Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: PrettyReckless on April 17, 2014, 11:55:00 am

Title: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: PrettyReckless on April 17, 2014, 11:55:00 am
First of all.. I never claimed to be normal. >.>
Either way..
As the name of this thread possibly reveals, I am planning to return to Feral Heart.
I've been off and on for a while since I decided to quit because of personal reasons.
I've lived and learned a lot since I disappeared in September of last year.
Believing that I wouldn't return to the game this time, I've not bothered to show myself on the Forum, and rarely the game.
Which is the reaon people possibly haven't got a clue who I am. (I've got an updated introduction further below.)

// Things I've done since. //

Got a job.
Quit a job.
Moved to England.
Played Dungeons and Dragons for the first time.
Met new friends.
Started and closed a Garry's mod TTT server.
Joined and left another Garry's mod community.
Started a community (very irrelevant to FH.) with a group of friends.
Moved back to Sweden.
Moved to a different apartment.
Applied to school - Nursing.

//  Things I know I'll be doing soon (Planned this year.) //

Living in a different city over the summer due to work.
Going to my first LAN event.
Going to my first Festival (on my own.)
Going to England.
Becoming an older sister, again.

//  For those who don't know me. //

Hello there!
I'm PrettyReckless in-game, most people know me as "Ressy",
but some may also call me "Felly"/"Felle", which is my nickname in real life.
I am turning 21 years this summer, in June, which means that my Zodiac sign is Cancer (http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/zodiac-signs/cancer.htm).
I'm sister of five younger brothers. All from ages "unborn" to 16.

I enjoy psychology, and lending a shoulder to those who need it.
I'm not artistic, whatsoever.
Though, that doesn't mean that I do not enjoy art.
(Well, I don't enjoy the art such as "Look at a red dot on a otherwise clean canvas".)
But I leave the drawing 'n all to people who know how to.
This meaning.. I commission a lot of people.

My music taste variates, a lot.
From classical music, to rock and metal.
(Once again, I never claimed to be normal.)

I do roleplay, canines, not felines..
I've attempted felines before, but never really got a grip of it.

Feel free to ask any questions, or send me a PM if you want to chat/need someone to talk to.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day.
I'll be seen on the game more often once I get internet to the new apartment.
Cya guys around. ;) Tata.~
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: Bawfle on April 17, 2014, 12:00:02 pm
Oh.. it's back.. I kid <33 Welcome back, Ress! It's going to be a blast having you around again *evil thoughts* Can't wait until you get your internet back! ^^

See you in-game<3 have fun peeing in shoes...
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: Vespian on April 17, 2014, 12:02:20 pm
Welcome back ye' nublet. T'is good to have ye' back and in once piece. Ye've been a busy lass durin' yer departure. I hope everythin' is goin' smoothly for ye' and will continue to do so in the future as it unfurls.
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: wolfdog01 on April 17, 2014, 12:02:47 pm
So nice to see you've come back Ressy! :D Hope you have just as much fun here as you did before!
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: PrettyReckless on April 17, 2014, 12:14:45 pm
Oh.. it's back.. I kid <33 Welcome back, Ress! It's going to be a blast having you around again *evil thoughts* Can't wait until you get your internet back! ^^

See you in-game<3 have fun peeing in shoes...
Oh wait ye' little.....!
Heh-, thank you, deary. Hide yer shoes, before I find them. ;)
I will indeed see you in-game. I'll drag ye' off L4D2 if I have to.

Welcome back ye' nublet. T'is good to have ye' back and in once piece. Ye've been a busy lass durin' yer departure. I hope everythin' is goin' smoothly for ye' and will continue to do so in the future as it unfurls.
Nublet? Pffffft. Last time I checked, you were still the nublet. ;P
Life does get busy, and it doesn't stop to let ye' catch up.
I'll still be busy, as I have a community to run on the side, as well as try to stay active on FH + living life.
Thank you for yer kind words, nevertheless.

So nice to see you've come back Ressy! :D Hope you have just as much fun here as you did before!
Thank yeeee' very much, Thyme.
I'm sure I'll still have fun on here. Nevertheless, it's good to be back. ^^
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: kaya on April 17, 2014, 01:54:49 pm
Hello! I think I remember you... can't quite put my finger on yew though. :o
Well, in any case, welcome back! I hope you'll enjoy yourself here from now on. :3
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: lindaminda on April 17, 2014, 02:03:55 pm
Welcome back Ressy! It's nice to see 'old' members coming back. :)
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: darkknight on April 17, 2014, 02:05:07 pm
Welcome back, Ressy, it's been a while since you've left and went about your business in the world. Added, wish you much luck in your nursing and going to England. 
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: Shally on April 17, 2014, 03:12:43 pm
My other half returns <3

