Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: Arkayy on April 14, 2014, 11:35:20 am

Title: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Arkayy on April 14, 2014, 11:35:20 am
Arkanis's Character Thread

   Welcome all to my character thread. Here I will be updating everything I have on my characters. Not all my characters will be featured here just because I have so many. If anyone's interested in roleplaying with one of the characters in the game, feel free to leave a comment or add me in-game.


     i. Karasu Akayame
     ii. Tao Akayame
     iii. Kage Akayame
     iv. SlateRift (Crow)
     v. RavagedStar (Rags)
     vi. Paradox
     vii. Ray Kazuki
     viii. Azarath
     ix. Madara
     x. Grimmsley [WIP]
     xi. Ryukoi [WIP]



Karasu Akayame
(Kah-Ra-Sue  Ah-Kah-Yah-May)

Age: 3.5 Years old (About 15-16 Human Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Cybernetic Maltese Tiger Clone

Appearance: Karasu is a odd blue toned tiger that is fairly skinny and weak for being a tiger. He has numerous stitched up scars all over him including one tilted cross shaped one occupying the  left side of his chest, one up the beginning of his spine near his neck, his back legs with a few minor ones on his ears tail and across the bridge of his nose. Both of his forearms are completely mechanical and simulate normal feline legs, only with much sharper claws. The tip of his tail also has a sharp metal barb where a bit of his tail was ripped off to replace the skeleton and serve as a defense mechanism. Under his right eye, there is part of a metal plate used for scanning others and determining if they are a threat or not.

Personality: Don't let his appearance fool you. Despite his creator's desire for a war centered monster, he is as harmless a newborn kitten. He acts very young for his age and always wears an adorable, innocent smile. With this, he is also quite gullible and easy to manipulate. Though he is against most violent acts since he is a pacifist for the most part, relying on his brother to do the fighting for him for the most part.

- Tao Akayame - Referred to as a brother since the two have the same creator.
- Kage Akayame - Referenced to as father, even if the two aren't related by blood.

History: (WIP)

Inspiration: At first, I made him because I needed a character to soften up Tao at first, though he seems to have taken the place as one of my favorites. Who wouldn't love a kitten that's part cyborg? :3


Tao Akayame
(Tao Ah-Kah-Yah-May)

Age: 4 Years, (Around 18 Human)
Gender: Male
Species: Cybernetic Arctic Blood Wolf Clone

Appearance: Tao has the appearance of a white arctic would with unnaturally bright green eyes... Most of the time. If he uses his ability, his head to his neck scruff and part of his back fur become a dark crimson as well as the end o his tail and the very tip of his paws. Many scars lay on his body as shown above including prominent ones across both of his eyes vertically, the bridge of his nose, the middle of his tail, his right front leg and an 'X' Shaped one on the same side shoulder. Numerous minor ones come and go around his ankles from biting and trying to draw blood from himself.

Personality: A very rugged figure. At first glance, he may seem full of himself, harsh, sarcastic and very temperamental, getting angered very easily. He has resentment towards most people and animals that live in groups and always says how much weaker they are having to depend on someone else. This might be because he spent most of his 'childhood' alone with others turning a blind eye to him. Although he rarely shows it instead of anger, he can get depressed very easily and feel alone, though he will deny these feelings. In battle, he can be extremely vicious and merciless, most of his power feeding off of hatred or pride.

- Karasu Akayame - Referred to as a brother since the two have the same creator.
- Kage Akayame - Referenced to as father, even if the two aren't related by blood.

History: After Kage's actual son had passed during a fight with Paradox, he sought after something to replace a burning pain that was in him. When visiting the site of his son's death, he collected a sample of blood that was from the demon's imprisioner and began research to get his revenge on the creature. Near the end of his research, he found a willing participant for his experiment, a lone albino wolf pup who stumbled upon his path. At such a young age, he looked up blindly to Kage as a father figure, believing he underwent the experiment to cure a fake illness he had. In the experiment, he gained a human form as well as some fierce abilities. For most of his childhood, he was force to spend his days training and fighting so his 'father' could exact his revenge, though he was care for as if he was his own child. When the time came for Tao to fulfill his destiny to kill paradox, the two fought brutally, though the wolf was the one who had a near death experience. His right foreleg was severed from his body and the once innocent pup was left out in the winter's cloak alone. The wolf has recovered from that gruesome fight on his own and refuses to follow under anyone's shadow since, though he still will crawl back to Kage out of loneliness and desperation.

Inspiration: I made this character when I was very depressed. My last year of middle school was extremely rough on me, I'm sure you all know how vicious kids can be. I often found myself alone and silent, I actually found myself being mute to nearly everyone but teachers and a few nerdy friends for the full 3 years. A little after this I believe, i began to start to get into anime. One of the characters I connected with the most was Coyote Stark from bleach. And seeing his death was just so tragic at the time. There was just something about the character that inspired me to make Tao and I honestly can't say what it is about him.


