Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: mcgee2001 on March 13, 2014, 02:54:21 pm

Title: Dark Haven
Post by: mcgee2001 on March 13, 2014, 02:54:21 pm
Hello, I'm writing a Story about my character BlackFlame, it will start from when he's a pup right up until he dies. cx
So here you go, oh and if you like it please tell me!

Winter was over. Spring was here now, the prey was back and the weather was nice.
A small pup jumped up and ran over to a wolf which seemed to be his father. "Papa!! Wake up! You need to teach me how to hunt!"
The bigger male opened one eye and sighed. "BlackFlame, I'm tired!"
"NO! Papa! You promised! Please..Please..Please?" The little pup grinned, wagging his tail.
The pups father pulled himself up and yawned. "Oh..Okay then.." The male flicked his tail at the pup. "Come on! Outside then."
"Jay, take Shadow with you, okay? You and BlackFlame always go out alone, let her come. Okay?" Quince said, standing up and pushing Shadow towards them with her tail.
"Mama..But..Shadows really bo-"
"BlackFlame! Stop it! Be nice to your sister!" Jay growled. He then pushed them both out of the den.
"Bye Mama!" Yelled Shadow.

"Now, listen up. Keep your bodys low to the ground and keep your eyes on the prey." Jay whispered to his pups.
"Like this papa?" Asked Shadow.
"Yes, good girl. BlackFlame! Keep your tail down!" Jay rolled his eyes then widened them.
"Go on Shadow." Jay whispered. "Look at that. A rabbit. Get it."
The little pup crawled out of the bush, her body low to the ground. The rabbit had it's back to her. Then she leaped onto it's back and held it down with one paw.
"Kill it. Shadow! Kill it!" Jay shouted. "Bite it's neck!"
Shadow looked around not knowing what to do then she bit it's neck.
"Good girl! Your first kill!" Jay jumped up and wagged his tail.
BlackFlame smiled at Shadow. "Good work. But Papa can I kill one?"
Jay picked up Shadows kill and began walking back to the den. "Uhh..Yes, we'll get you one to kill closer to the den." Jay mumbled through the rabbits fur.

Jay placed the rabbit outside the den. "Quince eat up!" He called to his mate, then lead the pups back out to the forest.
"Papa? Can I kill a elk?!" BlackFlame asked jumping up and down.
"Oh, no, no, no. Your only a pup! Killing an elk takes atleast two fully grown wolves." Explained Jay.
"Oh, then a rabbit then?"
"Copy wolf." Teased Shadow.
"Hey!" Growled BlackFlame. "There's nothing else to hunt!"
Jay shook his head. "There's lots of different types of prey in the forest. Now stop being silly." Jay said.
"Okay! Can I just hunt now?" Moaned the young pup.
"Yeah. I think I can scent a rabbit. Get down behind that bush."
"Papa!" Shadow whispered.
"SSH!" Growled BlackFlame and Jay.
"No! Look!" She flicked her tail to a pup walking into the clearing. This pup looked about two months older than Shadow and BlackFlame. And he had dark grey fur.
Jay's eyes narrowed as the pup looked around. "It can smell us." He whispered. "Don't frighten him away."
The grey pup padded over to the bush where Jay and the pups were hiding. He began to sniff around it.
"RAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Screamed BlackFlame. He jumped up and attempted to pull a scary face at the  pup.
"AHHH!" Screamed the pup and fell back. "What the hell?! You idiot!" Growled the pup jumping up.
BlackFlame laughed. "Your face was so funny!" Shadow poked her head out of the bush.
"Yeah! It was." She giggled. Then Jay stood up and looked at the pups.
"I'm going back to the den...Come back when your ready." He smiled and padded away.

"What's your name?" BlackFlame asked the pup.
"Uh..I'm Sar." The pup smiled. "What are your names?"
Shadow smiled. "That's a nice name. And I'm Shadow and this is my brother BlackFlame."
Sar looked at Shadow then at BlackFlame. "Those names are rubbish. Let me make them better. BlackFlame I will call you Flame."
BlackFlame and Shadow looked at each other with worried faces. "I like that name, Flame. It's cool." Barked BlackFlame.
"Hey! What about me?" Asked Shadow.
"I know! Shadie, that's a good name. Huh?" Sar wagged his tail and glazed at Shadow.
"Yeah, I like it. So, Sar. Where's your Mama and Papa?" Shadow asked. But BlackFlame nudged her.
"SSH. Don't ask things like that." He whispered.
"Uh..They..They..ummm...Well my Dad left my mam when she had me. And my mam died just a few weeks ago..But she was kinda crazy." Sar admitted.
"Oh! That's awful." Shadow said and pushed her muzzle into his cheek.
"Nah. I'm a lone wolf now. I don't need no rules or anyone." Chuckled Sar as he being to walk away.
BlackFlame looked at Shadow then looked at Sar. "C-can you be our friend?" BlackFlame called after the older pup.
"Uhh...Sure.." Mumbled Sar. "Meet me here tomorrow morning, don't bring any adults though." Sar said before walking out of the clearing into the forest.
"BlackFlame, uh, I mean Flame. Why can't we bring papa or mama?" Shadow asked - her eyes filled with worry.
Her brother just ignored the worry in her eyes. "Maybe he wants to take us somewhere fun! Somewhere where boring adults can't go!"
"But..What if we get into trouble from mama and papa?" Shadow asked worriedly. "I-I'm not sure if I want to go...What happens if we get attack by a fox?!"
BlackFlame growled at his sister. "Stop being a baby! If your scared then don't come tomorrow!" He snarled.
"I'm not scared!" Growled Shadow. "I'm coming! I wont be scared."
BlackFlame snorted and began padding back to the den, Shadow padding behind him.

Also here's my Quotev: http://www.quotev.com/27670787 (http://www.quotev.com/27670787)