Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: TheApplePie on May 23, 2014, 06:06:09 pm

Title: Kiquaii's bio
Post by: TheApplePie on May 23, 2014, 06:06:09 pm
Kiquaii isn't my real name, blerg.
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Breed: Cool and awesome human

Things I like:
Hollywood undead music..I love it.
Anything with sugar on/in it.
Agressive/big dogs
Blue and mint green
My dogs
Polish youtubers

Things I don't like:
Small dogs (I HATE THESE...URGH.)
Animal clothes (Seriously, I hate them)
When it rains all day, and at the end of the day it is very warm...*Raging high pitched screaming*
Babies (http://www.daylol.com/how-most-people-see-babies#.U3-KSigZ_IU/) (I find them scary)

Info about me:
Well as you heard I am a very special human.
I live in the rainy UK and I'm half Polish half English.
A wierd fact is that I was born on a train, so I now have free train transportation forever. c:
Booyah, be jelous.
Another thing is that I don't like babies, I find them annoying and a pain in the butt, really.
I love art work and drawing, also I play/take part over 12 types of sports at the moment.
Tennis, Football, Racing, horse riding, cycling, swimming, Dog shows, (I don't know if that is a sport, but I think so.)Rounders, Handball, Western pleasure barrel racing (I'm learning, alright?) and 2 others I forgot about. Whoops..

My favorite songs! (Will be updated when I get new ones.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_428391&feature=iv&src_vid=BIhGIEfzVDM&v=zYFYkWcomEA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_428391&feature=iv&src_vid=BIhGIEfzVDM&v=zYFYkWcomEA)
I am a lion and I want to be free,
Do you see a lion when you look inside of me,
outside the window just to watch you as you sleep,
cause I am a lion born from things you cannot be.
How can I sleep at night there's a war inside my head,
I found a lion hidden right beneath my bed,
I cannot hide myself from the tears that you have shed,
cause I'm a lion, and you.Are.Dead.

Thanks for reading!

Title: Re: Kiquaii's bio
Post by: Bawfle on May 23, 2014, 07:07:49 pm
Lovely Biography, Kiquaii ^^. It's lovely to get to know you more- couldn't help but notice that you dislike rain and spiders. Tip: Never come to live in Britain xD

Thanks for sharing this with us!
Title: Re: Kiquaii's bio
Post by: TheApplePie on May 24, 2014, 06:14:52 am
Lovely Biography, Kiquaii ^^. It's lovely to get to know you more- couldn't help but notice that you dislike rain and spiders. Tip: Never come to live in Britain xD

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Sadly I need to finnish boring school here to get a good job.
anyway I love it here to much to go... </3
Title: Re: Kiquaii's bio
Post by: Insoholic on June 18, 2014, 10:19:32 am
Kiquaii, you got a nice bio :p I luv it :3