Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 01:47:12 am

Title: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 01:47:12 am
I've been trying so hard... to be nominated just once...but it never happens. I just needed to talk to you guys.. I feel unloved, useless, etc. I just need to talk to someone...thanks guys.

Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Xalaria on December 15, 2013, 02:01:14 am
To be nominated for what? :c

Sorry if this is a stupid question; I'm new here.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 02:04:24 am
It's alright, Member of The Season, AKA, MOTS. -sigh-
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: darkknight on December 15, 2013, 02:08:28 am
Do not feel unloved and useless, Truleigh Wolfe. That's not it at all. Do not feel simply because you are not nominated you are unloved or unnoticed. With being nominated, it's simply for recognition for individuals who are seen to be very helpful and friendly to the community. If you have been, great. The thing is to continue what you're doing and stay confident.

It's a big community, after all. Do not think because no one nominates you, that you are not liked. Continue to be yourself, help out when you can, and be your own biggest fan. That's all that really matters in the end.  ~
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 02:12:25 am
Thank you, Fox it helped. Many lucks to you on, Mots. ~
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 15, 2013, 02:23:31 am
It's okay, don't take it personally dearie. I'm sure you're not the first one to feel like this. The only option is to try harder and keep working at it c:
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 02:31:55 am
It just feels, every day I am not closer then I was before I am just sticking right there not improving no matter how hard I try.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 15, 2013, 02:38:42 am
It just feels, every day I am not closer then I was before I am just sticking right there not improving no matter how hard I try.
Actively check the Help Boards whenever you are on. Be eager to help someone out :3 In game, or on the forums. Just be active in general.

Quote from LordSuragaha:

Who should be nominated?

Members of the Season should be helpful, dedicated, friendly users who are generally liked by most of the community.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Hennessy on December 15, 2013, 02:44:45 am
Tis' ok dear. I have felt that way because I'm a deticated member of FH and like to consider myself friendly and helpful but I just have to try hard to do so. Don't take it personally.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 02:51:51 am
I just try so hard...that it some times gets to me ya' know. ;_;
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Tetsune on December 15, 2013, 03:04:35 am
Personally, I think you shouldn't care about being nominated...
It's just a forum. Besides, you should be helpful regardless of whether you get anything in return or not. Making things like this seems like you're begging for something rather than really working hard. It looks... Kinda bad?

Like I said. You should do good things without looking for something in return. It means more to people that you mean to help them rather than you want their vote.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 03:07:14 am
I check within the help board 24/7 Ever since I joined.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 15, 2013, 03:09:17 am
Personally, I think you shouldn't care about being nominated...
It's just a forum. Besides, you should be helpful regardless of whether you get anything in return or not. Making things like this seems like you're begging for something rather than really working hard. It looks... Kinda bad?

Like I said. You should do good things without looking for something in return. It means more to people that you mean to help them rather than you want their vote.

Galiou has a point dear ^^ You should be helpful even if you don't get something out of it. Help others to the best of your ability. If you're not nominated? Try harder. Think of it this way: Strive towards the goal of being helpful, and friendly. You'll get nominated in return. And even if you don't, it's like giving a present. When you give a gift, do you respect the person to pay you back? I don't.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 03:11:18 am
You have a point, but I just feel useless. I have been called mean names for confronting someone many times. It gets to me sometimes. ;_;
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: LordSuragaha on December 15, 2013, 03:14:12 am
First off you shouldn't be "trying" to get it. Being helpful and loving should just be in your basic nature, not just because you want a reward. This is why I can agree with this:

Personally, I think you shouldn't care about being nominated...
It's just a forum. Besides, you should be helpful regardless of whether you get anything in return or not. Making things like this seems like you're begging for something rather than really working hard. It looks... Kinda bad?

Often users nominate the users who are seen helping most in the help threads or discussing in the game discussion areas. Users also tend to get nominated if they are very sociable and known by most in game and out. While winning MOTS is a great honor it is by no means the only way to know all the amazing, active, helpful, and generous users we have here. If you think by not getting or having a MOTS title you are not a well liked individual in this community than you are saying most people in this community are not well liked either. There have only been a few winners of MOTS compared to the amount of active users we have in this community. I highly doubt they are the only people really liked lol ^^.

Honestly you shouldn't feel bad about not getting MOTS. It means a lot to get it but means nothing if you don't get it. It's really a great way to keep people engaged in the community since it gives them an incentive to work hard because most people try to make a name for themselves. I've met so many fun, loveable, and just plain out incredible people here without MOTS titles. You don't need a MOTS title to prove anything. What matters is that you know what you do around here and that your own friends love you. MOTS is just for fun and nothing more. Don't think so much into it or let it hurt you if you don't get it. There are tons more MOTS to come and plenty chances if you wanted to get nominated any way.

Every member of this community is a highly valued and loved individual no matter what your status, floof of meter, post count, age etc you're awesome. So chin up and no pity for silly stuff hun <3
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: unnbrellas on December 15, 2013, 03:34:32 am

The only answer is to keep being floofly to fellow floofs! :P
But still, chu shouldn't be nice and helpful for a reward, you should be nice and helpful to be nice and helpful.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 03:39:52 am
First off you shouldn't be "trying" to get it. Being helpful and loving should just be in your basic nature, not just because you want a reward. This is why I can agree with this:

Personally, I think you shouldn't care about being nominated...
It's just a forum. Besides, you should be helpful regardless of whether you get anything in return or not. Making things like this seems like you're begging for something rather than really working hard. It looks... Kinda bad?