Kage Akayame
(Cage Ah-Kah-Yah-May)
*Yes, I am aware that his first name should really be pronounced 'Kah-Gay', but at the time of his design, I did not know that.

Age: No one is really quite sure. A good estimate would be around 1500 years.
Gender Male
Species: Drauken (A custom species of mine, read the spoiler below for info.)
Drauken Info

(Half Dragon, Half Lich)

Life Expectancy: Normally 500 years at max.

Physical Common Traits: They are humanoid like beings with main features of reptiles, such as scales instead of skin, long claws, tails and horns or wings depending on the single creature. There scales may come in a variety of colors though most are a tone of red or a pale color.

Special Abilities: Each of them have the ability to shift into either a human or dragon at will. They are born knowing how to speak dragon tongue and can learn languages fairly quickly. They may also be able to master different types of magic depending on the type of hybrid they are.

Diet: Omnivorous. Their main diet is rather similar to a normal dragon's, although they can also eat human food too.

Strengths: Brute force, magical abilities, shape shifting, can be affiliated with one of the elements.

Weaknesses: Anything that may hurt dragons easily, pure silver, Sword of Susanoo.

Other Information: Some worship the first Drauken, Gyrra, as a goddess and respect offspring of her bloodline instictively. Many of the remaining have come to hate humans because of the hunters that tried to make them go extinct in the past.

Appearance: He is a relatively large dragon with a zombie like appearance. His eyes are a deep purple as well as his wings. His scales are jet black and the bones making up most of his body are beige, some with a tinge of green. As a human, he has very sickly pale skin, very long black hair with some dark maroon highlights and violet eyes. Compared a normal person though, his human form is very weak and brittle.

Personality: He has a lot of resentment towards humans and sometimes other younger dragons for thinking there not as smart or strong. He will often attack anyone seen on sight. Kage feels he has a lot of pride and strength, making him a bit cocky. Occasionally, he will help others, but that's a very rare sight to see from him. His ego sometimes leads to his downfall, underestimating opponents.

- Daedra - Father (Drauken)
- Estella - Mother (Drauken)
- Cynide - Younger Sister (Drauken)
- Aureolia - Ex Wife (Human
- Slate - Biological Son (Son of Aureolia, Drauken Human Hybrid)
- Sorrow - Adopted Daughter (Human)
- Karasu - Artificial Son
- Tao - Artificial Son
- Gracelina - Current lover (Dragon Priestess)

History: (There is a LOT of history with kage. When I mean a lot, i mean probably just a books worth explaining it all. I may fill this out later, but it would be extremely long!)
His parents were long ago killed when a small group of his kind were discovered by them. At a very young age, he was left alive though taken back into a laboratory for testing. The young dragon was fairly stubborn and very bitter towards the humans, not going a day without biting, slashing or inflicting some kind of pain onto at least one of them. This caused him to often be punished by the superiors quite frequently. As he grew in there care, he slowly became filled with more malice and violence due to this way of life, having a burning hatred for the human race. When his human form around around the age of 16, he managed to break out of the facility, completely devastating the place out of bitter hatred, leaving no know survivors. For the longest time, he had taken refugee inside a large manor towards the edge of the city. It formerly belonged to one of the city's richest businessmen, though the dragon managed to slip in and kill him, taking on his appearance without anyone's real notice.

Inspiration: One of my first ever characters! At first, I really had no idea where he came from. Though after getting used to roleplaying him, I discovered that I had unintentionally took much of his design from one of my favorite book series of all time, The Last Dragon Chronicles. After rereading Icefire and the books beyond that, I started to notice the many similarities he had with a character named Gwiliana. Maybe I did this because that's how i interpreted a good villain at the time, who knows. Though his design idea, I got from a game called Lost Kingdoms. I'm sorry, but the animation for the zombie dragon is freaking epic and was one of the cards i spammed the most just because it looked so cool and it was powerful. <3

*Also, if anyone was curious on the name, there is a funny story to that. At that time, I always roleplayed on wolfquest, i didnt know Fh even existed. And there would always be this one... newbie troll that would come into my chat. Just to annoy the crap out of me. Why? Who knows. Though me and my friends always joked about Kage always coming in the chat and ruining everything. Well, that's pretty much what this character does so the name fit perfectly!



Age: 27 Moons (A little over two years old)
Gender: Male
Species: Silver Tabby/Siamese Mixed Cat

Appearance: A fairly decent sized male tabby cat. He has silver short lengthened fur adorn with dark grey to almost invisible stripes that appear sparingly on him due to him being a mixbreed cat. All of his paws have a charcoal colored paw marking with his left foreleg being the most covered by the odd marking variation. His eyes are a dull topaz tone. His pet has indications of many fights, having his most prominent wounds over his left cheek extending t the bridge of his nose and two over his eyes.

