Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: ShimmerMoonStar on April 24, 2014, 07:31:03 pm

Title: School of OC (Oc Rp) [Inactive since 30/08/2014]
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on April 24, 2014, 07:31:03 pm
Well, ignore the title... Well... Sorta? It is indeed a school for your OCs though there's almost no learning involved. Your OC just gets dropped off at a large building with different rooms and there's always tons to do! However, with OC's on the not so nice list that do want to come, there has to be officials who help maintain the balance in the halls and to help keep the peace, because of course, there might be fights.  Well, what are you waiting for? Make a form and let your OC come in!

First off, rules.

1. Swearing is allowed but keep it PG-13 for younger audience.
2. Hate the character and not the player.
3. Characters that are dating? Things can happen, but keep it clean.
4. You can have up to 5 characters.
5. No power-playing
6. No, "My chars the best! I'm the strongest!"
7. There is no 7th rule.


Image: (No image? How about a description then?)
What are you:
Personality: (optional)
Background: (You don't need a whole lot if you don't want to)
Maintenance crew: (Yes or no)

Maintenance. OK, so we need 4 OCs that would like to help maintain peace in the halls. One OC per person if you're interested and these rules will change if no one fills them out. So, if your OC is nice and peaceful and loves to stop anything violent from happening, then it looks like they have their work cut out for them.

Maintenance crew:
1. Cuaca
2. ~Open~
3. ~Open~
4. ~Open~

Ocs that have joined:
Cuaca (ShimmerMoonStar)
Jelapia (ShimmerMoonStar)
Momo (ShimmerMoonStar
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on April 24, 2014, 07:32:01 pm
Name: Momo
Age: 10
Gender: Female
What are you: Human child shape shifter.
Personality: Naive and extremely jolly. Loves to play around with others and very sweet.
Background: She was just a girl until she was given the power to shape shift into a brown and white cat which she had used for her advantage and to play with others.
Dating: Her: Whats that? *tilts head*
Powers: Has the ability to turn into a cat.
Maintenance crew: Nope.

Name: Jelapia
Age: 4 years old
Gender: Female
What are you: A shadow fox
Personality: Has a dark heart and a quiet twisted mind. She's in no way friendly but very tricky and loves to see others embarrass themselves.
Background: One time she had tried putting the whole world in darkness, but for now, she wanted to see how this school went and took off from her evil scheming for a day to have some fun.
Dating: No. Single.
Powers: Can disappear in shadows and can absorb herself in others, using their dark sides for her advantage.
Maintenance crew: No

Name: Cuaca
Gender: Unknown
Age: Unknown
What are you: An elemental fox creature
Personality: Doesn't say much and is usually generally quiet. Strong silent type.
Background: When all the elemental foxes conjoined together to create a strong elemental fox, Cuaca was born.
Dating: Nobody, single though not ready to mingle
Powers: Able to control multiple elements such as ice, water, fire, earth, etc.
Other: Nupe
Maintenance crew: Yes!
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on April 25, 2014, 07:52:22 pm
Ooooh Yea. Wanted to make an intro:

The large building was huge, and outside: ominously quiet. The figure who approached tilted their head up at it, thinking allowed, "I wonder who's building this is... And why was I told to come here! Unfair... But oh well..." They walked ahead and up the steps, so they were on the platform next to the door. The figure used their hands to pull the odd doorknob and remained tense to what was on the inside. They pulled slowly, expecting a gruesome scene on the inside though was surprised to find the walls colorfully decorated and a few others walking along inside. They blinked and smirked now, mischievously, "Oooh... Like a party... Seems like fun." They went inside without another thought.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: glaceon24 on April 28, 2014, 10:25:38 pm
:D I've always dreamed of an rp like this :D

