Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: ElDorko on November 30, 2013, 04:03:07 pm

Title: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on November 30, 2013, 04:03:07 pm
Merry Christmas!

A Christmas-oriented human roleplay. Literate, realistic, and active (I hope ;.; )




It's Christmas time in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia.
The city's mayor has much in mind for another beautiful Christmas season.
As the decorate the streets, you decorate your homes with love and create a loving bond with your families.


The city streets are decorated for the Atlanta's populous' own enjoyment.
And who knows? Maybe you'll find yourself under some mistletoe this year.
Several local families throw huge Christmas parties!
There is something for everyone during the Christmas season!~
So even if it's sitting by the fire with a loved one, the Christmas season will fill you with the warmth of love, comfort, and peace.


This is where you come in, the roleplyer!
May you be a mother, father, sister, brother, uncle aunt, or just another kid in the crowd?
Well, that's up to you to decide. It's Christmas and the options are endless.
Be a party thrower, or just the attender? No difference!


Wether it's decorating the Christmas tree with a family,
or talking a walk down the christmas light-lit streets;
You're bound to have a memoriable time this Christmas season.
And who knows? Maybe we'll have a white Christmas!
As Atlanta's show-season begins,
 it creates a beautiful and romantic atmosphere to venture forth.

Application To Join:
Character's Name:
In-Game Username:
Plans for Christmas:
Current Relationships:
Roleplay Sample:
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on November 30, 2013, 04:38:08 pm
Character's Name: Luke D'yral

In-Game Username: ElDorko

Gender: Male

Age: 16 Years Old

Appearance: Luke stands at 6'3, with a mess of darly pigmented hair that stops aprubtly at his eyebrows.
Icy blue eyes the color of a frozen-over pond in the late winter, and a pale complexion.
He has quite the lean body, however he is active in many sports which give him quite the herculean shape as well.






Personality: Luke is definantly the socialble teenager, always wanting to talk or hang out with his friends.
However, he isnt the snob or athlete everyone sums him up to be.
Luke is actually very kind and very loyal towards his close friends.
He tends to make friends easily, and may people find him very charismatic. A people-pleaser, in shorter terms.

Plans for Christmas: Still a highschool student, Luke is staying home for the holidays as any normal teenager would.
 He enjoys spending time with his family and close friends, and is quite fond of the Christmas season.
Luke's favorite holiday is easily Christmas, all the lights and happiness give him a joyus feeling.
His younger sister, Macie, who has a form of downsyndrome, enjoys the holidays just as much as Luke does.
And Luke strives to make the season memoriable for his beloved sister.

Current Relationships: Currently Single

Roleplay Sample:
The painful scream of his solid black alarm clock rang, singing it's dreadful tune of time for awakening. Groaning loudly, Luke sat up in his navy-blue sheets, his black hair a mess atop his head. Finally getting up, Luke wandered over to the window in his boxers, envying body being hit with the dim light outside. It still hadn't snowed, and Christmas was only in a few weeks! Hopefully it would snow soon, for Macie loved the snow. Closing the blinds with an aggrivated huff, the boy trudged over to his closet and grabbed a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and some converse. He would then go to his bathroom, take a quick shower; the hot water waking him up to his full senses. Brushing his teeth and plastering some gel into his black hair, Luke decided he was ready to go downstairs. His footsteps thudded down the stairs, his german shepherd, Trooper, racing over to him and barking happily. A smile came across Luke's face and he patted the dog playfully. Macie waved to him slowly from the breakfast table, and Luke went over to give her a hug goodbye, for it was time for school.
"Bye, Macie! When I get home, we can decorate the house for Christmas, okay?"
Macie didn't respond, for she rarely spoke, but a big smile formed on her face, that warmed Luke's heart, and she rose her hand to say goodbye.

History: Luke was born into a higher-class family, however they were humble and content about it. They were still ethical, not being fantastic money-spenders, but neither convserving or worrying about it too much. For as long as the young Luke could remember, Christmas time was the one time where his family came together. Normally, both of his parents; His mom an editor for 'The New York Times' spent most of her time away in New York, writing for the paper. And his father, owning several factories in Georgia, spending his days closer to the city. Luke would look after Macie when his parents werent home, and that was quite frequently.

