Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 05:41:05 am

Title: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 05:41:05 am

|-Winding Down-|

Darkness coats your eyes besides a few slots of light from above. You can feel your body moving, but you're not walking anywhere. A slight panic rises in your throat, but calm down as you feel the movement eventually stop. Your eyes looked around, trying to find the exit, but a loud 'Shhhuck' noise brings your ears backwards and you follow with your head. A man had opened the exit, getting into the dark, crowded area and whistling a little. He seemed calm, but you were unsure about him. He put a lead around your neck, gently tightening it and then taking you somewhere. You weren't to disobey.
He led you out to an open field, few horses dotted the landscape before you, then you took off running before the man could object.  How the free wind felt perfect through your mane. However, you didn't know it at the time, but you were actually meant for racing. You would've been devastated to find out if you had stayed. Atleast you had this field for the time being.

Horses are being brought into a new stable-ranch combination, including you. Trainers are being brought in to break, race, and just plain ride the horses brought to the stables, but are carefully selected. The stable-ranch combination, also known as "Briar Meadows", is highly expensive to get into for people, but can be worth all the troubles to get in. Briar Meadows is very new, and dwells within the country side, making it the perfect place for horses and trainers alike.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; WIP]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 05:49:10 am

1.) Swearing is allowed, however I do not want it in every sentence of your character(s).
2.) Do not do anything to another person's character without their permission that can have lasting effects. Talking to them, patting them on the back, etc. or any basic behavior, is perfectly fine.
3.) This is a literate role-play, please remain so in-character.
4.) Please try to remain active. I understand if you're going to be inactive for a while, but if you're not going to be active (like ever, not just for a week) then do not join; if you know you're going to be inactive without internet for a while, then please tell us so we know.
5.) Please don't argue via OoC. It's annoying and no-one wants to hear it.
6.) If you have read the rules, please put "Briar Meadows" somewhere in your application.
7.) Mating and birthing is not allowed, take it to a PM.
8.) Realism is a must. Your character is not perfectly made, and will have flaws. You cannot jump off a building and not become injured, just for an example.
9.) Briar Meadows is a newer building, so your horse cannot already be a thousand years old and be like "I've lived here all my life" um no. (That was a bit exaggerated, but I made my point, didn't I?)
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; WIP]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 06:33:04 am

The stables
There's normally a nameplate for the horses, and under the horse's name would be their age, gender, and trainer (if they don't have one, it'd be the availability that the horse has).

The corral
It's almost always littered with barrels or hurdles - on occasion, both.

The field
It's large, vast, and dotted with beautiful flowers. There are multiple trees within the fence, which is great for a hot summer day.

The trainers' house
The trainers' house is very large and was made for many people to stay inside. It has antique-looking furniture on the inside.

Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; WIP]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 06:39:50 am

Image / Description: [What does your horse look like?] {Description must be four or more sentences}
Trainer Image / Trainer Description: [If your horse has a trainer, what do they look like?] {Description must be four or more sentences}
Name: [What's the name of your horse?]
Trainer Name: [What's the name of your trainer?]
Age: [How old is your horse?]
Type: [What type is your horse? Jumping, racing, or just for riding? (this can also depend on their age, as riding is mainly for older horses)]
Gender: [What does your horse identify as?]
Personality: [How does your character act?] {Must be four or more sentences}
History: [What happened in your horse's background?] {Must be four or more sentences}
Lineage: [Does your horse have any known family?] -Optional-
Theme Song: [What song matches your horse's personality?] -Optional-
Other: [Anything else you would like us to know about your horse?] -Optional-
Role-Play Sample: {Must be four or more sentences}
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; WIP]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 06:40:07 am

Wyndle and Sabrina - Wolfie_Lover

Lilac - Wolfie_Lover

Babylon - JimMoriarty

Abacus / Counting On Abacus and Danika Bennett - Taylor

Galaxy and Sara - Dunasaur
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 03, 2014, 09:14:43 am
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on July 04, 2014, 11:52:47 pm

About 15.4 hands at the withers, Babylon is a fine stallion with a proud Arabian heritage. His coat is a scorching dark bay and he bears a white snip on his nose as well as two white socks rounding his lower forelegs. His muzzle is slim and has naturally large nostrils as well as petite, alert ears- the typical standard of his breed. His tail is often held high as a proud banner.

