Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: WolfQueen on May 17, 2014, 09:12:40 pm

Title: uh..
Post by: WolfQueen on May 17, 2014, 09:12:40 pm
i don't like this game anymore. the game is filled with crackheads and bullies. im barely on the game, i only go on if i have the nerve, which isn't that often. i don't roleplay anymore because i lack correct grammar, and every roleplay on the game is only accepting hyper-realistic "literates". there's too many dark-colored wolves on here thinking they are so "grown-up" when they are only like 15. and most of all, this game is boring. it haven't been updated since more than 2 years. it's the same thing over and over again. in all honesty, i don't even know why people find this game as enjoyable as playing arokai or something.

as for the fourms, which im more active on, it is obvious that no one like my presence. i feel very unwelcome here. people hate me. i shouldnt be here if people don't really like me. i know everyone's annoyed by every single post i make.

think im only wanting attention? go ahead. im upset. i don't like this place. im only saying this to rant.

i would link my deviantart but no one would really care so you can find it somewhere else if you REALLY have the nerve to follow me further. as for my activity, i may be visiting the forums like once a week on average. im still keeping fh on my computer, since i may also visit there sometimes but that's unlikely.

Title: Re: uh..
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on May 17, 2014, 09:29:22 pm
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way, Kelsey.
I honestly disagree when you say that the whole game is full of bullies, "crackheads" (?), and that everyone is annoyed by your posts--I myself have never been annoyed by your posts. Just as well, not every user in FH are rude bullies. You will of course find these people no matter where you go, but there are good ones, as well, depending on where you're looking, and who you spend your time with.

I'm very positive that there will be many saddened to see that you're feeling this way, know that there are many of us here that still wish you the best, whether or not you decide to stay. Take care, and know that you're always welcomed here with open arms if you ever decide to return.
Title: Re: uh..
Post by: AeropostaleWolf on May 20, 2014, 03:55:28 am
To be honest, I agree with what you say about bullies and literate groups populating the game. FeralHeart is suppose to be a fun game for all, but with the new people who have been joining recently, the game is staring to go downhill. I find myself often looking up words online for their definition and such, and I also am finding myself not as attached to the game as I once was.

As of people "hating" you, I have to disagree. I'm reassure you everyone isn't annoyed at you one bit, I mean, you help so many people around here. Who would be annoyed at that? Anyway, I hope you move on to bigger and better things. Good luck to ya. :)
Title: Re: uh..
Post by: IcyFrost on May 20, 2014, 06:03:22 am
Mmm.. I'm sad to see you go :(
I know how you feel about the game, how a lot of trolls are on there now, how wolf speak is now called "Literate", and all black or gray wolves.

Yah, sure, I trolled a few people in the past. But that was then. I don't want to be accused of trolling anymore, because there are so many now.

Let's not even mention that. Seriously? Wolfspeak is NOT the definition of literate.
Literate: Having the ability to read or write.
I didn't hear Wolfspeak anywhere in there. Sheesh >3

As for the dull / dark wolves, I don't think that's very mature. I think mature would be keeping it realistic, but not turning the character into a literal shadow. Come on! Wolves can be brown, even white! The possibilities of a character are ENDLESS in this game, but they have to use just black? Are you kidding me?!
Eh.. Moving on.. Sorry about that...
Anyway, don't say that we don't appreciate chu here! I think that you're a fun person to be around more like post around xD. I personally want you to stay even if I don't like Brendon Urie. But it's your choice, and I respect that.
But anyway, I hope to see you return some day ;)

Also, sorry for editing, half of the message didn't show up o,o
Title: Re: uh..
Post by: Shenidan on May 20, 2014, 07:30:54 am
I'm sorry to hear this, I understand what you're feeling now, but I also disagree with you that the game itself is filled with bullies n crackheads, its not true. The game may be boring a bit but it gets fun if you're with friends, just be social and I know you'll earn more friends than ever! Feralheart was very fun when it was released, I dont even think there were literates around yet, all I see were neons (I love em) they were so fun to hang out with but now everythings changed, Kovu left, wolfspeak may be spreading D: And a buttload of black colored wolves (I've seen a lot of them) sometimes I wish people would be creative and more kind, I'm sorry Kelsey. And I dont get annyoyed in every single post you did, I hope you feel much better soon.
Title: Re: uh..
Post by: LordSuragaha on May 20, 2014, 08:46:31 am
the game is filled with crackheads and bullies.

I'm going to be honest. You claim that "people" don't like you etc well you're not really making much of an effort to be liked when you post rude things like this. You're doing an awful lot of generalizing in this post. For one saying that the game is filled with crackheads and bullies can be offensive to people like myself and most who use this game. Though you don't do it to often this isn't the first time you post something borderline rude or sarcastic on the forum. Call it your opinion or honesty or whatever you want it's still rude and immature. If you made a bit more of an effort to be a little less rude or sarcastic perhaps more people would see the good side I'm you.

I've seen you join many discussions. You're fairly active around the site and I recognize your name often. It will be sad to not see you around and you will be missed. Your mature opinions are valued. It would be nice to see a less hostile side to your tone more often. I highly doubt you're as hated as you claim to be. You're not a bad person or any of the stuff you claim. Sometimes there can be encounters with bad people on FH but I assure you not everyone is like that. For example most people here on the forum are quite friendly especially if you took the time to get to know any. There's no use taking ignorant things people say or do to you to heart. I'm sorry if people have hurt you and pushed you to this point. I honestly hope you'll come back more often again one day and perhaps find yourself in better company. Until then it's probably best that you take a break. I've taken them myself and usually it's better that way.

Wish you the best on whatever you decide. You'll always be welcomed back with open arms here.