Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Diamondsky on December 23, 2013, 12:41:53 pm

Title: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Diamondsky on December 23, 2013, 12:41:53 pm
Before reading this, I do not mean any personal attacks to any group/ individual, i've been seeing it a lot and I decided to post out of my own opinion of it. NOR am I forcing anyone to listen.

I've read through some threads, and i've noticed some repetitive things...
People say the staff don't do their job...?
Okay Pause. People like this:
Ooooh! The staff don't do their jobs! They just sitz around teh map and
A million more times, NO.
The staff have been trying their best since Kovu left to keep this game alive. Not all of them are gonna be online/ gonna be able to keep complete order to... How many members?
About 900 (possibly +) I think...
Do you seriously think that such a small amount of people are going to be able to control that many people at once?
Unless the staff somehow have psychic powers, (which they don't) they aren't gonna be able to do diddly quack about every problem or fight that surfaces.
Thats what REPORTING is for! :D
If you want rude/ innapropriate people to not be around, ACTUALLY PM A STAFF ON THE FORUMS A REPORT.
Don't just sit down and make a thread complaining about it and end up making yourself look ignorant.
I can't believe how many people complain that the staff on here are lazy.
I haven't really talked/ met any staff, but I know that they are trying their best with their job but are also not very happy that those of you who complain that they don't do what they are trying to do.

Also those of you who are ready to complain about a ban or something , I encourage you very hard to read this again. c:
http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18317.msg244689#msg244689 (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18317.msg244689#msg244689)

(Not trying to be rude, or offencive, I was just trying to get my point across at my anger towards those people who are like that..)
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: whitewolf223 on December 23, 2013, 12:46:33 pm
This. This is how I feel about those people.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: unnbrellas on December 23, 2013, 01:40:54 pm
207886 members to be exact.

And I do see your point, it highly annoying when they whibne about the staff but the only action they take is to do nothing.
I think some of them have been asking the magic conch shell when people break rules right infront of their face.
"Magic conch shell, should we bother to report them?"
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Diamondsky on December 23, 2013, 02:38:25 pm
Maybe they have one in their room and listen to it
Well anyways they complain and complain about a problem that is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM AND THEY ARE ABLE TO TAKE ACTION YET CHOOSE NOT TO!
How does that make any sense?
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: OreoHeroz on December 23, 2013, 02:57:49 pm
I agree with you :p The irony...they say that the staff isn't doing anything about it, yet they themselves do not do anything of reporting the problem.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Feareh on December 23, 2013, 05:33:35 pm
 Finally a thread that speaks the truth. I agree with you 100% on this subject matter. I find that there is so much pressure for these people to try to maintain order in the game that they unfortunately cant tends to everyone's needs as quick as they want them too. Since they do have to respond to 1000+ people on reports, and mail in general.

For those people who say staff does nothing then why don't you try and help out. You see someone doing something that doesn't fallow Game rules, screenshot it and report it. Just cause we are regular members doesn't mean we can't help out. The staff does really try hard with the limited amount of people they have now. And like people have said before, they are human and do eat and have their own lives.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 23, 2013, 06:27:02 pm
Oh the irony. I have to agree with you here Tay, because is this must be what the member is telling themselves:
"Oh, I can't report! That won't help at all! The staff must report! It's their job! Hey look! Someone just cursed! A staff member isn't here to kick them so they're not doing their job! Grrr."
In reality, if everyone did their part in reporting FeralHeart would be a much better place.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Sheka on December 23, 2013, 06:34:59 pm
Honestly the staff are volunteers. They take time out of their busy lives to make sure people keep order in this community. Honestly, I don't think its worth it to deal with some of the rude, immature rule breakers  but it is out of their kindness that they stay. And the people that do follow the rules and are good contributions to the community, they stay.

To say they aren't doing their "job" is infantile to say the least.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Kerriki on December 23, 2013, 06:53:54 pm
God this drives me CRAZY. I can't stand it when I see people saying things like "oh the staff aren't doing their job!" There are many people who play this game and there are usually 700-800+ people playing the game at once. Now how on earth are the staff going to watch over every single one of those people? No, logically they can't. I'm always finding rule breakers in-game, and I always report them to the staff asap. That's what people should be doing, instead of sitting there and complaining about the staff not doing their jobs.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Diamondsky on December 23, 2013, 08:21:55 pm
Yea. There should be a LOT more people like you guys who actually care about their part in the community and do it.
Others are just plain lazy and complain when THEY are the ones who aren't doing their job!
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: SoulRevenge on December 23, 2013, 09:00:57 pm
I personally dislike the opinion of people that out-right speak this, without any 'backup'  whatsoever to prove their point. Especially if they don't bother attempting to do anything for the game themselves.

  Kinda makes me all the more peeved when someone's breaking the rules and they're just standing there, shaking their heads and tutting away, "Oh, the mods don't do their jobs. Look at this hideous, rule-breaking display. I'll stand here and complain, not about the user, but rather the staff members."

Any other time, though, I can sometimes understand why people might be upset with the staff members. Otherwise, if you don't make any attempt of withholding some sort of unwritten responsibility as a member and player of the game, don't say crap about the mods, who are doing a hell of a lot more than a lot of people. Cause' you're pretty 'lazy and uncaring' yourself.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Xalaria on December 23, 2013, 09:57:22 pm
I haven't been on the game very long but I, too, have noticed this.

