Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Kharress on March 31, 2011, 11:07:49 pm

Title: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on March 31, 2011, 11:07:49 pm
Apocalypse Hills

Promotional Video: http://youtu.be/zncHr9qvhyg (http://youtu.be/zncHr9qvhyg)



Age: (pup, teen, adult, years)



Pack (Lacrymosa Wolves, Dark Iris Pack, Loner):



Picture: (if possible)

Role Play Sample: (one paragraph please)

Hi guys,

    I have decided to start my own Wolf Pack(s) RP! I play Kharress, Alpha of the Lacrymosa Wolves. I'm in need of pack members, loners, and any other wolves. This is a pretty realistic RP so please use mostly realistic colors. We have our own website that i made. I am looking for moderators to help me out by, well, moderating it. haha...  ::) When you join i will give you a rank based on your character, and i will set that as your group on the site so everyone can see what you are. We currently have 10 or so members and we are looking for as many more pretty experienced, active, creative RPers as we can get.

What We're Looking For:

Any level RPers to join the RP who are active and creative.

   I'm currently working on making a map for us with help from my close friend ThunderHeart, but we may need a little help. If anyone has made any cool objects that they want in the map, they can send me the files and i will find a way to add them. ex: trees, rocks, skies, grounds, random objects, dens, etc...)

Thank you!


P.S. I am also thinking about making this into a all canine RP eventually. So please vote on whether you want it to be just a wolf or an all canine RP. Thank you! <3
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - Accepting!
Post by: owenater1000 on April 01, 2011, 12:19:13 am
I Has joined!
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - Accepting!
Post by: Kharress on April 01, 2011, 03:35:01 pm
yay thanks!!! <3
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - Accepting!
Post by: owenater1000 on April 01, 2011, 08:35:34 pm
I corrected the colors and rp sample. tell me if its ok now
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - Accepting!
Post by: Kharress on April 01, 2011, 08:40:05 pm
will do Owen :D
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - Accepting!
Post by: Kharress on April 11, 2011, 08:21:34 pm
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: arcticwarrior on April 12, 2011, 12:05:47 am
yay! i have a good wolf but will change his design soon to an update i'm trying to download from someone!


Age: (pup, teen, adult, years) Soul is about 2 years old; about teen in wolf age. =P

Gender:male, (looking for a mate)

Appearance: Soul right now is a natural colored grey and black wolf. his underside is dark and back is grey. he has  dark golden eyes. sometimes i change his look but never very drastically.  

Personality: Soul is outgoing and loves to explore. he is pretty social and a bit of a drama-king. if hurt(emotionally), Sand can become withdrawn but may respond to a kind action or word. he is looking for a mate. Sand can and will fight hard to the death for a loved one, pups, or a close family member. it is said that Soul is the worst of enemy's, and the best of friends. he is extremely loyal and will not soon give up if determined.

History: Soul was captured at a very young age. he was to be enslaved by an evil wolf thats
name he forgot. but Soul somehow escaped on the way to being inprisioned. the young wolf then survived and taught himself how to hunt, survive, and fish. he is now young adult and seeking a family.

Picture:(yes, i know, the ears are different in each pic. the ears he has now are the top pic ones



Role Play Sample: (one paragraph please) i can do paragraphs when i feel like it, or when the moment calls for one, but will more do something like" Soul cowers in the corner of the den, whimpering." i also just do short things like *smiles*. but everyone does that. EDIT!!!!!!!: I am sooo sorry about that last sample!! what the HECK was i thinking!!!! okay, here is my REAL super random sample:
   Soul's fur was bristled nervously along his his back. today was the the day. Soul had been waiting all year for the caribou migration, and now that it was here, he wasn't sure he could really do it. this wasn't his first year as an adult, last hear was, but now it only seemed like yesterday. he gulped, still unsure. oh well, here goes. he thought. The young wolf stepped out from under his favorite birch tree and began cautiously slinking down to where the rest of his pack impatiently waited for his arrival. as soon as he reached the group, a chorus of barks and howls carved into the night. it was the hunts beginning song. as Soul stole a few glances around the eager pack, he began to feel more and more relaxed. everyone, exept for the pups, were here on this big night. then, as soon as the fur started to settle back down on his back, the pack started to move. as the pack quietly ran over the crunchy, frost covored ground, he again thought to himself, this just might be a fun night after all.  

 that ones dumb,short, and i could to way better if it weren't about midnight right now, but there you have it. i also have much experience rping in many different games. hey, and after all, i'm only the age "12"-"16"(dont wanna give it away XD :EDIT

oh and a question, if i find someone i really like in this pack, and she likes me and all, do you allow use to become mates and have pups and all that stuff? thanks,
 ~Soul~  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 12, 2011, 12:44:03 am
Yes, I would allow you to become mates. Also, I usually look for intermediate-advanced Rpers who Rp in paragraphs. Here's one of my Rp samples to show you what I usually Rp as, (I count myself as experienced, but this post is kinda crappy. its from my other main character, Aviias.)