Personality: He is a very rugged cat, taking many traits from the harshness of his father. Slaterift is a battle-born cat that isn't afraid to show ruthlessness in battle to achieve his goals. Even with his harsh attitude to others, he does become much more compassionate and sympathetic for rogues and loners, mainly his clan. Some may argue that the cat is evil, other that he is misguided and confused.

- Ravagedstar - Father
- Myska - Mother
- Havenfeather/Havenstar - Mate

History:  Born at the wrong time and wrong place, he's a pretty confused and scarred cat. He was born into Evanescent Clan, a band of rogue, exiled or former kitty pet cats that inhabit the dangerous streets of the two legs. He was son to the leader, Ravagedstar and a kitty pet named Myska, that was secretly a former forest cat. He was the runt of a litter of nine and was nicknamed crow since his siblings always teased her would be crow food in his condition. Since he wasn't full clan blood, his father shunned him for much of his life, leaving his mother to look after him. He was the second oldest of the litter of 5. Only three of the cats survived during the first few days of the birthing. The youngest two unfortunately never did so. Once his father of the city clan cats found out that his mate, Myska, had actually been a renegade Forest Cat from Tundra Clan, he immediately deemed the she cat as a traitor. He ordered his clan to attack her and chased her to the forest borders, where she was believe to have fallen into star clan's paws. Crow and his brothers were never told of this, though were left to train in the clan to see if they had potential. The clan purposely trained and treated them brutally to get the young cats to toughen up, though it did not always work. Once they were of warrior's age, Ravagedstar tested the cats personally in a duel to see if they were worthy of becoming of there clan blood. Crow did not pass and along with his younger brother were left brutally ravaged in the fight. The lead tom ordered for the clan to put them out of their misery and after welcome the only young cat that had endured the fight well enough. Fear struck the young gray cat and he mustered much of his strength in his weak state to escape to the forest borders, collapsing once soon in his safety. An entire day had gone by and he was sure himself that he would be dead, but soon awoke to a older long haired cream golden colored tabby. The she cat told him that she had found him and revived him using her medical knowledge of herbs and was lucky the herbs required were close by. After more talking, he learned that this mysterious new cat was known a Havenfeather, the former medicine cat of Twilight Clan.  She had been exiled for failing her duties as one and was accused of being a traitor. After talking, she brought up how she knew many more cats that were exiled unjustly and her dreams of making one unified clan. This interested the young tom and he begged to join her, saying he sometimes wished the same. He was accepted. The two then rallied the outside cats, preaching to them about a new era where every cat is equal without clan borders or hardships with prey. They would come themselves Astral Clan and told all outsiders that they were the real StarClan that would guide all cats to peace, through destruction of all other clans. Havenfeather came to be known as Havenstar and Crow was deemed the first part of his name referring to starting with a clean slate and rift to remind him of the pain he had gone through that others would feel if he couldn't unite them all under Astral Clan, all cats would stay in the boundless rift of hatred and war.

Inspiration: Hmm... This is bit of a tough one. Well, after some of my friends nagged me to begin reading the Warrior Cats series, I felt obligated to make an OC for the series. Though, I didn't want a normal warrior. Well, a few months back, I had visited my grandma's new apartment for the first time, only to find the complex had strays EVERYWHERE and she would sit outside of the patio feeding them. I had gone outside to join her where she was putting food out for some of the cats and there were two that stuck out like sore thumbs in my eye. A very large dark mixbreed tom that always attacked any of the others that dared come near, including me, and a silver one that always sat on the fence watching the others, never daring to come closer until the others were gone. He was very docile and loving for a stray and always sat with us outside while we were talking, as long as other cats weren't around. Especially when the brutish tom came around for food. He would dart away out of fear when he even saw the cat. It made me a bit curious so I basically took this display and adapted it to what may have caused the cat to freak out. The silver tom was my basis for Crow (Though his actual name was smoky) and the brutish tom would later be known as Ravagedstar (His actual name was Rags and I actually like it so i kept it as his pre-warrior name.)



Age: 43 Moons Old (Around 3 1/2 Years Old)
Gender: Male
Species: Tortoiseshell Calico Mix Cat[/center]

Appearance: He is a slender, well built, and agile tortoiseshell calico mix breed cat. His tattered worn pelt has jet black and fluorescent burnt orange markings accompanied by a set of hazy jade eyes. His mass isn't the size of an experienced forest warrior, but he is very sleek and agile, excellent at camouflage and striking quick heavy blows to opponents.

Personality: He appears dark and mysterious, usually prefers to stay in solitude and away from other because past experiences. He acts very secretive and dark minded as well,  coming off as cold, arrogant and ruthless most of the time. Occasionally, he will help outsiders, but that's a very rare sight to see from him. He values his clan and loyalty highly. It may seem nearly impossible to gain his complete trust, but if a cat does, he shows a hidden side of compassion and loyalty.