Image: (No image? How about a description then?) (http://i59BannedImageSite/30cruvc.png)
Name: Venom
Age: 14 (human years)
Gender: Female
What are you: Lab Experiment gone wrong
Personality: (optional) Shy, fierce, loyal, adventurous, kind, hot tempered
Background: (You don't need a whole lot if you don't want to) Was a normal cat but after being tested on she fell into toxic waste and turned into what she is now
Dating: none
Powers: flight, Can stand extremely toxic conditions
Other: nope
Maintenance crew: (Yes or no) No thank you
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on May 02, 2014, 02:45:25 am
Accepted! And thanks xD We'll wait one more day and if no one else joins we'll begin. Though I wanted at least one other person.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Arkayy on May 02, 2014, 09:05:19 am

Age: 3.5 Years old (About 15-16 Human Years)
Gender: Male
What are you: Cybernetic Maltese Tiger Clone
Personality: Don't let his appearance fool you. Despite his creator's desire for a war centered monster, he is as harmless a newborn kitten. He acts very young for his age and always wears an adorable, innocent smile. With this, he is also quite gullible and easy to manipulate. Though he is against most violent acts since he is a pacifist for the most part, relying on his brother to do the fighting for him for the most part.
Background: Created in a laboratory years ago. It was an attempt to make a monster that would inherit powerful demonic powers. Though the creature was very much flawed and frail. His creator deemed him a failure and allowed him to roam free, not seeing his presence being much harm.
Dating: None
Powers: Has a few mechanical weapons built into him and an affinity for controlling plasma, though it wears his body.
Other: None
Maintenance crew: Nope
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on May 03, 2014, 02:06:08 am
Accepted! ~(^-^)~)

Momo was one of the first to arrive, coming in quietly and with an air of curiosity. She knew she wasn't meant to be alone without her friend, Zam, to help her out. He looked after her, kind of like a guide since she had no real parents. She had made it in a few minutes ago and walked through the hall with a large smile across her face as she walked onwards. She could hear music in the halls, a nice disco beat and shrugged, "This place doesn't seem so bad..." She smirked after that and ran down the halls with a small laugh.

 Jelapia waited inside the building, sitting down in one of the rooms with her tail flicking. She stared around with narrowed eyes, listening out for anyone or anything as she sat in quiet thought, even though the room was loud with music. This room contained food of all sorts, displayed on a large table in a fancy way. Jelapia wasn't hungry and wouldn't trust any of this food anyway.

 Cuaca sat down outside the building, waiting. He would wait for others to show up first before deciding to go in and he yawned while licking his chomps, smelling the inside of the buildings and listening to the distance sound of music.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Vask on May 03, 2014, 04:08:45 pm
This looks so cool :O. I've been wanting an rp like this to happen for so long.

I'll definitely join later on once I get on my computer.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Arkayy on May 03, 2014, 06:36:54 pm

Karasu wandered the halls with a smile, his robotic leg making a small clicking noise every time it was used to tread on. He padded on down a hall, turning into a room where he could hear blaring music not too far away and ran that way. He spotted another girl running that way and gave a small smile waving his paw in a friendly manner, "Hi there! Are you going to the party too?"

"No...." "Aw come on. It wont be too bad." "Nooooo." "But there going to be food! and someone has to watch your brother right?" "I said no. I'm not the party type ryuk." The blue cat stared stubbornly when her name was called though smirked, "Well its alright... I have other means of making you come..." The white wolf glanced over, "What do you mean?" The cat imp snickered waving a photo in his face, "Remember this, tao?" The wolf winced through growled, automatically trying to take it from her, "Where did you get that? Give it back!" Ryuk snickers running away from him, "You'll have to catch me first wolf boy!" She grins before darting off in the direction of the place with Tao trying desperately to catch up.

Moar Characters
Name: Ryukoi
Age: 21 Human Years
Gender: Female
What are you: Cat Imp
Personality: (wip)
Background: (wip)
Dating: Character isn't in this rp
Powers: Shape shifting into a human, water/ice magic
Other: None
Maintenance crew: Nope

Name: Tao
Age: Around 18 Human years
Gender: Male
What are you: Cybernetic Arctic Blood Wolf Clone
Personality: (wip)
Background: (wip)
Dating: None
Powers: Shapeshifting Human, blood manipulation
Other: None
Maintenance crew:
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on May 03, 2014, 08:05:27 pm
xD what picture is she using to blackmail him with? Echo: I can take a guess ;3) And ok ^^ Cant wait for you to join)

Momo had stopped when she heard a voice and blinked, staring at the blue tiger. She tilted her head a bit before smiling, "Yea! So this is what it is? A party?" She jumped a bit on one foot before smirking and shifting into her cat form and walking over to him happily.