Aviias watched as the flood of canines descended on Ker's meeting spot. She kept shooting anxious glances at her alabaster alpha. The femme was sitting next to him, her head held high and as she looked around the snickers and glares and smirks started to appear as well. She hated standing out in a crowd, especially when she didn't know most of them. The gathering, so far, was mostly females, and there was one female in particular who already started bugging her. She went by the name of Deadly Mamba, or just Mamba for short. She was judging Aviias every second her di-colored pools laid upon her shape. She knew how she must have felt about her, she must have thought her to be disrespectful and obnoxious. But she wasn't, she had been sitting there with Ker the whole time, just never bothering to move once others came along. It made her feel safe to be beside someone she knew in a crowd of strangers...

"I mean it's not like I'm flaunting it..."

she mumbled to herself. She wasn't a wannabe, she was just comfortable exactly where she was. And she certainly wasn't going to move just because a few faes thought she was some what prissy and snooty. She knew she wasn't, Ker knew she wasn't, and that's all that mattered. They would find out all in good time what she really was inside.

As the rest of the other wolves got situated she started learning their names, observing their behaviors and mannerisms, and deciding which ones would be trouble for her to get along with. She got up off her lazy butt and started walking around, introducing herself while still keeping vivid memories of how each one reacted to her approach, and her presence in general. She went to Metronome first, bowing her head slightly and flashing a friendly smile. She stated her name and then moved on to Starr, she seemed nice enough. Again repeating her welcomes and hellos. The next was Enigma, she was saving Deadly Mamba for last... As she finished her rounds and moved over to meet Mamba her stomach churned. This had to be a good introduction or it was all over. It would be all down hill from here after her brilliant first impression on her. She cleared her throat quietly and sat down.

"errr, hi... im Aviias... Mamba right?"

She asked, although she already knew the answer.

'Oh this is gunna be good...'

she thought to herself.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: arcticwarrior on April 12, 2011, 01:05:09 am
yes, i would rp like that but here is what i say to that such length; it takes an awful long time to type it, and then by the time you finish, the others will maybe off to another subject or place, or will have asked you a question. or maybe even the person you were directing the rp to would have to leave and your rp would all but be be in vain. so yep, i like to keep them short yet meaningful, good enough to hang around and good enough to keep a pack.
EDIT: after all, the point isn't to write a novel, it's to have fun and get some laughs.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: JazzForLife on April 12, 2011, 01:14:42 am
I'll post my app tomorrow ^^. Seems like a cool pack, I want to help it start up!
If you are in need of admins/mods, I do have web experience and Rped for over two years now. Just in case you need extra help! I'll be developing a charrie for the pack tonight : )
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: arcticwarrior on April 12, 2011, 01:16:43 pm
and i'm not the best writer out there, and not to mention that you seem like you have a good amount of writing and rping talent on your part! and when i say I've had experience of rping i'm saying I've had about a year and a half in a game that has a word filter system, >.< kinda hard to express your rping. but i managed and it was pretty fun. then i found Feralheart. so yep. i never had rped like in paragraphs of that length before. if your pack is all like that, rping without freedom of short, meaningful words; then i don't wanna be in it. wow i just said rp a lot. XD
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Avani on April 12, 2011, 02:10:34 pm
I Wanna Join <3
Posting Application Later <33
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 12, 2011, 09:59:05 pm
cant wait Avani and Jazzz! :D <333 and no, my pack isnt all like that. Thats just my RP style. Also, thats not from any FH rps, that little excerpt was form another totally different Wolf RP website. ^-^
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 12, 2011, 09:59:53 pm
oh and Avani: i edited my story :P soooo if you wanna go check out Ch. 1 then go ahead :D <3
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: JazzForLife on April 13, 2011, 12:42:24 am
Name: Peppa

Age: 2 years

Gender: Feamle


Personality: Calm but angers easily. She is fiesty. She has good hearing, for her ears are abnormally large. She likes hanging around with her friends and watching sunsets.

History: Will edit it as soon as it's finished. I don't want a plain ol' common story.