Pets:  Luke owns a pure-breed German Shepherd; Recently bought from a local pet store. He isn't one yet, but Trooper is almost half-way grown.


Family(Opt.): Mother/Father: Rosaline & Gerard \ Younger Sister: Macie
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ZarrieSaysRawr on November 30, 2013, 05:39:34 pm
Character's Name: Alma J. Alacove

In-Game Username: ZarrieSaysRawr

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Alma stands at 5'4, and has a very feminine build. Her body is rather curvy, yet she is very skinny and bony.


Personality: Alma is very skittish and nervous, and very easy to scare. She's not too sociable and prefers to be alone more than anything. There is often a look of pain and sorrow in her eyes, even when she's joyful.

Plans for Christmas: Alma plans to be with her friends and family for Christmas, and simply have a great time. Alma wants to be with her friend Luke for Christmas, for he is her only current friend. Alma wishes to have a great time with her foster family, and maybe even visit her real mother for the first time in eight years.

Current Relationships: SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE

Roleplay Sample:
Alma sighed as she closed the book she was reading, her foster mother calling out to her. "Alma! You've been in that room all day! Don't you want to go and get some fresh air? Go talk to your friends, take your dog on a walk or something." She said bluntly, leaving the door open as she left. Alma frowned. "I don't have any friends," She murmured, getting up and exiting her room. She crouched down next to her pitbull, Toby, and attached the leash to his collar. She took him outside, being dragged along the sidewalk. "/Toby./" She groaned, yanking him back gently. "Stay near me," She said quietly, glancing at all the others that passed her nervously. She brushed some of her black hair behind her hair, before being yanked forward by Toby. "God damn it, Toby!" She hissed, pulling him back. "I thought you knew better," She said, her dog's tail lowering slowly. She eventually returned home, closing the door behind her slowly. She took the leash from her dog and walked up to her foster mother. "There. You happy?" She said bluntly, nothing but depression stuck on her gaze. "Not yet. It's your turn to clean the dishes." Her mother purred. "/Mom!/" She groaned, stomping to the kitchen.

History: Alma was born in a very abusive family- well, her father was abusive. At the age of seven, she was taken away after she had told her teacher why she had so many bruises along her arms and legs. She was then taken to an orphanage. She stayed there for four more years. She eventually was taken in by a young woman and her wife. She has lived with them for four years now. She suffers from depression and bipolar one disorder, and is on several medications because of it.

Pets: Toby


Family(Opt.): Mothers - Abigail and Elizabeth Siblings - None
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on November 30, 2013, 05:49:54 pm
Very unique and creative! c: Accepted.~
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: crystwolf on November 30, 2013, 06:51:58 pm

Character's Name
Nasrin Mika

In-Game Username:



Nasrin stands at 5'3, though she looks younger than her age. Short blonde hair that has been messily cut, and grey-green eyes. Skinny, but not to the bone, and has pale skin. She wears a torn hoodie and loose black pants that don't really fit her, and a necklace that is usually hidden from sight.

Nasrin is sarcastic and mischievous, and even though she can be annoying, is pretty fun to be around with. Rebellious, really, usually never listens to anybody but herself. She enjoys dangerous activities and is that type of person who wouldn't back down from a fight. She hardly acts like a lady and is mostly rough with her actions. Even though she is pretty wise and clever with her words, she tends to turn to violence more than being calm and sorting things out. As friendly as she seems to be, she isn't particularly fond of crowds and will probably only stay in one if Nile wants to. But all in all she's pretty nice if you get to know her better.

Plans for Christmas:
Just wander around the streets, enjoying the sights of Christmas decorations littered about, maybe try to earn money enough for both her and Nile.

Current Relationships:

Roleplay Sample:
Nasrin glanced up, grey-green eyes silently staring at a few grey clouds strewn across the pale sky. She looked down when a small motion caught her attention, smiling to see that it was only Nile who had rounded the corner into the narrow alleyway, and in his jaws was what looked like a piece of sausage. The cat made his way over to the girl, sitting down gracefully and dropping the food  onto Nasrin's lap. She laughed softly, reaching over to pet the feline, who laid his ears back and leaned into the touch. "You can eat it for now, Nile." She murmured as though the cat could hear her, before giving back the sausage to him. Nile flicked his tail and picked up the food, before jumping onto Nasrin's lap without hesitation, curling up and eating his stolen 'meal'.

