Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Firewolf10 on February 25, 2014, 10:38:52 pm

Post by: Firewolf10 on February 25, 2014, 10:38:52 pm
Thundering Hooves

The thundering of hooves sounded throught out the forest. After a few moments of the loud thundering a large herd of horses horses came out into the open. At the lead, a palimino stallion. They looked majestic and peaceful as they galloped through, before disappearing from sight. Just as the sound died away you heard howling. You know right then and there that that was why they were running. You rear up as you see the pack of wolves before galloping behind the herd. Your mane flowed freely as you frantically tried to escape. Just as you thought you were safe teeth met your hind leg and you tumbled. The wolves piled on top and you black out.

Ok so sorry for the sucky intro. lol But anways. Thundering Hooves is mainly about the RedWood Herd and the threat of a new pack of wolves, MidnightMoon Pack. The herd used to be able to fend them off but they attacked in large numbers and their herd was declining. There was nothing left to do but run. Now they're searching for a safe haven but it seems the wolves just follow. They can't stay in the same place for long in fear of being attacked. Will it ever be safe again?
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 25, 2014, 10:39:37 pm
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 25, 2014, 10:39:50 pm
Application & Extras

You have two options. You can play as a wolf or a horse. Please keep both species just a little even please. I don't want a massive number of wolves and only a few horses.

For Horses~



For Wolves~


Rank(Hunter, Omega, Warrior, Scout, Beta, Delta):

Mini Plot;

Time: The sun is just rising
Warnings: The pack is getting closer
Weather: A light rain is falling
Extra: The herd is on the move once more.
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 25, 2014, 11:19:39 pm
Post by: dixie1012002 on February 26, 2014, 09:11:04 pm
Name: saphirre
Age:4 years
Breed: dire wolf
Personality: loving loyal would die for pack
Rank(Hunter, Omega, Warrior, Scout, Beta, Delta): alpha
Extra?: is awesome lol
Post by: dixie1012002 on February 26, 2014, 09:11:25 pm
profile pic is what I look like
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 26, 2014, 10:20:58 pm
RP Sample please. :3
Post by: sparticles on February 27, 2014, 12:36:42 am

Name: Titania
Gender: Mare
Age: 4 years
Breed: Mustang
Personality: Tani is a very loyal mare to those she counts as friends and family, although having a short temper she is a friendly horse who'll help those in needs. Being caring, clumsy, playful, protectice, aggressive, helful these are just a few traits this mare holds. Many more will be dicovered.
History: Find out in the roleplay.
Extra: Nothing extra

Post by: sparticles on February 27, 2014, 12:39:38 am
((Ignore this post, feralheart derped and posted twice..))
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 27, 2014, 12:42:28 am
Accepted. :3 After a couple more join we can begin.
Post by: sparticles on February 27, 2014, 12:48:26 am
((Thanks and great! I can't wait to get started))
Post by: OreoHeroz on February 28, 2014, 02:16:43 am

Name: Ryevi
Age: 4 Y/o

Gender: Male

Breed: Gray Wolf

Personality:  Ryevi is a calm wolf that knows when he is out matched in a fight, but if you dare cross him in an untimely manner, or are just trying to pick a fight, expect his fangs to be at your neck in an instant. He does not tolerate disobedience from wolves that are not of high ranking, and he usually takes on the more dominant roles due to his history, and how he was raised. Ryevi likes to mentally see himself have a higher dominance and refuses to be ordered around by anyone, except those higher in rank than him. Ryevi is stubborn, proud, and discreetly defiant, though he respects his superiors. Some wolves find him rather hard to get along with because he has such short patience, and he rather enjoys dry teasing. When he is upset, he is prone to sulking alone. He usually gets over his anger as quickly as he steps into it though, and grudges are easily forgotten. When angry, he displays it mostly by scowling. He rarely smiles, but neither does he really show discontentment. He is almost always in control of his emotions, and it is hard to imagine what is going through his head the majority of the time. His intentions are seemingly a mystery.

History: Ryevi was born to a different pack, before he stumbled upon the Mightnight Moon Pack. His father and mother were the Alphas of the pack at this time. As a pup, he had three other siblings by the names of Kavern, Jorki, and Adro. Ryevi was always competing for the title of Alpha with his sister, Adro, as she was supposed to take their mother's spot. Ryevi thought he saw something in her that made every wolf in the pack cower when she was near. He saw this as a trait that was bad for an Alpha to have. After many struggles to get his sister to back down from her position as Alpha, a fight broke out. His brother, Kavern, attempted to kill Ryevi to protect his sister, but he ended up losing as he did not want to hurt his brother. Ryevi murdered Kavern and tried to hide the evidence, but one wolf had been watching them secretly in the bushes. After being told on, Ryevi was exiled from the pack, sent to walk the earth alone, but he did not end his mission there. He wanted the wolves of his pack to be safe and comforted, as they were his family, so he stayed on the outskirts of the territory.

After a year past, he went back, challenging his sister's mate for his position as Alpha. If her mate were to lose, then Adro would be exiled, and kept from the pack. Ryevi succeeded as Alpha, sending his sister away with her tail between her legs with her mate. After a month with the pack, he handed them over to his younger sister, Jorki, seeing that she was more worthy of the title than he would be. He then headed out in search of a new life that was not stained with so much blood.

Much later, he stumbled upon the Midnight Moon Pack. After a long debate, they reluctantly accepted him into their pack, seeing that he would be a good use to them.