- Myska - Former Mate
- Slaterift (Crow) - Son

History: He was born as a stray cat in the city by the name of Rags. At a very young age, he was adopted by a group of alley cats. The group showed him how to group up and survive in the city. From food gathering and hunting, to facts about what forest cats call two legs that he knew were actually humans and the inventions they used, he knew it all. Once he was 10 moons old, the alley cats decided he was olden enough to go on his an important mission. The group was going to raid uplands in River Clan's Territory and take the food supply that was always there as their own. The cats set off soon enough and arrived in River Clan territory to see it was abandoned. Hastily, the cats began to gorge on the food and gather as much as they could. But River Clan had returned. Thunder Clan came along with them. Outraged, many of the forest clan cats attacked the interloping outsiders and a battle spurred spontaneously. The cats fought fiercely until all of the intruder cats were slaughtered, except the young Rags. He was trapped, being mauled by a group of River Clan warriors. His torn out fur clumps littered the forest floor as the two clan leaders sat watching, not raising a paw to help. After a while, the Clan's rage had cooled and eventually backed away from the kit. His blood seeped form the tears of his destroyed pelt like a coursing river. The very last voice he heard, was the stern command of the River Clan leader, ordering the deputy to "Dispose of this pathetic kitten and drag him outside of River Clan to join Star Clan." The deputy did as told and the kit passed out from blood loss. Miraculously, the kitten did survive in his weak state. Since this time, he has sworn to take revenge on all forest cats and changed his name to Ravaged. His name changed yet again to RavagedStar when he founded his Clan to achieve his goal.

Inspiration: I covered this in Slaterift's inspiration. Basicaly, he was based on a real life brutish stray I would see all the time. I just made up a story for the two cats.



Age: 676 Years (18.416 Distortion Years) [Distortion Years to Human Years Ratio; 1/36.7]
Gender: Male
Species: ???? (Sainama) ?(Kitsune) [Translation: Plagued Kitsune]
Like many kitsunes, the Sainama were once faithful servants of the their fox god and creator, Inari, though they have broken free from the god to become their own powerful free being. Despised by humans and normal foxes alike, these foxes are treated as untouchables, killed on sight if spotted due to most of them having malevolent, destructive and devious natures. Paranoia surrounds these cursed foxes as many blame deaths, natural disasters and other tragedies due to their presence. Anything that is seen engaging these foul creatures in conversation or showing any sort of kindness are usually shunned or even thought as traitors and are executed in painful ways.

Appearance: Paradox is a black fox with narrow glowing crimson eyes, a sleek but long pelt and eagle like talons as claws and a larger mass than most normal foxes, almost reaching the height of the average human. Like most of his kind, he has distinguishable markings that glow red when activated, black when inactive. His nine tails are of various lengths and are all white capped, the longest being the middle one where the others derived from over time. A scar lays over his right eye resulting from his last fight with Inari, as well as half of his mother's skull. He wears it as a memoir, feeling protected since part of his guardian is still with her, though it is cracking and decaying.

Personality: The Sainama has a very cautious and lone nature. Ever since he was a kit, he has clanged onto only having a sole few he can trust and all others he despises. He has a fairly hard shell to crack to actually get him to open up to someone, sometimes challenging them to a fight or only showing harsh tones towards them instead. Once someone does gain his trust though, he is a very sophisticated, protective and caring person. All of the sweet emotions he shared as a kit are reserved for only those few and he is fiercely protective over those he cares about. It is true that he has had no real mate at this point, but that is only because he is cautious over those near him. Anyone that wants to become acquainted with him must keep in mind, many species hate his kind. He is also noticeably noble and truthful. Unlike most stereotypes about foxes, if you make a deal he agrees on, he will see that it is kept.

- Miyoko - Adopted Mother
- Magma - Mate
- Kiran - Son
- Noctis - Son
- Light - Son

Very Long Excerpt
[The lost kit had been abandoned with no real apparent reasoning. No guardians to supervise him or no friends to keep him company. Little did he know who or what he was. At nearly the same moment, a young fox couple by the name of Miyoko and Aoi were split apart due to a poacher's greed for the luxurious fur of the black fox. The she fox, horrified thinking the death of her mate was her fault, fled from the area in tears, knowing that Aoi would have never left that fateful night if she had been the same soul he desired. In her sorrow, she detected another's, a small fox of her same species sniveling and sobbing uncontrollably by the river bed. When she confronted the little one, she discovered he had nearly no idea who he was or even his birth parents looked like. Pity for the poor creature washed over Miyoko and she decided to take the kit is as if he was her own. The two quickly had a close mother and son bond in the months after. This bond seemed as if it would never be shattered by anything... or anyone.]