Picture: Up thar ^

Role Play Sample: Peppa grumbled and she was shoved by the passing wolf. Her brother was always in a hurry. Why? Life's not going anywhere. The female sighed. Flexing her muscles, she sped off after him. The sun was gleaming high in the sky. As they sped through the dense forest, only occasional splotches of sun would peak through the thick branches of the soaring oaks. Life was good.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Avani on April 13, 2011, 02:35:21 pm
I'll Check Your Story ; D

Name: Vanilla
Age: Adult
Gender: Female


She Is  Shy, Calm, Cute, Kind, Protective, Curious, Loving And Funny ^.^

She was born in a forest.
One day she was playing with her friend Kiva.
They heard howling and they saw the forest was on fire.
Vanilla ran to the forest to save her parents but Kiva stopped her, it was to dangerous.
Later Vanilla found her parents dead and burned.
Since then she is really afraid of fire and doesn't always talk to strangers.
Vanilla can survive on her own but she need somebody to trust on.
Role Play Sample:
Vanilla was hungry and looked for food because she was to tired to hunt for food.
She smelled something dead and it was a dead deer. She ran to it and ate the rest of the fresh meat.
Then the wolf that had killed the deer came and growled at Vanilla.
Vanilla just ignored him and walked back to her den.
She laid down on the warm grass and looked at the shiny warm sun.


Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 13, 2011, 08:06:37 pm
lmao nice picture Jazzz, but the wolves have to be realistically colored. If you fix that, she would be perfect :D and nice appy Avani, she seems like a pretty realistic color... so... ACCEPTED :p <333 ill PM you the link to the site! Please dont give it out to anyone! 8)
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Avani on April 13, 2011, 08:49:02 pm
Thx : D
i will not give the link away :3
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 13, 2011, 08:51:47 pm
<3333333333333333333333333333333333333 lmao
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: JazzForLife on April 13, 2011, 09:44:35 pm
Hah, whoops ^^' Sorry 'bout that. I'll fix it right when I get on my lap top. Thanks for tellin' me :D
This 'ight?
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 14, 2011, 08:03:29 pm
perfect! Your accepted! Ill send you the link! :D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: mel105 on April 14, 2011, 09:09:18 pm
(http://<object width="450" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="id=203483576&width=1337" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=203483576&width=1337" height="385" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><a href="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/203483576/">Warren stood</a> by ~<a class="u" href="http://xxgetoutalivexx.deviantart.com/">xXgetoutaliveXx</a> on <a href="http://www.deviantart.com">deviant</a><a href="http://www.deviantart.com">ART</a>)
In-game Name: Flarewolf
Age: Young Adult
Personality: playful, adventurous, carefree, is happy to take on responsibility, despite his happy go lucky attitude Warren tends to be highly strung and will easily attack anyone that opposes him.
History: He was born into a pack as a pup and was abandoned by his parentsat a few months old. He has wandered ever since, hunting when he felt, sleeping where he felt.
Sample: Warren wandered through the tall grass. His ears where perked forward and he stopped suddenly, his head held high in a cautious stance. His ear flicked and he moved his head sharply to the right. He crouched and crawled through some bushes, his nose poking out on the other side. before him stood a caribou herd. He lunged forward in a wide lurch, he latched onto the nearest young buck and brought it down with a harsh pull, piercing its nape. The others scattered as it fell and he dragged it back into the bushes. now all he needed, was to find a place to stay.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 14, 2011, 09:12:56 pm
I love your charrie so far, but can you provide a picture? If not, at least a description of him? :)
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: mel105 on April 15, 2011, 10:27:37 am
yeah sure, sorry, i tried to get a picture in there but it didnt work for me ... i shall try again though! lol and if that doesnt work then i will just type a description (:.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: mel105 on April 15, 2011, 10:35:46 am
heres a link to my deviant page, This is the picture of warren lol xD tis just easier for me :3 http://xxgetoutalivexx.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3d5cxk (http://xxgetoutalivexx.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3d5cxk)
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 15, 2011, 07:47:21 pm
His colors seem pretty realistic, but can you make the markings a realistic color or take them off? No wolves have blue markings xD and is the mane/tuft purple or grey?
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Flatsoda on April 15, 2011, 11:20:32 pm
Alright,lets give it a shot.

Name: Rebecca

Age: Teen-ish

Gender: Female.

Appearance: -Can't post pic for some reason.-
Rebecca is a tanish-brown wolf with sea green eyes. She is very skinny,has a few tufts of fur,and a mane stretching from her head to her back.The mane is dark brown,and her paws are sandy-colored.She is fairly small.

Personality: Very quiet; standing up for herself alot.Sorta picky,in that 'standing out from the crowd' way.

