Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Wolfie_Lover on May 26, 2014, 04:14:20 pm

Title: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on May 26, 2014, 04:14:20 pm
If only darkness was all you could see. Your eyes groggily opened, shortly becoming aware of your surroundings. Confusion gnawed at your brain. Where am I? You thought, blinking a few times. You wiggled your tail a little, looking around at the glass cage you were put in. It was a bit cramped.
A human walked up to the cage, frowning heavily. Your hackles raised slightly, keeping your eyes on the male human. He scribbled something down, giving you a glare. He picked up your cage, taking you to another new place. It smelled damp and clogged with the smells of different fluids and the musk of humans. You almost gagged at the smell.
Their barks and chants were mixed together, not noticing the frantic horror and rage in your eyes. You pressed yourself against the glass wall of your cage, hackles still raised. One turned to you, he held a large shard of glass and metal. One gave a small squeak and was sent out of the room. What's going on?
A sharp pain went into your flank, and then everything became blurry. Sleep overtook you.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {WIP}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on May 26, 2014, 04:32:37 pm

1.) Swearing is allowed, but try to keep it away from every string of words that comes out of your character's mouth. Even if your character is a potty-mouth, keep them away from swearing excessively. (Swears by my definition are too strong to be in the dictionary. 'Ass', 'damn', etc. are not considered swears, if going by my definition.)
2.) Please try to be as literate as possible. Atleast four sentences, proper (atleast most of it) spelling, proper grammar wouldn't hurt, and proper capitalization.
3.) Only up to three characters, please. If one character of yours dies (which may or may not happen) and you have two character slots left, you may make a new one. Once you run out of character slots and all your characters are dead, then you may role-play one (or all three) characters as a ghost. Your character may be able to regenerate, but it will eventually die if killed too many times (max times to regenerate will be five) - I don't want every character to be able to regenerate, but you may if you wish.
4.) Be creative with your character(s). Think of something different from one another (and your own if you sign up more). Sure, some of the characters had a few of the same tests, but everyone's character should be different.
5.) Do not fight/argue in OoC, please. If you're having trouble with someone, please tell me, rather than fighting it off in OoC.
6.) Do not kill unless you are given permission (humans don't matter). Please, don't do anything that can be considered harmful to another person's character without permission. (If you get permission via PM, please tell me.)

If you think there should be anymore rules put up, please PM me.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {WIP}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on May 26, 2014, 04:50:11 pm

Image/Decription: [Description must be atleast three sentences long.]
Subject Number: [This is the name they go by, nicknames are happily accepted as well. Subject numbers are usually six characters long (min. - four; max. - eight), made up of numbers and letters]
Character Sex: [The sex of a character may be unknown, but they must go by a gender.]
Character Age: [The lab doesn't keep up with the ages of the subjects, so a lot of them are unknown to the character. They atleast look (and sometimes act) their true age.]
Character Mutations: [Many mutations can be added, physical, metal, etc., however, no character can survive with more than four.]
Character's Original Potential: [Your character might be a failed test subject, only left to die, or your character might be more successful than other characters.]
Character Personality: [This can vary with the relationships your character builds, and their original potential.]
Character Lab Experience: [How long have they been admitted in lab testing?]
Voice Video/Description: [This is optional, since only a handful of characters had their voice changed.]
Other: [This is optional, only give the information that you want to give away.]

A nice code for your copy+paste needs.
Code: [Select]
Subject Number:
Character Sex:
Character Age:
Character Mutations:
Character's Original Potential:
Character Personality:
Character Lab Experience:
Voice Video/Description:
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {WIP}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on May 26, 2014, 05:20:35 pm
Image/Description: A pure jet black pelt covers her body; dark, olive eyes sit in her head, only missing their pupil. She has elongated limbs, making her gangly and tall. She practically looks like an average wolf, despite these differences. She also looks vaguely young, but with a few lighter tips from rapid aging when she was younger.

Subject Number: 5Q0I1 - she goes by QI, 5, or 5Q. Anything really works with her.

Character Sex: Unknown, goes by female.