Trainer Image / Trainer Description:
Only having arrived days ago, he has yet to get a trainer due to his nasty attitude- however the man who bought him is working on finding someone suitable for the high-strung stud.


Trainer Name:
None yet- soon to be changed.

Babylon is 3 years old

 He will be used for endurance racing when broken in. (which is not on a racetrack, but more like cross country without jumping obstacles)

 He is an unaltered male. (Stallion)

When his name is brought up to one of those humans who have handled him, the first thing to come to their minds is always "high-maintenance." Babylon demands a lot of his human care-takers- and that mixed with his utter mistrust of them due to a past home leads to trouble often. Towards people, he is quick to snap, and very impatient. To complete stranger humans, he's no better than a wild mustang, which is why finding a trainer for him has proven so difficult. Even those few who he even allows near him tend to have a hard time handling this high-strung Arabian. He'll look for any excuse to give the people trouble, enjoying making a fuss to give them a hard time, and has a big issue with pride. His ego is as inflated as a hot-air-balloon, and he's not afraid to show how much "better he is than everyone else" by prancing around with tail and head held high. He's got a few nasty habits such as biting, rearing, and kicking his stall walls when bored. He doesn't listen to criticism from other equines.

 Babylon was born into a wealthy ranch in Israel, where he was spoiled rotten since birth. His humans took overly good care of him, and provided anything his young heart could ever desire- this is the reason he is so high maintenance currently (in his mind, he's still a prince). However, in his year as a one-year-old, he was sold to a ranch overseas who bought him because of his championship bloodlines. From the get-go at his new home, he gave them only problems as he began to develop severe anger issues because of mere failure to adjust to the new life, as well as the fact that they did not uphold the high standards he was used to as a yearling. Since he caused only problems and not profit, they sold him for a cheap price simply to get rid of him. He ended up being bought by a farm looking for a workhorse- a farm that turned out to be abusive when he refused to work. When he was forced to work- hitched to the plow- he put up a fuss and broke down in the field. The break down was not only due to his stubbornness and prideful urge to go against his owners, but also due to him being extremely malnourished by this point from lack of food and abuse. Scolded, whipped, and cast aside into the small muddy corral, the farmers abandoned the sickly stallion. He remained forgotten in the field until his current owner happened to find him and buy him off the people out of pity. He has since regained his weight and health, but has a severe mistrust of people, which is why his owner chose to bring him to "Briar Meadows" recently to provide a more healthy environment for growth and training.

Theme Song:
 Horseshoes and Handgrenades - Green Day

Role-Play Sample:
The sleek Arabian stood at the fence of the wide pasture, small head held high as he rested it on the top rail. Alert ears swiveled at the slightest sounds around him whilst he observed his surroundings with little to no interest. Babylon's dark tail flicked at his muscular haunches to thwart the landing attempts of a couple horseflies with an audible swishing sound, and a subtle snort of irritation huffed through his large nostrils. Pulling his head back away from the fence, the stallion took a couple backwards steps, and in one swift motion, he suddenly lunged forward with his slim neck majestically arched. Hooves kicking up grass, the Arabian sprang ahead into a sudden frisky gallop- thin, toned legs moving like a locomotive beneath his slender body. Behind him, Babylon's tail was held high in the trademark Arabian signal, waving like a proud banner as he playfully sprinted away from the fence. Every so often, his head would duck down and his hind legs would spring off the ground in a colt-like buck between strides. Each movement of his legs was perfectly graceful, and his lively eyes shot glances at what lie before him as he bounded into a canter, then to a hopping stop with his sides heaving.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 05, 2014, 05:02:25 am
@JimMoriarty: Accepted! We'll wait for a few more members and then we can begin.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on July 05, 2014, 01:34:57 pm
[[Awesomesauce, sounds good. C:
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on July 05, 2014, 04:08:05 pm
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: duna the killer on July 05, 2014, 04:20:41 pm
(http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r604/Redtail1192/ThunderI_zps6ff639bc.jpg) (http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/Redtail1192/media/ThunderI_zps6ff639bc.jpg.html)

