Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: MaggamiaTV MTV on January 18, 2014, 07:37:31 pm

Title: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: MaggamiaTV MTV on January 18, 2014, 07:37:31 pm
I hope that you enjoy! And tell me what kind of poll I should do next! Be sure to say in the reply section below why you think they're hilarious!  ::)
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Jango_Fett on January 18, 2014, 09:52:08 pm

'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: AlphaEclipse on January 18, 2014, 10:02:55 pm
Couches are trolls? D: I must be the troll leader then. x'D

1 vote for couches.

(This belongs in Game discussion. :3)
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: WolfQueen on January 18, 2014, 10:15:25 pm
Flash dancers. When at the appropriate time, they can be really fun. I am even one! :^)

I find couches pointless. /shot
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on January 18, 2014, 10:27:26 pm

"-slices your stomach open and strangles you with your own intestines-

"-rips eyes out and paint your face white-"

"You power player -.- You're dead!"

Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on January 18, 2014, 11:46:24 pm
I like Homestuck trolls... does that count?  :D

Why are wolfspeakers, gender benders, and unicorns on the list of trolls? Does that mean that my unicorn fox character is a troll? :-\
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: MaggamiaTV MTV on January 19, 2014, 12:44:46 am
   Nah I added wolf speakers because they get annoying, gender benders are people who mainly go to MCs and pretend to be the opposite gender, and unicorns... Just for laughs :3
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Vespian on January 19, 2014, 03:24:35 am
I personally advise ye' take down the gender-bender option as it's unwise to laugh at one's personal preference via gender. If one wishes to be the opposite gender than what they originally are, then who are we, or anyone for that matter, to judge? It's similar to laughing at one's sexual orientation and can be quite offensive. The same goes for wolf-speakers. While it can be flummoxing and get on one's nerves with how they roleplay, they aren't really trollin' anyone. Thus labeling them as trolls is, in my perspective, a bit unnecessary.
Also, who's Mr. Sun?

On another note, the powerplayers and attention hogs tend to tickle me the most. At times I'd be cryin' behind my computer in laughter at the extent some of them will go through in order to win the quarrel and/or get everyone to praise and adore them. Too amusin'.

Edit: Since I cannot vote for both, I'll go with the attention hogs, as I've encountered more of them than the classic powerplayers.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on January 19, 2014, 03:36:02 am
Nah I added wolf speakers because they get annoying, gender benders are people who mainly go to MCs and pretend to be the opposite gender, and unicorns... Just for laughs :3

Hmm... well I see what you're saying when you put those in the troll category. However, I must disagree with you on some levels.
The only wolfspeakers I find annoying are the ones that rudely brag to others that using wolfspeak in roleplays is proper and better than a roleplay without it. Not all people who use wolfspeak are like that. So the only wolfspeakers that I would consider trolls are the ones who say things like, "Wolfspeak is proper and makes you sound smarter. If you don't use wolfspeak, then you're just an illiterate noob." Others may use wolfspeak because that's what they are comfortable with, or were taught with.

For the gender benders. There are many people in this game who roleplay as a character of the opposite gender. Most of them do NOT do it for the sake of trolling, but just for roleplay sakes... or they just like playing as a character of the opposite gender for fun. I am a girl in reality, but I have an assortment of male characters that I roleplay with.
If someone (a girl) were to make a male character, go to the mate center looking for a female mate, and go "Haha! I'm a girl irl! I can't beleive you fell for it!" and were to run off, THEN that's when it would be trolling. I haven't seen anyone do that at a Mate Center, even though it is possible that it does happen. But I wouldn't consider people who cross-gender roleplay to be trolls.

As for the unicorns.... I am not amused -.- No wonder people can't take my unicorn fox character seriously... she's labled as a troll! Nah, just kidding. It's just for laughs ;3
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Aniuk on January 19, 2014, 03:42:23 am
I agree entirely with what Vespian stated. Also with Lady. I wouldn't consider them trolls, this can be very offensive to some folks. I don't see why they'd be trolls. Say you have a new feline character, a lioness, and start roleplaying with a lion. After some months, the two fall in love. Then the lion says something that reveals the fact they're a girl. Did you think this 'guy' liked you in real life? It's the characters that fall in love, not the people. I have had male characters myself, actually. It's intriguing to roleplay as them, I see nothing wrong or trollish about it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't go to MCs, but even if someone did, I believe my point still stands.

Wolfspeakers - I honestly am entirely fine with them.. I mean, in roleplay to me the terms have different definitions. Some however that place themselves above others are just.. annoying and rude. This is my opinion on them, anyway.

I don't consider couches 'trolls' either.. :c

With the unicorn, I have a literate unicorn character. ='3 She's very fun, actually. I would never consider her a troll.

