Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: hugrf2 on March 10, 2014, 06:28:53 pm

Title: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on March 10, 2014, 06:28:53 pm
The Exclone

Picture sturf

Above is by GallusVarius on dA. This is, specifically, Ten's shark form.


Above is by me. Headshot of Exxy's griffin form.


Above is by me. A somewhat... Terrible headshot of Exxy's main form.


Above is by me. Shows the markings and detail of Exxy's cat form, only, it is usually a manx.


Above is by me. Exxy's main rabbit form, (Despite it likely changing over time a bit) cuddling and nomming a cabbage. Shows the scar on his face better.

Blood Warning

Above is by me. Exxy's homotherium form.


Above is by me. An unfinished drawing, yet references his clothes.

| Appearance: Pale-ish skin, fluffy brown hair with darker and lighter hues hinted, two month old beard that's faintest at the upper lip and biggest at the chin area, dark reddish brown eyes, right eye has a vein-like sort of thing going on reaching around the pupil mainly, looks like The Tenth Doctor a bit |

| Facial Differences From David Tennant (Main): Jaw/chin is slightly tilted more forward, small eyes/Close-set eyes, no dang sideburns. |

| Species: Timelord, despite being called an experiment-clone, he still is mainly Timelord despite having the experiment blood in him. Shapeshifting is only a power. |

| Scars: Quite a lot over his torso; Mainly diagonal on the chest, down his belly, and quite a large one down his back. However, they seem more faint thanks to the fluffy front body hair he has. Faintly on his hands and one diagonal across his lips, as well as ankles. Facial scars are one slashed across his right cheek and another "carved" in the left side of his nose, pointing toward the eye. He has, in fact, endured quite a lot of violence in his life. |

| Real Name: Azerus Geether (NOTE: If said, removes his ability to revive or shapeshift for a bit) |

| Attire: Vest seems to be just like The Doctor's, only stripeless as well as his pants. Dusty-red buttoned shirt underneath, no tie or anything like that, black converses, torn areas at the bottom of vest. |

| Height: 193.6cm/6'4" |

| Age Appearance: 24, unlike David Tennant, he's more of a younger somewhat different version of him. |
| Actual Age: 372 |

| Nicknames: Exxy, Ex, The Doctor, guy-vith-froots, etc |

| Soul Shared With (Literally): Dark (Information in spoiler) |

| Sex: Female | Gender: Female... Mostly... BUT A VERY MASCULINE FEMININE! |
| Reference: (http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/096/d/7/dark_s_reference_by_hugrf-d7d8x25.png) NOTE: Sometimes her hair is dyed ginger, and when it isn't, the tuft on her head to her shoulders is black when in both of her forms.

| Befriended: Exxy (Apparently considered like a brother to her) |
| Crush: None so far | Boyfriend: None so far | Age Appearance: 17, can change |
| S.O: Heterosexual | WIP, maybe |
| Children: Kaskera, Exxan, Rica, Void |
| Currently: Dark is dead; Died of birth, and now a ghost. This is for a roleplay plot, and when it's finished up, will be explained later. |

| Personality: He can, in fact, be quite hyper (Especially if anyone gives him espresso) and weird; In fact, one might call him 'retarded' or 'broken' sometimes when sometimes, he acts like an idiot even because he's trying to cheer himself up or make others laugh. That is quite a goal for him, to make others laugh. Especially Solara and Nari it seems, or anyone in general like strangers. However, at times, he could be quite bipolar and snappy; 'Female dog'-y, you could say, especially if he's not in a good mood or is around people he tends not to like too much.
Ten is, in fact, quite perverted (Take note this is mostly in Party chat, and only mature people will usually witness it; Mostly people older than 12 most likely will.) and in the past, would accept an 'offer' despite having a girlfriend before he was scolded. However, now, he still might act perverted, such as watch people in the shower, regardless of gender/sex.

He would often have himself be trustworthy and honest, yet loyalty in relationships is what he needs, especially if he finds them never truly around. But he never goes that far anymore, and he would only be slightly flirty /at all/ if people seem to take a little too much interest in him. Emotionally, he doesn't have the strength to resist and survive such desperate-for-love-ness.