Rank: Beta

Extra: -
Post by: sparticles on February 28, 2014, 11:14:44 am
((Well i guess I'll add a few more herd members))


Name: Lakoda
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 years
Breed: Mustang
Personality: Loka is a calm and relaxed mare who takes everything as it comes, she loves being around her herd members and also her sun, Kyber. Lakoda is a very protective mare, especially towards the younger members, but will try her hardest to protect her herd. If the herd are in danger Loka will usually put her life on the line to protect them, and when her aggressive side comes out, hell brakes loose. Although, her aggressive side isn't really shown as she tends to speak to others instead of flipping right away. A gentle mare she is who helps those in need or who ask.
History: Lakoda had lived in her birth herd for atleast a year, but although she loved the she wanted to leave. There ws tension between her and quite a few of the horses her age. Since she had the darkest pelt she was bullied and teased, but her father was always by her side as he to had the same coloured pelt as her. Ignoring the horses a year had passed, and boy did she make a lot of friends now, turning out to be one of the most beautiful fillys out of the herd. So the bullying soon stopped. Loka had always dreamed of going on an adventure as a youngster and it was finally her time, getting permission from her parents she started her journey.

For a few months Lakoda wondered around the wilderness alone, coming across many herds and dangerous encounters with wolves. For two years Loka moved from herd to herd, spending weeks alone also, she didn't believe she would settle down until reaching the age of 3, she joined a herd that accepted her. A great herd it was and she loved it, ever since that day Lakoda knew this was her forever herd. A year later she gave birth to a beautiful black and white pinto colt. Who went by the named Kyber.
Extra: She stands at 15.2hh.


Name: Kyber
Gender: Colt
Age: yearling
Breed: Mustang
Personality: As Kyber is young he hasn't really discovered his true personality, although he does believe he has. Since being a male he is rather dominant and aggressive, who is daring and won't back down from a challenge. Kye is a very protective and large male, who doesn't stand for anyones crap, and can be bitter when provoked. Although he seems like a horrid little horse Kyber actually does have a caring side. Ever since e could walk he had always been protective over his family and friends, helping them when ever needed. Kye is an obedient, intelligent and playful young colt who will make a great member of the herd. Kyber is already larger than his mother and he still has some growing to do, a lot of muscle lies beneath his beautiful coat.
History(Optional): Kyber was born into a herd along with his mother, but he wasn't to sure on who his father is. So, the yearling looks up to Xander, the leader of the herd. Kyber has been in this herd a year now and loves everything and everyone in it. As he grows Kye believes he'll be a protector of the herd and help them through the dangerous encounters and the rough times.
Extra: He stands at 15.5hh.

When Kyber is older:

Post by: Firewolf10 on February 28, 2014, 01:39:57 pm
Ok good, all accepted. Feel free to begin. Everyone is a just awaking and the pack has sent out some cscouts to search the area. I'll post a lil later.))
Post by: sparticles on February 28, 2014, 05:11:34 pm
 ((Okay thanks!))


Lakoda & Kyber

The sun had finally begun to rise, the herd had made it through another night. As the sun beamed rays they attracted onto the black mares coat causing her to grow hot pretty fast, letting out a sigh she allowed her eyes to open. Looking around she smiled, the birds were singing and the herd was now waking. Looking down at her side she gently nudged Kyber, the young colt stirred then opened his eyes to see his mother looking down at him. "Huh, morning already?" the colt spoke seeming a little worride, then jumping to his feet as he looked around "Yeah, its morning...What's wrong?" she chuckled but then quickly questioned her son as she too lifted to her hooves. "I need to be up first to protect everyone!" he paniced as he nudged his mothers cheek, smiling she couldn't help but chuckle. "And I'm sure you'll be great at helping to protect the herd someday, but you're still pretty young and fragile. Maybe leave it to Xander? He may even as for your help one time" she reassured. Giving her mane a brisk shake as she glanced around at the slow waking herd "Ok, I can't wait until I'm older!" Kyber mumbled stomping his goof against the ground and lunging off. The young pinto began charging around the area the herd was resting at, flicking his head, rearing and bucking then stopping and sticking his chest out "One day I'll be a great leader like Xander!" he spoke, mostly to himself. Loka looked at Kye and chuckled, shaking her head with a smile. Allowing her tail to swat at the annoying friends she began looking around.



The large grey mare continued on with her dream, running through the forest with the herd and everything was alright. But a sudden 'change' happened in her dream and many wolves began chasing after the herd, sprinting off they galloped across the fields. But they began slowing and the wolves sped up, suddenly they attacked. Gasping, Tani woke panting slightly as she looked arpund at the quiet sleeping herd. Letting out a sigh of relief she flopped onto her side, allowing her breaths to even out again. Once calmed she quickly but quietly lifted to her hooves. Everyone was still asleep and it was still early hours, looking around she huffed "Damn stupid wolves!" she scolded looking through the forests and over the hills. Shaking her head the mare watched over the hill. Her mood dissappearing and a smile grew across her face at the sunset, now she felt calm. Hearing shuffling she turned to see more horses waking up, but the colt known as Kyber caught her eye as he jumped around the fields. Smiling she allowed her ears to flick as a cold breeze touched them, her tail flicking every few seconds as she began walking around near the herd, dipping her head every so often to pick out a clump of grass.

