head low, he let out a sigh and slowly began to walk on his own terms behind his captors. "You're right." The stallion huffed, ears flat against his head. As they approached the odd two-leg village, he glanced up in curiosity, though the sight immediately unsettled him, making him lock his legs a bit in hesitation. Three men hopped off of their horses and began to tug at the ropes tied to the stud's neck, cooing gently while pulling as hard as they could to drag the unwilling Renegade into an open round pen. Flaring his nostrils, he tossed his head and reared high, hooves scraping the air as he let out a defiant shriek, trying to pull the ropes from the hands of the humans. However, they were experienced and their hands were firm. After a good few minutes of struggle, they finally managed to pull the angry stallion into the pen. Quickly, all three dropped the ropes and darted around him, shutting the gate just in time to halt the stallion's thundering charge after them. With a rough snort, Renegade clambered to a halt just before the gate, and immediately pushed off the earth with his forehooves to wheel around and begin mindlessly sprinting around the round pen, bucking and kicking in fury in a display of his aggressive power. Even though he was the only equine locked in the round pen, it still didn't offer much room to run.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on December 07, 2013, 11:22:04 am
((Guess I'm gonna allow Cheyanne to be captured to make it a little more interesting))

Letting out a snort the mare continued to charge across the field-her large cream hooves thudding the ground in her attempt to escape the last human. A smile grew across the mares face as freedom seemed in her reach, picking up the pace she bolted forward. But as she reached the top of the hill it appeared some more humans were charging up the hill. Letting out a threatining neigh Cheyanne took a sharp turn and bolted left. The mares head lunged forward with everystride and was followed by many snorts, her tail blew rapidly behind her as she skidded to a halt. Backing up a little Cheyanne shook her head-in the panic she took a wrong turn and was now face to face with a cliff that ended with a massive drop, turning she gritted her teeth as she noticed the humans were right behind her. Rearing up the paint lifted onto her hind legs and began kicking at the air-rage filling her eyes as she allowed her hooves to thud roughly against the ground. Making an attempt to escape, Cheyanne bolted forward hoping to startle the humans, but they only back away a little. Feeling a pulling on her neck she glanced, some humans had snuck around the sides and threw 3 ropes around her neck. The humans seemed to have begun shouting at eachother in a language she barely understood, as they began to move and pulling the mare.  Snorting Cheyanne began to kick out her back legs in a buck letting out threatening neights, pulling hoping to get the humans off but nothing worked. Four humans now had roped on the mustangs neck causing her to grow frustrated-feeling the constant pulling Cheyanne dug her hooves into the ground trying to stop, but it didn't seem to work. The strength from the four humans was growing on her and urging her forward. Cheyanne continued rearing and pulling on the ropes, letting out many neighs.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 09, 2013, 01:40:07 pm
Misty sighed and began to trot in a circle in the round pen. She couldn't take being confined even if she let them put her in here. Little humans kept going to the fence before their mothers called them away. She saw a dark skin walking toward her with a blanket type thing and set on the rail of the fence. Misty looked at it in confusion as the dark skin walked away.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: ElDorko on December 10, 2013, 02:49:37 am

| / Amadeus \ |

Breed: Mustang

Age: 4 Years Old

Gender: Stallion

Physical Appearance: 14.2 Hands

Personality: Amadeus is an extremely feral horse,
growing up in the wild for all of his life.
Upon that fact, he's very unyeilding and quite impossible with humans,
very much the rebellious and stubborn type.
He isn't one to make friends easily,
however he can give a good laugh with his snide-remarks,
and his rebebllions against the humans.

History: Amadeus was born in the abundant forests of Texas,
giving him plenty of open free range to roam as a young'un.
Raised by his Pa, Gerardus, and his Mam, Rosalina.
Living as a young colt was fun, having many other herd-colt's,
and even some young foal's to play around with.
He grew up with a normal life, nothing out of the usual.
He now remains within her birth-herd, letting them lead him about in life.