Character Age: Unknown, looks about sixteen (human years) - she stopped counting after the first four (human) years of her life.

Character Mutations: Mechanical voice (she's able to mimic machine sounds, not living sounds), mechanical structure (her bones are metal, but it's as flimsy as human bones - due to her mechanical structure, her limbs are longer), and, only if you look hard enough (if she lets you), you can see small gill-like slits in her throat and on her shoulders, but it was made to give the humans easy access to her robotic skeleton (small sounds might come from them).

Character's Original Potential: A failed experiment, made for mass destruction and murder.

Character Personality: She has a low self esteem, and even finds it hard to smile or really any other facial expression besides a small frown. She still carries her hostile trait, but won't attack if provoked or if she feels threatened. If she doesn't attack, then she makes screechy sounds (mainly those coming from a fax machine) to try to get rid of the 'intruder'. She's not too clingy and finds it difficult to talk to others (if she talks and a bit clingy to your character, your character must be special to her). She can hardly deal with affection, making crushes and relationships harder for her.

Character Lab Experience: All her life, she was born in the lab.

Voice Video/Description: It's mechanical, and comes out monotone at times. She cannot simulate living animal noises, but she can mimic mechanical sounds. She can also reach pitches that humans cannot hear, only in hopes they would made the heads of scientists explode.

Other: Her blush, if you can make her blush, is green. That's really it.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Zarorah on May 26, 2014, 08:38:11 pm
Long, black fur covers the female's body, except for her front paws, which are snow white. There is also a small, ellipse-shaped spot of white on her chest.  Her eyes, once a gorgeous mahogany, are now a washed out, dull brown.  She stands at about 27 inches at the shoulder. Her tail is fluffy, as is the rest of her fur. Really, she's just a big puffball.

Subject Number: 7KK210; She often goes by "KK." Her original name was Dizzy.

Character Sex: Female

Character Age: KK appears to be around three.

Character Mutations: KK has bone spikes that protrude about a foot and a half from her shoulders and hips. Her teeth are serrated, like a knife, as are her claws, which have been elongated.  Alongside her lungs, she has gills, which allow her to remain underwater for extended periods of time.

Character's Original Potential: A work-in-progress. KK, like QI, is designed to be a murder machine; however, while QI cannot go underwater, KK can. She can be used to kill those at beaches, lakes, and the like.

Character Personality: KK has two modes: work mode and relaxation mode. When she is in her work mode, nothing can break her concentration. She is a very hard worker, always aiming to please her superiors. If she doesn't do something to the best of her ability, she slowly becomes disgusted with herself. Once her work is finished, she can seamlessly slide into relaxation mode. When she's not working, she is a cuddly little nugget. She loves head rubs (especially right behind her ears), no matter who they come from.  On more than one occasion she's accidentally hurt the person she's tried to cuddle with.

However, while being stuck here, she has gone a bit mad.  She sometimes mutters strings of words over and over without stopping to take a breath. She, on occasion, has visions in which she's committed a mass murder, and she'll start chuckling at really, REALLY inopportune times.

Character Lab Experience: KK, or Dizzy, at the time, got loose when she was a year old. Her family searched for her for months, but eventually gave up hope of finding her and got a new puppy. She was picked up by a "dogcatcher" about two days after she got loose, and rather than be taken to the pound, she was taken to a rundown airport, which then led to her being here. In total, she's been here about two years.

Voice Video/Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcQheWstWiE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcQheWstWiE) That's, in essence, her voice. She sounds a little bitchy, but it isn't really in her personality.

Other: I may end up tweaking KK a little bit, but this is basically what she is.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Jackkdaw on May 27, 2014, 01:30:25 am

Young male canine. He appears to be a mixbreed of a boxer and a labrador retriever. His coat is short and coarse, chocolate brown in color with white markings. His body itself is more scrawny than a dog of his breed should be, and most of his ribs are visible. Tail and ears are unaltered, meaning they are not cropped as a boxer's usually is. On the top of his head is a long, still fresh scar running from the top of his forehead to the back of his crown (running between his ears on the top of his head). The long scar is not visible most of the time, as the scientists usually have a large white bandage strapped to his head to cover it and keep it from infection.