Post by: OreoHeroz on February 28, 2014, 09:24:44 pm
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 28, 2014, 09:31:08 pm
I'm gonna wait till I'm on my laptop to post. All accepted and nobody atm. If anybody wants to be the need to post an RP Sample with their app. c: }
Post by: Vulpie on February 28, 2014, 10:21:47 pm
((Hi! I haven't done a rp on the site before but this rp looks super cool & interesting c: :3))

Name: Winter
Gender: Mare
Age: 4 years^^
Breed: Mustang
Personality: Firey, headstrong, competitive, a little overconfident
Name: Akeira
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Breed: Gray wolf
Personality: Innocent, pure, easily led, shy, quiet, submissive
History(Optional): (Sorry, I HATE doing histories for my chars since they usually end up way too long XD)
Rank: Omega
Extra?: She has excellent fighting skills but very few wolves ever get to see them cause of her personality.

Rp sample (cause I know the forms are a kinda short XD):
Akeira's paws flew over the ground as she sprinted through the forest, ducking around trees and rocks. She barely looked where she was going: all she knew was she had to get away. Her ears swiveled back, straining to hear sounds of pursuit. She heard a couple of barks and yips and a look of determination crossed her pale features as she ran even faster, scrambling over obstacles, having no room for mistakes. She let out a yip as she hurtled towards a huge rock and skidded to a stop. Her blue eyes filled with fear as she frantically looked for a way around or over.

(^ random but yea :P)
Post by: Firewolf10 on February 28, 2014, 11:10:11 pm
You posted a wolf app but a horse pic and stuff btw. Also, if you didn't have to post an RP sample unless applying for the alpha position. After you fix your app for a wolf you are accepted. ^^'))
Post by: dixie1012002 on February 28, 2014, 11:52:11 pm
Name: saphirre
Age:4 years
Breed:  dire wolf
Personality: loving loyal would die for pack
Rank(Hunter, Omega, Warrior, Scout, Beta, Delta): alpha
Extra?: is awesome lol
rp: She howled the wind in her fur. She wasn't used to being like this lonely afraid hungry a loner. She wondered how much longer she would live.

Gender: fea
Age 4 1/2
Breed: polimino
Personality: loving  independent loyal caring
History(Optional): none
Extra?:  is lonely would like a mate
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 01, 2014, 12:55:40 am
I swear I'm not trying to be rude, but your wolf is not accepted. Dire wolves are extinct from what I've learned and the RP sample wasn't really the best. Your horse I'll give a chance though. x.x Also, I'm changing appearance. lol))

(http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r778/daisy18002/9182401f-f553-4bef-b419-3a43ab9dc464_zpsf8d80666.jpg) (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daisy18002/media/9182401f-f553-4bef-b419-3a43ab9dc464_zpsf8d80666.jpg.html)

Xander was awoke just as many of the other herds memebers awoke. He got to his hooves, giving his mane a shake as he looked around the area. His ears were perked before he heard some stomping and turned to see Kyber bouncing around. He couldn't help but smile at the colts inthusiasm. He trotted toward Lakoda and Kyber. "Morning Lakoda." He nickered as he looked over at Kyber. "Morning Kyber." He neighed happily. He gave the colt a gentle nudge before turning back to Lakoda. "He looks like he's gonna make a great leader one day. I'll have to start letting him help me out when he's older." He said with a flick of his ear. He swiveled his tail to knock the flies off his rump and back before he sighed. "Anyways, has there been any signs of wolves since you awoke?" He questioned.
Post by: Celeyan on March 01, 2014, 12:55:55 am

Name: Voeu is her name.
Age: She is three years old and a half.

Gender: Voeu is a proud female.
Breed: She is a gray wolf.

Description: Voeu has a robust build, with smooth edges. Her definition of muscle is easily the msot noteworthy aspect of her form; for the fact her muscle is often seen rippling and coiling over her figure as she moves, clearly visible even through her dense, obsidian-black fur. Her speed isn't hindered at all by her great muscle, with a slender abdomen, sculpted hips and athletic back legs, she is still as fast as most other average wolves.  Not much can get past her ever-watchful eyes or sensitive ears, as she picks up on the smallest of details and mentally notes them down.

While she may be deemed as being slightly small, she still carries a well defined physique. She is agile to some point yet still retains some well built muscle mass. Her fur is of the darkest of obsidian, long wisps of fur covering her thick coat, her fur soft, yet her hide made for protection rather than feeling good. Her eyes are a tempting rich yellow- down her snout a thin muzzle which holds her sharp teeth. Those violent curve of dangerous teeth forcing ones body and soul into submission, a crooked smile dances on the temptress' face.

Voeu is often seen as a strange canine. She may be just a little be mad, yet likes to share two sides of a coin, should you be introduced to her aggressively, she will become aggressive as the other, perhaps a little more. The wolf with a hidden lust for blood, she is all for cruelty and battle for those who she deems her enemy. She will take any opportunity of battle thrown her way, she has a rough exterior, a battle-worn beast with a head on her shoulders, yet tainted by a dark cloud.  Her darker personality is shown as a front to strangers, yet she can as easily go into her more charismatic side.

To her pack and any other close friends, she is naturally friendly. Should you gain her respect, as her whole pack has, she will start to take you seriously. Yet, should you get in the way of anything she holds close to her heart, she'll rip you to pieces. Any pups that she may find herself mothering will always be more dear to her than anything in the world. Around them, and any other younger wolf that could still be perceived as a child, she'd turn kind and motherly, a warm voice that is a soft as a rabbit's fur and a patience surpassing even her own species. Should you threaten them, she is as dangerous as a mother bear.