This is my opinion, not fact..
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: MaggamiaTV MTV on January 19, 2014, 06:24:15 pm
Alright, I understand ^-^ sorry if I offended everyone but I guess it all depend on how you look at it. But I'll take it down.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on January 19, 2014, 10:32:04 pm
Alright, I understand ^-^ sorry if I offended everyone but I guess it all depend on how you look at it. But I'll take it down.

It's quite alright. I'm sure you didn't mean any harm to anyone. The only trolls I can agree on are the constant spammers, powerplayers, and all that. I don't know if map-claimers would count as trolls... would they?
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: MaggamiaTV MTV on January 20, 2014, 05:21:32 pm
    I'm glad that you understand I was only thinking of the people that go to mate centers and troll as the opposite gender ):D
I can see what people can get mad at this. I guess its the way they act. I have a few boy characters and I'm a girl. But I don't go around trolling people like others do XD and I should add map claimers thanks for the advice! :D
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: AeropostaleWolf on January 23, 2014, 07:12:19 am
I honestly do not have a problem with most of these, but the ones that totally get on my nerves are the people who think you as a couch. It can get annoying, especially if you're in a literate and mature group and also if you are just simply minding your own business. Some people find it a joke, but I can easily get pissed off at these people.

Mate Beggers, Map Claimers, Powerplayers, Attention Beggers, and stuff like that don't bother me much. Now, if they are spamming:

 luna f wolf: CAN LEIK SUM1 B MI MATE?!

Then I'll get mad. Just because they did not follow the game rules of no spamming, and they are disturbing other people (which isn't a rule, but it is extremely obnoxious.

Map Claimers. Eh, true, they are starting to sprout up more and more everyday, but whenever someone map claims I'm usually a character with MassMarkings, items, you know.. All the non-noob material. They'll usually go:

Me: *Sits in a cave somewhere in Fluorite Plains*
fang m alfa: "LEAVE THIS IS MAI TAREITARY!!!!111!!"You can already tell what will happen with the illiterate writing
Me: "Sorry to break it to you sir, but Map Claiming isn't allowed. I suggest you make your own map to claim territory on."
Me: "Actually, it is called MassMarkings. You cannot see them because you obviously haven't downloaded them. By the way, *I *don't *care *my *pack's *territory *off *You *are *you *don't *even *real *markings *default "
Me: -_-

 So, yeah. This is an encounter with a Map Claimer about 3 months ago. We all know what Powerplayers do, so I'll just leave it to that.  ;)
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Feareh on January 23, 2014, 07:19:56 am
I didn't know that couching was a standard troll thing owo
If I really did have to pick I would choose couching and power players.
Power playing is really amusing, I love all thous "KILL NO MISS" XD.
The rest of them are perhaps alittle irritating to me since they have the characteristics of no respect for others in it.
Oh, what is a Mr.Sun? Is it that sun baby from Teletubbies?
(http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l62/im_not_kota/Tumblr/babysun.jpg) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/im_not_kota/media/Tumblr/babysun.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Jango_Fett on January 23, 2014, 04:14:29 pm
TELETUBBIES! :D  Babeh Sun... :3
 I lurf that show...
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on January 23, 2014, 05:10:05 pm
Well, there was one time. xD

I was Rping as a WC (As usual)
and then a Troll came.
Lol. Still reamember, it waned to join, but I explained nicely that he can't.
So he was like this:
Me: Please go bug another clan.
Me: xD Lmao
TROLL: Now can I join?
Me: No.
TROLL: >:-(

Lol, the good times. xD
And also, the Troll was all green. xD
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: TouchOfMadness on January 28, 2014, 11:46:39 pm
I ask of you...where would we be without couches? ;-;
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Hennessy on January 29, 2014, 12:19:06 am
Now, I guess I'd be considered, a coucher, and many others. lol I'm often messing with peeps in FP. xD
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: ~TVfXQ~ on July 15, 2014, 06:23:24 am
Mr. Sun?...Dare I ask...?
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: StarrieNova on July 15, 2014, 06:51:21 am
I have to admit I do have issues with a lot of trolls that are on Feral Heart. I will find some once in a while that are kinda funny, but I do not tend to like being trolled by people who take things way too out of hand. Also they seem to take attention away form role-plays a lot. It's rude when most trolls do so, but that's when you either block them or try to find another way to remove the troll issue form your equation of floofy fun.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Whisperingwaves on July 18, 2014, 07:51:16 pm
I would have to say Powerplayers XD I just laugh when they 'kill' your character with one hit, it kills me lol. I just can't help but to laugh......

