Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: crosscreature on June 10, 2014, 12:07:38 am

Title: Will be less active/possibly quit FH
Post by: crosscreature on June 10, 2014, 12:07:38 am
Howdy y'all!
Well, as the title says I'll be less active or I'll possible quit FH. I just feel like there's no room for me and kind of left out. I don't know if it's me and my "not very social" business or something else. I've been here for more than a year and have never made a good friend nor have I had a good, long conversation with anybody before. I'll still be around in-game sometimes and I'll greet the newbies when I get the chance. Maybe help out in the help section if someone else hasn't helped yet. That's pretty much it. Hope you all have a nice day now!
Title: Re: Will be less active/possibly quit FH
Post by: wolfdog01 on June 10, 2014, 12:53:35 am
Aw I hope chu don't leave forever >.<
Pffft, I'll come a chat with you if I have tew! Dun't leave 'cause of social issues though, we can fix dat XI
Title: Re: Will be less active/possibly quit FH
Post by: Aicosu125 on June 10, 2014, 01:18:12 am
The community will truly miss you, hun.~ Please return soon! ^^
Title: Re: Will be less active/possibly quit FH
Post by: Feareh on June 10, 2014, 01:34:01 am
 Its always sad to see a Feral Heart player move on, but you are always welcome back with open arms :D
Title: Re: Will be less active/possibly quit FH
Post by: Vespian on June 10, 2014, 01:42:56 am
I will not refrain ye' from takin' yer departure if that is to be, Ms. All I ask is that ye' take care of yerself and may yer path be a bright one. However I assure that there are some members here that do care about ye' and would love to be yer acquaintance. Even if ye' may not have found them/realized who they are yet. Regardless, as stated before, know ye're more than welcome to return at any time even if it may just be short visits every now and then. We shall miss ye'.