While she isn't as aggressive as she seems, don't be an idiot- she can snap easily, and is quickly angered. She has a dominant air around her, and demands respect, even from strangers. When its not given, things will get bloody. She is short-tempered, and likes having control over the situation and dislikes it very much when the reigns are seized from her, showing she is quite controlling. Voeu is highly intelligent and extremely cunning, and within her head is a brewing secret mass of battle strategies. She is strong and ruthless, orderly and demanding- and is slightly self-centered.

Voeu is also insensitive, even to the most horrifying of things, but shes seen a lot of that in her past. The wolf proves to be rather stoic and indifferent to most things, but is naturally passive unless provoked, and boy- is she easily angered. When dealing with others, she is pretty gruff and blunt- apathetic to others feelings. While she has a dark humor, that involves the sickening sound of blood splattering, and bones breaking- she can be polite and friendly at points.

If you ask about her history, she won't tell you- haha, unless your close to her, then she may reveal some tidbits of her past, she overall doesn't like talking about it, even though she led a simple, easy life.

Rank: Possible alpha or loner.

Scars line her pelt, some old, some new. Voeu is a ruthless fighter, she is silent on her paws, and has a bad habit of startling others due to her skill in stealth. She is savage and malicious, and likes to watch her victims suffer, a cruel and wicked mistress.

------------------------------------------------------------ ROLEPLAY SAMPLE --------------------------------------------------------------:


The black-furred female had said, her tone just a little too sweet, just a little too much on the sugar-coated side as she slowly strolled forward, her hips swaying slowly from side to side, black tail swishing behind her ever so slowly. She had allowed a sly smile to grace her face, eyes lowering to just half, alluringly gazing at the lone male that was before her. Voeu had slyly allowed her hips to touch the others, smiling ever so shyly at the somewhat older male, who looked at her in surprise and confusion, obviously not used to being approached by a stranger, a female, even more surprising.

The male had turned his head to the side, ears flattened, still in awe at the female. His jaws unlatched from his recent kill, and he gave a small smile. "Hey." He had replied, hardly noticing as she slithered slyly between him and his large catch, a mare. 'Whats  a pretty female like you doing here?" The older male asked, attempting to charm her, she had pretended to look away shyly at the compliment, her eyes staring at the dancing orbs in the bushes before she turned back to the male. "I'm alone, looking for some company."

She had said with a small grin, eyes meeting the older male. "What are you doing out here? Your mate must be around her somewhere, you have one, don't you? You are quite handsome." She had said, trying not to chuckle as her paw touched a limb of the fallen mare. The male noticing this, had gave a low growl, tensing. The black wolf had given a small laugh, causing the male to gulp as she pushed her muzzle into his own, booping his nose with her own. "Relax, baby." She had said with a purr in her tone, carefully kicking the slightly untouched mare behind her, tongue swirling across her muzzle and sticking out to lick the nose of the male wolf.

Voeu had given a grin, standing up as she twisted her dainty frame away, now sitting behind the pile of meat. "Thanks for the food, love." She had said with a sweet grin. "Shadows, attack!" She suddenly commanded, her sick, crooked grin not leaving her face as her pack darted forward, snarling and snapping. The shadows around him, they were moving? They moved in on him! The male had yelped, falling backwards as he was suddenly attacked, teeth grabbing him from all sides. Amongst the chaos, the female stood at the back, swirling her tongue across the belly of the horse.

As the male darted off, the grin on the female didn't fade, she looked to her pack- who nodded at her.


Post by: Firewolf10 on March 01, 2014, 01:47:20 am
Accepted. :3 You may be alpha. You can have a mate and have him as an alpha if you want. I'll have all the guys who are wanting to be alpha male speak to you if you want me to.))
Post by: sparticles on March 01, 2014, 10:35:00 am


Lakoda & Kyber

Lakoda continued to watch the painted foal frolick happily around the fields, her usual smile was sprawled across her face as she glanced around. Titania had caught her eyes a little further away from the herd grazing, but the pattering of hooves and sound of swishing grass caused her attention to turn infront of her. Seeing the lead stallion. Xander. She shot a smile in his direction and dipped her head in respect, her tail flicked lightly as she stood tall. The young colt looked at his mother who seemed to be watching him, but he didn't care he was having fun. But a large shadow past him causing him to turn and see Xander, the yearlings face lit up as he let out a nicker. "Morning Xander" the mare smiled dipping her head once again "Morning!" the young colt shouted, as he continued to bounce around the open fields. Looking at kyber Lakoda just laughed, but her attention was back onto Xander as he spoke. "Yeah, he's been trying to practice being like you...but that would be great thanks Xander!" she smiled. As the lead stallion asked the question about wolves she looked around once more. "No, haven't seen any this morning" she confirmed with a snort.



The mare lifted her head from the endless emounts of grass as she glanced around, her chocolate eyes glowing in the sunlight. Allowing her tail to flick, she swatted at the annoying flies who wouldn't stop making attempts to land on her. Flicking her hears also as she took in all the familiar sounds of the wilderness. Titania closed in a little closer to the herd, her eyes darted around as she kept an eye out for any signs of wolves lurking around. But for once they seemed to be keeping clear so she let out a sigh of relief. Flicking her long, silk like mane she continued slowly wondering around the herd, continuing to graze in peace.  

Post by: Firewolf10 on March 01, 2014, 05:14:26 pm
On my phone so nothing special.))