Subject Number:
246EZR4.   Nicknamed either Ezra or R4

Character Sex:
He is a male

Character Age:
Appears to be roughly 3 years old, though he is unsure. No older than 5 at least.

Character Mutations:
Ezra's tweaks are more psychological than physical. He underwent numerous brain surgeries, each one a different test so the humans can better understand the brain and what it can do, and what happens if they remove or mix parts of it. After each surgery, they then do many more non-surgical tests to see the effect of what they'd done in the last one. The scientists have mixed Ezra's brain, confusing the conscious with the unconscious, thus giving him an almost psychotic, even schizophrenic personality and traits.

Character's Original Potential:
Subject 246EZR4 is still a work in progress experiment. He was intended to be a simple psychological evaluation/examination tool, and is still scheduled to undergo many more open brain surgeries in the future months- as he is currently recovering from the last one a few days ago. He is so far living up to the expectations set by the humans.

Character Personality:
R4 is borderline psychotic, and is now confirmed schizophrenic. The past three procedures he went through where they messed around with his brain has taken their toll on him. Because his realities are mixed, he will have "dreams" or visions while he is fully conscious. Such dreams are extremely vivid, and are often more like nightmares. When he is in a dream-like state, the vision he is seeing is reality to him, making him oblivious to the real goings on around him. His mind transforms objects into terrifying beasts that aren't really there, and he will often be heard complaining about the "flies in his head" or shaking his head and scratching at the bandage-covered wound on top of his head. He is convinced that all evil in the world comes from "his head." He tends to keep to himself, even if it's not what he wants. Because of his erratic, random behavior, most others here avoid him. His lonliness sometimes makes his brain imagine up images to talk to, imaginary friends of sorts- only making him appear even more crazy to others who only see him conversing with himself when this happens. He can be a bit feisty, but he is more fearful than anything.

Character Lab Experience:
Ezra was born here, part of a breeding program that researches the brain and if their procedures done to the mother affect the offspring at all.

Voice Video/Description:
Ezra's voice is soft, somewhat light. He is not very loud, unless he is frightened. He almost has a childish type of voice and innocence.

Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: FallingStars on May 27, 2014, 03:01:42 am
(http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag449/FallingStars232/image_zpsad85feaf.jpg) (http://s1375.photobucket.com/user/FallingStars232/media/image_zpsad85feaf.jpg.html)

Image/Description: She is a mix breed of a pitbull and a lab. She has blue eyes and a scar on her right flank. She is boing in one eye and is slightly thinner than many.|I'm putting up a pic when I get the chance.
Subject Number: 67439K or Kala
Character Sex: Female/Bitch/Fae
Character Age: She is about 4 or five though It's unknown to her.
Character Mutations: She has oddly sharp claws and part of her spine pertruding along her back, her eyes are much like a cats and she has the power to see better in the dark than most canines.
Character's Original Potential: Kala was meant to be a rescuer, helping to save humans in the woods or in dark areas. Where the project failed was when they messed up on trying to make her bones stroger, causing her spine to pertrude from her back. She was then left to die but never did so now she has t out for the scientist and will likely kill the ones who ruined her.
Character Personality: Kala is highly aggressive an not at all shy. She is naturally alert and silent and uses it to her own advantage. She keeps to herself most of the time but by all means doesn't mind bardging into conversation to correct someone or taunt them. Kala likes to be a smart-ass and sarcastic. She is often more sarcastic than anything just to get on peoples nerves. She is also very stubborn. She gets what she wants or nobody gets anywhere.
Character Lab Experience: Kala was born as a pet with two sisters. She was always the one who got into trouble or picked on the other two sosters for being too girly. When it came for the three to get homes, she had run away. She didn't enjoy the soft life and was desperate for adventure but that only got her into the hands of a scientist. She was raised there, always taken care of and played with. All that came tumbling down. In all she had been here for about 3-4 years.
Voice Video/Description: She has a sort of monotone voice, always rather low and raspy.
Other: Nothing
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on May 28, 2014, 12:41:51 am
@Zarorah: You're correct about QI not able to be underwater for long periods of time, and it's perfectly acceptable. KK is welcome into the lab.