Her hand gently scratched the feline's neck, who tilted his head, purring slightly at the soft touch. Nasrin grinned, looking over at the entrance of the alley, where people walked by, too busy to notice her. She hummed for a moment, before looking back at Nile, who had finished his sausage and was now licking his paw - However he managed to do it while half-laying down - and chuckled. "Hey, wanna go walk around?" The feline looked up at her with wide, curious yellow eyes, as though understanding her. She smiled and began to get up, shooing away the feline on her lap.

The memory of losing her friends on this very event struck her, but she pushed it away. Besides, she had Nile now, and both the cat and her knew how to find their way back to the house if they ever got lost. But for now, Nile was the only person she had. Well, the only animal she had.

Nasrin is an orphan. Her mother had given birth to her in the streets and hadn't survived, due to lack of...Well, everything, including warmth. Luckily, her mother was in a small group of homeless people who happily took care of young Nasrin, teaching her how to survive in the harsh streets. At the age of Eight, the homeless group went to explore the place during Christmas, but Nasrin was lost after a few hours, being heavily distracted by Nile, for she hadn't seen a cat before. After realizing that she had lost her friends in the crowd, She took days trying to find them, but eventually gave up and took refuge in a broken down, abandoned house hidden at the back of an alley. There she came upon Nile again, and the feline and her became partners.

A young stray cat who she has befriended. Nasrin calls him Nile.


She doesn't have one.
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on November 30, 2013, 07:11:32 pm
Great application! Accepted! :D
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on November 30, 2013, 08:27:33 pm
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on November 30, 2013, 08:40:32 pm
Accepted, Taylor! Once we get a few more people to join, we can start roleplaying.
The roleplay will start out at Luke's annual Christmas party when his parents go away for week with his younger sister to a downsyndrome-seminar in New York.~ c: Cant wait to start roleplaying!!
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: crystwolf on December 01, 2013, 11:57:33 am
Can't wait either!~ o3o The party's at Luke's house, right?
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 01, 2013, 01:02:56 pm
Great I can't wait to start! And yeah I'm sure it starts at Lukes house after reading his post. :)

Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 01, 2013, 06:40:50 pm
Yes, the party starts at Luke's house party! C:
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 01, 2013, 08:45:53 pm

Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on December 01, 2013, 08:48:52 pm
I would gladly join, but can i post tomorrow? :) I really have to go to bed. >.< ))
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 01, 2013, 09:40:53 pm
Sure thing Hackers. Take your time! :3
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 01, 2013, 09:52:21 pm
| Luke D'yral |

The teenage boy slipped on a black Polo shirt, the small horse in the upper right corner a pretty shade of crimson.
As he shimmied into some dark jeans, he glanced in the mirror.
His darkly hued a mess, as usual.
Giving a light groan in response to this natural occurance, he trudged into the bathroom to spray on some colonge, brush his white teeth, and spike some gel into his thick hair.
His parents and younger sister, Macie, had already left for the seminar, and the house was nicely decorated.
People should start to arrive soon.
Glancing at the clock with dazzling blue eyes, the hands read 7:00;
Last year the party lasted till 2AM, however he wouldn't hold that many expectations.
The pretty varieties of red and green streemers and other Christmas-oriented decorations were strewn about the house. Including his family christmas tree placed in the middle of the den, right beside the fire place.
 Above stockings were hung, and below the sizzling flames created a warm and romantic atmosphere for those lovey-dovey couples that always showed up late into the party.