Family(optional): Mother: Rosalina ~ Father: Gerardus

Tamable?(Is your character willing to be/will they eventually be tamed?) Yes

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 10, 2013, 03:11:31 am
[[Accepted, welcome! :D



Head low, the stallion continued his furious pacing, kicking up dirt as he sprinted in tight circles. A few of the humans had congregated around the fence, but did well to keep their distance to avoid getting an angry charge or a hoof to the head. Renegade blew a heavy snort through his flared nostrils and reared up high with an intimidating squeal, tossing his head and pounding his front hooves back to the earth only to resume his mindless bucking and pacing. He kept this up for a good time afterwards until he finally began to wear himself out. Sides heaving, the stallion slowed to a trot, occasionally throwing his head about and huffing out a rough nicker. Giving in to his own exhaustion, he let his forelegs buckle beneath him, his hindquarters following close behind as he laid down in the dirt to collect himself. The whites of the stud's eyes were visible as he regained his normal breathing, staying sprawled out on the ground for a few more minutes and then heaving himself back to his footing. Brushing his now dirty side against the fence, Renegade bowed his head and finally surrendered to sleep, though it was a restless sleep.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 10, 2013, 03:54:12 am
Misty nickered over to Renegade as he went to sleep. She soon did the samebutlayed down with her hooves tucked under her. Her colt soon joined her and layed mext to her. She could hear her colt snort sadly before he fell asleep. When she finally went to sleep she could see the sun just begining to set.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on December 10, 2013, 04:38:15 pm
The painted Mustang let out an echoing neigh as she continued to pull back at the ropes-fury in her eyes as she continued to buck and rear. It appeared the humans had begun to grow stressed and aggitated with her attempts to get loose so another rope was thrown around the mares neck, 5 humans on horse back now made an attempted to keep the mare in line. But even that wasn't good enough, Cheyanne refused to go she needed to go back to the herd. Digging her cream hooves into the dusty ground she pulled back causing one of the humans to be pulled from his horse-letting out a nicker in amusement. "Oh so you think that's funny do you? Get the whips!" The human insisted-tilting her head whips? She didn't know what they were. Hearing a whip sound a sharp pain was felt on her rear causing her to lung forward-turning to glance at a human holding what she assumed was the whip. Snorting she bucked in attempt to but the human off, but it didn't work and he whipped her again. Letting out a loud whinne of pain Cheyanne was forced onward. But, she wouldn't go on without a fight.

Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: ElDorko on December 10, 2013, 11:34:14 pm

{/ Amadeus \}

The stallion's hooves barely touched the dry earth,
sturdy limbs pacing themselves at a hearty gallop.
As Amadeus kept his speed reasonable for the mare's and other stallions behind him,
the stud would swivel his neck every so often to make sure they were keeping up.
A  gust of wind tugged at his flying black mane,
throwing it behind him like a blanket in the wind,
a whinnie of delight escaped Amadeus,
hooves creating a melodic tune across the dry, canyon-like terrain below him.
The rush of leading a group of horses was an amazing, winsome feeling,
creating a joyous and gay feeling within the stallion.
As they continued to race across the terrain, making their way to the fresh-water lake,
where they resided,
Amadeus would keep his hazelnut-hued eyes open for any possible signs of danger.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 11, 2013, 02:02:15 pm


Renegade dozed restlessly throughout the night, though any subtle sound would make him snap awake. Irritable and paranoid, the stallion decided it would be best for him to be awake- he had no idea what these humans were up to, and it would be unwise to let his guard down. The full moon lit up the plains, revealing the humans seemed to all be asleep. Swiveling his ears forward, he gazed over at Misty and the foal, slowly moving to the closest fence. "Are you guys okay?" He nickered, holding his head over the railing as he communicated with the equine in the other separate pen. His voice was hoarse (heh heh. See what I did there? ;3) and exhausted, but he valued the well being of his herd mate rather than focus on his own tiredness.
Title: Re: [.Ghosts of the West.] [Equine RP] [Open and Accepting]
Post by: Hennessy on December 13, 2013, 01:15:45 am

Misty opened her eyes as she heard Renegade cicker to her. She nickered back. "We're fien." She whinnied. "I hope they'll let you go. If they don't let me go I won't mind as much but you need to lead the herd to safety." She whinnied.