Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: Corolonaceous on February 17, 2014, 10:43:17 pm

Title: Corolonaceous's Leaving Thread
Post by: Corolonaceous on February 17, 2014, 10:43:17 pm
Tbh, I dunno why I'm posting this. Well, as the title says, I'm leaving FH.
May 26th, 2010 - February 17th, 2014 is how long I've been with you all.<3
Since I've lost interest in the game, and things are picking up in my life, I decided I can't be on the FH game any more. Since then, I've deleted the application and swiped my laptop clean of FeralHeart. But however, I have become a youtuber now. :33

http://www.youtube.com/user/lexibrockmanchannel/ (http://www.youtube.com/user/lexibrockmanchannel/)

Have you even subscribed yet? :u

 Oi and I will sound British in my introduction video because I don't know why. Oh, and the quality of my videos will be sucky temporarily, until I can possibly get a camera for my birthday, because I use my iPhone for now.
I basically make new videos every Friday, and I look up to Troye Sivan, Tyler Oakley, Grav3yardGirl, and Jennamarbles [asdfghjkl -spasm-] So the users I listen above are pretty cool. Yes, you're gonna see my face, but I don't care because I wanna reach atleast 500 subscribers by next year.~<33 Though I do check my inbox frequently on FH, there's a chance you will have a SLOW REPLY. So there's no need to bombard me with multiple messages on the same topics. Responses for me making maps for you, presets, meshes, ect., as been deleted from my deviantART, and I will no longer be accepting requests for presets, maps, meshes, ect., and if you've requested one, I will not be able to do it because my FH Map Exporting button crashes my FeralHeart and everything is lost.
You can get ahold of me though the links on my youtube channel art, because your best chances of contacting me and getting a fast reply is though dA, and for you lazy bums, my dA is Runesofrage. Sadly no, I do not do requests.
 If you want my Skype, just give me a PM though dA or the FH forums, because I don't check my inbox on youtube.
Bye .Paranormal., HollisterWolfie, Ducks, Retailiate, Ptherasinthic,
I'll miss you all and I'll miss the FH community as well.<3


-Sincerely yours,
Title: Re: Corolonaceous's Leaving Thread
Post by: LordSuragaha on February 24, 2014, 02:34:49 am
Best of luck with your YouTube channel! We'll miss you around here but know you're always welcomed to return <3
Title: Re: Corolonaceous's Leaving Thread
Post by: Feareh on February 24, 2014, 02:47:32 am
 Much luck on your Youtube channel hun ^^ I do hope to see ya around though. Always welcomed back with open arms
Title: Re: Corolonaceous's Leaving Thread
Post by: Vespian on February 24, 2014, 03:13:29 am
I bid ye' farewell. I'll be sure to take a gander at yer YouTube channel and, like stated before, I wish ye' the best of luck with it.