Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: zRichtofen on April 28, 2014, 02:00:16 am

Title: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: zRichtofen on April 28, 2014, 02:00:16 am
I think this be easy for some maps, if it pretty much had a filter.

It would also sense if someone was using bad words like example:

"foo hk you!" (Thats what they did in wizard101)

It would sense that, and give them a verbal warning.

I'll edit this sooner or later when I have time.

Place your comments floofs.~ Wendigo
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: ThrillexForLife on April 28, 2014, 02:02:14 am
 Not to come against your idea but then it would be like WolfQuest and their chats. I'm not sure that going to help, but the cursing I understand.
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 28, 2014, 02:49:09 am
I think you mean an auto-censor for the chats? While in theory this could be useful (such as placing a restriction on certain words/character combinations, which could be replaced with asterisks or simply have the message deleted before it is sent to the chats by the server), unfortunately this one isn't in our cards without the game source code.

It's been thought of before, though. It wouldn't be 100%, of course, since somebody's gonna find some way to be vulgar in some manner, but it would have some benefits to it if we were able to implement something like this.

Again, though, this one is not in our cards. Thank you for the input.
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: Krystal on May 01, 2014, 01:32:01 am
I feel like this has the potential lead to the travesty of WolfQuest's chatting, as Thrillex said. I say an optional filter. Someone could be uncomfortable/unallowed to see curses, but others could. The filter should only really block out the full cuss word, since thoughtful people usually don't cuss in public and only around people who they know are alright with it. People who find work-arounds (such as foo hk) could be reported if they do it in public maps in local/general. Basically, you have my support.
(Apologies, I haven't been on FH in nine months, but I saw this thread and decided to comment.)
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: BlackLuna06 on May 06, 2014, 12:44:18 pm
This would be a pretty good idea - some of the people in-game are rather young, and it's a shame to expose them to some of the nastier languages and ideas out there. I'm not just talkin' about 'bad words', rather more serious things such as racism or discrimination.

I digress. However, on the flip side, some 'mature' RPs like to have swearing as part of their posts - and this can add a nice flavour of roleplay that I don't want to rob anyone of.

I'd say an optional filter is the way to go; or perhaps a filter that applies to those under a certain age.
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: shayy on May 06, 2014, 12:56:47 pm
I don't mean to disagree with your idea and shoot it down, but I am going to disagree. Personally I think the thin that makes feral heart different from all ther virtual animal games is that you have more freedom. And with this large amount if freedom that we have,  one rules and expectations, and when you break them you are punished with a ban or a kick. I know that the main resin I lie feral heart and joined In the first place was because you could move freely with your character and it was a less cotrolled environment which ment more mature people.
There are plenty of games out there which HAR many restrictions on what the players can say in the chat to others. My opinion on why is because they have a younger community of players who need to have those restrictions in order to play safely on the large and scary Internet. Therefore, I think that freedom of speech in the chat (with rules that should be followed) is what makes Fetal Heart and its community what we are, taking this away would simply make me feel too controlled and feel like I was being treated like a child because immature players could not follow the rules. Please quote this nd reply if you agree with me :) again I am not trying to sound like your idea isn't a good one, its a fantastic idea that would keep the younger players safe, but I think it would have negative effects in most of the community. This is a social game after all, it is based on only what we can say to each other.
On another note, those of you who do find it acceptable to curse, swear, and be rude to others in the game should re-think what your saying and understand the consequences. Thanks for letting me sort of rant and vent ;) again quote me if you agree with most of the things I have shared with you.
- The Lovely Shay
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: AeropostaleWolf on May 18, 2014, 04:43:10 am
To be honest, the reason why I left WolfQuest (the previous game I played before FH) was because of the chat filters. I mean, you couldn't even say miss. One reason why I love FeralHeart is because you can say whatever, no matter how random or odd. The fact that your idea to filter the chats just does not sound like a good idea for me. However, I do understand why due to the cursing. I apologize, but I am against this idea.   :-\
Title: Re: Chat Word Restrictions
Post by: Chapawee on May 24, 2014, 08:22:12 pm
This would be a great idea, as long as only actual swear words and inappropriate words were blocked. Otherwise, it would eventually become like WolfQuest's chat filter, which wrecked the multiplayer of a great game.Though as mentioned before, an optional one would be nice if it was put in game. I'm strongly against any type of chat lexicon, because filters that block more than actual inappropriate/curse words absolutely ruin games. However, this one seems like a good idea. As long as the freedom of chat is kept and the only things blocked are swear words and the like, I'm all for it. :)