@JimMoriarty: Ezra is accepted into the lab.

Welcome you two!

@[|]FallingStars[|]: I can't wait for you to finish!
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: FallingStars on May 28, 2014, 12:20:16 pm
Finished. ^.^'))
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on May 30, 2014, 04:35:19 am
Finished. ^.^'))

Kala is welcome into the lab.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: FallingStars on May 30, 2014, 05:54:27 pm
Yay, thanks. ^.^ I'll post when I get the chance.))
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Jackkdaw on June 06, 2014, 03:00:56 pm
[[Oi sorry for my absence, been having computer problems that are solved now. I'll make the first post. C:


The blackness that had crowded the boxer mix's vision slowly evaporated away, allowing the blurry form of light to become visible as he regained consciousness. As his blurry vision cleared, the young canine blinked and shook his cranium, glancing around to notice those familiar whitewashed concrete walls of his kennel that surrounded him. He was back in his cage- but had he ever left? That question was immediately dissolved by a sudden piercing pain coming from the very top of his head, a pain that he was all too familiar with. They'd opened up his skull again to poke at his brain, and he knew it though he didn't remember the surgery itself. Or maybe the monsters inside his head did it. Either way, all he knew was it hurt, and that for now, the smokey feeling that usually clouded the inside of his head was gone. Well, it always disappeared after he woke up from such a thing, only to return later.

A low whine crept out of his dry throat and echoed through the room filled with barks and whines of fellow canines in cages around him. Subject 236EZR4 gave his head a violent shake, his floppy ears making audible flapping sounds as they slapped against the sides of his head with the motion. That bloody tight cap they gave him bothered the daylights out of him. With a forepaw, Ezra swatted and pawed at the white bandage that was securely fastened on his crown to cover the large vertical running, freshly opened scar. Whimpering, he staggered to his paws and continued to paw at the annoying thing, attempting to scratch the wound beneath it that itched so bad. When his mindless pawing failed to loosen the bandage, Ezra resorted to shaking his head again, backing up until his hindquarters suddenly bumped the cold concrete wall behind him, drawing a loud yelp of surprise from his short muzzle. He blew a huff from his nose and paced in a few tight circles before flopping down on the floor. Maybe they fixed his mind this time? The buzzing hadn't returned, and he hadn't seen any terrifying images that came from his head, yet. This small ray of hope made his thin tail wag, as he could only hope the whitecoats had finally fixed his brain for now. Unfortunately for him, that wasn't the case.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Neowulf on June 18, 2014, 07:36:33 pm
Description - Ginger fur on feet, white everywhere else. Eyes are a soft blue, and ears are quite floppy. Years of genetic experiments in many other labs lead to this appearance, and he was shipped around the world. Fluffy like a Chow Chow, with a slightly ginger-tinted face mask like a pug's. Short and squat, tongue is a bluish black. Stands up to the waist of a 6 foot tall human being.