History: Rebecca was the runt of the litter in her birthpack. She was small; smaller than the others. When they opened their' eyes,she didn't. She was cast out as a 'reunos' and left to die. But,against the odds,she survived. Almost carried by a hawk,(by the time her eyes opened),she scrambled into a cave,ruled by a fox.The fox just lost her litter to the cold. But,perhaps of this little pup,she could still have a child?She had more than plenty of milk,and took the runt. She raised her. Raised her as her own. Rebecca learned to hunt,climb,jump,slash,tear,and stare down enemies with her demonic eyes. Her eyes could burn straight through your soul. They sent such a shiver down your spine that you took off running without a word.By that time,Rebecca noticed she was bigger than the fox;so much bigger,she knew that this was not her real mother. She set out early one fall morning,searching. Searching for days. Weeks. Months.Nobody. No trace of any canine.That ended in April;she picked up the scent of many wolves.She sniffed,sniffed looking for information. Lacrymosa wolves,this is our territory,led by a female,lalala.... thought she. She headed on.Ran smack into the pack in the middle of a hunt.


Role Play Sample: Rebecca twinged,staring down at the river.There had been no fish in the stream for two hours.None.She looked up and set off,looking for a different spot. She found a pond where they were all stuck.She plunged in,slashing,tearing guts out of fish,in a killing spree. The pond was clouded with red.She saw an abnormally large fish that had no wounds; no wounds at all. She ducked in for that specific one,leaving the others to the shore for bears and others.She sent a slash;a powerful slash,to the fish's dorsal fin.Water bubbles flailed.Red blood spattered in the already-red and murky water.The fish squalled to the side,then buried itself in the sand.It began kicking sand at Rebecca's face. She scrambled in the pebbles,digging.Soon she saw a pinprick of scale and bit the sand. Bit down hard. Blood squirted.Rebecca floated to the surface and sat the fish down.

I might not be able to go on the website,because of family protection.Sorry.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 15, 2011, 11:43:15 pm
id love to have you in my pack! since you put such a good description, i dont think i need a picture from you sooo.... Welcome to the pack! Ill send you the link! if you cant go on thats ok too, just keep an eye out for updates on this thread :D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: mel105 on April 16, 2011, 01:23:17 pm
the mane is grey and yeah i will change the colouring of the markings to a brown ish colour ... so apart from that, is he in ? ;D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 16, 2011, 02:59:34 pm
He's in! :D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Flatsoda on April 16, 2011, 03:48:47 pm
KK. Ty. <3

Is the pack ingame or no?
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: mel105 on April 16, 2011, 04:03:16 pm
woo :D !
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Flatsoda on April 16, 2011, 04:57:18 pm
.......Silence ;-;
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 19, 2011, 12:22:08 am
The pack is on the forum and we RP ingame too. Soon we will have our own map! :D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Avani on April 20, 2011, 05:21:26 pm
Sorry have been away! :3
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 20, 2011, 05:51:17 pm
Its ok :D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Flatsoda on April 21, 2011, 12:18:39 pm
Aww ;-; I can't has map cuz family protection wont let me on mediafire or any site like that. ._.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 21, 2011, 04:33:51 pm
:( how will you RP with us then? :O
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Flatsoda on April 21, 2011, 04:37:09 pm
um...group? Party? /shot
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 21, 2011, 06:03:24 pm
i see... didn't think of that xD lol ok! :D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Avani on April 23, 2011, 08:25:23 pm
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 25, 2011, 10:57:30 pm
^bump :P^
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kiosho on April 25, 2011, 11:30:13 pm
Name: Kiosho

Age: teen(2 1/2 years)

Gender: female

Appearance: red and white blue eyes

Personality: kind,sweet,couragous,outgoing,will risk anything for anyone she trusts

History: The daughter of a great bloodline history,and happens to be a halfblood bloodline.

Picture: (http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee496/kioshoxsasuke/Kuku-Kiosho.png)

Role Play Sample: Kiosho looked at the suspicious creature curiously,wondering what it might do. "What...what are you?"she called out hesitantly, "Sh-Show yourself!" She bared her teeth,readying her self for any danger as the creature moved slightly,taking a step towards her,making her fur bristle and ice go up her spine.A low voice called back evilly,"The question  is my dear...hehehe...is what are YOU?" Kiosho jumped back growling. "I asked first!Answer me!"she shouted angrily.But then there was no answer this time.The voice and the creature had already faded away...
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Flatsoda on April 26, 2011, 04:57:52 pm

Post it on the downloads which you click on the 'Home' site.
http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=4 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=4)?=en         :B
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on April 30, 2011, 01:10:21 am
wait...what? x(
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Celeyan on May 07, 2011, 03:09:46 am

Name: Uma

Age: Young Adult/Teenager

Gender: Female

Personality: Cold | Nice | Sweet | Brave | Caring | Playful | Sly

History: Uma had a decent history. Her parents loved her and cared for her. But one day they were killed by hunters. Uma was angry. She wanted revenge, So she tried to find the hunters but ended up lost. She met a wolf named Kill, They became friends before he also died. This made her go into a deep sadness, But soon she got over it and began to get more confident and her self esteem got better. She was happy and caring, Yet cold at times.