 Jelapia continued thinking before walking towards the entrance, her ears perking towards the sound of talking in the hall and she narrowed her eyes, though sat still to see who it was and if they were threats or not. She stayed hidden in the other room so nothing from the outside could see her.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Vask on May 03, 2014, 08:19:55 pm

Name: Vask
Age: About 17-19 Human Years
Gender: Male
What are you: Wolf & Human Forms
Personality: Vask is very kind and helpful to all people he meets. He believes that even the most unkind people have good sides, and always sees the best in others. Vask loves to learn, and is curious about everything he doesn't know about. Vask is always optimistic, and incredibly hard to get mad. People who don't know him can find him intimidating, but everyone who knows him can't help but love him. He loves helping all the new students each year. Although intimidating looking, he is a softy and loves to read. However, never mistake his kindness for being neivve. Vask can be stern and keep things in order if he needs to. Not only is he known for being so kind to everyone, but he is also known for his jokes. Very musical and loves Alternative Rock. He can be very mature and can also be incredibly immature. Vask is also found to be incredibly smart and witty, often throwing out random facts nobody would really care about. He is also very charismatic and doesn't seem to be scared of much of anything...accept spiders. Vask HATES spiders.
Background: Unknown- only find out in rp
Dating: None
Powers: Human Form
-Always wears his black leather jacket with an American Flag stitched to the shoulder.
-Also has blue stripes in his hair.
-Has red stone necklace.
-Plays guitar
-About 5"5-5"7 in human form
Maintenance crew: No but he's thinking about it.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on May 03, 2014, 08:38:16 pm
Accepted and you can jump in :D
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: glaceon24 on May 03, 2014, 08:55:12 pm
Walking down the hall with her wings folded Venom cliched her ears at the sound of music seeing several other run that way the experiment started to follow. Unfolding her wings she jumped into the air and flew over them her black talon like claws hanging down as she landed beside the creature with a mechanical leg.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Vask on May 03, 2014, 08:59:14 pm
((Cool! Thanks!))

-Currently in human form-

Vask trotted up the stairs of his school, the familiar scents overwhelming his senses. Today was the first day of the new school year, and he was excited to get to see old friends and meet new ones. He ran a hand through his pure brown hair, some of the blue streaks falling in his face. Vask pushed them out of his way, then taking out his earbuds inside his ears. The Alternative music streaming from the ear buds fades and he shoved them in his pockets. He pushed open the large front door to the school. Today was Welcome Day, and there was a large party in the Auditorium to welcome all the new and old students. Vask strode down the hallway in long strides, not seeing anyone in the long colorful hallways. The walls were lined with artwork and vibrant colors. A small smile flickered on his mouth. /Everyone must be in the Auditorium/ Vask thought to himself.

The thumping music and aroma of assorted foods got stronger as he neared the Auditorium. The Auditorium doors came into view and. Vask instinctively pushed them open and stepped inside. Tables with velvet table clothes were speckled all over the room with all kinds of foreign and common foods crowding them on plates. The Auditorium was packed with canines, felines, avians, and humans. A few heads turned at his arrival, a few people he knew waved. Vask smiled and waved back at them. He then went and sat on top of an empty table, smiling slightly as he contently watched the party.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Arkayy on May 03, 2014, 09:42:32 pm
(I'm sure you'll see xD)

Karasu nodded smiling to the girl blinking when she turned into a cat and tilted his head looking over at the odd creature that had landed next to them and greeted her as well, "Hiya!" He smiled cutely before lifting his head scenting the air smiling, "Oooh I think they have bacon! I can smell it! You two want to come with me to look?" He had already began heading down the hall as he said so, turning into the room with the abundance of food.

