Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: ~Undream~ on January 04, 2014, 04:51:59 am

Title: Undream~ [Updated Bio! 2014]
Post by: ~Undream~ on January 04, 2014, 04:51:59 am
Herro c: I'm Undream ^-^ Here are things about me :D
Now about me :D
What's your actual name?- Chelina c: But everyone I know calls me Kitty or Chi-Chi <3
You look like your 16! How old are you really?!- 13 ._. SURPRISED, AREN'T CHA?
Oh. What are some facts about you?-  I play the acoustic guitar, I'm a song writer, I'm a poet/author, I love peace tea and sobe green tea as well as Arizona tea c:, I'm kind of like a mini therapist cx, I ride the skateboard, I used to be a drummer, I love singing, I'm in musical theatre, I have mixed moods .3., if you become my friend you're seriously going to be my best friend, I enjoy drawing and entertaining, I'm going to be a youtube entertainer and cover for singing and guitar.
You're different o-o Anyways what do you like?- Food, Sleep, Hanging with friends, Playing my guitar, Writing, Drawing, Talking, Singing, Unicorns, Tumblr, Makeup art, Photo editing, Instagram, Being silly, Dancing around, Acting, Cats, Wolves, Gifs.
Dislike?- Powerplayers, Trolls, Jumpscares, Copiers, Bullies, Suicide, Cutting.
What are your favorite bands?-  One Direction, Falling In Reverse, Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Nirvana, 5SOS, Black Veil Brides.
Friends? (In no specific order)- Wolf Named Coda, YouShallFearMe2, ~StarGazer~, WhiteWolfy, KongaFire, Kikiorylandia, Fire_Fox20, hugrf2, MorbidDecadence, Nala_91, meow101, Thierry, PartyyRockinn, Lady Alizarin, Alaza, The Eagle, Squee, Twee, Ex0rcist, Pyrus, QuillTiger.
How can I contact you?- Ask me for my skype c: My ingame user is ~Undream~
What does your character, Dream, Look like?-
(http://i42BannedImageSite/eahbaa.png) (http://i43BannedImageSite/20p3xc.png) (http://i40BannedImageSite/2z3rknt.png) (http://i42BannedImageSite/2uhygps.png) (http://i39BannedImageSite/2ccl7hu.png) (http://i41BannedImageSite/2vtbprs.png)
Title: Re: Who's behind this laptop?
Post by: Shenidan on January 04, 2014, 05:49:27 am
Lol lovely bio there, I enjoyed reading it its good to know you more~
Title: Re: Who's behind this laptop?
Post by: PartyyRockinn on January 04, 2014, 07:29:25 am
Nice bio! I liked the questions! & I'm so hlad someone else on here likes One Direction, lol I rarely ever find other people that like them.
Title: Re: Who's behind this laptop?
Post by: ~Undream~ on January 04, 2014, 02:48:50 pm
 Heheaww thanks guis c:
Title: Re: Undream~ [Updated Bio! 2014]
Post by: ~Undream~ on January 25, 2014, 01:42:39 am