(Sorry for the short post, I'm a bit busy xD)
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 01, 2013, 11:41:29 pm
|Amie-Leigh Taylor|
The day had soon grew dark and Amie remained on the sofa-her blue eyes locked onto the tv as she held a cup of hot chocolate in her hand watching Jeramy Kyle. Hearing the loud neighs from the two horses out in the pasture she leant left and glanced out the window-seeing the animals prancing around. Smiling she shuffled and allowed her feet to drop to the floor, slowly she lifted from the seat and walked into the kitchen, she placed the cup in the sink and walked towards the cupboard. Opening the oak door she turned on the light and grabbed her beautiful leather jacket, then grabbing her scalf she wrapped it around her neck neatly-soon grabbing her black leopard print wellys. Last she grabbed her gloves and slammed shut the door, is was half 4 and she was suppose to be getting ready for the party. Pulling open the door "I'm going to check Cheyanne and Torreto!" She informed but before anyone could answer she shut the door.
It seemed the snow had lightly continued to snow-landing softly on the ground forming small white patches everywhere. Sm
iling she let out a over exaggerated sigh, walking calmy up the path way the sound of metal tapping together caused her head to turn. Seeing the two red Huskies bounding after her-it seemed those dogs followed her everywhere. It didn't take long for the 17-year old the reach the pasture where 6 horses calmly wondered around. Seeing her two horses she let out an echoing whistle which alerted the two she was there. Two large framed charged towards her with many neighs escaping their mouths. Standing straight a smile grew across her face "Hey.." She muttered as the two hoeses skidded to a stop infront of the fence. Chuckling as they reared she reached out her hand and petted the two. (Time skip) After Amie fed and watered the horses she began to rug them up-Torreto wearing his neat light green rug-and Cheyanne wearing her beautiful light blue rug. Saying her goodbye she went to the house.

Hurrying through the door she stomped the snow from her shoes and smiled as the two dogs barged in-chuckling she took off her boots and left them near the door. Walking towards the closet she put in her coat, scalf and gloves. Feeling a tight swueeze she turned to see her brother-Stephen-they had a very strong bond. "What?.." She chuckled as she looked up at her brother "I heard your going to that Luke guys party.." He replied "Yeah." Amie smiled. "Well, just be careful or I'll have to go ape shit on those bitches if they hurt you!" He laughed picking her up then placing her gently on the ground. "You don't have to worry about me Steve!" She giggled as she wriggled and was soon released. "Well its 10 past 5, you best get ready..". Giving her brother one last hug Amie ran upstairs and began to get ready.

Amie walked through the large door of her room, peering around at the beautiful lime, blue, black and white room. Walking in she smiled, it seemed boiling, someone must have shut her window. Not making a fuss she decided it was time to get ready. Taking a seat at her dresser once again Amie took a seat, grabbing her brush and strightners she began to do her hair. Running the brush through her beautiful brown locks, then applying the heated metal which caused the waves to slowly dissappear from her hair. Amie soon began to sort out her fringe, putting it at either side which made the hair style look pretty neat. The teen soon began to apply make-up, although she didn't put much on she hated looking fake. A light blusher was applied to her cheeks with a soft brush, mascara then brushed onto her eyelashes and a small ammount of lipstick on her soft lips. Happy with what she had done Amie got up and headed towards the walk in wardrobe. She didn't have to worry about a shower or anything she had one earlier. It didn't take long for her to spot the dress she wanted-a lovely dress that had a long flowing blue trail, that went nicely with her cream shoes and a nice cream spiked necklace. Once getting ready she grabbed her things. By things what she really got was her money and her cell-put she just shoved them down her bra so she didn't have to carry a bag-which she would more than likely lose.

Once everything was turned off she headed down stairs and said by to everyone-giving them a hug and a kiss. Her parents knew she was going to a party but didn't really mind-her big brother would always protect her along with her parents and well, she could protect herself along with the many friends she has. "I'll drop you off!" A sudden voice called from the house-turing she looked at Stephen who came out and entered the car. It didn't take long for them to arrive at Lukes house and it seemed she was the first. This was odd Amie was usually late to things like this-shrugging she leant over and gave her brother a final hug and kiss before exiting the car. Before her brother sped off he repeated the same sentance from earlier about being safe. Nodding she turned around.

Smiling Amie ran her hand through her hair and headed across the small pavement-soon arriving at the gate that surrounded the garden and the house of Luke. Gently she pushed open the light gate and walked in-shutting it behind her as she knew he had a dog. At this point Amie was alone as her friends text saying they would be arriving soon. Taking no hesitations the 17-year old walked up the long garden path then up towards the door-gently she knocked on the wooden object. The brown haired female waited patinetly, she couldn't wait for the party to start-her blue/green eyes glittering.

Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 02, 2013, 12:32:54 am
{ L u k e }

Luke was lounging on the couch, watching the football game that currently was on TV; A large plasma screen that was mounted above the fireplace. A loud knock at the door started Luke, causing him to laugh at himself mentally for being so nervous about the outcome of his party. He wasn't one for careing about his reputation, however this party did mean a lot to him. It was more than just a Christmas party, it was the one party where he didn't feel held back, or restrained against doing or saying anything. He loved parties as much as the next guy, however he wasn't one for the other whore's and horndogs that showed up at them.

As adrenaline coursed his veins in response to the excitement for the party, Luke gave a nod to the DJ who was stationed at the corner of the room. Whoever had arrived, had been the first guest, but Luke was sure more would show up in a small amount of time. Glancing at his silver watch that he always kept on him, the black-printed lights read 6:30.

Opening the door, Amie-Leigh Taylor greeted him with a dazzling smile and an equally dazzling dress.
A light smile played at Luke's lips, opening his arms to greet her in a hug.

"Hey Amie! You're actually the first one here." Luke said casually, running a hair through his thick black hair, before rubbing the back of his neck in a apologetic manner. "I hope you dont mind."  Luke added lowly, his bright blue eyes glancing away for a moment. When he glanced back he noticed that Amie looked stunning in her dress and heels, however Luke was still taller, always being quite the sasquatch.

Pushing back the large mahogany doors, Luke welcomed her in with a smile. The DJ continued to play music, rising the volume as more people would decide to fill in the den, which now courted a dance floor. It was decorated nicely, the mahogany floors recently polished, and the fireplace just given a new batch of firewood to engulf in their beautiful crimson and orangey glow. The leather sofa's placed on opposite ends of the room, and a large dark rug rolled across the floor. An open kitchen was beside the den, food, drinks, and some alcoholic beverages placed upon the granite counters. Red and green streamers hung from the kitchen ceiling, as well as assorted colored lights that hung about. Luke was quite the party-thrower indeed.
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: crystwolf on December 02, 2013, 01:15:01 am
(Oh crap~ Am I late for the RP? D: )

Nasrin Mika
The young teenage stood up from where she was sitting on the window ledge of her home, eyes quickly glancing up at the darkening sky before she turned her gaze to the one alleyway that led her out into the streets. This was usually the time where she would just walk about, but for today she was going to expand her 'area' a bit. Nile seemed to see what she was going to do, and climbed up the window ledge, using it to jump on Nasrin's shoulders. The girl laughed as the feline made himself comfortable, curled around her neck, insisting no matter how big he was.

Nasrin brushed the dust off her clothes - though it hardly mattered, it was already dirty already - and walked out, lingering near the entrance of the alleyway for a moment before joining the others in the street, making sure to keep to the side, out of other people's way. It seemed like everybody was rushing to get home, while others freely strolled about. A small smile lit up her face as she stared up at the bright, colorful lights that decorated various trees, including some of the lampposts. She was surprised that Nile was still on her shoulder and hadn't run off, distracted by something. Was today different?
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on December 02, 2013, 03:22:53 am
Before i post, i wana be sure.
How many character's allowed in this RP? 1-2?
Just need to know, before i post. Hehe. ))
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 02, 2013, 05:04:37 am
2 per each Username :3 ))
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on December 02, 2013, 10:48:29 am
Oh, okay thanks.
I'll get my character A. S. A. P.
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on December 02, 2013, 11:55:54 am
Character's Name: Elizabeth Shongan
In-Game Username: ShadowNightmare
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: (http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b616/Neklausk_Vikos/atsisi1730sti_zpsc530d1a5.jpg)
Elizabeth stands on 5'9 with a pure brown hair and greenish gray eyes.
Personality: She might seem from the look as a show off, but truelly when you know her she is a sweet little nice girl. She will protect thoes who she love more, then to protect herself. She isin't really a bad one, she's just more of a friendly person.
Plans for Christmas: Get to be liked by other's, or atleast be friendlya and maybe a kiss from a boy? :D
Current Relationships: She is currently single, but maybe looking.
Roleplay Sample: Elizabeth looked at the sky, as her pure brown hair pured down true her cheek. Smilinng as she saw a shooting star, she closed her greenish gray eyes. Thinking of a wish, she finaly opened her eyes, as she looked down. Huffing, she stood up, and made her way back to her room. Sitting down on a chair, she looked at the mirror, as she began to brush her hair. Hearing her name called, she stoon up, and walked outy of her room. Looking down, she saw her parents,m as they were gettin' ready to leave for the night. She walked down the stairs, as she kissed theme into the cheek, and to her own little brother. Waving, while they opened the door, and walked outside, then finaly closing the door, as she huffed. Getting back up to her room, she began to get ready to sleep, as she soon walked near her bed, and cleared her thoughts, before laying down, and shutting down the light, before slowly closing her eyes and falling to a deep sleep.
History: Elizabeth, was born when it was christmas night. She needede to be born earlier, but her mother gave birth erlier. Elizabeth soon grew up, as she have never had a pet, before in her life, but of course, she waned one. A dog? A cat? A horse? She haven't really made her mind up, but anything will be good for her. Until it is alive and it breaths.
Pets: N/A
Family(Opt.): Rossalina (Mother) Roger (Dad) Sam (Little Brother)

