Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Amberzerine on April 27, 2014, 08:35:56 pm

Title: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on April 27, 2014, 08:35:56 pm
I think we should add in if a player is pup/cub sized (on my opinion, three clicks on a size thing in the character edit) the bigger players could pick it up? And maybe you can make it so you have to get right by the player in order to pick it up, so maybe if your that player about to be picked up, you can run? Another thing, we should put a "Pick up Player" bar in their Player Info? It would be nice, but you don't have to...
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Astraea on April 28, 2014, 09:53:43 pm
Hm.. I think this is a good idea, really. It'd be very useful, I mean, in the roleplay's I've been in; you have to walk with the person. As if you're dragging them. xD But yeah, good idea. Thanks for sharing it with the community!~
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 01, 2014, 01:30:58 am
Well, when he comes back, we can try to make it so it sends a request for the person wanting to pick him/her up and if she/he accepts, then it can be a chase or just a pick up.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Kaniki on May 01, 2014, 05:42:20 pm
I think we should add in if a player is pup/cub sized (on my opinion, three clicks on a size thing in the character edit) the bigger players could pick it up? And maybe you can make it so you have to get right by the player in order to pick it up, so maybe if your that player about to be picked up, you can run? Another thing, we should put a "Pick up Player" bar in their Player Info? It would be nice, but you don't have to...

 I have mixed feelings about this. For example, you and your friends are roleplaying. Then, a random feline/canine comes over and takes you. That would cause a bit of a stir, wouldn't it? There would also be a game update needed if this was about to happen. There would be a limit line for pup/adult size needed so the feature would be available. It is a good great idea though!  :)
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 01, 2014, 11:57:27 pm
Aw thank you. I just hope this gets added, but like I said, Requests should be sent from the person who wants to pick you up. It would be more helpful right?
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: AlphaEclipse on May 02, 2014, 12:17:35 am
Aw thank you. I just hope this gets added, but like I said, Requests should be sent from the person who wants to pick you up. It would be more helpful right?
Requests could become a form of spam, especially if they pop up on screen. Even though the thought of being able to carry someone adds realism to the game, I'd think it would be better to add simpler motions first before this, such as another dance move, or being able to nuzzle someone, since it would be strange for the game to have an option of pick someone up but not do simpler tasks, if that makes sense.

If requests had an off and on option, I'm not sure how one would corporate this into the game, even with the source code. I eould think everyone would have to have it "on," no?
~Faolan~ has a good point too; say there were no requests and anyone could just pick you up. I could never go "afk/brb" in-game again! x'D

Even though avid roleplayers might benefit from this option being added, I think it would used for bad more than for good.
Good idea though. c:
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 02, 2014, 03:49:11 pm
I understand...I guess the game would be on without it.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Lusamine on May 02, 2014, 04:19:04 pm
I like this Idea,but as the others said.It could be quite a bother,if people picked you up randomly and dragged ye off to troll.So,to go with that their would have to be some form of being able to get out of it.That way,it'd be less of a problem.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 02, 2014, 04:59:45 pm
Hey that would be a nice idea! Like pressing spacebar to escape... but if the player has wings, then you might fall to your death. XD just kidding, but still, spacebar to escape after a few times would be nice.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: longjump on May 02, 2014, 05:20:42 pm
What if only people in your party/group could pick you up? That would get rid of the whole 'random person' picking you up thing. And you could turn it off so people in general couldn't pick you up?
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 02, 2014, 05:31:18 pm
Yes, that might work... I agree, but to think of it, to add on, maybe with that switch on, you can make it so only friends/party/group players can pick you up? I wouldn't mind random players picking me up, because I just like testing things out, but that would be a good idea.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Alphabet on May 02, 2014, 06:37:14 pm
I think it would be a great idea! You could turn on/off the ability for other people to pick you up in the options menu. It would send you a request to be picked up, and you'd click yes or no. You could turn in on for that moment that it needs to be while roleplaying, then turn it back off right after to avoid spam.

I also think it's a bit rude of you guys to call this a bothersome feature. With the right tools, it can very much be the opposite. Perhaps a shortcut key could be used to turn it on and off as well so you don't have to keep opening the options menu. If anyone spams you, you can always report or block them. And spamming could easily be avoided by simply turning the pickup option off.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 02, 2014, 10:24:08 pm
Thank you for actually supporting this as it was a good idea in my opinion, I know it might be a lot of coding... but another idea, if you block someone, they CANNOT pick you up. That would be really helpful as it might reduce trolling.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Morqque on May 02, 2014, 10:49:11 pm
Lol that would be quite awesome but as others have stated what if someone randomly snatched you up and carries you around? Perhaps only people in your group could pick you up and if you dont wish to be picked up you type a command to stop from others doing that?
It's a good idea :D
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 02, 2014, 10:57:41 pm
I actually wouldn't mind (cause I actually like being carried around) but for the people that don't want to be carried away, it would be good. Read back one page at the end to see what I've mentioned before please, before you post anything related to it.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Honest~Faith on May 03, 2014, 12:06:21 am
That's a good idea, I like it. There is a little bit of downs and ups about this idea though. Talking about the downs, as stated above, trolls might pick you up and carry you somewhere where you don't want to be carried. And also, Kovu has the codes so I don't think that will be possible to add this idea into the game without Kovu.
I have some ups here. An option that a member stated above to stop the problem from trolls randomly picking you up, when someone tries to carry you, you have an option to decline or accept. If you accept, you'll be carried away by the person and If you decline, nothing would happen. To not bother people, the option might be located somewhere at the top. You don't have to accept or decline, you could just leave it as it is and continue RPing, not a problem at all. The idea is really good but unluckily, Kovu didn't return to Feral-Heart, YET.
Title: Re: Adding Players able to pick other players up if pup/cub sized
Post by: Amberzerine on May 03, 2014, 12:33:21 am
Yes, I noticed people stated things like that, so I tried helping with new ideas, and actually, on my opinion, it wouldn't be too bad. Along with if you accepted, and get carried away, there's a chance you can press spacebar, and escape XD that would be funny, I wish Kovu was back...