Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: balsam on March 02, 2014, 01:08:50 pm

Title: Publishing maps
Post by: balsam on March 02, 2014, 01:08:50 pm
Hello fellows,
so right now, i'm working on a map which me and a friend were to publish soon, to make a wolf roleplay, however, we're having problems by making the map.
I'm the map maker, and in my opinion, i'm doing everything right. But this is the second time i exported my map, and fh suddenly crashed?
It keeps doing it. Every time i click on export, then go off fh and on again, then it crashed so badly, and i have to re-download the game. AND, make the map once again. This is the second time it's happening, and it's starting to damn piss me off '-.- (sorry, it happened 5 minutes ago, and i'm so irritated xD)
So, could anyone post a proper text, of how i export maps? I think i'm doing it right, but i might be wrong? Just a detailed, easy text of how I do, something i need to do before exporting etc.
Thanks for reading,
Title: Re: Publishing maps
Post by: AlphaEclipse on March 02, 2014, 01:12:23 pm
To export maps, you just fill in the maps name, alpha terrain, etc and click export. ^^

If it keeps crashing:

Ah, yes. The particles could be the culprit. Go into your C: >>> Feralheart >> media > particles and delete any ending in _0, _1, and so on. Sometimes particles double when they are exorted, causing the map to crash. Particles can also get themselves into the my_objects folder, so it wouldn't hurt to check there. ^^

If you don't find particles in those folders, search them in your PC.

Also, make sure your map is 513 x 513! That's very important.

Lastly, does your map have many objects? That can cause the map to crash.

AND, you can try switching your rendering system.

Method number 1~

First, go into C: > Feralheart. If you look at the FH main folder, you will see a flie called:
Click it, and open it with 'NOTEPAD'.


Look at the first two lines in the orge.cfg file. That is where you change your rendering system.


If you followed everything that was typed and the instructions in the pictures, you should have successfully switched your rendering system.

Method number 2~

Turn on FH!
On the main screen, you will see this:


Click options, and go to video. Click 'Rendering System.'


Then just simply switch your rendering system.

Note that sometimes method 2 doesn't awlways work- That's why I listed the orge.cfg file first. ^^

Good luck! Hope this helped those who don't know how to change their rendering system!~

Title: Re: Publishing maps
Post by: balsam on March 02, 2014, 01:27:16 pm
I'll try - But one thing that i find kind of funny?
I exported the map, and it worked fine. Then i uploaded the map on mediafire. Then when i went on the game again, it crashed. So i re-downloaded the game, downloaded the map and it worked fine? How could this be?
Title: Re: Publishing maps
Post by: AlphaEclipse on March 02, 2014, 01:32:17 pm
I'll try - But one thing that i find kind of funny?
I exported the map, and it worked fine. Then i uploaded the map on mediafire. Then when i went on the game again, it crashed. So i re-downloaded the game, downloaded the map and it worked fine? How could this be?

That sounds a lot like duplicate particles- Sometimes when you export a map, particles duplicate. Same goes for downloading maps. I still don't know why, it just happens. :3