Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion => Topic started by: Zazoo on May 07, 2014, 10:07:55 pm

Title: Zazoo's First Map Project! (Updated!)
Post by: Zazoo on May 07, 2014, 10:07:55 pm
Hey! Zazoo here!

This is my very first map ever, and it is still a work in progress. I'm not to sure what I want to do with it once I am done with it. So, if anyone has any ideas of what I should do feel free to reply below. Okay, so more about the map. It's part forest, and part plains. It's VERY large, and may lag some computers. It has two secret cave maps within it. There is prey, herbs, dens, and caves scattered across the whole map. Well, here is some pictures.

A view of a stream that runs through the forest.
(http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m132/cromerd/screenshot_05072014_163226412_zps3495c50d.png) (http://s103.photobucket.com/user/cromerd/media/screenshot_05072014_163226412_zps3495c50d.png.html)

Some fish in one of the ponds on the forest side of the map.
(http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m132/cromerd/screenshot_05072014_163612731_zps7f778859.png) (http://s103.photobucket.com/user/cromerd/media/screenshot_05072014_163612731_zps7f778859.png.html)

A view of part of the unfinished den on the plains part of the map.
(http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m132/cromerd/screenshot_05072014_163822147_zps397fa415.png) (http://s103.photobucket.com/user/cromerd/media/screenshot_05072014_163822147_zps397fa415.png.html)

The finished plains den.
(http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m132/cromerd/screenshot_05092014_162114186_zps51683c3c.png) (http://s103.photobucket.com/user/cromerd/media/screenshot_05092014_162114186_zps51683c3c.png.html)

Some more of the plains!
(http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m132/cromerd/screenshot_05092014_162017051_zps9425fc97.png) (http://s103.photobucket.com/user/cromerd/media/screenshot_05092014_162017051_zps9425fc97.png.html)

This map is far from being done! So, if anyone has any ideas of things I should add to it just reply below.

Map Completion:
Plains: 15%
Forest: 55%
Secret Den 1: 0%
Secret Den 2: 0%
Secret Area: 5%

I am currently adding a new area to the map, and I am not going to reveal what it is until I release the map itself! I hope everyone enjoys it!

Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: Shenidan on May 07, 2014, 10:38:29 pm
It seems you put alot of effort to it, I really like the map that you are making it looks wonderful, I look forward for further updates, Good luck on your map!
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: Vespian on May 07, 2014, 11:20:18 pm
This is yer first map? Ye' have a natural skill when it comes to map-makin' it would appear! What ye've provided thus far is really detailed and I like how ye're makin' half of the map plains and the other forest- givin' a home to both canine and feline families/species of all kinds. I like it thus far and I am eager to see it's progression as ye' slowly add more into it. As stated prior, I can tell ye've worked quite diligently with this.
However, what ye'd like to do with it depends solely on ye'. Either ye' can make a role-play for it, make the map public and watch a variety of role-plays use the map for their own purposes (of course ye' can set rules down for any who'd like to download yer map if so and ye' also have permission to remove/kick anyone from yer map), or even simply use the map for yer own private reasons. Kinda like a "friends only" hang out or just a place to sit quietly by yerself. Regardless, this is quite beautiful and I hope to see more maps from ye' if ye' decide to make more.
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: Zazoo on May 08, 2014, 12:21:39 am
Thank you guys so much! It took me about two days so far to make what you see. I still have so many plans for it too. It's just I have to work off of a laptop so its a very slow process for me. That and I just found out I am adding a new member to me real life family. I do also hope to soon add a few more maps that I am working on. I will have more pictures of the plains den up pretty soon. :)
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: Griimmjow on May 08, 2014, 09:02:48 am
Whoaw.. That is a very awsome map, you have going on there!... And your first? Man your good! >.<.. And.. Have a nuzzle ^^.. Keep the work up, i love your map already!
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: lindaminda on May 08, 2014, 06:20:37 pm
This looks very pretty for the first map, I love it :D
You're really good, here, have a nuzzle^^
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: Zazoo on May 08, 2014, 08:03:34 pm
Thank you guys! :) I really wanted to have my first one have a lot of detail put into it. I should have an update on it later today.
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: lindaminda on May 08, 2014, 08:40:40 pm
You're welcome :3
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project!
Post by: Astraea on May 08, 2014, 08:51:40 pm
Wow. It seems as if much effort is being put into this, thus' making it very nice to gander at.                                                    Amazing, work, first map? That's hard to believe, but, great job. You'll be sure to get lots of downloads, trust me. xD
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project! (Updated!)
Post by: Zazoo on May 08, 2014, 09:20:58 pm
Aha thank you! An yes this is my first map. I spent a few days reading up on how to make them, watched a few videos on youtube, and then gave it a shot. I played feral heart for the longest time until real life stuff interfered, and I never really was interested in making one until now.
Title: Re: Zazoo's First Map Project! (Updated!)
Post by: Kerriki on May 09, 2014, 01:50:47 am
First map? o.o That's gorgeous! +Floof