Role Play Sample:

The fire cackled softly as she lay on a log near it. The hunters had left the fire ablaze and it could start a forest fire. Uma knew how to get rid of it though, she saw humans a lot lately. Her opinion on humans was harsh, She hated them for killing her family and her best friend. She growled and put her paw on a twig connected to the log. It broke easily, like her... Uma sighed and rubbed her forehead, blinking her eyes slowly she lowered her head onto her paws and yawned. "Time to go to sleep..." She said to herself and fell into a deep slumber.

In the morning~

Yawning silently, Her eyes blinked open as the morning sunlight came into the den she was resting in. She got up and stretched, her tail wagged slightly as she sat on a ledge of a rock. She sniffed the air and smiled, It smelt like jasmine. Uma leaped half gracefully off the ledge and landed on her head with a thump. She whined and growled, glaring at the ledge. She chuckled at her childish actions and broke into a run as she went to hunt. Lowering her muzzle to a ground she sniffed the area. "Okay, Elk to my left and Deer to my right...Which one...?" She murmured to herself and decided that elk was easier. Her lips curled back into a evil grin and she sped off toward the scent of the deer.

I fail XP
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on May 07, 2011, 03:16:28 am
Welcome Welcome Welcome! ;D ill PM you the link.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Celeyan on May 07, 2011, 03:22:30 am
Yay! Do I have to put my character on the site?
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kurokitt on May 07, 2011, 08:54:12 am
Name:  Hada

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Appearance: Hada is mostly darker rust and brown markings, leaning heavily towards black.  Her tail, face, and muzzle are silvering as she gets on in years, though her blue eyes are just as sharp as ever.

Personality:  No nonsense and to the point, Hada can often be mistaken for abrasive.  In reality she simply does not have the time to slog through frivolous conversation and prefers to not waste time weedling information out of others, instead preferring the more straightforward and honest approach to most things.  However, this doesn't mean she's a stick in the mud.  With a wicked sense of humor and the ability to laugh at herself she's more often than not spending time poking fun at others.  In her calm moments, which are more frequent nowadays, she shows a certain calm wisdom that she's built up from years of experience.  She often hides behind her jokes, making herself out to be a tired old lady, but this is mostly for show.  She's still quite capable, even with winter creeping into her joints.

History:  Hada lead a fairly normal life.  Born to a large litter, she had plenty of siblings to contend with.  Life was easy, food was plentiful, in-fighting minimal.  Of course this never lasts.  When her litter came of age they splintered off from the main pack, which had gotten far too large.  The siblings wandered together for a time before splintering off into pairs and finding packs of their own.  Hada and her brother Taber, the runt of the litter, didn't have a too terribly difficult time finding a new a home.  Packs are almost always in need of Omegas and females for new blood.  Swift and cunning, Hada had no trouble staking herself out as a capable hunter, while her brother floundered at the bottom of the totem pole.  In time, and with the help of showy displays of agility and dominance, Hada was singled out as the Alpha Coruk's mate.  Coruk and Hada lead effectively for many years, had a handful of pups, and went about life as normal.  Years later when Coruk succumbed to age, Hada was struck by wanderlust.  No longer responsible for the pack and with no pups that needed her care, she took to the world alone to explore and spend the rest of her years exploring.

Picture: (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v88/floofy/hada.jpg)

Role Play Sample:

Paws splashing unceremoniously into the water, Hada let the cool waves rinse the dry itchy sand from between her toes.  The run had been a long one, and now as the sun slipped slowly beyond the horizon, she could finally pause for a bit of rest.  Peering at her reflection, all she could do was grimace.  "Well, don't I look a sight."  Dust and dirt clung to her in a thin coat, dappling her dark fur with odd patterns of varying earth tones.  Letting out a sharp bark of laughter, she plunged her face into the cool water only to immediately withdraw and shake herself dry.  Overhead a crow cawed, startling her.  Torn ears flattening against her head, she peered up at the raucous cackling and sighed.  "Alright, alright, I'm going," she grumbled.  Shaking herself once more for good measure, she took off at a slow trot that slid slowly and easily into a ground eating lope.  It was going to be a long night.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on May 07, 2011, 01:39:48 pm
Yes please, it helps us keep track of our members and their wolves. And also so the other people can see your wolf!

