Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: AeropostaleWolf on March 03, 2014, 07:52:02 am

Title: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: AeropostaleWolf on March 03, 2014, 07:52:02 am
Alright, so title basically says it all. Have you ever clicked the Find button to know where your friends are and it said Fluorite Plainsor Ficho Tunnel? Of course we all have some point. Well, this thought has been in my head for the past few days now. Imagine clicking the find button for one of your friends and it said [Username Here] is in Character Creator.

 I do think this should happen, because FeralHeart requires internet connection and when you log on you're basically online on FeralHeart (Request accepted, sending log in), not offline, obviously. Plus, this isn't really a contribution to this idea, but at times there will be a ditcher who says:

Oh, okay. I'm going to go make a character
Let me edit my character, brb.

 And they never come back. Don't you think it would be helpful to know that they are actually editing or making a character instead of going of somewhere else?
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: darkknight on March 05, 2014, 07:40:55 pm
This is an interesting idea, first off, and I can see where you're going with it. The thing about reading if someone is in the Character Creator seems iffy. I'm not entirely familiar with a game's general startup, but players, once they enter the game server itself, then people know where they are with the "Find" command, not hard at all. However, if users would like to "Find" another player on Character Creator, that's where it may be tricky.

There would possibly have to be a system introduced where the Creator is shared by users (in this case, friends) to find where you are. Or, alternatively, place a "creator" interface that is already in-game so players do not have to leave at all and edit their characters that way. Alas, I assume the code would be needed for something in that nature.
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: Crin on March 05, 2014, 09:01:32 pm
It would be interesting, really. This is the first I've ever seen of this idea I think. Especially since you do need Internet connection to even get into the chara creator. Still, I don't think something like this is even possible. The way the character creator "map" is set up - which is an actual FH map called Podium, it's just not accessible - I would think the source code would need to be involved to edit such a thing. Maybe not. Either way, it is certainly an interesting thing to consider. Not sure if I'd want people knowing I was in the chara creator myself, but I can certainly see the appeal of the idea.
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: lindaminda on March 05, 2014, 09:06:01 pm
I have to say this is really good idea. Unique and quite interesting. It would be nice to have that option in-game.
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: Honest~Faith on March 08, 2014, 03:14:17 pm
Good ideas!  ;)
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: BlackLuna06 on March 22, 2014, 02:50:31 am
Whilst this sounds like an interesting idea, I'm not sure if I'd be in support of it.

It might be nice to know where your friends are, maybe even talk  to them while they make new chars, but I like being invisible while making my char. Sometimes that's all I do, and don't actually go into the game at all.

It's an excellent idea - but perhaps have a disable button or something for those that don't want it. c:
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: Astraea on March 23, 2014, 12:29:02 am
I think that's a good idea. I mean, that'd be useful for the people who never return, yeah. .3.
I hope to see more ideas from you! cx.~
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: ShadowPhoenix515 on April 26, 2014, 10:44:51 pm
I think it would be a cool idea, of course with a disable option. :)
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: IcyFrost on April 27, 2014, 06:28:31 am
I think it would be a cool idea, of course with a disable option. :)

I think that this thread disappeared from the first 3-4 pages on le "Game Opinions or Ideas" board. So.. Yerp. Don't bump threads that have disappeared from the first few pages, let them die. You can do a remake of this thread though [I think o,o]
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: cozyyote on April 27, 2014, 06:36:51 am
Yes quite interesting

Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: ShadowPhoenix515 on April 27, 2014, 02:08:27 pm
Oh, sorry. I saw it yesterday on the first page but since then im sure its changed.
Title: Re: [Username Here] is in Character Creator
Post by: IcyFrost on April 27, 2014, 04:10:01 pm
Chur good. Everyone's done it... So.. xD
You can recreate this thread... Maybe o,o
Just make sure that you check the date on the last post xD