Numbered as 666ZY, goes by Zy, 666, 66Z or 66Y.
Goes by male, as has X and Y chromosomes.(LOL SCIENCE)
Aged to 5 months, basically a pup of sorts.
Mutated with the ginger facemask and the whiteness, used to be your basic ol' Chow Chow. Was merged with a Pug at the age of just 2 weeks.
Original Potential - Left to die by his owner before the Government stole him away for testing. Used to eat trash.
Personality - Cold and heartless, hardened by isolation. Likes the taste of fish(xD I know this isn't really part of a personality. Just felt like putting it here.), OCD, ridiculously high standards for his performance, has aspergers, and hates being around others. Also a perfectionist, and will spazz out and go nuts if something doesn't happen just the way he wants it to. Often throws barking tantrums, and thinks about sad things every night.
Lab Experience - Has been shipped around the world's testing facilities in an attempt to understand him. He also hates scientists, and often tries to kill them while he's being tested on.
Voice Description - Voice is only describable as that of Zuko's in Avatar the Last Airbender. What? I like that show.
Other - I might tweak his appearance over the experiments, so check back regularly if I'm accepted.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on June 20, 2014, 01:40:22 pm
[I've been meaning to reply to this stuff for a while now, sorry guys, I haven't had my computer due to internet crashing, and my mobile's not good for posting stuff like this. I'll post later.
@Neowulf: 666ZY is accepted.]
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: shayy on June 20, 2014, 10:55:52 pm
  Seems like a very nice Role Play :)
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Neowulf on June 21, 2014, 04:38:29 am
[Sweet! Thanks.]
666 woke up in a cage with a grouchy blink, pacing before the scientists grabbed his cage and took it over to a table. They injected an absolutely PLEASANT liquid into his flesh, and soon he experienced nausea and pain in one of his lungs. The scientists continued injecting things into him, giving him cancers and such, and some of the formulas healed the various symptoms of the experiments. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey." A hyperactive, long-tailed black chihuahua in a cage nextdoor barked to him. "Ya gotta kill me, bro. I ain't gonna die on m'own." It complained. 666 sighed, white fur getting more matted. A scientist brushed it through and through to get the mattedness out, but that was it. He groaned and bonked his face over and over into the cage door. A boxer whose breed was barely recognizable sat across the room, head up and one of his eyes staring down at him. "SOON..." It barked, minimized ears and long-as-heck tail set pointing towards the wall. It also had ridiculously long legs, and it seemed rather underfed and lean. Its face was wrinkled and flat, but its head was ridiculously long anyways. Overall, the creature looked... RIDICULOUS. He shook his head, its asymmetrical leg lengths(His left leg was ridiculously long, but the right was normal length) irritated him. 666 groaned, turning around. The scientists soon put him away, and the next morning he'd be injected with more fluids. Lots would give cancers, some would heal them. One even made him seem even more demonic, lengthening his teeth and making his personality even worse. And the very next syringe got rid of that. He'd be put away so he could nap, and he'd end up sleeping for a long time.

[Sorry about how long that was v_v]
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Jackkdaw on June 24, 2014, 01:22:02 pm

Ezra began to pace in restless circles around his tight kennel, pausing every once in a while to give jis bandaged head a violent shake of discomfort. A few human footsteps from the aisle just outside his cage made the boxer mix's floppy ears snap forward. It seemed that the White Coats were collecting up another poor canine for further experimentation. The idea made the dog shudder, though he had to admit he was glad it wasn't him. Blowing a huff from his short muzzle, Ezra turned and resumed his ritualistic pacing, a blank, empty stare upon his face. Suddenly, his rare peace of mind was roughly disturbed. The buzzing, Smokey feeling inside his skull had returned justas it always had. Clenching his teeth, the young dog flopped to the ground, whinning in irritation and discomfort. With his forepaw, Ezra violently scratched at the top of his head that was covered by a large bandage to conceal the large fresh scar beneath it. "Get out of my head." He growled to the "flies" in his brain as he continuously scratched at his crown.  Just as it used to, his vision began tofade as his mind drifted from reality again in yet another mental episode. The walls aaround him seemed to melt to reveal blackness, and to him, the dogs in the kennels around him transformed into deformed monstrosities. While it was nothing his mind hadn't shown him before, the sights of what used to be comfortable surroundings transformed into such horror drew a yelp from Ezra's maw and he clambered backwards, cowering in the corner as the vision before him that was real to him and no one else, mocked him. His senses were in overload, and all he could do was cower and beg aloud for the monsters inside his head to leave. To the otjer dogs, his episode seemed bewildering, and Ezra had, as usual, caused quite a scene as his reality dissolved into a waking nightmare.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on June 30, 2014, 02:34:26 am
The long legs of QI bent underneath the large canine, her body fell downwards in a fit. Her upright ears fell backwards, and she gave a huff. Tired... Tired... She thought, blinking a few times. A man in a white coat approached her cage, making her tiredly and sloppily cower backwards. Her green eyes held a small pit of terror within them, letting the man pick her up either way. His face held a calming smile, and despite her knowing that they'd poke her and jab her, she felt the smile was overwhelming but calming. It washed over her.
He placed her on the cold, metal table, surrounded by more people in white coats. Most looked like they just got out of the war - atleast their expression did, not them by themselves, and little to none held the same kind of smile as the first man. It was a new room. What happened to the old room? She asked herself, blinking tiredly and looking at person to person.
One woman started talking, her voice rough and grouchy. QI had learned the woman's name from having her as her "doctor;" Dr. Hilsted. She was well-known around the facility, though normally came into work for QI and a few other "patients." She was a horrible woman; rough to the core, and cared for none but herself, just like her voice. Hilsted's head sharply turned towards the canine on the table, her eyes turned to narrow, angry slits, and she gave a bark to the other people.
Needles and other equipment were rushed around the room on their designated trays, all brought to the Hilsted. A sharp pain erupted in QI's leg, a burning sensation ran throughout her body, never seeming to stop. Hilsted brought a tray over to the long-limbed canine, which was struggling through her restraints, and started to poke and prod her. After a few more injections, the burning ceased, but as replaced with an icy cold air running down her back, up and down. She whimpered, getting a slight smack on the flank and a sharp demand.
They opened the "gills" on her neck, all while she was awake, and it hurt. It hurt more than last time. They tugged on it rougher every time, pulling it higher as if the skin would peel right off. Sometimes she wish it did, and she was sure that Hilsted did too. Her whimpers turned to loud howls of pain, getting a harder smack on the flank and muzzle, she was then injected with a clear liquid which caused blackness to rush over her.
Title: Re: Implausible and Killable - [Canine Test Subject Role-Play] {Open and Accepting}
Post by: Zarorah on July 02, 2014, 12:00:50 am