And welcome Hada! You seem like beta material for Kharress and her pack... ^-^ Ill PM you the link! :P
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kurokitt on May 08, 2011, 08:14:45 pm
Awesome.  I'll get things done when I get off of work.
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on May 08, 2011, 09:11:36 pm
Kiosho, we don't accept "red" colored wolves (it isn't very realistic) But if you change it to a crimson or auburn (red-ish browns) Then that would be great! ;D
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Avani on May 09, 2011, 01:50:38 pm
Sorry was busy in the weekend : o
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on May 09, 2011, 07:52:51 pm
its ok :P <333
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on May 22, 2011, 01:54:14 pm
RP is inactive guys come on xD any one who has joined needs to register and RP to help bring in new members!
Title: Re: Lacrymosa Wolves ~ ACCEPTING! *High Ranks Available!*
Post by: Kharress on June 17, 2011, 09:44:34 pm
bump! and people who have joined on this thread, PLEASE BE ACTIVE ON THE SITE AND FRIEND KHARRESS IN-GAME SO WE CAN RP IN-GAME!!! Thanksss ;D <3
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on July 03, 2011, 03:18:43 am
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 14, 2011, 09:35:51 pm



OK so here's the deal peoples: These wolf pups need people to play them!

My wolf RP site (Apocalypse Hills: http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com (http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com)) is just starting up and we are trying to gather new members. I play the alpha female of the Lacrymosa wolves, Kharress, and my friend plays the alpha male, Skaargard.

Skaargard:  http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=applications&action=display&thread=59 (http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=applications&action=display&thread=59)

Kharress:  My fursona. I'm sure you've seen her around before. lol

*To play these pups I'm looking for a RPer who is*

~At least an intermediate RPer

If you want to play one of these pups please fill out the corresponding application. Some parts are already filled out so please do not change them.


~Pup One~


Age: newborn


Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves


Picture: (# 1 above) he/she has a half-tail

Role Play Sample: (one paragraph please)

Played By: *open*

~Pup Two~

Name: Matias

Age: newborn

Gender: Male

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Curious, somewhat forgetful, hardworking to try his best to please his parents and make them proud of him,the rest yet to be determined

History: Matias was born to Kharress and Skaargard. His tail at birth split into two while he was developing in his mother's womb hence his double tail, just like his father. Although he was born first, Matias is the runt of the litter, but that doesn't mean he's not a hard-worker.

Picture: I allowed him to change Matias' appearance a bit so here's the new picture.

http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=applications&action=display&thread=61 (http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=applications&action=display&thread=61)

Played By: clocksandkeys

~Pup Three~

Name: Tenya

Age: newborn

Gender: Female

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Full of energy, naive, happy go lucky.

Picture: (# 3 above)

Role Play Sample:

  Tenya stretched out where she lay, her mouth open wide as she yawned. She then rolled over and got to her feet before she shook herself off, to get rid of any dirt or dust that might be clinging to her coat, then bounded off into the grass, ignoring a couple of grasshoppers and other insects that fled from her pounding paws. The rustling of flapping wings caught her attention as a bird took off from a nearby tree, flying over head. She yipped at it, changing her course to chase after it for a few metres, before losing sight of it. Her tail wagged furiously as she began to search for somthing else to do, soon getting into a chase with a rabbit she found hiding in the grass.

Played By: Kyugima.

[color=maroonName: Thorn

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Considering Thorn doesn't really know much at the moment, no one quite knows his personality. But, Thorn's mother and father think he may turn out to be a loyal, yet shy pup. Ever since Thorn's birth he has been right beside his mother, he doesn't quite play around with the other pups around him, which is another sign of shyness.
Picture: (# 4 above) A preset will be made. (;

Role Play Sample: Thorn shivered as a cool gust of wind rippled through his fluffy pelt. His ears perked as a female wolf emerged from some bushes, he couldn't see her, but he could smell her. He stuck his nose up into the air as he caught another scent drifting from behind the female, it was a male. Soon Thorn realized that it was both his mother and father, surprisingly his father came when Thorn was still wide awake. His mother curled up beside the standing pup, secretly rasping a rough lick across his ear. Thorn jerked awkwardly away from his mother, not noticing it was her, he then whimpered an appology and ran right into her belly, searching for some milk. He backed away from the somewhat large belly and stared blankly up at his mother's face, he lifted his front paws onto his mothers nose and licked her. "I'm glad daddy is here, now we can be a family for a night."

Played By: KissAndStab[/color]


Well thanks for sticking around to read to here... I'll be waiting to hear from you guys! :3

<3 Kharress

Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: courtneyrc on November 15, 2011, 12:41:20 am
Mind if I apply for Kharress' only sister Aviias? I am very active and on almost everyday, I am also an experienced rper and have been rping for 3 years. I can also help with the map, I make meshes and water textures if you like. :) Okay so here it goes:

Name: Aviias

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Appearance: Aviias is a small cream-colored wolf. Although she may be small she is somewhat larger compared to her sister Kharress.

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Aviias is a very kind, loving, gentle wolf. She loves her pack mates deeply and will do anything to defend them, although she is not as strong as her other siblings she is strong in the heart, willing to die for her pack. She is very curious, and bold making it is for her to get into trouble. Because of her boldness she takes on any challenge even if she is not matched for it, not once in her life has she backed down. Aviias is also very strong minded making her much like her mother.