Ryukoi chuckled watching the wolf tire as he got to the building, "Come on. Just a bit further and I'll let you have it back." Tao narrowed his eyes though continued to follow inside the building and down the halls. He looked around rolling his eyes though a figure caught his eye. He glanced over and asked, "What's karasu doing here?" Ryuk smiled, "What everyone is hear for. Now come on. Loosen up already.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on May 05, 2014, 01:20:43 am
 Momo stared at the other creature who had landed by the two and she smiled with a nod. She watched as the tiger began walking off after inquiring about bacon and Mom got up and giggled, "Yea! I want some too!" She ran after him and jumped on his back for a ride since she could fit comfortably on top.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: goldenwings on June 11, 2014, 08:44:27 pm
Image: (http://data2.whicdn.com/images/41083967/thumb.jpg)
Name: Alicia
Age: (Physical age not reality) 22
Gender: Female
What are you: Elemental Angel
Personality: Alicia is sweet and kind, and likes to enforce peace and tranquility. If there is a dispute she breaks it up and tries to solve the issue. She is not afraid to use her powers to help her achieve order. She is fair, and likes respect.
Background: Alicia used to calm frightened children, and act as a councilor in normal schools.
Dating: none
Powers: flight, elemental control
Maintenance crew: (Yes or no) Yes please
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Neowulf on June 15, 2014, 12:47:37 am
I'd like to join....
Description of Character: Dark gray wolf, gray-blue splotches around eyes, legs are covered with same gray-blue.
Name: Stormdancer | Nickname(s): Stormy, Stormprance, "Le Storm Wolf", Mystery
Age(Important note, dog years do NOT apply to him): 17
Gender: Male(Mentioned in "Age")
What Is He?: Species is recorded in The Wyrm's Bestiary as "Storm Wolves"
Personality: Introverted, but if threatened intensely, will show true colors, as in he gets aggressive, easily provoked even more. Generally quiet, likes reading Bestiaries and Encyclopedias, etc.. A bit of a druggy, likes to smoke and drink even though he's technically breaking the law. Even when not sober, he tries to remain quiet, intellectual, and uninvolved with things.
Background: Used to be a thief and smuggler in a hidden land on a hurricane.
Not involved romantically with anyone
Powers: Can create and walk on clouds, able to zap things with lightning breath
Other: Not really anything of note that wasn't in "Background," but was involved in a prison escape
Maintenance Crew: No

Accepted or Rejected?
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Arkayy on June 21, 2014, 01:42:53 am
Karasu bound happily inside the room, looking around curiously and padded over to where he could smell food. His eyes widened when he saw a plate of bacon and he reached out to grab some, though blinked, glancing back at the door smiling when he saw the white wolf, "Brother!"

Tao winced though nodded to him in greeting, looking around the room murmuring, "Not much of a party yet." Ryuk smirked, "Well, not everyone had arrived yet silly. Only the cool kids showed up early!" He rolled his eyes going to walk over to his brother though stopped frozen in his tracks as he saw the picture the cat imp had been holding fly from her grip, landing in front of Karasu and Momo who was on his back. Tao looked nervously, "Uh... I can explain!" Though Karasu was already on the ground laughing hard.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on June 21, 2014, 03:06:27 am
Accepted both and you can both jump in :D Sorry for the inactivity, thought no one was replying ^^)

 Momo smiled at the food stand as they arrived and she jumped onto Karasus head as she tried to paw at some. However, she winced when the tigers head spun and he called, "Brother!" She fell off with a thud, falling on her bottom and she frowned with a small, "Ow..." She walked back to the table to try to get some food though stopped as she heard Karasu begin to laugh hard at a picture that was on the floor and she ran back curiously, staring at it, "What is it??"

