Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: ComatoseKatie on July 30, 2014, 04:15:07 am

Title: I was wondering...
Post by: ComatoseKatie on July 30, 2014, 04:15:07 am
So I was wondering if I should make a comic series. I love writing comics but I find it hard to keep them on track XD especially if my friend helps me. I also don't always have the time. But what do you guys think? I must know what you guys think XD *Screams in megaphone* GUIDE MEEEEEEE! XD But seriously what are your guy's opinion should I make a comic series?
Title: Re: I was wondering...
Post by: Vask on July 30, 2014, 05:53:20 am
I think a comic series would be fantabulous!

I love when artists make comics. And with your art talent, you should definitely give it a shot!
But don't let me tell you. It's your decision in the long run. Anyway, I wish you luck with whatever you decide!
Title: Re: I was wondering...
Post by: greenart6 on July 30, 2014, 06:04:24 am
Go for it! :3

I'll just say that you should make a script first, I once was trying to make a comic without one and stopped after 5 pages xD

But yes, I'm curious, what would you make it about? :3
Title: Re: I was wondering...
Post by: ComatoseKatie on July 30, 2014, 06:41:26 am
Aw thanks guys :3 I might start tomorrow If I do so I don't loose an idea I had. I probably should write a script XD I remember a comic I started by myself and had a legit storyline then I let my friend start helping and it got derailed for the other half of the comic till I was like "This doesn't even make sense now XD " mostly cause we kept adding in Aliens ._. ... Yea. I'd also have to write down all the characters being used cause I have an issue where every time I make a new character I add it in till we don't even know what happened to some XD