In the darkness of the den, there wasn't much to see, if you could have seen at all that is. Among the cave were two furred bodies, one much bigger than the other with dark slate fur and beady eyes. The larger one was cradled around its young kit, lapping the side of it's cheek as it tossed and turn in a dream full of terror. The kit's ears twitched, hearing the melody of his mother's soft lullaby in his ear and he settled down a bit, waking up to nuzzled against her. "It's alright... You're safe here. Get some rest," Miyoko assured him, licking him against to keep him warm. His fur bristled at the touch and stared up at her smiling adorable, "Momma? Can you tell me that story again?" The gray she fox chuckled, "I've told you so many times though. But if you insist little one." He smiled and yipped happily, snuggling in to her her tale once again."

"Well, it all started centuries ago when nothing stirred among the earth. Two great being lived together as husband and wife. The two did everything from making the camellias bloom, to creating the mountains and even the first of life, as well as other like them. But one day, his wife was trapped in a shadowy world referred to as Yomi, land of the impure and nightmares. When he went to save her, she told him he was bound to rot there by a chain, that she could never leave. The husband couldn't bare this and tried to free her one night. That is... until he saw what had really happened to her," She glanced down at the fox, taking a minute's breath and found amusement in his anxious shocked expression, "What happened to her?" The mother fox smirked and rolled her eyes, knowing he already knew, but continued.

"He set a torch alight and continued to her bed chamber. He entered slowly to ensure he did not wake her and hesitantly came closer. The man waved the torch in front of her, expecting to see her beautiful complexion and stunning beauty, but he didn't. Instead, laid the rotting flesh of his once beautiful wife, breathing hoarsely, flesh rotting to the core of her bones, maggots wriggling through craters of her paper skin. The girl expected to wake to her husband's adoring smile, but all she heard was a shrill scream of terror. In that moment, the man had gone to loving and wanting to die for her, to hating the abhorred abomination and seeing to her death. And so, he ran for his life from her, the woman that still love him, all because she had changed..." Miyoko hesistated to continue form this point. Maybe it was because she could relate with the two. But would would never want to worry the kit with her fears, so she continued, "They say both of their tears created gods to serve under them, including ours, Inari. We are the sears and tellers of the world for the humans and gods. That's why we are important little one. We are the veins that carry blood to promote friendship, alliances and kind among every living thing. Never forget that the path to peace is in your paws." When Miyoko looked down at the kit, she smiled slightly seeing the kit was deep into sleep. She kissed the top of his head and lightly dozed over into a sleep of her own.

Dawn's rays soon tapped warmly on the outside of their eyelids. The mother squinted her emerald eyes open and nuzzled the kit through her embrace lightly, seeing he was still dreaming. Miyoko decided to let the child sleep on and quietly arose, making sure not to wake him as she padded outside the periphery of the den into the view of the Aokigahara forest. Her gaze moved worriedly to the approaching foreshadowing signs of a dark tempest. She let out a sigh and flattened her ears against the back of her skull. They perked up again as she heard a rustle of movement and glanced in the direction. Miyoko's eyes narrowed suspiciously but she blinked seeing a large white creature appear from a heap of foliage. It was a white fox much larger that her and had not one, but nine tails lashing back and forth. It's eyes pierced into hers are it proceed forward. "You still haven't rid of the kit?" Her ears flattened. It was going to be another of these conversations. "Inari..." she grumbled low to herself.

"Why do you care for him? He isn't even your child!" the white fox snapped, "Let me put him out of his misery." "He isn't in misery! The only misery he feels is from his own god refusing to care for him," Miyoko growled, "How can you call yourself a god if you won't care for an innocent child and have the nerve to nurture it. If even you can't do that, i must be a stronger 'god' than you!" She stuck up her nose, going to turn around but Inari blocked her path, "Learn your place! That creature is a plague of society, he isn't a normal fox like you." "Plague on society? He's a kit, no more, even if he is of cursed kin. Everyone else can rot then for all I care! I'm not going to give him up no matter how much you threaten me or say he's vile." The large fox snarled but quickly stopped, sitting upright, "Nothing hmm? What if I said I could get back your beloved?" Miyoko's eyes widened, "Aoi?" Inari smirked deviously and nodded, knowing she would take the bait.

The kit had yawned and glanced around tiredly in the den a bit later. His ears perked, surprised when he didn't see the she fox and yowled, "Momma? Momma, where are you!" He lifted to his feet and scampered around desperately, ears flat. He padded to the entrance and paused, puzzled by the white fox sitting outside. The creature made his curiosity rise, but also his fear. Hesitantly, he crawled out of the den and stood up straight, tilting his head seeing it was standing on white rocks.Inari shot a glare at him as the kit came out and snarled with malice, "So, you finally decide to come out from hiding hmm?" The kit frowned and glanced around, not knowing what he meant by this. His mind was only focused on one thing, "Have you seen Momma?" The fox sneered slightly and kicked the cracked skull he was stepping on to the kit, "Your 'mother' was persistence. She even knew the burden of opposing the law and me, yet she was still a fool for standing up for a little rat." The skull crumbled and cracked, kicking up fresh ashes in the autumn air as it laid in front of the kit. He stood wide eyed on the verge of tears, "She's... dead because of me?" His innocent gaze and whimpering couldn't pierce through Inari's sympathy and he approached closer, unsheathing fire claws longer and longer with every step, "It is always your fault little one. All your kind causes is misery and destruction. That's why I have to condemn you to death, as well as anyone that stands in my way." The kit froze, yipping and trembling in utter fear as he backed away. All her could hear in the recesses in his mind were his mother's words.

