Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Hiccupby on March 24, 2011, 05:09:16 am

Title: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Hiccupby on March 24, 2011, 05:09:16 am
ok so I was watching some videos of it just recently (I've never played it and yet it made me very sad and longing :'() and here's some things i'm wondering about- dancing- they had some pretty cool moves XD and also- I found the lion models in It incredibly beautiful, is there anyway that that style can be optionally implemented in customization later? Along with all of the different customization features? (I saw some rad manes that had more body) and also cool ninja fighting moves (well, ninja in my eyes it was just those paw swipes) are these things that FH will gain in the future? please also take my mentioning of the more cartoony lion characters as  a customization suggestion for the future- I'm really itching to know what's in store for this game because it has ALOT of potential  thank you!
Title: Re: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Kyugima on March 24, 2011, 05:16:01 am
The reason the lions and all that don't look like how they used to is because Kovu wanted FH to have realistic ANATOMY (Thus no wings XD, and anatomy is in caps because that means body, not colors or moves and all that, just anatomy XD A lot of people get confused over this) There has been many a mention about fighting as well. I have read a post by Kovu that he is thinking of implementing prey into the game so you can hunt.
Title: Re: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Hiccupby on March 24, 2011, 05:29:20 am
Oh I see- well, I am an artist- so yes I do know of "anatomy" but I also appreciate the personality that was portrayed by the old characters, and sure proportioning the bodies can't hurt- but theres just something so ENDEARING about the old lions.  I think it is rather self- beating- up of kovu to say that his models before hand weren't already awesome- though looking at it now I can understand why he feels a need to have more realistic things- I think though - especially concerning customization- that if people want lions or wolves more fantasmagorical than the average jos then they should be allowed to do so- if you have observed the stuff in game people with similar tastes and likes as far as animal appearances find eachother- those desiring more realistic creatures can still rp and enjoy the world as much as those that want some SPICAYNESS in their critters.  A uniform style shouldn't necessarily be forced on everyone. I personally would squeee in happyness if my character could smile and dance like the old guys- and if some one doesn't want their character like that then- well, they don't have to! that's the beauty of customization! I think that allowing options for both styles is possible! (whew ok that was a lot of words, please don't find me ingrateful of all of the effort of the team that put this together- because whether it goes one way or the other I'm STOKED!) ok - whew- yeah- done happy ranting :3
Title: Re: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Kamaete on March 24, 2011, 06:30:27 am
I think instead of bringing back the old models as an option, a wider range of customizing sliders in the character creator menus would be better.  You could create you own artistic style for your character or become more anatomically correct.

As for the dance moves/manes/etc... This game is still early development.  I'm sure more manes will be available (a lot of people are wanting girl manes and such), more actions and emoted (so many people request them) and a lot of people (myself included, lol) have been making more custom markings for the game so customization is already pretty wide.

Though, I think someone posted a thread mentioning bringing back some of the good things that were in IT aka manes, dimensions, dance moves, etc.  I agree for the most part. c:
Title: Re: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Redlinelies on March 27, 2011, 10:09:20 pm
I actually agree with you here Higby, I found, or still find the old lions rather well made in a general overview. They looked more presonalized even though the limited options. I have gotten to like the new characters in FH, and I like some things like the paws, stance etc.

But the old ones looked extremely good as they were, and I miss them.

However, there actually were A LOT of actions and functions in IT that FH doesn't have yet, I don't know if it ever will have aswell. But I do hope most of the IT things will be added with time. I miss all the actions so much people have no idea, right now you feel so stiff when playing the game. I'm talking about actions like Point, tailflick, nod, sniff, headtilt, laugh etc. These made all the characters so much more alive. But it probably requires some work to make em, but I do hope they'll be added.

Awww, IT...
Title: Re: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Hiccupby on March 28, 2011, 02:50:50 am
haha- yeah I see- and i agree that more customization options would be great so that we can be more cartoony if we wish ^^ but the personality packed actions in IT should DEFINATELY BE IMPLEMENTED!  I know this is a fledgling game but its hard to not be anxious that the stage it's at now might BE IT an unreasonable fear I know but I'm on tenter-hooks for the next big update that's for sure ^^
Title: Re: The IT lions- I enjoy them more
Post by: Faehl on April 07, 2011, 10:23:54 am
Right now the models do feel a bit stiff, more like puppets than a living character in a way. It's cute and fun, but the animation needs some tweaking to have a nicer looking movement and it would help add more life and personality to the characters to be able to do such actions as mentioned above with the "Point, tailflick, nod, sniff, headtilt, laugh etc".

I can appreciate that it all takes a lot of work and am by no means expecting changes soon. Things are just still feeling rough, jerky and stiff in this stage. I look forward to its progress!