Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: meeeea on February 21, 2014, 06:49:22 pm

Title: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 21, 2014, 06:49:22 pm
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 21, 2014, 06:56:39 pm
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: XxDubstepxX on February 21, 2014, 10:40:15 pm

"Keep moving forward, life's not going to stop for you."

Name: Audrey

Alias: Audrey

Gender: Female

Age: 2 Year old

Description: A chocolate and white border collie x Australian shepherd mix. Audrey is given a fluffy/soft look from her fur length. She has light green eyes and slightly floppy ears. Audrey would be considered to be an average height for her breed as well.

History: Audrey grew up with her small family, mother, father, two sisters and her brother. Nothing much happened and once she was old enough, Audrey went her own way.

Extra: None
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 21, 2014, 11:34:52 pm


"When you make a Mistake..."
"Take it as a lesson..."

Name: Mercadies

Alias: Sadie

Gender: Female/Bitch

Age: 3 Year old

Description: A beautiful tri Border Collie, her colours being black, white and brown. A white blaze goes down the muddle of her face which leads across her nose, chin, chest, stomach and causes a 'thick collar' like mark around her neck. Up her front and back legs and a white tip on her tail. White is lined around her muzzle and she has two tan dots above her eyes, brown down her legs and on the underfur of her tail, the rest of her fur being black. A moist, leather like black snout, healthy teeth and gums, also beautiful chocolate eyes. Despite her size Sadie is rather muscular.  

History: When a pup she was beaten by a man names Grant. Sadly, the pup was in and out of dog shelters and homes throughout the first year of her life, never settling longer than two weeks. Despite all the chaos in her life it never dampened the Collies spirit. And lucky enough when she reached the age of one she was adopted onto a farm. Being trained up and used as a working dog, but after 1 year and 11 months the family left. This wasn't a surprise to her and she took it as it came, now she lives alone but still acting herself.  

Extra: Nothing

Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 22, 2014, 03:32:42 pm
Accepted! We'll start soon.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 22, 2014, 04:21:41 pm
((Thanks and great can't wait!))
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: AbbyJoyce on February 22, 2014, 05:21:00 pm

"Love is for the weak, emotions make you second guess, the only way to not get hurt, is to have no one."

Name: Bruce

Alias: Bruce

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Description[Optional]: Above

History[Optional]: Find out in rp

Extra[Optional]: N/A

Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 22, 2014, 06:01:03 pm
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 22, 2014, 06:04:00 pm


"My strength did not come from lifting weights..."
"My strength came from lifting myself up when was knocked down. "

Name: Kamikaze

Alias: Kaze

Gender: Male/Dog

Age: 4 years old

Description: Look at the picture.

History: Find out in rp.

Extra: Nothing

Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 22, 2014, 06:18:05 pm



"When you make a Mistake..."
"Take it as a lesson..."

Letting out a moan Sadie lifted to her paws with a huff, her jaws parting wide in a yawn as she lifted to her paws stretching her tense muscles. Chopping her lips together she began glancing around the deserted streets, her ears remained erect on the top of her head as she trotted forward down the concrete path. Ever since the humans left the dogs seemed to grow even more aggressive and turning on one another, it wasn't long ago she was in a fight with a Shepherd because of the change. Giving her head a brisk shake she continued on her way, claws clicking against the rough ground. Mercadies ran her tongue across her dry lips as she began to sniff at the all to familiar air, food was scarce now and everyone just fought, the young, weak and old would suffer and probably be left starving whilst the strong and more powerful canines ate not feeling pity. Growling lowly to herself Sadie turned down yet another street, the scent of a canine instantly wafting up her snout causing her nose to wrinkle. It had been a while since she had encountered a dog, ever since her run in three days ago. Unaware weather this canine would be a threat lurking in the shadows or a loner on a roadside she continued down the street warily.

Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: AbbyJoyce on February 22, 2014, 06:53:53 pm

Bruce emerged from his bed for the night, a rusted car with a missing door. His golden optics narrowed as the sight confirmed his suspicions. A stranger was approaching, and by the smell, he was injured. Bruce let a low growl escape his throat as he walked forward, approaching the male. He was a yard or two away when he stopped, his brow furrowing. "You're injured...what's your name.?" He questioned.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 22, 2014, 07:00:57 pm
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 22, 2014, 08:08:00 pm



"When you make a Mistake..."
"Take it as a lesson..."

Taking in a few more whiffs Sadies eyes narrowed as she poked her head around the corner, her eyes narrowed on two figures-a strong scent of blood lingering. Many thoughts ran through the canines head, maybe the two had gotten in a fight? He could of been attacked by another?... Stopping herself she growled and scampered across the road, her ears slightly lowered as she took a seat at the top of the street. Her tail tapped roughly against the cold, hard ground as she allowed her ears to lift-trying to listen to the two canines conversation.  



"My strength did not come from lifting weights..."
"My strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down."

The sound of rustling caused the large Kangal to shuffle onto his stomach, his eyes narrowed as he let a growl rumbled up his throat. Crawling across the seats of the truck he allowed himself to drop from the seats down onto the concrete below. Quietly Kaze crawled into the backgarden of a large house, the weeds seemed to have grown rapidly since the humans left. Sniffing up the strong scent of rabbit wafted into his snout. Grinning, the large canine crawled forward and started the chase. Chasing the rabbit as it scurried under the wooden fence, leaping over with ease. Licking his lips he charged after the furry creature, his tail wagging in amusement as he leapt at the creature that hopped across the desserted road. Slamming a large paw onto the rabbits back it cracked in seconds. "Dumb hair ball!" he grinned picking up the limp body and trotting across the streets.

((Do you know how it says something like lions, bears, wolves and elephants in the first thread? Does that mean they'll be living like them? E.g., packs, hunting things like deer, rabbits ect?))
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 22, 2014, 08:14:04 pm
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: XxDubstepxX on February 22, 2014, 10:24:19 pm

"Keep moving forward, life's no going to stop for you."

Audrey wandered around the city cautiously, looking for any sign or sight of a lurking dog or other mammal. Audrey kept going as the scent of other dogs came to her. It had been days since she'd seen a dog, yet she had no big intention of meeting one either. Most were unfriendly and would chase her away like most did.

The scent of blood also came to her attention. There was a small trail going the original way she was headed. Audrey looked around just for a place to see what might be going on with the wounded dog, she would rather not have to get involved with others. She found a alleyway and followed it, about to turn the corner she stopped as the smell of blood and dogs became strong. Her head poked out and she saw a wounded dog in the distance along with maybe about three other dogs around that area that were within her viewing distance. Audrey went quiet and watched the events unfolding.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: AbbyJoyce on February 22, 2014, 10:31:22 pm

Bruce watched as the younger male refused help, which Bruce never offered. He raised a brow, "You misunderstand, I feel no need to help you." He stated, turning to watch the male drag himself along the paved road, "But props to you for having the solitude to care for yourself." he added, his thick fur swishing in the soft breeze. "What happened to you?" He questioned.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 22, 2014, 11:59:37 pm



"When you make a Mistake..."
"Take it as a lesson..."

Sitting quietly Sadie continued starring down the road at the two unfamiliar canines, she was completely unaware of how the golden canine was wounded and why the other was there. Her head was tilted as she watched the two with curiosity, her tail tapping gently against the rough ground as her ears remained erect-her snout twitching as she took in the many scents. To her surprise the injured canine began offering her for a fight. But why her? She was only observing instead of getting up in his business. Mercadies let out a sarcastic laugh as the male got into a fighting stance as if he was offering her attack. The Collie shook her head in dissappointment at the male. Although it wasn't like Sadie to put down a fight she didn't want to take advantage of the injure brute, it wouldn't be a fair fight. But, shuffling to her paws she allowed an echoing growl to erupt from her throat, her tail remaining to whip left to right as she starred carelessly at the two. 



