Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: GhostingHowl on March 28, 2011, 01:40:30 am

Title: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: GhostingHowl on March 28, 2011, 01:40:30 am
     Hello everyone, while perusing other threads here I came across someone who suggested an idea which would allow everyone to see presets that we have. That idea would be a second server only for presets. After doing some research, I discovered that this could actually be a viable alternative to putting presets on the server that we have now.

     Because the server would only hold data, it wouldn't need to be an extremely powerful server. On top of that, it would only be holding a few GB of data. The speed of the server wouldn't have to be crazy either, only fast enough to keep up with the checks of the other server. This system, I know, could be programmed very efficiently. Such as only checking peoples presets if they are in front of you, and not loading the preset unless you are actually close enough to really see them. To keep the data level low, they could even implement a preset size limit. 500kb and below only, etc.

    I know a major concern with presets is the fact that people would want to put more than one up. This is understandable, everyone usually has more than one character, and they want that character to look their best. A solution for this, I believe, would be how Minecraft does it. If anyone has played the game Minecraft, they most likely have made "skins" for themselves. These "skins" are very similar to presets. How this game handles it, is you can have however many skins you want, you just need to go to the website and re-upload a new skin when you want to use it. This basically takes your skin in the server, and replaces it. This means that everyone can have as many skins as they want, they just need to change them manually. This process takes no longer than a minute, and is very efficient in keeping everyone happy, while also keeping space on the sever low.

    Even with this information though, I know that people will question the money aspect. That is a very big deal here, especially since servers do cost a good chunk of change to maintain. This is where my research came to a halt, however. I am most certainly a novice when it comes to servers and networking. I don't know how much it would cost to buy server space to host 6-7gb of data with decent speed. So I would love to invite anyone with good knowledge on this subject to discuss this idea.

     Almost done xD
        Last thing, Kovu and Raz might have already explored these options and found that they wouldn't work, I don't know and am just putting my 10cents in here. I just thought that this MIGHT be a solution, maybe even a small one. So all you networking proz out there, go easy on me, im a networking newbie. :)
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Tigg on March 28, 2011, 11:36:31 pm
http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=649.0 (http://feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=649.0)

First Post explaines all why that cant be made. It would cost us ALOT.

Presetsize limit would be actually a limit to the users. That would mean they cant make their Preset how it should look like. So that would mean no point in having them.

But about the Server.

Server costs monthly with a set GB. Then you have to buy too the bandwith.

If everything, what you sed, goes to the point that they should be free, then no, it would never work.
If you say well pay a low bucks, then this Thread is very eh.. useless ^^" Since the First post in my Linked Thread explains it all.

If we get Presets on Server sometimes, then they will cost money. Thats already decidet a loong time ago~
And will most like use the "View"-System like you mentioned. Data is only loading if you go near a Preset.
All that still in work thou.
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: GhostingHowl on March 29, 2011, 01:28:32 am
I dont think this thread is useless, im just trying to suggest a system that would be MORE efficient than just putting presets on the server we have.
You say it would cost money to run another server, I know that. Im just putting forth ideas that could cost less overall. Do you know how much it would cost? You say it would cost "a lot" but have you actually ever bought a server? Im not doubting you, Im just wondering how experienced you actually are with them.

And I dont believe putting a limit on presets would limit the users too much. Its easy to lower the file size limit, just dont save your files with really high detail. I wouldn't be surprised if there are many ways you can lower file size by doing very easy things. But that wasn't really a point I was trying to push anyway, just a small suggestion.
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Tyki Mikk on March 29, 2011, 02:05:21 am
I like your suggestion and I dont think its useless. Its reasonable and well thought out and not just some random "Hey this is cool and I like it!" kinda thing like some of the request threads Ive seen in the past. <.>

I dunno much about that technical stuff but it all sounds like it would work out... Or to an extent at least. Servers cost money, but Ive never actually seen any one post how much is "a lot of money" or "some bucks". I honestly wanna see just how much that is. Unless someone's already posted it and my memory is failing me this moment. xD
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Tigg on March 29, 2011, 03:12:11 am
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Aroxy on March 29, 2011, 03:28:56 am
Very interested in Razmirz's thoughts about this
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: slycan on March 29, 2011, 03:40:25 am
Sadly its -not- allowed to gift bucks to hold the server. Ogre forbids that, and without Ogre: No FH since its the main game engine.
TorchLight used OGRE engine and they allowed donations and the game itself even cost $20 - maybe I'm missing something.

Edit: Okay I just looked it up and now I'm 100% sure Ogre says nothing about this??