Often users nominate the users who are seen helping most in the help threads or discussing in the game discussion areas. Users also tend to get nominated if they are very sociable and known by most in game and out. While winning MOTS is a great honor it is by no means the only way to know all the amazing, active, helpful, and generous users we have here. If you think by not getting or having a MOTS title you are not a well liked individual in this community than you are saying most people in this community are not well liked either. There have only been a few winners of MOTS compared to the amount of active users we have in this community. I highly doubt they are the only people really liked lol ^^.

Honestly you shouldn't feel bad about not getting MOTS. It means a lot to get it but means nothing if you don't get it. It's really a great way to keep people engaged in the community since it gives them an incentive to work hard because most people try to make a name for themselves. I've met so many fun, loveable, and just plain out incredible people here without MOTS titles. You don't need a MOTS title to prove anything. What matters is that you know what you do around here and that your own friends love you. MOTS is just for fun and nothing more. Don't think so much into it or let it hurt you if you don't get it. There are tons more MOTS to come and plenty chances if you wanted to get nominated any way.

Every member of this community is a highly valued and loved individual no matter what your status, floof of meter, post count, age etc you're awesome. So chin up and no pity for silly stuff hun <3

Thanks, hun it means a lot.. c:
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Feareh on December 15, 2013, 05:27:57 am
 Yes please hun don't feel like you are unappreciated if you don't get this title. If you come on everyday and help around the forums, then you are doing a great good.
Also, MOTS comes around 4 times a year, you might have your chance soon if people see you being helpful such as answering help threads. Helping people with problems that take it to a personal level, and just being a naturally good friend.
I have faith that one day you will get this title as do a lot of other floofs I hope reach this title one day. Just keep moving forward and eventually all your hard work would pay off <33
As said above, this community wouldn't be what it is without us working to help.  Every member is valued and isn't overvalued over others
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Vespian on December 15, 2013, 06:57:11 am
Ms. Suragaha is indeed right Truleigh (if I am permitted to address you in such a manner), as well as Ms. Feareh and Galiou. Merely keep your chin up and try not to let something like this let you down. There's no doubt many individuals are grateful to have ye' in this community and view you as a very helpful individual. Besides, it's just a title. Nothing more. However I understand and respect how one's opinions can vary between each member of the community.
The best thing to do is stay confident and determined to gain such a title some day. Thus, as stated before me, a good start would be in those discussions/help boards. Don't give up hope just yet and I wish you the best of luck.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 12:48:28 pm
Thanks...I just feel so down ever since my horse died from cancer. Within 3 nights he was gone he died unexpectedly. ;_;
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Sir Equius on December 15, 2013, 02:34:21 pm
Thanks...I just feel so down ever since my horse died from cancer. Within 3 nights he was gone he died unexpectedly. ;_;
D--> Sorry to hear that you lost your beloved hoofbeast.

D--> Getting to the point now. I don't think you should be fussing over something like this. So what if you haven't gotten MOTS? It doesn't mean you're not liked or appreciated in the community. If you have done your part of being helpful in the community, and people have said "thank you", then that's all that matters. If you have friends and aquaintences who appreciate the things you do, then that's all that matters. Those nuzzles you have on your floof-o-metor seem like good rewards for helping people and being a good member. Is that not good enough for you?

D--> You don't need a MOTS title to prove that you're an appreciated and loved member of the community. But if you really want it that bad, then you're just going to have to work harder at it. Begging for it isn't going to get you anywhere; beggers can't be choosers. Just keep up the good work of doing what you do best. As some of the others have said on this thread, don't give up. You'll get it someday.   
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Jango_Fett on December 15, 2013, 06:57:17 pm
 Most people will never get a MOTS title, but it does not mean they are not appreciated.

I doubt I would ever be nominated because of my negative view on some things c:
But I am perfectly okay with this.

You might get nominated sometime though.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Koolwolfe on December 15, 2013, 07:36:26 pm
Thank you for your suppor on, Henry. He was 24, years old and had cancer on his private part, the owner never told us about it, he had trouble peeing on the first day, the next day he was passing away, before we put him down he whinnied at us when we got there and tried to stand up but soon fell. He died right before my birthday, my birthday feels so unlucky because; my bird Bonkers escaped and flew away on my birthday, My two guinea pigs died on my birthday as well. The only thing that has been brining me up is my best friend Abbie, here is some pictures of the little gal.(http://i44BannedImageSite/zio9vr.jpg) She sleeps right next to my face, and on the cat bed, I am severely allergic to cats but I take Claritin everyday. The things that have been keeping me up are: Abbie, My Friends, Starry, Sura, My family, and Christmas. Thank you so much these these, things and people, for bringing me up when I am always down.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: OreoHeroz on December 15, 2013, 08:04:49 pm
I'm sorry to hear about your horse, as well as your other pets.

Lord is right - you shouldn't try. I do agree with this:

Personally, I think you shouldn't care about being nominated...
It's just a forum. Besides, you should be helpful regardless of whether you get anything in return or not. Making things like this seems like you're begging for something rather than really working hard. It looks... Kinda bad?

Like I said. You should do good things without looking for something in return. It means more to people that you mean to help them rather than you want their vote.

Every member makes up what our community is here on Feral Heart; encouragement, gifts and abilities, etc. - paints the picture of Feral Heart.
Title: Re: I Try So Hard...
Post by: Redlinelies on December 17, 2013, 09:00:46 am
This subject has pulled the strings it can for now. I will go ahead an lock this since I think it has been answered or discussed enough.