Okay, i'm done, tell me if i'm accepted. If not, that's okay. ;-;
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 02, 2013, 03:06:05 pm
Accepted, Hackers. {Stilltheonlyboy;A;)
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on December 02, 2013, 03:08:45 pm
Thanks. Hehe. ))
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 02, 2013, 05:44:03 pm
|Amie-Leigh Taylor|
The brunette stood at the door as she awaited Luke to answer it-she glanced behind her for a moment seeing the snow had gotten a little heavier. She loved this time of year it always looked so beautiful and made her feel happy-smiling she ran her hand through her brown hair. Hearing the sound of music getting louder caused her head to turn-seeing the door slowly open there stood Luke. Giving a warming smile to the male she also leant in the give a friendly hug as he greeted her. To her surprise she was infact the first one at the party. As Luke apologised she shook her head "On I I don't mind, I'm use to being the one turning up late.." she chuckled running her hand through her hair once again. Seeing Luke had pushed back the door she shot a smile in his direction and nodded her head as a thanks, stepping forward she stepped into the house-the sudden warmth hitting her.

Hearing the door shut behind her she looked into the room where the Dj was set up-her head slowly bobbed up and down to the music as she followed Luke. Her heels tapped against the hard floor as they wondered into the kitchen. Amies eyes scanned around the house-what a beautiful house they had. The house seemed beautiful decorated with many different Christmasy things-it made a warming-happy vibe run through the house. Glancing around in the kitchen she noticed the many bottle and cans of alcohol that was placed on the counters-along with many different plates of food (I don't know if there's a spread..). Taking a place in the kitchen Amie stood neatly in the room a smile still spread across her tanned face.

Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: crystwolf on December 02, 2013, 07:09:01 pm
Nasrin Mika

Curious, she turned her head slightly to peek at her friend, only to see that the cat's eyes were closed, relaxing - though carefully - on her shoulders, tail flicking occasionally in response to snow falling upon him. She smiled slightly, so distracted by Nile that she bumped into a businessman, dressed in a clean, black suit and one of the ones who were rushing home. The motion startled Nile and the cat perked his head up. As Nasrin muttered an apology, the man shot both of them a withering look before continuing. Nile hissed in slight disdain, but it was directed to the man rather than Nasrin.

The girl looked at the direction where the businessman had been hidden from sight by the crowd, sighing slightly as she stopped right in front of a house, [Luke's house~] backing away to the gate where she wasn't in the mass of people. "Maybe we shouldn't walk around, Nile." She mumbled, grey-green eyes nervously looking at the various people. When she was Eight the people looked just like towers to her, tall and hardly noticing the small girl who was jumbled about, which was probably why she backed off into an alleyway to rest, trusting herself to keep up with her friends soon enough - She just needed to be out of the crowd for a while. Unfortunately Nile was there as well...

Nasrin glanced to the cat, who seemed to be staring at the house behind her with interest. Curious, the young teenage looked back as well, and found her eyes glued to the large building, obviously one of the ones belonging to the wealthy people. Her eyes were filled with childlike wonder as she stared at the colorful Christmas lights outside, and thought she could hear muffled music coming from the inside. She loved to spend her time - When she wasn't too busy trying to earn money - Staring at the large mansions littered around, marveling at the open space. This one was just beautiful, with the extra help of Christmas, of course.

