Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: lolzcupcake on January 08, 2014, 11:13:23 pm

Title: ~Ookami Pack~ MAPPED And Much More!!
Post by: lolzcupcake on January 08, 2014, 11:13:23 pm
Yes, yes Ookami Pack is now mapped. For now it is just us in a basic map. We are working on RP's together, becoming active and growing in numbers. So what all is the group?

The Ookami Pack was once a mighty and powerful group, but like most great things there must be an end. The pack soon fell due to illness and death. Many members died, ran off a left the lands in fear. The grass turned brown, the tree never grew leaves that next spring. The area just seemed dead. Soon Julia the Alpha of the pack came back, and with her the higher ranks of the pack. Soon the few that was left brought the pack back. The land is still growing back, herbs and other plants are needed by the medics and shamans. Kills are needed by the hunters. The left over meat will help the soil become rich once more. Fighter need to train along with the guards. Scouts need to check the area and help the medics and shamans by finding needed herbs to plant at camp. Teens should find a rank to help train with. Pups play and learn of the ways of others and basic skills.  Will you give your skills to grow the family back as one?
Literate to semi-literate
You are allowed to be a normal wolf, or a wolf based being. For example and wolf body but has bones for a tail. Or a wolf ghost. Get fun with it.

Rp Sample is asked. You can message those to me here, on our site, or to deltazeta online.

Site: http://ookami-pack.webs.com/ (http://ookami-pack.webs.com/)
Title: Re: ~Ookami Pack~ MAPPED And Much More!!
Post by: lolzcupcake on January 15, 2014, 12:59:09 pm
Bump ._.
Still active and taking members.
Title: Re: ~Ookami Pack~ MAPPED And Much More!!
Post by: Tripwire on January 24, 2014, 08:55:37 pm
I can finally have Uno join? XD
Title: Re: ~Ookami Pack~ MAPPED And Much More!!
Post by: lolzcupcake on January 25, 2014, 01:26:43 am
Yea just join our site, add a tag and send an invite to the group. I'll add ya when I get the time to get on. Been a busy bee with school and map making.