Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: zRichtofen on January 03, 2014, 01:50:01 am

Title: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
Post by: zRichtofen on January 03, 2014, 01:50:01 am
If you do not know what a cryptid is, its basically kind of like Sasquatch, paranormal, unidenifited creature.

Now, I will list my creatures.

Chupacabra, The Jersey Devil, Beast Of Dartmoor, Mothman, Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie, Flatwoods Monster, Sheepsquatch, Goatman, Lochness Monster, Lou Ga Rou, Skinwalker, Lake Demon, Lake Man, The Rake, Pukwudgie, MoMo (no its not the avatar character), Dover Demon, Wendigo, Beast Of Bray Road, and The Michigan Dogman

I am a fanboy of cryptids <3
Title: Re: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
Post by: Pinkan on January 03, 2014, 02:16:26 am
well i've heard of some....
cupacabra,bigfoot,lochness,.......i guess thats it (unless you count werewolves)
im not a fan unlike you, and i should say you have a thing for monsters
and thats a looong list you got there.

P.S: yes the moment i read momo i thought of the lemur in avatar haha
~happy new year!~
Title: Re: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
Post by: Shenidan on January 03, 2014, 03:20:33 am
Well I heard a creature that my classmate told me, I forgot the name but I saw a picture of it, and it was a ball full of bones, if you place your hand in it will literaly eat you, my classmate told me it's real and its still living but I dont really believe much he said his ansestors (whatever you spell it xD) Found this creauture near a lake there were 3 and a little girl touched one of the creauture and her hand was rippen apart, but only 1 creature survived the rest died, and so from years now the creature is still living with bones around the itself, my classmate said he feed it every week, (I dont know if this is true I told my classmate if I could picture to show you guys but he said its really private o.o

Am I off topic? xD
Title: Re: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
Post by: zRichtofen on January 04, 2014, 12:14:32 am

Am I off topic? xD

Nah you're not, this is a topic where you can post encounters with different creatures too. It would be good data for me to write down.
Title: Re: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
Post by: unnbrellas on January 04, 2014, 01:26:29 pm
I know the basic ones- Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Jersey Devil, Chupacabra,
Lochness Monster (And a few other versions around the globe)

So ya
Title: Re: What cryptids/monsters have you heard of?
Post by: Metronome on January 07, 2014, 04:36:02 pm
I got some.

Bigfoot, Yeti, The Rake, Loveland Frogs, Flatwoods monster, Jersey Devil, Slenderman, Krampus, Nessie, Ogopogo, Skunk Ape, The Kraken, Leviathan, and others I can't recall.