"And... in!"
7KK210, or KK, as she was often referred to by the scientists, stood from her seated position and ran forward, reaching the edge of the Olympic-sized swimming pool. As her paws cleared it, she leaped up, tucking her front and back legs in close to her body. She hit the water with a small splash and immediately dove under, allowing a few moments for her eyes to adjust.
As soon as the words left her trainer's mouth, she turned to her left, opening and closing her mouth not unlike a fish. The water filtered through her mouth and out the gills placed in her neck, while the oxygen continued through her body. Twenty or so feet in front of her, a large, dark object about the size of a human floated on its back. This was her target. She swam forward, her webbed feet allowing her to cover the area in only seconds. Once she was below her target, she circled it, like a shark. She wasn't going to do anything until the command was given.
"And now... At 'em!"
KK paddled forward quickly, covering the remaining distance quickly. Her head surfaced, mouth open to reveal those serrated teeth. She lunged at the dummy, sinking her knife-like fangs into its upper torso. She felt her jaw lock into place and dove under, dragging the dummy with her. Once she reached the bottom of the pool, she shoved her head down towards the linoleum floor and released her grip, only to replace it with a clawed paw. The other one came down on the dummy's face, smashing it down on itself. Once she had a solid grip, she swung her head down, latched her teeth around the neck, and swung upward, ripping the rubber head from the body.
"Alright! Up and out!"
KK spat the rubber from her mouth and swam upwards, her sleek, black head breaching the surface of the water in seconds. She padded over to the edge of the pool and waited, patiently, for her trainer to extend the little step that allowed her to get out of the water. Once he did, she stepped up and out, shaking her fur of the water that had accumulated. Of course, this lead to her coat spiking slightly.
"Good girl," her trainer affirmed proudly, rubbing his hand on her wet head. "You're getting better at this all the time. I think we're good for today." He rubbed her hand down her back, taking care to not hit the bone spikes that protruded from her shoulders and hips. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, bone-shaped treat, holding it in front of her nose.  She took it gently, chewing it as they walked back to her kennel.
She walked past a room that, for the longest time, had been kept dark. Today, though, the lights were on, and a horrible stench wafted from it. She didn't dare acknowledge it, but instead just walked on, returning to her kennel just in time to see 246EZR4, or Ezra, promptly freak out.