Description: 15 hands at the withers, Galaxy is a gypsy vanner Arabian mix. He has the feathers and long, flowing mane of a gypsy vanner, but the high tail and sharp ears of the Arabian. He has powerful leg muscles, and his tail has a few white blotches on it. He also has a white star on his forhead. Galaxy also has a white sock on his back left leg, but his black feathers make it sort of hard to see.
Trainer Image / Trainer Description:   http://cdn2.stocksy.com/a/KjI000/z0/72002.jpg (http://cdn2.stocksy.com/a/KjI000/z0/72002.jpg)
Name: Galaxy
Trainer Name: Sara
Age: 4 years
Type: Jumping, with the occasional dressage
Gender: Stallion

Personality: Galaxy is a proud stallion. He usually likes to show off his skills, but he never brags about it. He can sometimes be a flirt to, trying to win over the mares attention by bucking, kicking and jumping. But when he is not flirting or showing his skills, he sometimes enjoys giving Sara or anyone a hard time by kicking his stable door. He also has a 'fun face' in which he lifts his top lips and shows his teeth, and keeps it like that.

History: Galaxy was born in Kentucky in a ranch just an hour away from Churchill Downs. His mother was a beautiful black and white gypsy vanner, while his father was a black Arabian. He grew up spoiled, fed the best oats and the freshest water. The humans took great care of him, and when he was a year-long, he was moved to his own stable beside his mother's. When he was 1 year and 8 months old, he began to jump hay bales to relieve his boredom. The owners saw this and at 2 years began training him for show jumping. He eventually reached 3 years and began to compete. He was also trained to do dressage, so he was more versatile. He won a several competitions, and for his fourth birthday, he was moved to Briar Meadows.

Lineage: Mothers side
Mother: Elusive - Gypsy Vanner
Grandmother: Unknown    Grandfather: Featherweight - Gypsy Vanner
Great grandmother:     unknown.  Great grandfather: Tumble weed - breed unknown
Father's side
Father: Abyss - Arabian
Grandmother: Rose - Arabian  Grandfather: Shadowstalker - Arabian
Great grandmother: Unknown   Great grandfather: Unknown

Theme Song: This is Halloween
Other: Briar Meadows
Role-Play Sample: Galaxy stomped his feathered hoof as Sara left his stable. He stuck his head out and watched her go. He snort and mutter to himself, "I will just make her come back.." He lifted a feathered hoof and slammed it into the stable door. He saw Sara turn to look at him, then turn and leave again. He then kicked the door again, and did his fun face. Sara turned and said, "Stop it, Galaxy!" He kicked again and she came back, stroking his mane, "Why do you always have to be an attention seeker?" She asked, giving him a carrot. Galaxy snorted.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 05, 2014, 04:23:17 pm
@Taylor and Dunasaur: Accepted.

You may now post whenever you want - I'll post later.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on July 12, 2014, 06:17:13 pm
~B a b y l o n~

The high strung Arabian stood impatiently in his box stall, his proud tail flicking at his haunches in irritation at his confines. Oh, how he hated being stalled up like that. With his naturally large nostrils flaring, Babylon arched his slim neck and with a single hind hoof, lashed out a violent kick at the back wall, making a loud thud echo through the stable as his hoof made contact with the wooden wall. The dark bay stallion blew a hard snort through his nose and gave his head a quick shake before resuming his irritable pacing. Muscles quivering with impatience, Babylon would halt occasionally only to furiously paw at the ground with his forehoof until he had scraped away all the straw beneath him to reveal the concrete below. Tossing his head once again, the unruly stud let forth a discontented whinny, accompanied by a few childish half-rears to further emphasize his temper tantrum. Each time, he would bring his front hooves back down the the ground with force, making quite the ruckus- as usual. Tossing his head once again, he snorted and this time, lashed out a full-on kick to the side wall with both hind hooves, sending forth an unsettling Thud! with the strike.