"We are the veins that carry blood to promote friendship, alliances and kind among every living thing. Never forget that the path to peace is in your paws."

Suddenly, the kit's crimson eyes lit up. He turned to the great fox god, his back arched bravely as he growled, "She always used to say that foxes were worshiped among the people of our land. That they were all good that only cared for all others. Why am I any different?! Because I'm young?! Because I'm not you?! Tell me!" Inari narrowed his gaze at the kit and his new found confidence and shook his head, "You'd understand our intentions are for the greater good little one if you were older." The young one stared hard at the deity before growling, "You would understand that this isn't fair if you really were nice!" He looked around desperately and snagged his mother's crumbling skull before taking off deeper into the Aokigahara forest to escape Inari.

*Aokigahara (Sea of Trees) is north west of Mt. Fuji and is said to be the resting place of demons. This forest is also known to be a popular area for suicides. Creepy huh?

Once the kit thought he was far enough away, he slid to a halt, heaving frightened gasps heavily. He looked at what remained of the skull he carried, only the right top of the skull and set it down low to the ground. He then crouched low whining mildly and slid under the skull half, seeing it fit snugly to the side of his face, and closed his eyes. The kit wished all of this would only be a wild nightmare.

[From that day onward, Paradox vowed to fit Inari's description in order to get revenge on the fox kami for his injustice. He became a monster to anyone around him, gaining much reputation as a heartless demon by many species of animals and people. His madness and rage exceed expectations and Inari could not let this happen any longer. By sacrificing his own sacred jewel that held his soul, he condemned the fox into an alternate plane known as Yugami no meiky? (?????) [translation: Labyrinth of Distortion] within the ruby jewel so he could never escape. Before his death, Inari hid the jewel among a royal family, stating that if broken, a chaotic beast would run rampant and destroy everything.]

Inspiration: Paradox was another very old character of mine. He was initially inspired by Naruto's nine tailed fox, Kurama, though the two are hardly anything alike. The skull most likely came because at the time, I... eh... I'm actually into a lot of operas ok? And I'm sure you know which one the mask would come from. And I really didn't think about the whole ordeal with the mask being his mother's skull until later. Well, like right after i had made that part for him, I watched pokemon origins for the first time and remembered that the same thing happens to cubones. I really hadn't thought about that until after I made it canon for the character. xD


Ray Kazuki
(Variants may be Raiden or Rai)

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human infected by an Ecca

Appearance: He has dark slate toned, medium length hair with blood scarlet eyes. His clothing is normally black or silver with a long, dark hooded coat and cloak. The side of his right arm has a long sewn up tear that nearly reaches from his hand to his elbow. There is a dark red gem on an amulet around his neck he calls Inari's cursed jewel that occasionally glows. He has become very protective of it for an unknown reason.

Personality: He is a deep thinker and very intelligent. His training in the past has made his mind think rationally and he usually comes of as cold and independent for not making his emotions obvious, being morbid at times but very loyal to others once he trusts them. He mostly stays in solitude much of his time away from others.

- Darius - Father
- Torn - Brother
- Aerox - Half brother
- Seth - Nephew
- Kiona - Niece

History: He was born into a feared war driven clan forcibly trained to become a cold blooded assassin. He exceeded through basic training at an early age and was a soldier at the age of 13. His mother had left when he was young and he had a tense relationship with his father. One night, his clan was murdered with only three survivors. Only the survivors know what had happened that night but refuse to tell anyone. After the event, he fled to the human world and has been living there ever since. (There is a whole lot more but holy crap I'm not putting all of that x.x)

Jewel of Inari - A rather large ruby jewel that glimmers blood red in darkness but fades black in sunlight. Imprisons the soul of Paradox. If the demon touches the jewel however, he will be paralyzed temporarily in a state of pain. It is able to be shattered, but a curse lays inside and haunts whoever breaks the prison.
Assassin Gauntlets - He made the device in his spare time. The gauntlet has four barbed small spear like edges each above his knuckles that can be dispatched at a target dependent on his four finger motions. Two smaller scythe blades rest on each side of the gauntlet, the outer one larger than the other, and the inner one can be loosened based on thumb movements and be used as a grappling hook.