History: Aviias was the third born of her 5 siblings, Kharress, Takoda, Damion, and Nova. She is daughter of Taibue and Nishari, her and her siblings were born to be the ones who would finally defeat the evil Black Blood Alphas. She grew up side by side with her 4 siblings always being the weakest of them. Although she was the weakest she never really mind, she was still stronger than most wolves being one of the choosen ones. Now she is a beautiful fae living side-by-side with her siblings, she has many friends within the pack that all love and care for her greatly

Role Play Sample:

Aviias sat next to her 4 siblings sitting atop a light colored rock. She looked upon her siblings and smiled happily, she adored her brothers and siter, expecaly her sister; Kharress. She remembered the day all 5 of them were taken out of the den and explored the lush territory, ever since day one her sister had shown the most strength. She herself had great curiousity making it easy for her to get distracted. She turned her gaze to her siter, who was speaking loudly and clearly to the pack below. A streak of excitment rushed threw her as her siter annouced they would head out to spy on the Bloack bloods. She thrived for the defeat of the Black Bloods even if it meant dying in the end, she was made for this task fighting side-by-side with her siblings. Her head was held high in pride and the wind bristled threw her creme colred pelt, her eyes were wide with joy, barely seeing the teal in her eyes. She was ready for an adventure of a life time, ready for anything that came her way.

The moon was high in the sky, shining threw the thick trees of the forest. Her siblings trailed about a foot infront of her as they made there was to the Black Blood territory. Aviias' heart skipped a beat from exciment of what lay in front of her. Her sister flicked her tail signiling to split up. Aviias nodded her head in agreement and ran off in a seperate direction from her siblings, deeper into the woods going straight for Black Blood territory. She charged threw the deep forest full speed, her legs stretched out as long as they could go. She quietly sang to herself, for she loved to sing ever since she was a pup. "In the morning, in the morning, in the morninggggg........" She was quickly cut of by a deep growl that came from infront of her. Her fur bristled and her joy quickly turned to anger, her lips were curled showing her large fangs. She was ready to battle, who ever this wolf was, they weren't getting past her without a fight.
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 15, 2011, 01:52:43 am
hmmm I'm sorry to say it but her family end up being killed, so none of her siblings, her parents, and the previous Black Blood leaders can not be RPed as. I haven't finished posting the story yet so you don't know that and I just totally gave away the ending... *face-palm* BUT I would absolutely love it if you could try for an OC or one of her pups! :3
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 15, 2011, 01:53:58 am
And also, we RP mainly on the forum (the website Myself and Thunderheart created).
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: KissAndStab on November 15, 2011, 02:55:09 am
Bump? ;3

I will fill out an application for pup number 4 tomorrow because my sister would like a turn on the computer. >.< Mind saving a spot?
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: bone on November 15, 2011, 02:57:52 am
your spot has been saved. :3

Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: KissAndStab on November 16, 2011, 12:56:40 am
?Pup Four?
Name: Thorn

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Considering Thorn doesn't really know much at the moment, no one quite knows his personality. But, Thorn's mother and father think he may turn out to be a loyal, yet shy pup. Ever since Thorn's birth he has been right beside his mother, he doesn't quite play around with the other pups around him, which is another sign of shyness. He also doesn't quite know his father much, he usually is out on duty, protecting and guarding the Lacrymosa pack. Thorn's father only comes to see him after his work has been done, which is usually at night, when Thorn is asleep.

Picture: (# 4 above) A preset will be made. (;

Role Play Sample: Thorn shivered as a cool gust of wind rippled through his fluffy pelt. His ears perked as a female wolf emerged from some bushes, he couldn't see her, but he could smell her. He stuck his nose up into the air as he caught another scent drifting from behind the female, it was a male. Soon Thorn realized that it was both his mother and father, surprisingly his father came when Thorn was still wide awake. His mother curled up beside the standing pup, secretly rasping a rough lick across his ear. Thorn jerked awkwardly away from his mother, not noticing it was her, he then whimpered an appology and ran right into her belly, searching for some milk. He backed away from the somewhat large belly and stared blankly up at his mother's face, he lifted his front paws onto his mothers nose and licked her. "I'm glad daddy is here, now we can be a family for a night."

