Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Ask Me => Topic started by: Raphilion on July 30, 2014, 12:04:02 am

Title: Le Ask Raphillion
Post by: Raphilion on July 30, 2014, 12:04:02 am
I only discovered this section of forums recently and thought: Why not?
Whether you want to know about my personal life, except credit card info, address and exact species of Lion I am (Just kidding) X'D
Or in game questions such as about my choice of character names etc...

Have fun and ask whatever you want. I'm usually shy around people but I try to open up whenever I can, so yeah, this is a rare chance for the friends I've made on here to get to know me better and for others to stalk get to know me as well :P.. I'll try answer as quick as I can.

Bring it bro!
Title: Re: Le Ask Raphillion
Post by: forks on August 07, 2014, 09:28:15 pm
Ah, may I ask?
1. Why is grape spelled grape instead of grepe?
2. Why are bananas round and pink?
3. Do you like this bunny:
(\  /)
( U U )o
U      U
4. Tell me why you like/dislike the bunny
5. Is the bunny a girl or a boy?
6. What is the bunny's name?
7. Do you perfer to eat pizza and be a pony or drink milk and be a frog?
8. Why am I asking you questions?
9. am I done yet?
10. Can you give me an ice pop?
11. Do this 50 times:  :o
12. >.<
13. 2FAB4U
14. Chocolate
15. Is a rainbow or your yoyo perdy?
Title: Re: Le Ask Raphillion
Post by: Miraja on August 08, 2014, 08:19:00 pm
1. Why Echoz asked this:?
12. >.<
2. Feline or canine? ....
3. ...and why?
4. Do you like demons? Why/why not?
5. Do you like "Chandelier" song by Sia?
6. When you joined FH and why?
7. Do you want me to stop?
8. Do you watch anime?
9. Do you read manga?
10. Do you like PewDiePie

Title: Re: Le Ask Raphillion
Post by: Raphilion on August 08, 2014, 10:33:53 pm