Xander let out a nicker of anusement as he watched Kyber. His gaze shifted back over to Lakoda a moment later. "Is that so?" He snickered at what she had said then dipped his head. "Good good. As for Kyber, would you mind if I took him with me to survey the surroundigs? He'll be safe with me." He nickered. He turned to Kyber again before he turned back to te mare.
Post by: meeeea on March 01, 2014, 05:46:01 pm

Name ? His name's Rook, but he goes by "Firefly".
Age ? He's three years old.
Gender ? Firefly's a male.
Breed ? He's a grey wolf

Personality ? Rook, or Firefly, is a young, stubborn male wolf with an always-present sarcastic tone in his soothing voice. He's a big pessimist, and enjoys being a rude and selfish character in-front of others. But actually, he's a big softie and very sensitive. Rook hates being alone, especially with other males. He prefers staying in the company of females, even though he's no flirt.

Rook's a big jokester and is always there to brighten up another's day -- he'll always try to make the pack feel bright and optimistic, even though he doesn't feel the same.

History ? x
Rank ? Scout
Extra? ? x
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 01, 2014, 05:47:58 pm
Accepted. :3 Just jump on in when you're ready.))
Post by: meeeea on March 01, 2014, 06:06:39 pm
Post by: Celeyan on March 01, 2014, 07:14:44 pm

The clouds brushed above her, painting the skies in greys and lighter blacks. It was still raining, and the moist dampness clung to herself and her surroundings. There was not much the female could not see of her pack from her perch; however, she was still alert. From what she could not see, she could hear. There was the dull sounds of paws coming her way and as they neared, she turned her head- golden orbs landing on the male wolf coming her way. It was her Beta, that male with a light brown coat, dimming into black in places while copper covered most other parts of his body. She had snorted lightly, eying him from her high vantage point as he spoke, her tail swishing behind her slowly before coiling around her hip.

She didn't need to raise her tail.

No, she felt content and comfortable here, she felt no need to enforce her authority, not yet anyway. The male most likely had questions about sending out scouts, she had been pondering sending some out for a while now, to at least continue tracking the herd, they didn't want to lose such a great source of prey. But the pack had managed to take one down only two days ago, the meat had lasted them for a while, yet it'd be possible they'd need to hunt some more. She did, due to such a great muscle mass and size, the amount of nutrients she needed were greater than some other members in the pack. The wolf wanted to keep up her well built physique, and to do that, she'd need to hunt. "Can I assume you wish to send out scouts or is there something else you'd wish to talk to me about?"

Her words came from her muzzle with a natural charm, and friendly tone, eyes meeting the others without fear, gazing intently as her ears flicked at the water that flowed down them. They left the other as another gathered next to him, another male- a scout, she had registered in her mind. She had nodded at him before turning back to the Beta, awaiting an answer.

Post by: OreoHeroz on March 01, 2014, 07:35:49 pm

? n a m e ?

? a g e ?
4 Y/o

? f e e l i n g ?
Tired, but with a little energy

? t h i n k i n g ?
"You read my mind.

? l o c a t i o n ?
Near the herd & with Midnight Moon Pack

Movement caught his eye as Ryevi glanced its way to see one of the scouts, Firefly, approach them. He gave the male a brisk nod of acknowledgement, before giving his attention to Voeu. He lowered his gaze as a sign of submission, wanting to avoid and lower the trouble. He could feel the presence of the scout near him, and so he guessed Firefly was interested in what the Alpha and Beta needed to say.

"Can I assume you wish to send out scouts or is there something else you'd wish to talk to me about?"

Surprise flashed in his eyes, but they were gone as quick as they had came. He had not expected such kindness in her voice - usually it was stamped with a stern and fierce expression. But, then again, Ryevi knew well his Alpha did treat her pack with kindness, so it was not rare.

"Yes. With your permission, I'd like to send several scouts out - not to many - to survey the area. I'm assuming the herd is near, but with the rain, their scents are too foggy." Ryevi planned not to come with them, but he too, wanted to see the area for himself. But with the little energy he felt, he decided he would pass, unless the Alpha commanded him to do so. One of his eyes blinked as a droplet of rain splashed near it. Shaking it off, he awaited for an answer.
Post by: sparticles on March 01, 2014, 10:02:56 pm


Lakoda & Kyber

Loka dipped her head "Sure is..." she replied as she turned her head left to right, looking around in the distance-from what she could see the pack was out of sight for now. As the colt heard his mother speaking to Xander he stopped and looked in their direction, his tail flicked as he crawled closer "Yes!!" he whispered to himself as he drew nearer, then stopping close by. Seeing a shape move in the corner of her eyes the black mare looked at the black and white yearling, a smile on her face as his seemed to light up. Turning back to the palmino she nodded her head "Sure, go ahead. I'm sure he would love to go" she smiled with another flick of her tail her mane blowing back slightly with the light gusts of wind.

Post by: Firewolf10 on March 01, 2014, 10:08:54 pm
Xander flicked his tail once again before motioning with his head for the yearling to follow. "We'll be back before you know it." He nickered behind him as he began his way to survey the surroundings. He figured the yearling was following already so he broke into a slow trot towards the near by woods. "Be careful Kyber. The wolves may be here so don't go wandering off." He neighed seriously. He began to walk, keeping as silent as possible with his ears perked. Xander huffed as he stopped. The rain should mask their scent but something didn't feel right...
Post by: sparticles on March 01, 2014, 10:33:04 pm


Lakoda & Kyber

The black mare dipped her head and smiled as the arge stallion turned and trotted off, the yearling following closely behind, letting out a nicker "Kyber be careful and listen to Xander!" she ordered "I will!" he replied with an excited tone. Smiling she turned and looked around the herd who all seemed awake now, a few of the foals jumped around whilst their mothers grazed or had a conversation. Taking this time for herself she began to graze and keep a look out. On the other hand Kyber followed closely behind Xander. "Okay, and ont I promise!" he assured with a nicker as he picked up the pace, trotting quickly after the palamino, staying close as the forest wasn't to far off. 