With his slim head shaking, Babylon resumed his tantrum, this time with more pacing, stomping, and kicking, accompanied by an occasional bite to the wooden half-door. Cribbing tended to be one of his many bad habits, and much the wood on the lower walls of his stall was well chipped away by now from it. Catching wind of the stallion's angry thrashing, Babylon's owner- a middle aged, big-boned man by the name of Roger Williams- came scurrying to the stables. The Arabian stud continued his impatient pleas for attention until he noticed the one human he somewhat trusted waddling his way. "Woah, woah, there." Roger called with his hands up as the stallion reared inside his stall once again. The words of the man brought Babylon's boisterous episode to a sudden halt. Blowing air from his nostrils, his pawed at the ground some more, watching from the back of his stall as the round man slipped inside. Babylon held his head high as Roger reached out to touch him, disallowing the gesture. Still, Roger continued murmuring to the stud to calm him down until he was eventually able to slip a halter onto his head, though not without some outward disagreement from the stallion in the form of a half rear and a shrill neigh. Once he'd managed to get the red halter fastened, Babylon calmed down a bit, knowing this always meant it was time to leave this God-forsaken stall. So, he allowed the human to lead him out, following behind at the end of a lead shank obediently.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: DuskWolfy on July 12, 2014, 10:54:44 pm
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 12, 2014, 11:37:41 pm
Accepted~ Feel free to start whenever.

Wyndle and Sabrina
The large black stallion's ears flicked, hearing the loud thuds of another not too far away though it eventually faded back to silence. Wyndle blinked a little, shaking his tail to try to rid the few flies at his hindquarters. A small-set of footsteps entered his hearing range, and he gave a bit of a pleased whinny. Sure, it was a brand new place for him and the others, but he was broken long ago and was quite pleased with some human contact. Once the human unlocked the door, the familiar face of Sabrina peered through the cracked door - which resulted him in moving his head up and down in a pleased manner. "Hey, boy~" His trainer cooed to him, just as it had since the start which was only two days ago. Amazing, to him, how little interaction with Sabrina he had had, but he was pleased with himself for not throwing a fit.

Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on July 13, 2014, 08:04:53 pm


Despite it still being pretty early in the morning the stallion was already awake, ready for his handler Danika to arrive and start his daily training. Ab stood quietly and calmly in his stall, all remained quiet until the sudden sounds of thuds echoed through out the stables. Snorting the paint horse sharply turned in his stall and headed towards the door - hanging his head over Abacus glared across the way. Another stallion seemed to be kicking up a fuss. All the noise had probably woke most of the horses by now and startled a few of the younger riders who had came for their lessons - but the painted horse couldn't peel his eyes off the situation. This horse was known for throwing tantrums and often woke up the many other equines at the stables - but mostly caused a big fuss.

The intact stallions lips curled, quivering and revealing his teeth for a few seconds - the stud then swung his head and kicked his knees up at the door, several neighs echoed from the stallion as he pawed at the ground. All the noise had begun to irritate the male and since he wad been awake for quite a while he wanted out of his stall and continue with practice. Snorting the studs nostrils flared as he gave his head one last shake "Calm down Ab, I'm coming! Danika spoke in her usual calm voice as she hurried towards the equine.

A bright smile grew across the woman's face as she stopped at the stall door and looked up at the larfe 16.2hh horse who towered over her. Despite his large size and his stubborn attitude Abacus was a gentle giant who wouldn't hurt a soul unless provoked to do so. Running a hand through her golden locks Dan then grabbed the studs head and pulled it down towards her height - gently running her hand across his snout and kissing him gently. Now the steed was at ease knowing his owner was here and today he would be riding. Giving the wooden door one last shove he backed away from the door - allowing Danika to enter with her brush box. Everyday before going out riding he would be brushed, fed and watered then tacked up - this would be repeated once he was finished. But for now, the Sports horse stood relaxed as he was groomed.

Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: Jackkdaw on July 16, 2014, 02:26:38 pm
[On my phone.

~B a b y l o n~

The dark bay stud walked prominently at the end of the lead rope held by his owner, quite calm now that he was out of his confined stall. Since colt-hood, Babylon grew to know being taken from the stall always meant pampering. Head held high with pride, he strutted confidently as he was led to the cross ties and hooked up near a painted stallion who was being groomed. Flicking his fine tail, the stud blew a contented huff from his large nostrils, pawing the ground impatiently whilst he waited for the soothing touch of the curry comb. From the corner of his eye, Babylon shot a disapproving glance at the equine nearby, but was quick to glance away with disinterest. The Arabian slowly turned his head to the side, only to flatten his ears upon noticing a young stable hand- a stranger- approaching with the grooming kit instead of his owner who was in his mind the only human worthy to be near. Glaring, he waited for the poor oblivious stable hand to get closer. Once the young man reached out to begin brushing his neck, the stallion swung his head around and landed a hard bite on the man's arm, drawing an exclamation of surprise from the human. The man staggered backwards while the equine let out a nicked of mocking laughter. Still, the stable boy insisted on doing his job and approached again. This time, Babylon let out an aggressive snort and reared as much as the ties would allow, lashing out with his fireplaces. Fortunately for the man, Roger came scurrying over. "Woah, woah, what are you doing. You should know by now that this horse is a special case. Think before you get yourself killed, boy!"  Roger exclaimed, placing himself between the two. The stable boy stammered his misunderstanding and apologized. Roger patted Babylon on the neck to calm him and finished grooming him.

Freshly groomed, Babylon was led outside. The Arabian's gait was graceful and princely as always, and his demeanor was calm since he was with the only person he trusted. Roger started towards the round corral, the sight making Babylon snort and roll his eyes. Being taken to the corral, he learned, usually meant his owner had found a new human idiot to try and break him in. He'd already gone through three trainers who he'd driven to quitting because of his nasty attitude. What makes this guy think finding another one would help. Nevertheless, Babylon rather enjoyed flinging those dumb humans from his back, so, he entered the empty corral willingly and instantly took off doing catering laps while he waited for his new human opponent who dared take him on.
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: DuskWolfy on July 18, 2014, 08:41:34 am
I wanted to change Image's appearence so new look is below. Also, she is cared for by a stable hand named Dakota.))

(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag342/Liepi646/image_zps2f6a5f81.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/Liepi646/media/image_zps2f6a5f81.jpg.html)

Image was awoken by the sounds of thudding. Her ears swiveled forward to listen but they soon faded out back to silence. She tossed her head and snorted irritably, her gaze shifting. She heard footsteps coming into the stabke followed by another pair not too long after but was bummed to see they didn't step infront of her stall. She snorted once again and shook our her mane, her black tail flicking to rid the flies from her as she awaited Dakota's arrival. Image's ears swiveled forward once more hearing yet another pair of footsteps but he whinnied when it was Dakota stopping infrint of her stall. The young stable hand had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. She wasn't very tall but it was about aberage for a girl. Dakota slid the lock to slide open the stall door. The girl approached, patting the mare's neck and smiling. "Hey there pretty girl." The girl cooed. Dakota had been the one to care for her since her arrival a couple days ago si she grew a liking to her. Image nickered softly, lipping at the girls hair. She had a lead in hand and clipped it to the mare's black halter, leading her out if the stall and to the cross ties. She was secured by the cross ties as Dakota got the grooming box. She felt the bristles of the curry comb going in circular motions along her back. Her flanks twitched as the comb went over. She was calm for the rest iof the grooming and was soon being tacked up.

