Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Flatsoda on January 07, 2014, 06:03:31 pm

Title: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Flatsoda on January 07, 2014, 06:03:31 pm
Okay, let's all take a break from the posts about power-players and role-players that don't know anything about role-playing. . .

What is your favorite place in Feralheart?
I'm bored, so I have to ask this question. c8

My favorite place has to be Fluorite Plains, not because there are so many role-plays to join there, it's because it's so large. Although I'm going to piggyback on some of these threads; it's kind of a setback when someone decides to walk up to you, scream in the chat, 'you're! in! my! territory!'. But anyways, Fluorite is just a fun map to explore ^u^ Sometimes you'll see a role-play that you want to join here and there, but I'm in for it for the exploring.
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on January 08, 2014, 01:05:40 am
Ascension Island
Flourite Plains

These are where most see me, but when I'm really bored, I go on an epic quest to South Pole or Bonfire to find other forums users >:3
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Birdi on January 08, 2014, 01:52:16 am
Call me insane, but I love Bonfire. I know people stereotype lots of others there, which I hate, because you can have a really fun roleplay there! I like it because it's basically roleplay at every second of the day, but it's fine to talk normally too. I also enjoy mate centers because they help people find mates without them having to beg.
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Wizardmymom on January 08, 2014, 02:15:47 am
Sky's Rim.

Just something about how everything is in perfect balance, the great, literate + fantasy RPers, and just the drop-dead beauty of the place.
Love that map, mainly the little Pine Tree island and the island with the two rings around it.
Don't ask me why, I just do. XD
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: avomeir on January 08, 2014, 03:14:27 am
Hmm, I would have to say my favorite place to linger about is South Pole, due to it's simplistic detail, and not many people hoard there. I do enjoy bonfire too, however if you pass by certain spots you are hit by a bucket of lag, that is not the case for me in south pole, allowing me to speak to my friends and lurk about in peace.
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Jango_Fett on January 14, 2014, 04:00:21 pm
 Sky's Rim, for its Beauty and Quiet-ness.

Bonfire, for the Excitement.

Flourite, for the Action.

South Pole, for the Fun of it =^.^=

Atlantis, For the fun times I have goofing around with my friends.

Last Cave, for the Serene Dark and Quiet.

Cape of Distant Worlds, For the Silly-Ness and Funny Times there :)

Ficho Tunnel, For the Beautiful WaterFall and RolePlays in there.

Ascension Isle, For the Fun (And Rage) You get when climbing to the Top.

And, Last, (But no Least) Lonely Cave, For the Fun of Trying out something New. (Your Character Mostly :) )

Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Feareh on January 14, 2014, 04:15:40 pm
 Personally I love the Ficho tunnel and I also love Caps.
Ficho because its so dark and when I go in the dark music plays. Caps cause that is where most of my friends are
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Morqque on January 14, 2014, 04:30:22 pm
Flourite Plains and Bonfire Island are my favorites. x3
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: _Rache_ on January 15, 2014, 05:38:06 am
Public Map- I like Last Cave, but the loneliness is so...saddening there. My next favorite is either Sky's Rim or Flourite Plains.

Downloaded Map- Well, it's the ~*Darklore Territories*~ final expansion map PACK. It's public. My favorite downloaded realistic map pack is the Highland Isles map pack. My favorite realistic map alone is Forest of the Canines.
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: hugrf2 on January 15, 2014, 06:01:36 am
Bonfire Island. Why?

1. That one place where you can derp around, though make sure to report bad behavior.
2. That one place where you can roleplay all you want and let everyone see, even if the chat goes by fast.
3. That one place that just seems a little perfect for some roleplays with people who can't download maps and stuff.
4. That one place where you can be entertained by noobish arguments. Oh god I'm so mean x'D

Oh yeah. And Last Cave for when I want to be alone, swim around, or just feel really calm.

Downloadable maps? Maybe Verto Animus by Genesis199 or Darklore Territories so far. Yeah, I'm not good with decisions... I think I'll go ahead and say Bonfire Island and maybe Flourite at times. x3
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: _Rache_ on January 15, 2014, 06:24:20 am
Bonfire Island. Why?

1. That one place where you can derp around, though make sure to report bad behavior.
2. That one place where you can roleplay all you want and let everyone see, even if the chat goes by fast.
3. That one place that just seems a little perfect for some roleplays with people who can't download maps and stuff.
4. That one place where you can be entertained by noobish arguments. Oh god I'm so mean x'D

Oh yeah. And Last Cave for when I want to be alone, swim around, or just feel really calm.

Downloadable maps? Maybe Verto Animus by Genesis199 or Darklore Territories so far. Yeah, I'm not good with decisions... I think I'll go ahead and say Bonfire Island and maybe Flourite at times. x3
Oh yes, I love Verto Animus too!!! x3 -high paw-
Title: Re: What is your favorite place/map?
Post by: Vespian on January 15, 2014, 09:20:31 am
I'd have to label South Pole and Ficho Tunnels to be the two places I find favorable. I'm personally not too keen on lingerin' around where there's a capacious glob of individuals. Thus, I stick to maps that are a bit more quiet and easy to decipher what might be goin' on if somethin' like a quarrel is to happen. More so it allows me to convey with my acquaintances with ease without becomin' distracted, which is a misfortune I tend to possess sometimes.