Feral Heart
FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Request Maps => Topic started by: Forgeclaw22 on March 02, 2014, 10:26:35 pm
Hello. So I'm making a warriors rp but I suck at making height maps. If anyone is willing to help me I would be very grateful. I'm looking to make it about 30,000 with, along with maybe 10,000 or so height. Not sure on height yet but ya know. Any how. I want it in three sections, One with mountains (sorta realistic please). One as a sorta boggy area. (lots of water places) And one as a sort of forest ground. I only need the height map as I am ok with the other parts. I will end up editing some parts to certain landmarks but I really need a base for it.
One last thing. If you don't already know I need it to be in a PNG format. And I will give credit. (of course)
THANKS!!! ^^
Oh and it has to be free.
Hello. So I'm making a warriors rp but I suck at making height maps. If anyone is willing to help me I would be very grateful. I'm looking to make it about 30,000 with, along with maybe 10,000 or so height. Not sure on height yet but ya know. Any how. I want it in three sections, One with mountains (sorta realistic please). One as a sorta boggy area. (lots of water places) And one as a sort of forest ground. I only need the height map as I am ok with the other parts. I will end up editing some parts to certain landmarks but I really need a base for it.
One last thing. If you don't already know I need it to be in a PNG format. And I will give credit. (of course)
THANKS!!! ^^
I don't know if you are still looking for this, but heres a height map. http://oi57BannedImageSite/oppf8j.jpg (http://oi57BannedImageSite/oppf8j.jpg) ((Plain Image))
Thanks for doing this. And I'm sorry to say I'm not looking for a height map any more. 0_0; Sorry for the trouble. Although that looks like a really nice height map.