(Sorry if my RP is a little weird for now.~)
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ZarrieSaysRawr on December 02, 2013, 07:45:00 pm
Alma sat alone at a table, her eyes half-closed in pure boredom. She would glance around the household bluntly, twirling her black hair around. "Shouldn't of ever came." She murmured, resting her head on the table with a sigh. "I don't even like parties, anyway." She said to herself quietly, hoping nobody would hear her voice. Well, they probably wouldn't hear her quiet voice either way, considering the music was blaring as loud as possible. -shortnessdontkillme-
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 02, 2013, 08:02:39 pm
| > L u k e < |

Luke picked up a gingerbread man, taking a bite of it quickly. As he turned his head, the front door opened up, and a milange of teenagers mulled in. As more started to fill the dance floor, Luke swayed to the music, a devilish grin upon his handsome features appearing. Dazzling ocean blue eyes glanced about, seeing Alma sitting at the kitchen table alone.

Sauntering over to his best friend, still swaying to the beat of the music, Luke greeted her with a warm smile.
"What'cha doing all alone, Al?" Luke asked, arching a eyebrow at her out of curiosity. He slid into the booth opposite to her, offering her the half-bitten gingerbread cookie. "Ma made them." He stated lightly, trying to cheer up the "party animal" in front of him. "Come on Alma, let's try to have fun at least." Luke outstreached his hand, pulling his polo shirt taught against his well sculpted torso.
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 02, 2013, 11:23:24 pm

|Amie-Leigh Taylor|
Amie turned her head as the sound of a bang was heard-a sudden cold draft blew into the kitchen. Turning she realised all the other guests had begun to arrive-a smile on her face as Kelsie, Dean, John and Aaron walked through the door. These were the pople she usually went with at collage and outside of her education grounds. Walking towards the four she leant in to cuddle them as a greeting. "So been here long?" Kelsie smiled as she grabbed two bottles and handed her one. Smiling in a thanks she grabbed the bottle and pulled off the metal lid with her teeth. Well, as the first here-first time ever ay!" She chuckled as she downed the strong liquid-half of the bottle was already gone. Hearing the laughs of the boys she turned around to see Dean, Aaron and John necking down many shots, Aaron stuffing his face as usual.

 Shouting them over the group of 5 walked into the opposite room where the Dj and now predicted dance floor was. Smiling her blue eyes glittered as she ran her hand through her hair once again-a song came on that she knew and she began to sing-her beautiful voice being just heard over the loud booming vibes. The 17-year old continued to take many mouthfuls as she danced around, her heels tapping against the freshly polished mahogony floor-the blue flowing trail of her dress dancing around as her head lightly bobbed up and down. The party had now seemed to get better since many more people had arrived.

Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: crystwolf on December 03, 2013, 12:55:56 am
Nasrin Mika

She silently continued to watch as a bunch of others - Mostly teenagers - walked into the house as well, and there certainly was music as the door opened and closed. Finally she turned and began to walk away when Nile suddenly jumped off her shoulder, onto the ground, and sprinted through the open gate. Nasrin looked on in alarm before she tensed up and chased after the cat, whispering his name, but as fast as she was, Nile was faster, and managed to sneak between the gap in the door when a group of teenagers went in, the last of his long tail disappearing.

She hesitated outside the door, panic overtaking her. She was torn between just leaving and actually going in just because of Nile, and moved to slowly open the door a bit, just to peek in. From her angle, Nile was nowhere to be found, but there were a bunch of people dancing and...Drinking, as well as the loud bursting music. She blinked owlishly as she took in the look of the house, maybe lingering at the doorway for longer than she needed to.

Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: Venatorn on December 05, 2013, 07:32:13 pm
I would love to apply, though my character is a girl and I noticed there is only one male. So, I'm afraid to  since it is all ready overly crowed with females))
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 07, 2013, 02:36:53 am
Go ahead! )
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 07, 2013, 11:23:49 am
((Umm, whens someone gonna post?))
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: ElDorko on December 07, 2013, 09:54:05 pm
I believe it's Alma's turn ; O ; )
Title: Re: Christmas Time | | PG-13 || Human Roleplay
Post by: sparticles on December 07, 2013, 10:36:30 pm
((Oh well aren't I impatient xD just want to post but then I'll be the only one....))