Played By: KissAndStab

Edit: It doesn't look like much. >.< Oh well, I hope I get accepted, I can add more information if it's needed!
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: bone on November 16, 2011, 02:38:18 am
its fine, except for one thing, Skaar isn't out patrolling 24/7 the other wolves do it too. He always makes time for his pups too.
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: courtneyrc on November 16, 2011, 02:58:47 am
hmmm I'm sorry to say it but her family end up being killed, so none of her siblings, her parents, and the previous Black Blood leaders can not be RPed as. I haven't finished posting the story yet so you don't know that and I just totally gave away the ending... *face-palm* BUT I would absolutely love it if you could try for an OC or one of her pups! :3

I will apply for one of her pups then. :3
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: courtneyrc on November 16, 2011, 03:05:18 am
Name: Jenny

Age: Pup

Gender: Female

Appearance: In picture above (Pup number 2)

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Jenny is very curious, cheerful, carring, and loving. Since the second she was born she had show great bravery and strength much like her mother Kharress. She can also be very gentle, never hurting a fly at some times.

History: None yet, to young to have any

Picture: Finished her preset.

Role Play Sample: Do I have to do another roleplay sample? I already had one in my application before, if I need another I will.

Preset download:
http://www.mediafire.com/?couc51x2fkbd2jo (http://www.mediafire.com/?couc51x2fkbd2jo)
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: KissAndStab on November 16, 2011, 05:40:44 am
Very sorry, I never knew that. If you'd like I can change it, or more likely fix it up! (;
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 16, 2011, 11:35:03 pm
Sorry pup number 2 is taken already... O.o Did I put that cuz I can't remember xD lol I feel so bad making you keep changing it...

And welcome Jeanette!! I'm glad you have decided to join us :3
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: KissAndStab on November 17, 2011, 01:27:22 am
Thank you so much Kharress! (; I will work on Thorn's preset as soon as I have time. Also, if you don't mind I will fix up the application so that Thorn actually has a bond with his father rather than not having one. :P
(Will say edit on this exact post once I have edited the application above ^)
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 17, 2011, 01:36:45 am

And this is our main website where we will RP until I finish the map: http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com/index.cgi (http://www.apocalypsehills.proboards.com/index.cgi)

For the two I have accepted, please make an account and re-post your app there so others can reference it. :)
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kyugima on November 17, 2011, 02:05:56 am

Name: Tenya

Age: newborn

Gender: Female

Pack: Lacrymosa Wolves

Personality: Full of energy, naive, happy go lucky.

Picture: (# 3 above) (http://i44BannedImageSite/2n69r90.png) (I'll make my own drawing soon enough XD)

Role Play Sample:

  Tenya stretched out where she lay, her mouth open wide as she yawned. She then rolled over and got to her feet before she shook herself off, to get rid of any dirt or dust that might be clinging to her coat, then bounded off into the grass, ignoring a couple of grasshoppers and other insects that fled from her pounding paws. The rustling of flapping wings caught her attention as a bird took off from a nearby tree, flying over head. She yipped at it, changing her course to chase after it for a few metres, before losing sight of it. Her tail wagged furiously as she began to search for somthing else to do, soon getting into a chase with a rabbit she found hiding in the grass.

Played By: Kyugima.
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 17, 2011, 02:21:27 am
Glad you can join us :3 Welcome welcome :P
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 17, 2011, 02:22:29 am
and np Jeanette! Take your time! The pups haven't been born in the RP yet so you have time. :)
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Flames33 on November 17, 2011, 02:51:59 am

Age: adult 3 years


Appearance:grey with black lines  on her back she has blue eyes and grey paws

Pack: Loner

Personality:sweet,nice,calm,mean if has to be

History:she was  a loner then she got lost and raised on her own

Picture:im going to get one

Role Play Sample: Sora walked up to the water and crouches down.She looked under water she moved forward and looked into the water.She noticed a wolf looking at her she sayed Hi.The wolf looked up and sayed Hello oh i just noticed your eyes they are as green as the water and your fur as white as snow . Sora moved closer to the wolf until there noses wer toutching.Sora smiled andlicked the wolfs cheek. THE END :D
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: LordSuragaha on November 17, 2011, 05:59:29 pm
Hey watched the video and this pack and story sound pretty awesome. I'd love to join but are you still accepting new members? :)
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: courtneyrc on November 17, 2011, 08:56:36 pm
Aww okay...... Well anyone who would like my preset I made for Pup 2 can have it. I don't really need it anymore, and hope it will not be a total waste if somone uses it. :)

http://www.mediafire.com/?jiu1ohaz5sacn3i (http://www.mediafire.com/?jiu1ohaz5sacn3i)
Title: Re: Apocalypse Hills Wolf RP - PROMO VIDEO INSIDE!!
Post by: Kharress on November 17, 2011, 10:10:31 pm
Flamingstar- Please fill out the complete application. Thank you! :)

Fade- Yes! We are always accepting! :3

Courtney- Thank you so much! I'm sure my friend will love the preset! And pup number one is still open if you'd like to give it a shot...? I'd love to have you in the RP! :D