Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Jackkdaw on January 06, 2014, 03:01:30 am

Title: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 06, 2014, 03:01:30 am
Oi, it's about darn time I showed off mah wonderous characters up in 'hurr! o3o

Anywho, these four are my favorite characters I've ever created, and you will often find me as them in-game. X3

.: Gringo :.
{Male}  {2 Years of Age}
Breed: Siberian Husky x  Shepherd Mix  x Various Others
Devoted To: No Female
Father of: No Pups
Owned by: No Human
Personality: Gringo is generally an extremely go-with-the-flow, happy-go-lucky mutt. Living on the streets basically his whole life, he is self taught to be street smart with every move he makes, whether it be stealing some food or playing his favorite pass-time of traffic dodging, he is skilled with every step, even the stupidly risky ones. He's one of the types of canines who sometimes lets their ego get the best of him. He tends to be very cocky and quite flirty with the females; he'll do anything to show off. Despite his current situation as a stray, he takes life in stride and never lets anything bother him. In fact, he considers what would seem to others as a dreary existance, to be the lime light. You can usually find him sleeping the day away beneath a bench or something or mindlessly eating anything he finds that may or may not even be edible. He's incredibly lazy, and loves every minute of it.

He's basically me in a nutshell. X3


.: Manoah :.
{Male} {1 Year of Age}

Species: Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) Read about them Here (http://www.naturalworlds.org/thylacine/)
Classification: Marsupial
Family Group: N/A
Personality: Manoah is a quiet little Tazzy Tiger. His age is not that of a youngster, though, for his species which age quicker due to a shorter lifespan than a canine. However, while he's not neither a yearling nor an adult, he's stuck at that awkward age in between technically. He tends to be quite immature when it comes to things such as females or hunting skill, and still does have a bit to learn. Manoah tends to keep to himself and is almost always overcome with extreme shyness towards strangers, even skittishness. But, those who are able to get him out of his shell are able to see his more happy, playful side. Once he feels comfortable, he will open up a bit more, though he is still reserved. Always, though, he is respectful and deeply caring. He's got a selflessness about him to where he would willingly step out of his comfort zone to stand up for someone else, and always puts others before himself. He prefers not to fight, or kill for the matter, which makes hunting especially hard for him and his hatred of violence.

.: Kelso :.
{Male} {6 Years of Age}

Species: Canis Dirus (Dire wolf)
Devoted to: No female. You kiddin'?!
Father of: He doesn't know, but it's easily assumable that there's quite a few that he doesn't care to know about. -Shrug- [Yeah he gets around. o3o]
Personality: Well, a few things describe Kelso quite accurately: Arrogant, womanizing, cocky, self-centered, lazy, and top it all off with an extremely heavy Cockney accent and you've got Kelso. He finds it difficult to care about anything other than himself or his own personal gain. While he'll flirt and mess around with any female that has a heartbeat, he doesn't care to be tied down in long-term relationships. He will submit to authority and do jobs given to him, but his laziness and lack of care or motivation will often lead to him cutting corners. Kelso lacks a verbal filter, and tends to just blurt out whatever comes to mind, no matter what it is. He will always speak his mind, and is quite a skilled liar and good at talking himself out of situations. With his lifestyle, he gets himself into trouble often, but is quick to get out of it, either by a sudden desperate act of violence, or by talking himself out. He's not afraid to fight or kill, and would do so in a heartbeat if necessary or told to by his authority figures. When he's not doing dirty work for his higher ups, he's lazing about doing nothing but eat, sleep, and flirt, and you can often find him hanging around with "pleasurable company" when he's not busy with something else. Despite the fact that he's a complete scum-ball, he can come off as charming when trying to impress a female, being naturally good with words, though he sometimes talks himself into trouble just as quick. His easy going nature leads him to being quite the care-free- er- careLESS individual, and he's always the first to crack a joke with his light-hearted personality. There almost always being a devious smirk upon his maw, his charmingness easily masks the sly, cheating mind underneath.

