Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: WhiteLightHeart on March 30, 2014, 03:23:28 pm

Title: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on March 30, 2014, 03:23:28 pm
Whoa, nelly. I'm posting a thing. Hey gaiz. <3

The topic says it all, though. What's the most unique roleplay you've encountered?
The topic itself is broad, and feel free to take it in a variety of ways. It could be an interesting plotline in a group RP, a certain style of RP that stood out to you, or even just a fun experience you had in a one-on-one RP.
What about it was memorable to you?

In one case of mine, it was actually a roleplay that I didn't even join that stood out in my memory. Yet, it had a very unique quality to it--that is, it was a "hyper-realistic" wolf pack. Characters had names if you so chose, but otherwise the pack was run like a normal wolf pack, they had no human dialog whatsoever. All of their communication was done through describing your character's body language and normal wolf vocalizations.
I'd been sitting at the Stone Bridge when I saw this some months ago, and I remember thinking about what an interesting challenge that would be as a roleplayer and writer.

How to convey these emotions and complex interactions between characters, without using any anthropomorphized speech that we normally give to even the most realistic characters? I think it's a fascinating challenge, and I wish that this RP had taken off. However, the RP itself didn't gain many members, and I myself didn't have the time to join it while I was there.

I've seen several different unique RPs, and this is only one of them. However, the idea kept rolling around in my head, so I really wanted to share it. xD

What're some unique RPs you've seen?
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: mcgee2001 on March 30, 2014, 03:27:46 pm
I used to be in this RP ages ago called '(Something) Novum' I forgot the first word. xD It was really interesting because they had one pack underground and the other pack was above ground. The one which was above ground had trapped the underground pack. Also the underground pack used to keep escaping, which made it even more interesting. They also had a really unique plot, which I loved. But sadly the Role-play was deleted. D:
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on March 30, 2014, 03:29:39 pm
I used to be in this RP ages ago called '(Something) Novum' I forgot the first word. xD It was really interesting because they had one pack underground and the other pack was above ground. The one which was above ground had trapped the underground pack. Also the underground pack used to keep escaping, which made it even more interesting. They also had a really unique plot, which I loved. But sadly the Role-play was deleted. D:
Underground versus above ground? That's so cool, and I've never heard of anything like that before. xD That is disappointing that it got deleted, but I would've loved to see the map you guys roleplayed in.
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: mcgee2001 on March 30, 2014, 04:17:37 pm
I used to be in this RP ages ago called '(Something) Novum' I forgot the first word. xD It was really interesting because they had one pack underground and the other pack was above ground. The one which was above ground had trapped the underground pack. Also the underground pack used to keep escaping, which made it even more interesting. They also had a really unique plot, which I loved. But sadly the Role-play was deleted. D:
Underground versus above ground? That's so cool, and I've never heard of anything like that before. xD That is disappointing that it got deleted, but I would've loved to see the map you guys roleplayed in.
Yeah, the map was so detailed and amazing, probably one of the best I've ever seen! :D
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: Bawfle on March 30, 2014, 08:11:06 pm
I used to own a feline roleplay before. Each character had to chose an element and a unique gift/power, along with one amulet which represented both their power and element. It was pretty fascinating. We could either look realistic or not, which was the fun part because you could design your character as long as it met some requirements. It was absolutely awesome~

Oooo now I have the motivation to re-make it.. omg white, y u do dis!? XD
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: mcgee2001 on March 30, 2014, 08:22:22 pm
I used to own a feline roleplay before. Each character had to chose an element and a unique gift/power, along with one amulet which represented both their power and element. It was pretty fascinating. We could either look realistic or not, which was the fun part because you could design your character as long as it met some requirements. It was absolutely awesome~

Oooo now I have the motivation to re-make it.. omg white, y u do dis!? XD
Sounds like a nice Role-play. cx I like Rps where you can chose what your character looks like.
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: Vespian on March 30, 2014, 08:30:40 pm
I used to be in this RP ages ago called '(Something) Novum' I forgot the first word. xD It was really interesting because they had one pack underground and the other pack was above ground. The one which was above ground had trapped the underground pack. Also the underground pack used to keep escaping, which made it even more interesting. They also had a really unique plot, which I loved. But sadly the Role-play was deleted. D:
What yer thinkin' is a role-play called Aemuli Novum. I used to be one of its members and was also a member in the role-play before it, which was called Aequalis. It was a time way back when The Puppeteer was still alive. Although, I cannot lie, I loved the plot and the creativity of both role-plays. The plot line was based off of discrimination. One pack, the overlords, the Abenaki, enslaved the Yakamas and forced them into dungeons, usin' em' for their own gain like dogs. They feared the Yakamas, whos white eyes were rumored to reap souls out of any who gazed into them. Due to this, they were punished for crimes they had not even committed. To put it simply.
T'is a shame both role-plays died out. However, while I know the reasons as to why, I shall remained hushed about it and leave it at this.
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: Lukas245 on March 30, 2014, 11:00:34 pm
Most intresting rp Ive ever encountered....................................

Dinosaur rp.

Childhoods comin' back.

Nuff' said.
Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: BlackLuna06 on March 31, 2014, 06:59:16 am
Unique? Those RPs where the leader has made up a WHOLE NEW species, and put heaps of detail into their strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes etc. When done properly, these RPs can be amazing - even if there are some minor character requirements. Invented species are usually a lot of work, and it's just fantastic watching someone bring their imagination to life.

As for interesting... the fighting-bases RPs are my favourite. Ones where people will not PP or Autohit you, where there is a system. I love the concept, and when it's pulled off it's just amazing. Not particularly unique, perhaps, but these are always good for a small audience of people.

Finally, I have a soft spot for those RPs that have managed to last for many years. I'm not going to name any, but when they pull through the dramas that FH and life occasionally bring, and survive to make really great friendships, I think that's wonderful.

Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: flomfloat83 on March 31, 2014, 02:12:35 pm
I've seen a wolf roleplay where everyone had a certain character that they picked out of the sight, following the character's plot, personality and appearance. Every character had something to do with their plot and it looked very interesting. ^^  I would've joined, but I was stuck in the middle of roleplaying.

Title: Re: What's The Most Unique Roleplay You've Encountered?
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 31, 2014, 07:29:49 pm
An awesome as heck Red Vs Blue RolePlay.

One of the best I've ever been a part of.