Sometimes, this goes for all traits, in fact, or more likely to those he loves and has emotionally begun to cling to. Even if so many people have died on him, Exxy forces himself not to become too lonely, yet inside, he is still quite heartbroken and this, his lose of sanity and the want to put it on other people sometimes, resulting in him being... A jerk, to sum it up. He'd likely try not to bond too much with a being, even if he's so emotional he'd grieve anyway. |

| Sanity: Ten's sanity is unsure, but as of now, it is said that he is quite messed up and crazy. Though he remains quite caring, no matter what, he will kill anyone and torture them for revenge on certain occasions, but rarely is found killing anyone for that matter. |

| Children: Micheal (Deceased, male), Avi (Deceased, female), Sasha (Adopted, female) | Bound to: None | Formerly bound to: Abi |
| Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Nari Lokidottir |
| Eyes For: Not you. 8I |
| S.O: Bisexual, Female Preference |

| Allies: He has quite a lot of allies, though some he may not consider real friends. |
| Loathes: Sometimes most adult male humans, really, palm trees, leaves, bees, etc |
| Considered Best Friends: Hegaru (Mainly because he trusts him so much), The Hunter/Solara Rae Auditore |

| Likes: Being creepy, caring people, cuddling on certain occasions, vodka, making people laugh, etc, etc... |
| Dislikes: Being called a 'clone', idiots who just want to stress him out, death, demons, people who talk of murdering or scaring children to death, other sensitive subjects to him, etc, etc.  |

| Pets: Pierce the albino griffin (Not fully considered a 'pet', however), Sizz the sinosauropteryx (Sort of; More likely Hrokir's as he thinks, though), Arxis the hyracotherium, Flurfles the blue silkie bantam, Saden the ginger tabby tom, and sometimes he may consider Tiny the marten or Odd the chimera his pets. He has a lot of pets, yes, but most of them are smart enough to take care of themselves... Sometimes. |

| History: Before the experiment, Azerus lived in a sort of medieval town all the way out in a snowy landscape, his father being the deputy and thus, neglecting his own two sons. When Ferius' and his mother died, then, they had no other choice but to go searching around the streets - Until they got caught to be experimented on. "It's okay," the scientists tried to comfort.

But, the experiment itself, with Azerus and Ferius going to be used for war backfired. Literally, it wrecked the whole town, killing almost everyone but those who were in the castle thanks to it's greater protection.

Azerus, or Exxy, lost his memory until he moved on, thinking he was The Doctor with no memory of what happened now 214 years ago until his "experiment-fails" started. And that was how he met Abi so long ago.

Indeed, he loved her, but now it seems like everything good had to come to a end, didn't it? Even Micheal and Avi died... Such a great lose for him it was, for it is all a great cause for his depression.

All The Exclone could do was move on; Even after the betrayal of his brother without realizing what was controlling him, he tried to move on. Suicidal, he was sometimes, yet he always knew he had to live for people he loved, or a better future... And most often, it's worth it, for things aren't the worst, yes? |

| Scientists of the Experiment: Taireia (Female, deceased), the rest are unknown as of yet |
| Siblings: The Phantom (AKA Ferius Geether), Darkrai Voident (Darkrai98765) |

| Other: 1. Ten had gained the ability to shapeshift into any animal before Abi had died of giving birth, soon revived in the second time to run off with The Master.
2. He takes guilt in murdering in the past, yet will still do it.
3. Had to kill his former wife a second time, and she still lies in the TARDIS in her grave.
4. Blames himself a lot for certain happenings.
5. Extremely, possibly overprotective over beings he loves so dearly.
6. Considered quite sensitive and emotional, yet rarely cries in front of another being.
7. Is still unsure to this day whether he wants to have children again or not, in fear of them dying again.
8. Can shapeshift into anything he can imagine fully, and revive himself. (Which obviously has it's disadvantages)
9. Purrs like a cat quite a lot, sometimes even forgetting his species.
10. Can be extremely depressed after quite a lot of emotional, possibly traumatic events in the past, yet extremely hyper. Be warned.
11. Attracted to the scent of paint, apparently, and eats it.
12. Some of his forms have both, completely purple irises, while others have the same as his Timelord form. |

| Quote(s): "That's like saying it's odd for a dude to have a beard. I BEG TO DIFFER, JUDGE JUDY!" |

| Father: Igerin Geether | Mother: Caroline (It's... A long story.) |

| Weapons: Long-ish knife, (http://hugrf.deviantart.com/art/Havor-s-Knife-439513894) Pistols (Same Kind) (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/M1911A1.png) Four very small daggers like this used for throwing. (http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo255/interframe/smdagger5_zps5ac8d31b.jpg) |

| Themesong(s):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zetu-Y1D8AU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zetu-Y1D8AU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdMaaJ1lwfU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdMaaJ1lwfU)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0LNhIaGAUw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0LNhIaGAUw)

| Reasons |
| Rubik's Cube by Athlete: In a way, it might tell his story through a differently described sort of story of a boy losing his rubik's cube. But, for Exxy, it describes him losing his sanity/morals or losing his way on it or things he struggled through. If you want to put the story in order, that is. And he basically /is/ a kid who won't let anything go sometimes. Even if he seems like he's taking it easily... He's not. |

| Perfect Life by Red: Simply because he doesn't care about having a truly "perfect" life; He'd rather have experienced those people in his life in the past rather than had one, and experienced what he had experienced sometimes. Not everything, obviously, but he pretty much prefers his own life over anyone else's for some reason. |

| Comes and Goes (In Waves) by Greg Laswell: This is simple; He always can be rather supportive and sympathetic/empathetic maybe even, perhaps he doesn't even show it! Always, does Exxy wonder why he tries to love people, knowing they'd most likely die in front of him some day, slowly losing his optimism (Which never goes away) while losing his emotionalness as well. (Mainly with grieving, obviously.) |