He actually ends up being my most frequently used character. Gotta love 'im. o3o

Finally I introduce to thee, Jackdaw. This guy's quite special to me, as he was mah first ever self-made preset. OuO

.: Jackdaw :.
{Male} {4 Years of Age}

Species: Himalayan Wolf x Native American Dog
Devoted to: Ashera
Father of: Courfeyrac & Gavroche
Personality: While he is normally easy going, Jackdaw can quickly snap into a serious mindset- especially when it regards family, or his 'work.' He works along side the Assassin Brotherhood, though not directly affiliated with them, working as a hired assassin. He is extremelly self-less, more willing to sacrifice his well being than to see one close to him get hurt. While he does kill for a living, Jackdaw actually holds good morals, and would give anything to ensure the safety of his family. He is very protective and caring, though if he or his family are threatened, he won't hesitate to rip someone's throat out. Masterful in stealth, fighting, and even stealing, he isn't the force to be reckoned with, and will take no nonsense from others. He does tend to get a little involved in his own personal gain, though, force of an old habit.

There we have it,
Enjoy mah babehs! OuO
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: shayy on January 06, 2014, 03:10:20 am
Very nice children Jimmy
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: OreoHeroz on January 06, 2014, 03:11:56 am
Nice characters Jimmy<3 Hnng that Gringo >3<
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: Vineyard on January 06, 2014, 03:30:27 am
ooooo pretty
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: darkknight on January 06, 2014, 05:05:18 pm
Great characters, Jim, also, I've always wondered what exactly the second fursona was - I was thinking something extinct, so, I was close enough. Thanks for sharing your characters with us. :)
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: sutton on January 06, 2014, 08:56:00 pm
pretty children
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: shayy on January 06, 2014, 09:20:28 pm
Yes very nice characters indeed. Oh and Sutton... You posted on everything.. xD
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: Kerriki on January 07, 2014, 03:55:44 am
Lovely characters Jim. ^^ Kelso reminds me of my rl brother. xD
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 07, 2014, 11:40:47 pm
Eeheehee. Thanks guys. X3 <3
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on January 08, 2014, 12:16:56 am
So cute ouo -cuddles 'em all-.
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: meeeea on January 08, 2014, 02:39:22 pm
Those babes. uwu *snuggle*

if they're your children they're my children too.
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: TornWolf on January 24, 2014, 01:31:49 am
I think I've actually seen a large portion of the characters here. Funny, but nice characters!
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 24, 2014, 01:51:18 am
Wowzers! X3
Thanksh guyz. Much appreciated. ;3
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: kayla1235 on January 24, 2014, 01:57:29 am
Holy crap its Kelso my devilish brother! X3
Psh, Jimmeh, they're all smexy characters. Nice work pal!
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz.
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 24, 2014, 02:01:39 am
Buahahaha! >;3
Kelso juss wuvs his baby brovver. OuO


Thank chu.

Imma update it with the last of the four promised characters later, perhaps.
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 25, 2014, 12:02:02 am
-Updates thread-
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: OreoHeroz on January 25, 2014, 12:09:58 am
Those babies. x3 <3

Love the characters, Jimmy! ^^

I need to make a Thylacine soon >:|

Quote from: JimMoriarty
Father of: Courfeyrac & Gavroche

I see what you did there with that name. x3
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Jackkdaw on January 25, 2014, 12:11:51 am
Hehehhee. Yup. X3


Thylacine buddies! -high fives-
I need to make Manoah a better preset, too. o3o
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Adelish on February 03, 2014, 10:27:31 pm
Very interesting designs. ^^
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Jackkdaw on February 04, 2014, 02:02:43 am
Thank youuu! <3
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Hennessy on February 04, 2014, 02:43:28 am
Very nice characters Jimmy. ^.^
Did you get Jackdaw's name from AC Black Flag? x3
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Vespian on February 04, 2014, 05:15:05 am
Very interestin' characters to say the least. I must admit, I've taken a likin' to Jackdaw's appearance and demeanor. A job well done creatin' said characters.
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Jackkdaw on February 04, 2014, 12:30:16 pm
Huehue, thanks guys.
Much appreciated! <3

@Lakota: Maayyybbbeeeeeeh
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Hennessy on February 04, 2014, 01:55:32 pm
Huehuehue. I love that game. xD Really though, wonderful characters.
Title: Re: Jimmy's Childrenz. [Updated o3o]
Post by: Aniuk on February 04, 2014, 11:47:11 pm
Great characters, Jimmy. I love Kelso personally. o3o