(With the Jewel) He has the ability to create illusions and bring them into reality or even into the dreams of others, changing their dream world completely. However, it takes a lot of energy and has bad side affects on him. He refuses to use it unless necessary. He is still able to use other powers even with the jewel.
(Without it) Recently, he came into contact with an Ecca and fought the strange creature that attempted to kill him. Upon defeat though, the creature clawed once last time through his light armor and etched three scratch marks deeply embedded in his stomach that form a strange triangular marking. Among the Ecca, it is a last resort in attempt to kill opponents by marking them with the sign of Zaros, believing their ruthless god will curse whoever with a slow painful death. With this mark, he is slowly gaining the abilities as well as malicious habits of the race that can spiral out of control since he has yet to control it. He has no other outstanding special abilities without the jewel besides keeping his keen senses.

Inspiration: Well, he was my first and probably most overpower OC. I suppose he didn't have a direct correlation with some sort of media, but at the time I pretty much made a character that was the personification of what i thought badass was.
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14] Pg 2
Post by: Arkayy on April 14, 2014, 11:36:26 am




Age: Appears around 18 though is around 376 Years old (His age appearance changes frequently though.)
Gender: Male
Species: Greyhound Ecca

Appearance: He is around 5" at his full potential, though is still rather incredibly lean for his species. His hound form is a medium grey, hell hound like creature. He has five pupil less red eye, the whites around the actual eye a deep navy. Each eye's opening extends a bit though are stitched on both sides. His muzzle and mouth has quite a few stitches as well, the ones from him normal jaws are shredded or loose though and his mouth can separate into six different flaps when performing an attack. Azarath's tongue is a poison purple tone and is very long and serpentine in its structure. Starting from the top of his neck is an exoskeleton of his abnormally large spine that gradually spikes up very tail, similar to the height of a dimetrodon sail though begins to decrease as they begin to line the middle of the back down to the tail area. A torn bloody scarf is wrapped several times around his neck and normally drags onto the ground because of it its exceeding length. The ends of it are a pure crimson. His forelegs have a couple layers of gauze reaching a little past his elbows that have several blood stains from previous fights and his claws are larger and more talon like than most canines. His tail is nearly twice as long as the side span of his body and has very large skeletal spikes making up the tail. At the end are three large spear like spikes and above it is an odd fuchsia maroon jewel like textured eye with a narrowed slit that helps him sense his surroundings.

Personality: His personality is very radical and has an almost bipolar nature. He can either be very sweet but scared and fearful of the world around him or brave, though very rude and even violent. By most, he is considered, dark, sadistic, insane and manic by others. Azarath has his father's personality forced upon himself so he does show traits of being silver tongued, cocky, particularly rude and sarcastic. He can act fairly mischievous and childish at times though doesn't become violent unless he is having a mental episode, which normally only occur in his final form.

- Grimmsley - 19 - Half Sibling - Lion Ecca
- Madara - 26 - Half Sibling - Sabertooth Ecca
- Zaros - 37 - Uncle - Wolf/Moth Hybrid Ecca
- Melodiana - 32 - Mother - Jackal/Bat Hybrid Ecca
- Asmosius - 35 - Father - Polar bear/Komodo Dragon Hybrid

History: WIP

Full Image (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/329/e/c/azarath_growth_chart_by_arkanis_void-d6vmb8s.png)

He will increase or decrease a stage depending on his emotions during the time. Positive emotions will increase his power and corruption while negative will diminish it. He can only grow up by one stage at a time, but may revert all the way back to the newborn stage if provoked.

Inspiration: I'm going to be honest, I based much of his design off Asura. XD I couldn't help it! I was obsessed with soul eater at the time and with all that hype he sounded like a complete badass! Though I'm not really sure where the age thing came into play. I suppose it was just a last minute thing so he wouldn't be so op.


Art by MischievousRaven on Deviantart


Age: 26 in Human years though is much older.
Gender: Male
Species:Sabertooth Ecca

Appearance: WIP

Personality: He is a very rugged but loyal war veteran and companion. It may take a bit of time getting used to his morbid sense of humor and harsh tactics. When confronted for the first time, he will act very fierce and war like, though allies of him get the opportunity to see his protective and caring side. He is a very prideful creature and will never back down from a challenge.

- Grimmsley - 19 - Sibling - Lion Ecca
- Azarath - 18 - Half Sibling - Greyhound Ecca
- Zaros - 37 - Father - Wolf/Moth Hybrid Ecca
- Melodiana - 32 - Aunt - Jackal/Bat Hybrid Ecca
- Asmosius - 35 - Uncle - Polar bear/Komodo Dragon Hybrid

History: WIP

Other: He can change his form to appear as a human at will. He can also use a fiery blue substance to act as a shield or weapon if needed, but doing so drains his life energy.