~Don't judge, please? Thanks~
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: Jackkdaw on March 10, 2014, 07:12:40 pm
Teehee, I see you on this character all the time 'round Bonfire! <3

Though I'm not a Doctor Who fan, this is still a very interesting character!
Honestly, every time I've happened to notice you in Bonfire I always wonder what the heck an Exclone is. XD
This explains everythiiingggg. X3

Thanks for sharin', Huggy-poo! <3
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on March 10, 2014, 07:39:43 pm
Teehee, I see you on this character all the time 'round Bonfire! <3

Though I'm not a Doctor Who fan, this is still a very interesting character!
Honestly, every time I've happened to notice you in Bonfire I always wonder what the heck an Exclone is. XD
This explains everythiiingggg. X3

Thanks for sharin', Huggy-poo! <3
Hurr, I'm glad you think so, honestly! Thanks~ <33 (The Exclone is short for The Experiment-clone, another thing I forgot to mention, lol.) But yeah, I guess just... yer welcome? xD Eh.
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on March 11, 2014, 08:05:17 pm
Apologize for double post as this is an update; but edited the appearance area and moved "pears" to "Loathes" alongside "leaves" (Yes, I made that reference people probably don't know about here.)

Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: Roniver on July 20, 2014, 12:18:27 am
BAD NEWS: I'm going on vacation for a few days.. WORST time to get banned! It starts when The ban eds!
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on July 20, 2014, 12:29:50 am
BAD NEWS: I'm going on vacation for a few days.. WORST time to get banned! It starts when The ban eds!

Refer to this:

Discussion Of Bans And Reports
Discussions about bans and reports should NOT take place inside the game any other than under closed conversations. If you end up getting warned, kicked, or even banned from the game you do not under any circumstances discuss this in the public chats or plain out complain/seek for attention. If you are unhappy with a mods actions or warnings within the game or possibly a member breaking the rules you should contact the Administrators or Mods here on the site and explain your situation via a PM form. If it's seen necessary, a MOD within the game might warn/kick/ban a user for trash talking, bad mouthing, or being disrespectful of the rules that were enforced on them from recent events. Warnings, kicks and bans are given for a reason!

Please refrain from discussing your ban. If it's really that bad, PM a moderator.
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on July 21, 2014, 04:12:16 am
NOTE: I still occasionally update here, and welp, have a warm, big, and fuzzy update now that I come back here! x)

@Caro: LOL, tell me in a note on dA next time, okay?
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on July 21, 2014, 01:17:15 pm
I see you only this character all the time in Ficho and Bonfire x'3 Thanks for sharing Huggles<3
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: xXGalaxyWolfXx on July 21, 2014, 06:50:25 pm
        I sometimes see your character in bonfire. Very interesting character, Thanks for sharing! XD
                                                       *Huggles* (>^-^>
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: femalecreature on July 29, 2014, 04:49:49 am
Exx????~ ???? ??????s????? ???? ??????s ???.
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on July 29, 2014, 05:50:53 am
Thanks guys! <3 I really appreciate it. ALSO: Expect more updates in the future, even small ones. Annnnddd - That's what I should probably be doing now...
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: Roniver on July 31, 2014, 03:47:37 am
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on July 31, 2014, 11:13:20 am
Small update: Added some pictures, facial differences, and some more stuff in "Other".

This bio is getting stuffed. OuO
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: TheRugDoctor on August 27, 2014, 02:50:10 pm
Really awesome character idea you have there :3 I see you all the time in Ficho and Bonfire!
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on August 27, 2014, 04:27:11 pm
Thank you, Crispy. ^^ Lol, I'm probably never going to be in Bonfire much anymore, unless it's to roleplay with someone else other than my group though.

Also, updated quite a lot without bumping the thread. >3 Ohye, and adding descriptions to the themesongs, just 'cause boredom and I can. //Shrug//
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: hugrf2 on September 13, 2014, 03:17:48 am
Sorry if this bump is annoying, but I see other people bump their threads with updates soo... Tell me if it's against the rules, I guess...? Eh...

Anyway, update: Added to new section; "pets", a new themesong, new themesong description, etc.
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: wolf48877 on September 13, 2014, 07:26:21 am
Very nice descriptions mah floofy friend :3 I hope to see u stalking around bonfire or ficho one day :D
Title: Re: ~The Exclone~
Post by: Roniver on November 30, 2014, 07:41:59 am