~ Whisper
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Metronome on July 19, 2014, 05:28:56 pm
I love all trolls. They are doing the work of the gods. If you're a troll and reading this, keep it up! The World Rustiling Federation grows strong!
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Vask on July 19, 2014, 07:52:01 pm
Wow this topic tho

Anywai. We all know the trolls are just a part of daily Internet Life- and you will not escape their wrath. They make our lives harder, and it's hard to believe that these are real people sometimes. With all the crazy stuff they do that you KNOW they'd never actually do. HOWEVER, there are a few Trolls that I've found myself basically hunched over crying laughing behind the monitor.

Couches- now these Trolls are one of my favorites because they don't usually say much. Couches Trolls to me can either make a pretty character named 'Couch' OR be one who sits on other players randomly. I get a kick out of these because sometimes I'll be talking to a friend and we'll both be laying down. 97% of the time SOMEONE will come up and sit on one of us. It's hysterical to me I'm sorry.

Powerplayers- MY ALL TIME FAVORITE TROLL AMG. These guys just don't even make me frustrated anymore. I'll sit around in a map and watch the magic unfold, whilst I'm cry laughing. They just do the funniest stuff to make SURE they don't lose. I find it funny when one approaches me, and tries to challenge me. I don't respond much, while they "Bite my face flesh off to serve to their hungry family." (<---Actually happened to me). But I have straight up died if laughter from the things they will say. It kinda reminds me of this:

www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4)
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Roniver on July 20, 2014, 12:07:12 am
One person in my group powerplays so much..
He tried to fling a knife at my friend's charrie's *Blocked for children!*
We're nice to him.. So we got the friend to get hit in the foot.
BUT, then we tried hurting the powerplayer's char slightly, ony would effect for a few seconds!
BUT NOOOOOO, He says that he can harm our chars, but his char CAN'T EVER GET HURT. EVER.
The sad thing is.. He's the worst roleplayer in the group..

I get my robot char nearly destroyed, WHAT DOES HE DO?
He says this: *Repairs*
I got nothing off that at all.. ;o;
His excuse is that his family needs him constantly..
This group has a few of the most lit players I've ever seen..
But him.. -3-'
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Chapawee on July 28, 2014, 05:58:09 pm
I think couches are awesome but mate-beggars are just pathetic, in a comical sort of way. xD

When I'm bored, I sometimes couch just for kicks, or I sit near Stone Bridge or the edge of Bonfire and watch the randomness. Hey, it's almost like a never-ending comedy movie... -invents new form of entertainment-

Powerplayers can be funny to watch but extremely annoying if they keep following you. My friend AlphaEclipse and I were rping in Flourite and got mobbed by the most enormous pack of marshmallows (and a few powerplayers) I'd ever seen...so I'll post the screenie below if I can actually find it somewhere in the impenetrable mass of crap on my computer.

Edit: Found it!


Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: toxicanimal on August 06, 2014, 07:02:25 pm
Homestuck Trolls
I really enjoy seeing how pathetic mate-beggars are. It's like "Oh wow, looks like someone's asking for something they may or may not be able to get. How cute."
Also I really like couches. I'm almost certain that at one point in time I was a couch. I used to get a kick out of that.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Blossom Tears on August 17, 2014, 06:37:01 am
I wanted to click more then ONe........

Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Codaxunion on August 18, 2014, 01:17:53 pm
I'm don't really have a problem with the one man band and the flash dancers. Have not come across any Mate beggers, Attention hogs, or map claimers. BUT I have come across Powerplayer Spammers. They annoy me the most, how they like to kill you on hit, telling them that is not possible considering I'm over her and your all the way over there just makes them mad. That's when they start to spam to get their way.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on August 18, 2014, 01:32:37 pm
I'd have to say the attention hog has to be the one I find most amusing. They seem to take things to places they didn't need to be taken, and then make a huge deal about it - especially if their character is by a river or any body of water, then jump right it.
Though, I also find them really annoying, though I don't normally block them, I just turn off my Local or whatever if I'm talking in a different chat. I enjoy watching them, to be honest, they're pretty funny.
"my m8 left meh so imma jump in2 teh rivah" and then proceeds to "drown" until someone "saves" them, only to go back to "drowing".
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: greenart6 on August 18, 2014, 02:28:01 pm
Mate Beggars that go from person to person in the map going "DO U WANT 2 B MY M8"

Also the attention hogs such as the family-less pups and the mate-less adults (and sometimes mate-less pups O.o) that go and kill themselves.
Title: Re: Kinds of trolls that you love?
Post by: Warriorstrike on September 29, 2014, 09:46:05 pm
Couch trollers seem to be pretty recently hailed as trolls. XD
Not sure if this was mentioned, but it makes me smile when a giant group of like 122121212121 characters design their character's the same color, height, markings. Not sure if it's categorized as "trolls," but they follow people around sometimes. They're always a delight to see.  ;)