Inspiration: WIP




Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species:Lion Ecca

Appearance: WIP
Personality: WIP

- Madara - 26 - Sibling - Sabertooth Ecca
- Azarath - 18 - Half Sibling - Greyhound Ecca
- Zaros - 37 - Father - Wolf/Moth Hybrid Ecca
- Melodiana - 32 - Aunt - Jackal/Bat Hybrid Ecca
- Asmosius - 35 - Uncle - Polar bear/Komodo Dragon Hybrid

History: WIP

Other: WIP

Inspiration: WIP


Lineart by Arborath on Deviantart


Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Feline Imp Hybrid

Appearance: WIP

Personality: WIP

Family: WIP

History: WIP

Other: WIP

Inspiration: WIP

Characters I Plan On Posting          

     - Grimmsley
     - Ryukoi
     - Arkanis

Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/14/14]
Post by: mcgee2001 on April 14, 2014, 02:27:12 pm
Some really nice characters you have there! :D
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/14/14]
Post by: Arkayy on April 14, 2014, 04:17:41 pm
Thank you. ^^
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/14/14]
Post by: Astraea on April 21, 2014, 12:17:37 am
Ohmigosh, I love all of your characters!!! <3 <3 <3 No words.~ c':
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/14/14]
Post by: Arkayy on April 21, 2014, 02:07:24 am
xD All of them? I kinda find a few of them quite loatheable myself but I think its awesome that you do. x3 Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Arkayy on April 30, 2014, 12:07:46 am
Updated the list with Azarath and Madara. Will work on Grimm and Ryuk's bios later.
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Sylis on May 14, 2014, 02:52:27 am
All of the characters displayed are all so admirable. Especially the history, it's what I'd say was my favorite piece of each of the characters. Each character having its own very unique differences. Azarath and Paradox were both especially interesting and creative.

I really enjoyed reading through these beautiful characters of yours. Thank you for showing these!
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: wolfdog01 on May 14, 2014, 03:12:53 am
Can I just say that when I first saw this and quickly skimmed through the thing and saw how long it was, I was like: NOPE.
But I can't help myself, I love reading about characters, and all of yours were very interesting and unique. I hope you are able to finish up the WIPs and add the three others soon! It was a blast reading these!
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Arkayy on May 15, 2014, 05:27:48 am
@Litt Aw thanks. ^^ Yea, i would have to say that paradox is my favorite out of nostalgia. One of the first characters i ever created. He has so much backstory and i sadly couldnt put it all just because it would be more of a novel than anything x3. As for azarath, he's hella fun to rp. I need to put up his history as well because its quite interesting as well.

@~Thyme~ I do the same thing while looking through other characters sometimes, so no worries. And thanks, I'll get around to finishing them all fairly soon i promise!
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Vespian on May 15, 2014, 12:34:28 pm
A favor, if ye' will, ma'am. Havin' some good friends that are deviantARTists, I've taken note that some of the artwork ye've portrayed for a few of yer characters (such as Azarath and Kage Akayame for example) aren't precisely yers and I see no credit givin' to the original artists. More so do I not see any sort of "permission" from the original artists that grants ye' to use their artwork (even their own personal characters) for yer own use.

I advise ye' give credit to the artists (whether it be ye' commissioned/requested them for the artwork or got their permission to use their artwork for yer own characters' appearances) else this thread will be locked. I personally do not tolerate any form of, this may sound harsh, theft whether it be intentional or accidental. Please heed my advice and see to it to fix the situation, madam.

But aside from that, overall ye' have lovely characters and I really like the detail and whimsical theme ye've put into a majority of them.
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Arkayy on May 15, 2014, 08:03:09 pm
@vespian Oh, I'm very sorry about this. I really didn't mean to steal art. :/ The pictures I am using that aren't mine are kinda just place holders until i can finish drawing them accurately. But I will assure you that many of the pieces are actually my own. This would include art for:

grimmsley (It was a custom preset i made for it)
and particially ryukoi (The line art was done for me though i colored it.)

With the picture for madara and ryukoi lineart, I'll happily give credit where its due to the artist.

You can find all the pieces on my DA here if you need proof: arkanis-void.deviantart.com

That would only leave kage, ray and rags with this issue. (I did quite a few of madara but have yet to upload them.) I suppose i could take down there pictures until I can have time to draw them, because im not quite sure how i would give photos i found on google without the artist/photographer/animator listed. But anyways, I'll get it resolved one way or the other.

Sorry i've been such a mooching pain. v.v But thanks for telling me about this. I appreciate it.
Title: Re: Arkanis's Character Thread: [04/29/14]
Post by: Vespian on May 15, 2014, 08:25:40 pm
I thoroughly appreciate yer cooperation. It's quite alright as ye' didn't intentionally do it. It was an accident. I am aware that most of the pieces are yers though just to be safe, I'd still credit and/or remove artwork that's not solely yer own. I hope ye' understand.

Again, wonderful characters. Some has really intrigued me with their factors of whimsy and otherworldly descriptions/appearances. I look forward to seein' more critters crafted by ye'. Quite the imagination ye' have.