Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: shootmedown on June 09, 2014, 03:25:34 am

Title: ??????
Post by: shootmedown on June 09, 2014, 03:25:34 am

|X| G e n e r a l |X|

< Name(s) > Edward does not like to be called "Ed," or "Eddie," or any possibility that could stem from Edward. You call him Edward or you call him nothing; which would you prefer?

< Gender > Edward identifies as male.

< Species/Breed > This tom is a cat, but with no specific breed; he is a mixed-breed cat, you could possibly say.

< Loyalty > Edward has found refuge and excitement within the boundaries of ShaleClan's camp, safely sheltered from all that will do harm against him. c:

< Ranking > Edward's ranking is very simple, and extremely common: a warrior. He loyally serves as a ShaleClan warrior for now.

< Age > He has no age. Period. Or, at least, he doesn't know his age, because he does not know much about himself yet, how old he is, and who is mother is. He hardly even knew his father that well, since he was always away.

|X| F r i e n d s , F a m i l y , F o e s |X|

< Friends > Edward has been known to be quite the introvert, rarely including himself in social events. Here is is relatively short list of friends:

- Peg (took pity on kitten-style Edward, and sheltered him when The Inventor, his father, went away for a longer amount of time than usual)
- Kim (one of his first crushes, but eventually killed by a human's car; is Peg's daughter. Jim always teased her for liking Edward, and Edward for liking Kim.)
- Bill (who helped him when he was lost; traveled with him for some time)

< Family > Although he is unsure (and still in the works of finding her) who is mother is, Edward is quite positive about the following:

- The Inventor is his father, whom had passed long ago due to a freak heart attack. But that's a lie.
- Peg was once his adoptive/foster mother, but was later taken away by humans.
- Kim would possibly be his sister, if Peg hadn't been taken away, and Kim hadn't died.

< Foes > Although he is quite renowned for his quiet and harmless self, Edward has crossed swords with one or two other cats for quite a while:

- Jim (he had shoved Kim into the traffic of human cars that had killed her; Edward will never forgive him. Was also Kim's past crush.)
- Joyce (for personal, inappropriate reasons; if you are to ask me (shootmedown) in-game, are mature, and willing to understand, I will explain.)

|X| L o v e |X|

< Current Crush(es) > Forever tainted by the passing of Kim, Edward has refused to love, and has decided to try and live a solitude life (from love).

< Past Crush(es) > As mentioned quite a bit before, Edward's love for Kim was ruined by her death. He'd have killed to keep Kim safe; but in the case of the accident involving cars, Kim, and Jim, Edward could do nothing about it.

< Current Mate > Look at Current Crush(es) for why he has no mate.

< Past Mate(s) > He is no fan of love. Refer to Current Crush(es).

|X| T r a i t s + F e e l i n g s + P e r s o n a l i t y |X|

< Hesitance > Once upon a time, this young cat was boisterous and fun. However, his relationship between the world, the hate, the death of Kim, Peg, and his father has turned him hesitant to trust and love. Sounds cliche, I suppose, but he just doesn't want to love anymore after so many accidents. He's afraid to love, because he might scratch it with his claws, and destroy it.

< Fear > Always living in fear, always. Edward's past experiences have lead him to believe his a freakish fool, and he is afraid to be around other people due to this. In his eyes, he thinks that everyone is annoyed by him, or possibly scared of his oddity. He doesn't want to live in fear, but that's what he must do.

< Anger > Anger is a big trait for Edward. He's been known to randomly burst out and hurt people, which ties back into "Fear". Always boiling, always mad, and always dangerous. If one was to poke fun at his life, or the people he loved, then they will receive many, many, many wounds. He hates it when people do that.

< Innocence > Edward hasn't really done anything bad in his life, hasn't he? That's what he thinks, I suppose. Sure, he is angry, but he is innocent as far as crime can see. He hasn't attacked, and wouldn't dream of it when the time came that he should attack.

< Intelligent > This one speaks for himself. As harmless and quiet as he may seem, Edward is quite the brilliant mind. However, since he never really likes to speak, he can't incorporate what he's thinking and feeling into a full sentence. He prefers to do so with his eyes and emotion, like he always has. The Inventor always told him to live, not say.

< Nearly Silent > As time has worn on, Edward has heard many myths and rumors and theories. Many of which include the one that he is deaf, or mentally challenged, which is not the case. When and if he speaks, which, by the way, is only to very close ones and ones he holds dear, he is soft-spoken, careful, hesitant, and the words are short; no long sentences or rants or speeches. He prefers to hold his tongue.

|X| A p p e a r a n c e |X|

Like most cats, Edward naturally looks like a cat. Welcome to school, Moon Moon. This cat looks like a cat. But there is more than meets the eye to Edward.