Post by: Celeyan on March 01, 2014, 11:00:59 pm

The female had looked to the sky as she awaited an answer from the male, snorting as a plop of rain landed on her nose. She had begun to notice the once light drizzle was getting stronger, but it was still partly subtle. It was a decent shower currently, and it seemed almost warmer than it had been in the past, but the black-furred female believed that was bad, surely would bring even stronger rains later on in the day. Voeu had predicted a storm, judging by how the clouds were getting darker and darker. It would be smart to send out scouts before the weather got worse, and perhaps when they came back, it would be even smarter to find some sort of shelter from the oppressive weather. She had allowed her head to fall back to the male as he spoke, her tongue swirling from her muzzle to lap at another plop of water close to her face.

She had listened to the male, and had nodded her eye as she batted the thought around in her head. Surely tracking the herd was a good idea, she'd actually wish to go with them, if it was possible. She had been scenting a strange scent in the area over time, and had been growing irritated with one particular scent. It was a male as far as his musky scent would go, and the occasional glimpse of white fur in the corner of her eye would give away that something was lurking in her packs territory. The sight of such a sly character made her angry, and after consulting some of the older members in the pack on the lands history, she heard he must have been the old alpha. She had become alpha of the pack for she was born into the rank, her father and her mother were the previous alphas, yet she didn't know they had chased out a young male who had taken the rank before them.

Perhaps he wanted to take it back over now that he was older, and she younger than he?

It didn't worry the dark queen however, should she find the male again, she'd have him killed on sight. This was her land and her pack and he wasn't going to take it from her. She'd hunt the bastard down and use his pelt as an accessory while his bones would become her own personal chew toys. A scowl made it way onto her face, but she composed herself, fur ruffling yet falling flat as she shook her head free of such negative thoughts. "You have my permission to send out scouts. I might go with them, or I may go searching to free this land of that strange scent that is lurking in this territory."

She had said this with a firm frown, the irritation leaking into her tone. It had been a while since the female had gotten into a fight, and the thought already stirred up once long forgotten tendencies. Not many of her pack knew of the females cruel attitude when around strangers, for her kindness towards her pack was growing, she was fair to her pack only.
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 01, 2014, 11:39:04 pm
On my phone.))

The palqmino stallion continued on silently as they entered the trees. He couldn't see much of anything. He blinked rain out of his eyes before turning to Kyber. He figured he had time to converse with the yearling before continuing. "Have you been listenig to your mother?" He questioned, nipping the colts ear gently. "She's told me you've been wanting to do this kind of stuff. And I'll tell ya something, I want you to take over the herd when you're older and I'm not here to protect it." He nickered, staring down at the yearling. "What do you say to that?" He questioned.
Post by: sparticles on March 02, 2014, 12:29:36 am



The two males had now wondered from the herd and into the forest, this was the furthest he had been in a while and he enjoyed it. Looking up at the larger stallion Kyber smiled, picking up his pace once again. The two equines had now entered the forest and Kyber knew he had to be on full awarness as this was usual territory for the wolves and they were prone to attack. Small specks of rain fell onto the painted colts pelt as he trotted happily through the trees. As Xander spoke his ears lifted, now fully erect on his head as he turned slightly lifting his head so he could look up to the stallion "Sure I have Xander!" he smiled as he continued forward. The second sentance from the stallion caused the young yarlings eyes to light up, he had always wanted to take on the role ok a lead stallion, and Xander would be making his dream come true. "You mean, you're going to allow me to look after the herd? I can't wait! I'm going to protect everyone, even when you, mom and the others are old!" he grinned as he trotted a few steps forward jumping a little and sopping standing tall. Excitement bubbled in the colt as he took a few steps back towards Xander, a huge smile on the yearlings face. 

Post by: Firewolf10 on March 02, 2014, 01:09:16 am
Xander gave the yearling a gentle nudge. "You have to promise something though." He said stopping and turning towards him. "Would you risk your life for the herd? And do what's best for them, not what's best for you?" He questioned. Those were the same questions his father had asked him before he had died. They were a life lesson to him, and he truly kept them in his heart. His risked his life again and again for the herd and has no regrets for the disicions he's made. Xander turned around and continued walking not wanting to stay where they were for too long.
Post by: OreoHeroz on March 02, 2014, 02:50:11 am

? n a m e ?

? a g e ?
4 Y/o

? f e e l i n g ?

? t h i n k i n g ?
"Should Firefly go too?"  

? l o c a t i o n ?
Near the herd & with Midnight Moon Pack

"You have my permission to send out scouts. I might go with them, or I may go searching to free this land of that strange scent that is lurking in this territory."