People always talk about how the mods 'don't try hard enough' or 'don't do their jobs well enough." Well, I'd like to see them try to moderate a game with over 20,000 users--it isn't easy, to say it simply. They can't be at every map, at every location, and every second of the day. That's why we have the option to report users who break rules: to help the staffers. They can't do it alone, so instead of complaining, people need to do something and help out.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Diamondsky on December 23, 2013, 10:42:41 pm
I personally dislike the opinion of people that out-right speak this, without any 'backup'  whatsoever to prove their point. Especially if they don't bother attempting to do anything for the game themselves.

  Kinda makes me all the more peeved when someone's breaking the rules and they're just standing there, shaking their heads and tutting away, "Oh, the mods don't do their jobs. Look at this hideous, rule-breaking display. I'll stand here and complain, not about the user, but rather the staff members."

Any other time, though, I can sometimes understand why people might be upset with the staff members. Otherwise, if you don't make any attempt of withholding some sort of unwritten responsibility as a member and player of the game, don't say crap about the mods, who are doing a hell of a lot more than a lot of people. Cause' you're pretty 'lazy and uncaring' yourself.
I know. They are doing EXACTLY what they think the staff is doing.
Pretty ironic.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: liontamer1 on December 23, 2013, 11:59:24 pm
I haven't been on the game very long but I, too, have noticed this.

People always talk about how the mods 'don't try hard enough' or 'don't do their jobs well enough." Well, I'd like to see them try to moderate a game with over 20,000 users--it isn't easy, to say it simply. They can't be at every map, at every location, and every second of the day. That's why we have the option to report users who break rules: to help the staffers. They can't do it alone, so instead of complaining, people need to do something and help out.

I don't know if anyone could say this better.

This is what I say to the people who complain about the staff...

+Floof for you, Xalaria
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Vespian on December 24, 2013, 12:16:06 am
Ehheh, I too agree with this whole thread 100%. Finally, it would seem there are some individuals that do understand what the mods/admins are going through as they are indeed human beings, mortals. They are not a robot, they are not almighty divines, nothing of the sort. They are no different than you and me, so why do users alienate them so? It's both tedious and immature, in my personal opinion. While I understand that everyone has their own opinion, there's a big difference between verbally attacking and co-working. Most quarrels I witness end up leaning more towards verbally attacking when it comes to expressing one's own opinions about the staff and their actions. Why do this? Is it so hard as to message a staff member with whatever reason you may have and just talk like civilized humans rather than bare your teeth and criticize like a barbarian? This goes for reports, disagreements, etc.

I have seen users say things along the lines of, "The mods are nothing but immature eight year olds." yet I have personally talked to the mods. They have to be some of the most understanding, open-minded individuals I've conveyed with in a long while during my years being with the community. Whilst I've witnessed said user run around thinking they own the game with an arrogant attitude.
There's even been times when I've seen users break the rules via swearing but then when they see a user doing something they don't like, they shriek out, "Ohmaigosh! I'm so going to ban you if you don't stop! I know the mods! Their my friends!!1!!1" Ehheh, events like this is enough to make me burst out in laughter at the irony, the hypocritical, actions pulled by some members of the community.

When it comes to reports, the mods are not monsters. They are not demons. It is the users themselves that make them monsters, it is they who force the mods to pull a variety of actions for the safety of the community. If one wishes to make the game more enjoyable and safe, then obey the rules and co-exist with each other. Not break out in tedious fights and do what you want in an endless rebellion. That is not the right pathway to saunter down on. The same goes for users who witness an individual rule-breaking yet does nothing except complain about the staff. You want the game to have less of said users running around acting like a fool? Then do something about it.

My apologies if my post sounded a bit harsh. I merely cannot stress enough how much this rubs my fur the wrong way. I thank you for making this thread Ms. Taylor. It was a real stress-reliever I suppose you could put it that way.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Diamondsky on December 24, 2013, 12:57:45 am
Your welcome to you guys for posting the thread. I couldn't believe the people who would say such bad things to ordinary people just like them!
Thank you for also posting your points of view, its great that a lot of people feel the same way I do about the staff's mistreatment.
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: Hotdogsrule on December 24, 2013, 03:01:21 am
Finally someone understands. xD You have no idea how many times I've been chatting with a group when all of a sudden, someone says this. And then everyone agrees.
"Kovu abandoned us! The staff don't do crap!" "Yeah" Just.. No. skjdhfsk Especially you're point with few people controling 800+ members at a time. There are several maps, more than a few users, you can't expect them to be patrolling around 24/7, catching everyone and being completely uptight about everything. People don't have eyes everywhere and people also have lives outisde of the computer. (Maybe not so much for me, but.. xDD)
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: donutforest on December 24, 2013, 03:14:04 am
I agree 100%
Although I used to be those people who either said "Kovu abandoned us!! HE DITCHED US!!" or "MODs just sit around" I didnt know what I was thinking, although I did join the game when I was like 8 or 9, so, I wasnt pretty smart
But yeah, try moderating a game with 1,000+ Members, not easy..
Title: Re: Something that bothers me...
Post by: DevXVI on January 07, 2014, 03:28:06 am
Thank you..just thanks.