And besides - Preset sever would not =/= Game server , so we wouldn't be donating to the game anyway. we'd be donating to keep our "images" uploaded. And it could go on some other mods CPU - it doesn't have to be Raz.

idk - I'm still confused about this subject myself ..but the topics keep getting locked.
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Tigg on March 29, 2011, 04:38:13 am
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Tyki Mikk on March 29, 2011, 08:30:10 pm
I honestly dont see why a game engine would have anything to do with donations... Your not getting them through the game... Sorry just confused as to how donations have any to do with the game engine itself. It makes to sense to me. No offense.

(Goin off topic for a sec, no one get on my ass okay. I apologize.)
And Tigg, if its really bothering you just make a more detailed thread if you have too. I still dont see how its a question to be asked or answered now when the games been out for some time now. People should get it by now.
-You have to pay x amount of money to get your preset on the server. (Visable to everyone.)
-Preset tutorials (insert link) and any other important details.

Thats really all you have to say. If people are still asking questions after that than their just not using their brain.
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: razmirz on March 29, 2011, 10:58:30 pm
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: GhostingHowl on March 29, 2011, 11:35:52 pm
   Thank you everyone for responding, I very much appreciate your answers and comments. This does help clear up some things.

@Raz: Thank you for your post, I do see what you mean there. And it is especially hard to figure things out when you dont have the data you need.

@Tigg: Thank you for your input as well, I really appreciate it. Although I am sorry I annoyed you with this post, I was simply trying to put forth an idea.

Its times like these that I wish I was a programmer so I could actually suggest something helpful, but thanks again everyone :)

    Oh yeah I wanted to comment about the minecraft thing I mentioned earlier. How we could replace the preset we had with a different one. No one really commented on that idea. I think that, that could be a better system than just paying for each preset we want to upload. Of course I think that the price would have to be scaled as well. There could be two systems perhaps? Maybe a lower price for people who want to upload only one preset, and a higher price for people with the opportunity to change presets.
    For example) Someone would pay $20 for the whole year to be able to change their presets
                    or) someone would just pay $2 for each preset each year
   This way people with only 1 char would be happy and people with multiple could be happy too. Obviously I just made up that price. But now im starting to sound like a capitalist. :P
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: slycan on March 30, 2011, 08:20:30 am
Does FH actually have 5k of members actively playing?? The most I see online on average anymore is around one zero less, 500 at most...

I'm still confussed that the whole "Kov doesn't want people paying for anything in this game" yet this preset pay thing is still floating in the air in question?

I'd just change 10 bucks a month - let them cry alittle bit , and be done with it.. or just pull the plug like Kov wants..apparently. Expensive ? Well at this rate it would be a godly privilege just to not take 5 mins to uploaded to media fire and ~hope~ people download it. - lets face it, games are not cheap and not everyones going to be happy either way with the "preset shit" either canceled al together or costing money.. then again it has been a few months already in decision..

Member Servers~
Ah yes, Minecraft <3 , one of few games that let you use your own servers. Security issue ? nah - thats what the front server from the creator is there for; to hold usernames and passwords, presets, auto updates and to keep the website up. what a weight lifted off Notch's shoulders that he doesn't have to do that AND keep 99999999 members into one single world.. just have them do it their selves.
~ gives the option to let players use their own servers on laggy days when/if the main one is feeling sluggish.
~ replacement for dimensions
~ No more need for In-game mods, people can have rules to their own servers, with there own set of controls such as "Welcome Text" - or password protection - User Limit - Ect. If people don't like that server they can just go to another one :3 , block button nulled.

I like dreaming...

How to Setup a MineCraft 1.2.4 Server - MineCraft Updates (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhrbLAmuZDY#)
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Wudiin on March 30, 2011, 05:37:44 pm
^ lurve this idea
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: Tyki Mikk on March 30, 2011, 08:33:19 pm
Sly idea actually sounds like it would work out just fine. o: It'll take a little work and time but that would take some heat off the front server. If players make their own servers (private or public) Raz doesnt have to worry about everyone on his butt for the server crashing. Everyone would be handling and maintaining their own server.

Sounds pretty solid to me. Unless theres some little detail I've missed and/or wouldnt know because Im not savvy in this kind of thing. 
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: GhostingHowl on March 31, 2011, 02:55:11 am
That sounds like a great idea Sly. I totally support that. I think that provide a lot of opportunities for creativity too. Can you say server-wide mods? Heck yeahhh
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: redeye on March 31, 2011, 11:37:04 am
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: slycan on March 31, 2011, 06:01:53 pm
thank you Redeye , that clears it up(:
Title: Re: Idea for Presets & servers
Post by: xXEmoPuppyXx on September 29, 2011, 02:03:12 am
What if your not good at drawling and your wanting to make a preset?