Ryevi dipped his head as the Alpha's decision, and he narrowed his eyes at the last of her words. They were true - he had noticed a strange scent in the air, and its presence was not welcomed. A low growl nearly escaped his throat, but he shoved it back down, returning his attention onto his pack. Gaze sweeping around for a moment, he glanced back at Voeu. "Do you have anyone on mind of whom you would like to go?" Personally, he was thinking of Firefly, seeing his strength and agility, but knowing well his Alpha might have a better decision, he awaited for her answer.
Post by: sparticles on March 02, 2014, 08:36:16 am



Rain continued to drip onto the yearlings coat as he trotted along side him through the forest, his eyes peeled for any signs of movement-hair tail swayed slightly and his eyes darted around, his ears remained erect to catch any sounds. But suddenly, Kyber scrambled to a halt as Xander stepped infront of him, the colts head tilted for a moment as the palamino began to speak. Keeping quiet the pinto colt listened as he continued on with his words. The questions he was asked ran through his head, Kyber knew in order to be a great leader that is what he would have to do. Waiting as Xander began his travels he nodded his head, quickly trotting forward to catch up with the stallion. "I will, promise!" he smiled, quickly turning his gaze onto where they were going.   

Post by: meeeea on March 02, 2014, 12:26:06 pm
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 02, 2014, 02:55:51 pm
Xander continued on, not speaking. He knew this yearling had potential and would protect the herd. What he worried was an ambush from the pack and he being killed with some of the others. He shook the gruesom though out of his mind as he took a turn to the right. It had more rocks than he liked but he wanted to be sure it was safe.
Post by: sparticles on March 02, 2014, 05:31:43 pm



Kyber had streams of happiness running through him, the thought that he would one day be the leader of this herd made him get butterflies inside. A smirk was plastered across his face, but quickly faded as he realised Xander had turned ina nother direction. Gasping the yearling turned and hurried to catch up to the lead stallion. Trotting along side the palmino he looked up into the sky, the rain had seemed to get a little heavier and the sky grew darker shouldn't they head back? He tought to himself but he wouldn't dare question Xanders decisions. Turning his attention back on the trail droplets continued dropping on the colts coat, the trees only blocking out small amounts. Allowing his head to flick ridding some water that had dropped, but his coat felt a little heavier than usual-but he followed on. Kyber was aware that this was territory of the wolves and they were probably lurking somewhere further in the woods, so his guard wasn't put down. Not for a second. 

Post by: Firewolf10 on March 02, 2014, 05:46:49 pm
Xander stopped a moment as he glanced around before turning back. "I guess we should get back. Your mother would worry if we were stuck out in the rain here." He said with a hint of amusmnt. He broke into a slow trot as he heading back towards the herd. Out of no where a scent hit him. 'Wolf..' He thought. "Be quiet.." He whispered as he slowed to a walk so he could stay silent.
Post by: sparticles on March 02, 2014, 06:01:39 pm



A sigh escaped the colts mouth as he continued onward, his head bobbed up and down with each stride he took-the breeze and the rain together made the Mustang feel pretty colt, but it didn't bother him to much. Hearing Xander talk he stopped and turned, looking around for a moment then back at the palmino stallion. Kyber nodded his head and took a few steps forward "Yeah, we need to protect them!" he grinned throwing his head up a little. As his small hooves pressed into the mud he could feel himself sinking a little, he hated this it always made him muddy. Well being muddy was ok but sinking wasn't to great. Pulling his now brown legs from the mud and shaking it off he hurried after Xander. The words 'Wolf' made the colts eyes narrow and his muscles tense, a shiver ran down Kybers spine as he skidded to a walk. Now, he had to be more alert than he was earlier, the cold making him shiver but he trudged on through the sludge. Looking up at Xander now and then reassured the youngster and made him feel safe, they would soon be exiting the forest and would be able to run up the hills towards the herd.

Post by: Celeyan on March 03, 2014, 12:24:33 am

The female had watched the male, her head tilting lightly as she pondered why he wasn't going with the scouts, there was going to have to be a lead scout, and she had thought he'd take the offer, but she supposed he might not wish to go. She wished to test the skills of her scouts, so she didn't bother to ask him why he wasn't leading them. Voeu had gotten up as he spoke, one ear swiveled in his direction was the only leeway that she was listening to him. She had slowly carried herself down the length of the rock she had perched herself upon, shaking out her tail before turning back to the two males before her.

Voeu turned her head to the male who had spoken up, seeming eager to lead the team. She had looked at the light male for a moment, before giving a snort and turning back to Ryevi after walking towards the group of waiting scouts, nodding at them. "Firefly can lead if he wishes, I would also like to see Arevi in action." The wolf turned to the group of scouts that gathered behind the male, and she turned to him. "Lead your unit well." The black-furred mistress had said, and with a smooth walktz prowled up alongside the other wolf. "Ryevi, if your not busy or anything, would you like to patrol the territory with me? It would be better to have two looking for that loner."
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 03, 2014, 12:35:47 am
Xander walked as quietly as e could on the rocky terrain but the rocky terrain made it hard, echoing there hooves on the rocks. He stopped every so often to look around before continuing on. "I'm really glad you promised." He said quietly, continuing to stay alert. "Now you can show me just how strong you are.." He said silently. It was clear he was speaking of the current situation. He had no way to protect the yearling if they ambushed by a large group of wovles.
Post by: sparticles on March 03, 2014, 01:04:58 am



The two had soon arrived at the rocky terrain, the first place they crossed before they entered the forest. A sigh or relief escaped the colts mouth as he slowly and carefully walked across. Although he had small hooves the noise they made was echoing, and the terrain they were on didn't help. Keeping alert he continued to tip-toe across the rocks, trying to keep as silent as he could. Looking up at Xander for a second me smiled "Its ok, I've always wanted to protect a herd, and have my own. Especially this on" he grinned trotting forward a little more. Stopping for a moment to think at the stallions next words, but it quickly came to him. Nodding his large head the yearling continued onward, he couldn't wait to be out the forest and back to his mother, he wanted to make sure she was safe. 