"My strength did not come from lifting weights..."
"My strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down."

Kamikaze was now heading towards a place to rest and eat his kill, it was pretty hard to do so with the Zoo animals escaping and causing some havoc in the streets. Letting out a sigh the huge canine toon in a whiff, the scent of blood and dogs caused a growl to rumble up his throat, and with every step it got stronger. Sharply, Kaze turned down an alley and quickly trotted through. With his tail curled over his back and his chest puffed out the brute wondered out onto the open street. But the Kangal came to a sudden stop. Looking to his right he noticed two female canines further up the street, and to his left two males, the smaller one seeming injured. Raising a brow Kamikaze looked at the unaware of what had happened, all he done was dip his head and begin crossing the road. Eventhough he was a friendly and caring dog when food was involved he didn't really take notic, since they weren't in a pack of his. Shrugging it off he allowed his tail to continue wagging as his paw pads touched the rough ground, his claws clicking against the concrete. 

Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: Celeyan on February 23, 2014, 04:07:10 am

"I am a member of the butterfly culture, where we work and we take and we play and we pray to god."

Name: Sikorra Alaris Laine
Alias: Sik, Korra, ect.
Gender: Sik is a female.
Age: Korra is three years old.

Description: Sikorra has a robust build, yet favors smooth edges over chiseled ones. She is built leaning more towards speed, with a slender abdomen, sculpted hips and athletic back legs. However, her definition of muscle is easily the most noteworthy aspect of her form; clearly even through her dense fur. She has a large collection of muscle near her neck and back, her fur growing thicker there. She is known for her endurance and stamina, with a barrel-like chest that houses high-capacity lungs.

While she is still slightly small for her breed, she is still powerful like any other husky, with a thick pelt that is coarse yet slightly harsh, meant for protection rather than feeling good. She has a well defined physique, compact and strong, and in her paws is the power to toil, and toil hard. Being a husky, she has the natural print of one, yet white being the main color splashed onto her body. She has an unusual trait that many remember about her, her nose is spotted pink and black, the coloration continuing onto her lips. Her eyes are also what others tend to remember most- both of her eyes are ice blue, nearly white.

History: She led a simple life, her mother and father however worked her hard- and she thanks them for that.

Extra: Sikorra has a disorder were she can't feel pain, she can receive injuries like any other ordinary creature, yet she won't flinch- she can't feel it. She can feel sensations and weird pricks, yet nothing else. However, this is more of a curse than a blessing for she can't really tell how injured she really is; not knowing if her body is going to give out on her if she is severely hurt.

"Even though my faded glow, won't burn through all my bars. I put out to put up. Even while my widening smile, was shaking in the smoke. My head was full of hope."
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 23, 2014, 09:12:44 am
Accepted, lovely application.

I'm going to post later, currently on my phone.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: NeverFearTheFall2468 on February 24, 2014, 11:25:52 pm
[I felt like this needed a small dog breed. :3]
"Being different isn't a bad thing, it just means you're brave enough to be yourself."

Name: Nevara Slyvester Cook
Alias: Nevi, Slyvester, Ara, etc.   
Gender: Nevara is a female.
Age: Three years old.
Description: Bischon Frise. Above.
History: Nevara never really had a strong bond with either of her parents. Therefore left her home at a young age, leaving to travel alone, with no one by her side. She is strong from the years of her lone travel, and always up for a fight.
Extra: Nevara sometimes gets irritated if someone makes fun of her size.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: meeeea on February 25, 2014, 02:51:00 pm
Accepted, feel free to post.
Title: Re: The End Is Where We Begin {STRAY ROLEPLAY}
Post by: sparticles on February 25, 2014, 10:27:13 pm
((Just waiting for someone else to post before I go ahead...))