Well I've been with you for the journey you've made since you left, and I'm more then happy (can't even put it on words) to see you come back here. Our contact has never really ended even though you left FeralHeart where we hung-out the most I suppose - and that's what friends do eh? Stick around - like you have with me :3

Just a simple warm welcome isn't really good enough, so just have some patience while I hug you 5-ever... :'3

Welcome back luv <3
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: Feareh on April 17, 2014, 04:09:57 pm
 8D RESSY <333333333
So much to catch up on :D. im so glad you have been doing well for yourself hun <333
It is so good to see you again :D
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: OreoHeroz on April 17, 2014, 06:15:23 pm
Welcome back, Ressy! I remember you from a while ago..though you may not know me. I hope you enjoy your time here again. I wish you safety as you carry out your plans for this year. ?

My Zodiac sign is Cancer as well. .o.
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: Morqque on April 17, 2014, 09:18:58 pm
Welcome back Ressy ^^ <3
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: PrettyReckless on April 18, 2014, 04:46:46 am
Hello! I think I remember you... can't quite put my finger on yew though. :o
Well, in any case, welcome back! I hope you'll enjoy yourself here from now on. :3
Hello, Rak. - I was a friend of Crin's to begin with, and later part of iRawr during the time when Crin, Wolffie and the others were staff.

My other half returns <3

Well I've been with you for the journey you've made since you left, and I'm more then happy (can't even put it on words) to see you come back here. Our contact has never really ended even though you left FeralHeart where we hung-out the most I suppose - and that's what friends do eh? Stick around - like you have with me :3

Just a simple warm welcome isn't really good enough, so just have some patience while I hug you 5-ever... :'3

Welcome back luv <3
Swellow, ma little Swellow. <3

Indeed, we haven't lost contact though I've been away.
And I'm forever grateful to have you by my side.
I know it makes you happy to see me back on the game, and it makes me happy too. <3

Hugs? ._. I dun want hugs! ;-;

I'd walk through hellfire for ye'. <3

8D RESSY <333333333
So much to catch up on :D. im so glad you have been doing well for yourself hun <333
It is so good to see you again :D
Indeed, hun. <3 Quite a lot. ^^
It's nice to see you too, dear. Hit me up sometime. :3

To the rest, thank you, and it's nice to be back.
You guys definitely know how to make someone feel welcome. :3

Btw OreoHeroz, I do remember youu. x]
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: Black-Serpent on April 18, 2014, 09:33:43 am
 A sensational Swede, lol. ;)

Hello and welcome back to FH. I haven't played this for a while to be honest but your introduction caught my attention since you have moved to my home country, Great Britain, and the province England where I once lived. Might I ask where you're residing in England in the future? Or am I misunderstanding and you're only visiting my country?
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: PrettyReckless on April 18, 2014, 10:28:29 am
A sensational Swede, lol. ;)

Hello and welcome back to FH. I haven't played this for a while to be honest but your introduction caught my attention since you have moved to my home country, Great Britain, and the province England where I once lived. Might I ask where you're residing in England in the future? Or am I misunderstanding and you're only visiting my country?
Thank youuu. ^^

Well, yes. I guess you could call it a visit.
I tend to go to England every now and then.
Meet new people, learning some history and getting the country all-in-all.
First time I went to England was to visit my ex in Oxford.
Impressive city, if I may add.
Sweden seemed so small when I got back. ^^
Last time I went was to stay. - in Chesterfield, south of Sheffield.
But due to personal reasons regarding my family, I chose not to go back after Christmas.
I have, or had, an insurance number and everything sorted out when I went back home for the holidays. :3
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on April 18, 2014, 02:38:19 pm
Heeey Ressy! Long time no see.
Wow, you certainly have been a busy Swede. It's good to see you around again. I hope the future goes well for you; the nurse training and your first festival! :o Festivals are great, I'm sure you'll love it.
Welcome back, chick :)
Title: Re: Return of the Reckless.
Post by: PrettyReckless on April 18, 2014, 04:06:31 pm
Heeey Ressy! Long time no see.
Wow, you certainly have been a busy Swede. It's good to see you around again. I hope the future goes well for you; the nurse training and your first festival! :o Festivals are great, I'm sure you'll love it.
Welcome back, chick :)
Floooobbyyy. Hey, hun. ^^
Certainly has been a while.
Hehe. Those are only the things I've chose to mention. ;)
Thank you, and hope to see you in-game soon.

Currently got no internet due to the move.
The internet company messed up twice after we ordered mobile internet.
Almost four weeks later, considering they claimed was a 3-5 wait time..
And we're still waiting.
So whenever I'm on FH, I've hijacked my phone's internet. x.x