Post by: OreoHeroz on March 03, 2014, 02:29:08 am
[[ @??????z?????z???? (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=profile&u=31954): ["...I would also like to see Arevi in action"] Did you mean Avern, or someone else? Sorry, just a little confused. ]]


? n a m e ?

? a g e ?
4 Y/o

? f e e l i n g ?

? t h i n k i n g ?
"I might as well come along.

? l o c a t i o n ?
Near the herd & with Midnight Moon Pack

Ryevi's eyes followed the Alpha as she moved about. Assuming she was thinking for a moment, he remained silent, awaiting for her answer. She then turned, giving her permission for Firefly to lead, while addressing another scout to lead. After barking a few orders, she strolled up to the Beta. At her question, Ryevi dipped his head politely, deciding not to object. "If it pleases you, Alpha," he murmured, but paused. "But won't it be best if we have one in charge back here?" Though he was sure Voeu had it under control, it wouldn't be a bother to gently prompt her, would it? As he remained silent, he gave a brief glance at the rain, before back at the pack.
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 03, 2014, 11:07:31 pm
I'll post soon. I'm honna allow another person post before I do.))
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 03, 2014, 11:29:01 pm
ok well ill just have my horse and just do what u want with it
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 03, 2014, 11:43:09 pm
Feel free to post Dixie. :3))
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 03, 2014, 11:45:19 pm
ok hey if you've done changes to my char edit and repost it so I know what to go by please and also im semi lit
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 03, 2014, 11:47:59 pm
I've not changed anything. I just said your wolf is not accepted. Your horse was.))
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 03, 2014, 11:49:43 pm
ok (
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 03, 2014, 11:53:59 pm
Diomond  neighed running freely she wasn't used to this running free her parents were so protective saying it was dangerous. " Ya right mom dad this is awesome!" she neighed loudly.  seeing kyber she said hello.
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 04, 2014, 12:03:22 am
Dixie I'll fill you in briefly. Kyber and Xander are out patrolling the area, Lakoda is still with the herd, along with the others. The wolves are sending out a couple of scouts currently.))
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 04, 2014, 12:07:53 am
ok hey um  im going to come find you two
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 04, 2014, 12:08:44 am
lol I need more floof
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 04, 2014, 12:36:12 am
Xander and Kyber are quite a ways away. Xander wants the herd to stay together while he's gone.))
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 04, 2014, 12:37:16 am
Post by: dixie1012002 on March 04, 2014, 12:40:09 am
She looked over the herd while xander was gone  . Just then she saw a flash of grey fur and gave ther warning signal loud and clear. No way these wolves were taking any of this herd while the herd got in circle formation she took the lead with the young in the middle  they stood strong together.
Post by: OreoHeroz on March 04, 2014, 02:29:18 am
[[ Just to let you know, Dixie, the wolves haven't set out yet. They're still together, deep in the woods. c: To make things clear.

Also don't double post. You can always edit it by clicking the modify button which is located at the top on the right side of your post. ]]
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 04, 2014, 03:29:34 am
Thanks for informing her Oreo. x3}}

Xander had a nagging feeling to turn back but he continued on. The scent of wolves grew stronger, making the concern grow. He was right to worry as dark pelts came to his line of vision. He turned his head to Kyber and spoke, "Turn back quietly but quickly." He said quietly as he nudged him and followed behind him.
Post by: Celeyan on March 04, 2014, 06:22:05 am
Kind of waitng for Rii to post but I have a question. Do the horses see the wolves right now? o_O))
Post by: Firewolf10 on March 04, 2014, 01:04:41 pm
Not the herd. lol Xander and Kyber do that's why they're turning back to avoid them.))
Post by: sparticles on March 04, 2014, 05:34:19 pm



His chocolate eyes shot around the forest as he was keeping a look out for the wolves, although he hadn't seen any yet their luck was soon to run out. A few more minutes later the two stallions were curiously wondering through the forest, unaware of the soon lurking danger. Kyber stumbled over a stick clusmsily for not watching where he was going, his eyes widened but he quickly scrambled back onto all fours to avoid making any noise. But black figures shot past the trees causing the colt to gasp, turning his head he looked up ad Xander who nudged him and orderd him to turn back. Nodding his head the colt obediently turned, silently and carefully as the stallion had ordered. Now he could be in danger, Xander had told him he would need to prove he couldn't protect himself and so he would, but trying not to put a hoof wrong he hurried along back in the direction of the herd. 

Post by: Firewolf10 on March 05, 2014, 10:25:50 pm
Xander made it back to the normal forest floor and nudged Kyber again. "You did well on staying quiet." He said proudly. He didn't mention the point where he snapped a stick. He casted worried glances behind him, listening closely for any sounds of paws. "What do you say we go back now?" He questioned him. Xander lowered his head down and nibbled on some grass as he awaited the yearkings answer.
Post by: sparticles on March 05, 2014, 10:38:21 pm



As he continued quietly and guickly through the forest he continued to shoot worried glances around, the two were pretty voulnerable if the pack decided to attack. But his worries were soon took away from the wolves as the praises from Xander wondered into his ears, a shiver ran up the colts spine and a smile crept across his face as he looked up at the palmino. "Jeez thanks Xander!" he chuckled pushing out his chest once again, taking a few more 'confident' looks around. "Sure, if don't mine" Kyber replied as he looked in the direction they had came, the herd were still through the forest and over the small hill, his tail flicked as he remembered his mother. Looking at Xander he tilted his head.