Image stood still as the saddle was set on her back, thiugh slightly shifted as the girth was tightened. She hated the bridle yet she knew it was what came next. She snorted and tissed her head but calmed at the touch of Dakota. The girl pushed the bit gently into the mare's mouth, then pulled her ears throught the top of the bridle before securing it at the top of her neck. Image grunted and stomoed her hoof, her tail swishing. Dakota untied the cross ties amd use the reins to lead Image out of the stable. Image followed behind calmly and obediantly. The pair passed by a corral, a bay arabian within the fenced in area. The stallion caught Image's eye, his boldness and willingness quite surprising for she knew since the first day if the equines wild spirit. She shook her thiughts away as they arrived at the field. This was her first ride since she arrived but she was confident. Dakota stuck her left foot in the left stirup, pulling herself up before throwing her right leg over and securing it in the right stirup. Dakota clicked her teeth and that got Image to a walk and soon a trot as they rode along the field.

Question, how many characters can we have?))
Title: Re: |-Winding Down-| [PG-13 to TVMA; Horse Role-Play; Open and Accepting]
Post by: sparticles on July 18, 2014, 07:59:38 pm


The large stallion stood patiently as his handler - Danika ran the combs through his mane and a brush through his short, soft, painted coat. His long tail flicked to and fro as he turned his head to watch the small, blonde woman run the brushes across his back - nodding his head several times the equine let out a quiet nicker at the woman who chuckled and turned slightly - patting the studs snout roughtly and then going back to her grooming. Despite being a rather outgoing and bouncy horse Abacus did love to stand and be groomed - although liking to be out in the field was also something he very much enjoyed.

Hearing the echoing sound of 'clip-clops' coming down from behind the stallion the painted horse let out a sigh as he turned his large head. Peering to the left of him Ab watched as a brown coated stallion was heading down towards the grooming pit - tilting his broad head to the side the painted male followed the equines steps until he ended up on the right side of him. Shaking his head the stallion examined the stud he recognised - the one who was causing a big fuss earlier in his stall. Jerking up his head the stallion let out a snort, he wasn't at all interested in the smaller equine and instead he stood quietly and peacefully getting groomed - that was until the sounds of vicious neighs sounded near by along with a raised, deep voice. This only cause the stallions head to turn once again - seeing the Arabian kicking out at a young lad, soon to be stopped by his handler who had rushed over and scolded the young boy.

The sudden outburst had slightly startled the relaxed horse causing him to pull back on the rope - bolts and hooks rattling as they were hurled up then sent back down flying towards the wall. "Whoa boy!" Danika spoke trying to grab the equines mane to keep him still. But the quick nods and shakes of his head caused this task to almost be impossible. Letting out deathining neighs the older horse had a crazed look in his eyes by showing the whites, his large body lifted vertically in the air as the painted horse kicked out his front hooves - snorting viciously along with letting out many more neights - the chains continuing to rattle. But, feeling a rough tug on the rope and a light slap to his side the large horse stopped, and slammed his hooves heavily against the conrete ground - his left hoof lifting up and pawing at the ground continuously. "Its ok Abacus." Dan spoke softly petting the horses side.

It took seconds for the fiery Irish Sports Horse to calm down once his owner spoke to him reassuring him it was ok, Abacus wasn't really a skittish horse and didn't get frightened easily - but when in a relaxed state many would have jumped and been rather wound up by that sudden outburst. Brushing it off the large equine looked at the smaller horse and narrowed his eyes, then flattening his ears onto his head the painted stud leant across the bite the other equines side - but was suddenly stopped when Danika chuckled and pushed the feisty horses head back - then continuing her brushing. Moments after the Arabian was lead out and another horse arrived at the grooming pit - this time a mare he didn't know. Raising a brow the stallion nodded his head and lipped at the mare from a distance. But, his tack was placed on and he was ready to go.

Danika untied the horse from the lead rope and hopped onto the stallions back - leaning forward in the saddle and grabbing the reins. With one sharp tug backwards the stallion slowly backed up out of the small area and into the long corridor of the stabled - then the rein was pulled left and he turned, but only ever so slightly. Glancing forward the sports horse's eyes locked upon the few horses that still remained in their stalls - a neigh escaping past his lips as his sides were lightly kicked which sent the horse into a slow walk - their first practice task today would be a warm up in the round pen then a quick jump in the ring.