The most noticeable thing (probably) about Edward is his facial scars. From time to time, every cat gets an itchy muzzle. But when Edward scratches any itch on his face it leaves a very visible scar. Currently, there is one over his eye, the bridge of his nose, across his lip, many across his cheek, and one spot-on his nose. As most people with such horrific scars do, Edward tries to hide this as much as possible.

And then we get to his fur. His fur is... very long. And matted. And black. Very black fur. The top tufts of fur on Edward's head and neck are extremely long, and usually stuck up in as many places as possible. His fur is really wild, because he can't groom it properly; he was never taught. He does like to try to keep it clean, though. At one point in his life, Edward's fur was much neater and groomed. It was always clean, and it was never messy. But, soon after The Inventor's heart attack, Edward was forced to keep his hair messy. Moving on to markings, his markings are normal, as usual. Lots of spots and stripes, and black ears. The usual, standard cat's markings. Shoo, on to the next paragraph!

Eyes. Eyes come in a variety of shapes, and colors, but Edward's eyes are a bit weird. They're really round, and wide, and this very, very dark brown color. And, moving on, we come to one of the most odd things about Edward: his claws. When he was born, or created, or whatever, something went a bit wrong. A hormone caused his claws to grow larger than usual. But, despite the warnings of many herbalists, The Inventor was proud of his son's claws. He sharpened them himself, and at the moment, Edward's claws are long, sharp, and very dangerous. He's afraid of scratching people, because if he did, even by accident... it would hurt. A lot.

|X| H i s t o r y |X|

Edward's history is an odd one. So let's start from the beginning:

Kitten:  Edward's father, The Inventor, raised little Edward. At birth or somehow creation, his mother, whomever that would be, dropped him off at The Inventor's temporary den in a cold, dark, and dank alleyway (The Inventor was nomadic, which made it hard on Edward). Little Edward was left alone quite frequently, waiting for The Inventor to return from hunting with food.

Older than a kitten, but younger than an adult: This time was both horrible and rewarding for Edward. He got into plenty of fights, including one with Jim. This is when he met Peg, Bill, and Kim. He usually stayed with Peg and Kim, eventually growing to become Kim's friend and love interest, but kept getting into scuffles with plenty of other alleyway cats, most of which involved Jim in some way. At this point, he learned that Jim was forcing Kim to be in love with him, when he backed up Kim in the alley one day. At the same time somewhere else far away, The Inventor was killed by his heart attack. Edward never found his body, but he heard he'd died.

Who knows when: Kim died, and Peg was in mourning in this fateful month. Edward couldn't think, and refused to eat for a week once. He made a quick recovery, don't worry.
Somewhere before this time: Edward found Jim, living off other alleyway cat's scraps. He challenged him to a battle, but Jim refused, saying he"Didn't want to." Edward knew very well that Jim was lying, and coaxed him onto some human's house. There he stabbed at Jim's chest with his claws and threw him off the house, watching as he fell to his death. With no remorse, he'd left.

|X| M o r e |X|

< Voice > Before I continue with the wrap-up, there is an awesome voice actor here for you. Cat-Edward is voiced by the Edward Scissorhands from Tim Burton's movie, Edward Scissorhands.

Video clip in the spoiler for you:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8pevFFbQRY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8pevFFbQRY)

Bear with me, just watch until Edward talks.
< Kudos to you if you have realized who Edward is based off of! Well, it's pretty obvious. Look just above a little. >

Edward is based off of Edward Scissorhands, from Tim Burton's film, Edward Scissorhands.

If you'd mind, here's a few pictures of him:

A picture of his face (for scar reference, if you'd like):

A picture of his whole body, including his infamous duct-tape suit, which looks pretty [censor] awesome.

His rockin' awesome haircut, which is a good reference to cat-Edward's hair:

UPDATED: this really cute gif of him, for your cuteness needs:
Don't tell me he isn't cute in this scene, just don't.

Man, I love this movie so much lol.

I hope you enjoyed Edward's biography! And if you're confused about some of the stuff... watch the movie. I recommend it. Seriously, it's a good movie, and it'll help you understand cat-Edward a bit more. Plus... Johnny Depp. Edward Scissorhands, in the movie, is portrayed by Johnny Depp. I'm not even kidding.
Title: Re: ??????
Post by: wolfdog01 on June 09, 2014, 05:40:02 am
Dat bio o.o....was....amazing!
Happy to see it was based off of little Edward from Edward Sissorhands.
Gah it's been forever since I've seen that movie...
Well done though! I had fun reading it! ^^
Title: Re: ??????
Post by: shootmedown on June 09, 2014, 05:43:23 am
Thank you, Thyme! Edward Scissorhands is my favorite movie, and my favorite movie character. <3 He's like a little toddler just beginning to explore the world and all its wonderful things, while also almost getting into prison! And with dangerous hands! And scars! And longer hair! -runs out of wind- Okaay I'm going to go watch my 8th run of the movie.