 She listened to the sounds of the party going on in the halls and sighed softly. Jelapia murmured, "Wonder if I can cause some mishap..." "Though that wouldn't be wise..." Jelapia froze though relaxed as she noticed the large fox creature strolling into the room with a slight glare on her. The black fox scoffed, "Don't blame me because I just want a little fun... Who's the one throwing the party anyway?" Cuaca murmured, "Nobody for you to worry about..." He left the room with an eye on the fox, "Please stay out of trouble..." Jelapia watched him leave before smirking, "But troubles my middle name..."
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: shayy on June 21, 2014, 04:21:44 am
 Seems like a very nice RP, I may join))
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Neowulf on June 21, 2014, 04:23:52 am
Stormdancer wandered around the long corridors within the school, slinking outside and crawling all the way around to an obsolete corner at the back near Cloudstriker. Stormy took a nice little powder of pure white and set it on a leaf awkwardly. Let's just say they experienced a nice disco dance with skittle monsters, like in... A real hallucinated disco club. Let's just leave it at that, and afterwards they wedged the last of the powder into a small cloud portal, which they soon closed up before rushing through the school to get to several classes before hiding in the closet. Stormy whined out of stress, having gotten an F on the after-study test-- ALL of the after-study tests. He'd been way too distracted, thinking about the skittle-monsters. He sighed, wrapping himself in a stormy cloak. (Just so you know, he has a storage system in the form of a storm cloud he can summon randomly to put stuff in the portal for later.) He rushed, ashamed, to the cafeteria. He smacked into several people, but when he reached the cafeteria he grabbed a few dollars for a platter of pork, which he took to a table. He hopped onto a bench and created a couple lines of storm clouds om top of the pork, soon devouring it all and fleeing once more around the school and passing out in a corner.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Senrova on June 21, 2014, 09:15:36 am
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on June 22, 2014, 08:19:58 pm
Accepted! And you can jump in. I'll reply after)
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Senrova on June 23, 2014, 02:53:59 pm
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Soil on June 23, 2014, 09:22:23 pm
Name:Jiy? Jei (Jee-you)
Age:  15
Gender: Male
What are you: A shape-shifter
Personality: He is loyal,an over-protective.He is also kind and helpful.
Background: When he was younger,his family betrayed him.He always declared battle against them,but usually he was always beaten.If you want to find him,look around and you'll find him training.
Dating: No one.
Powers: He is a shape-shifter,and has fire in his veins.
Maintenance crew: None
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on June 25, 2014, 04:30:25 am
Accceepted!! :D)

 Cuaca padded out of the halls and walked down the hall with his ears perked as he sniffed around. He narrowed his eyes and glanced back, watching the black fox leave the room and head into another and only scoffed Who even invited her here? He continued towards the larger room where food was and could see two smaller shapes heading in though they hesitated at the door. He tilted his head and walked over towards the two pokemon and asked, "Everything Ok?"
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Senrova on June 25, 2014, 03:05:21 pm
Gregory House
He turned his head around and nodded to the creature saying, "Yes." House and Chase walking further in to find a table. They settled themselves down while Chase was thinking abut food.

Robert Chase
"Fancy anything?" he asked House.
"Nah. I'm fine." he said. Robert nervously looked around the room, seeing other creatures.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Soil on June 26, 2014, 02:20:59 am
Jei walked down an hall way,his long slender tail flicking the ground,as his small paws gently prodded the ground."Interesting,"the cat said,as he padded down the hall,looking in different directions.
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on June 29, 2014, 07:21:41 am
 He nodded, watching the two continue to pad inside and he walked back the way he had came, scanning the halls and making sure all was well.

 Jelapia watched the large fox pad down the hallway before snickering and disappearing towards the large auditorium. She stared around at the lights and narrowed her eyes as she was about to disappear once more when all of the lights suddenly shut off all around her and she winced, "Hey... Someone stole my idea..."
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Senrova on July 16, 2014, 04:21:20 pm
-Thinking of What to Post-))
Title: Re: School of OC (Oc Rp) Open and accepting!
Post by: Kastilla on August 30, 2014, 10:57:40 pm
Name: Wolfie Okami
Age: 14 (human years)
What are you: Mutt dog - dingy brown with a cream-colored muzzle and spot on chest between front legs, pale blue eyes. Short scrappy tail, short and slender body.
Personality: Shy, polite, and dark.
Background: She has been bullied, and beaten up several times, she is afraid of everyone because se doesn't want to be hurt.
Dating: No, has a crush, though.
Powers: Has an ability to confuse people with her words; very creative.
Other: Creative and imaginative.
I hope I'm not late.))