Feral Heart

Community => Praise => Topic started by: Raphilion on July 31, 2014, 01:27:26 pm

Title: I praise you
Post by: Raphilion on July 31, 2014, 01:27:26 pm
Yes, you!

Sure, i could go on typing out each and every name in the title, but that would just make it too long.
I have put a lot of thought into this and I'm still not sure, as I type this post, if I even wanna go ahead with it. I bet by now, you must be wondering; What the heck is he going on about? Let me try and explain the best I can without confusing the fuzz out of anybody.

I would like to take the time and opportunity to make a shout out to every single friend, both young and old, both new and since I joined this community of Ferals back in 2012, both male and female, that I have made on here. You know who you are.
If you don't, then well there's always a chance we might get to know each other and even start a friendship XD.

Since birth, I've always been shy. I was a lot worse in my youngest years to the point that I would have friends over at my house and I would barely talk to them. To the point where I wouldn't talk to ANYBODY at school/kindergarten (In my first couple years of course, I eventually grew out of it in primary school. The point is, I suck at being social and I sometimes hate it as I have lost friends on Facebook with whom I mingled well in the climbing community, for example.
There are times I prefer to be left alone and people are always looking at me when I do. But sometimes I like to mix with people of different backgrounds and such... I still get the funny looks from time to time anyway :/

Ok, enough with that depressing crap. I've never been great at conveying this message to friends, so I'm gonna say it in this post and I hope it comes out as it should. Btw, if I miss any names out, I apologize in advance. Feel free to correct me. There are some names I have been proven to have forgotten since being inactive for so long.
Anyway, To my long time friends who have stuck by me since I met you 2 years ago, whom haven't forgotten about me and whom I still see around from time to time: Lord Suragaha, Thierry, HippieOnStrike, Reckless and many others I have met along the way. Also Buffy, I have known you since I can remember being on here but only recently have we started a friendship. Vixy, We only met recently but I can see a good friendship being built from here. Crispy and Ruby as well, some funny chats on Skype sometimes :) and many others from this large community I meet all the time who to me, seem like good people with good hearts and with whom I can mingle easily and not feel like the odd one out.
Red, you deserve lots of respect as well. I can only imagine how tough it must be to manage a forum and game like this with a busy life. I know I may have acted super silly at first when I first joined, but I have changed. Thank you again, for that gift on steam a while ago. It seems like a great game. I feel bad for not having played it yet, but I have good reason being my laptop lacks the space to place another large game on it.

To all those above-mentioned friends and those I accidentally forgot to mention, especially those that are close to me, reply to me when I try make conversation and especially stick by me even through my awkward moments. As hard as it is for me to say this, I love each and every one of you like a brother and sister!
Thank you for being a friend of mine. :D <3

By the way, if at ANY time, I annoy you with my awkwardness or you think I'm acting too immature or anything I do bothers you or you feel trolled. feel free, with my permission, to slap me across the face and tell me to stop. :P I mean it. Especially if I annoy or hurt you. I would hate to lose one of you as a friend as it's you guys that are the duct-tape keeping me in this community and game. If it wasn't for you guys, I would have quit by now for many reasons.
I also want to ask your apology if I already did the 'damage' and annoyed any one of you or hurt anybody's feelings. Sorry :(
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: wolf48877 on August 09, 2014, 05:42:16 pm
D'aww that's so sweet,your dear friends will very much appreciate that :3  I wish I had your talent with writing:D    Best Wishes~ Raven
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: Raphilion on August 10, 2014, 07:19:56 pm
Aww.. Thanks Raven!
Talent comes to all who practice :)
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: Thierry on August 11, 2014, 01:48:55 am
Thank you so much for the praise raphilion.

I hope you are not that shy anymore, and feel free to talk to me any time and don't get shy.
As you i have been shy and i still a little, so i may not be talking that much.

I happy i could meet you, you are a great person and i admire your dreams.

See you soon Raphilion.
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: Raphilion on August 12, 2014, 05:01:21 pm
You sir, Thierry, are a great person!
I knew that from the first day we met in FH about 2 years ago.

You deserve it, Thierro. I'm glad you appreciate it 'cause even after I posted it, I still had doubts as to whether to keep it or not.
So thank you!

Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: StarrieNova on August 16, 2014, 10:32:15 am
Oh my goodness.
Thankies so much you amazing floof! You are totally awesome for mentioning me too. Also I would like to thank you for always sending me a random message on Skype your messages in fact make me smile a lot of the times. So please keep sending me those messages. You are nothing, but a bucket of amazing sauce to me, and love you very much.
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: Raphilion on August 16, 2014, 04:10:03 pm
You're more than welcome! :D
It's only due to awesome floofs like you, with whom I can have random chats at times, who make it all worth it. So thank you in return.

Cheers ~
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: StarrieNova on August 18, 2014, 02:13:20 am
*Le Snuggles*
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: Raphilion on August 18, 2014, 06:12:55 am
*Le snuggles back* ^^
Thanks for le floofs.. Have one back.
Title: Re: I praise you
Post by: StarrieNova on August 18, 2014, 08:14:33 am
*Le snuggles back* ^^
Thanks for le floofs.. Have one back.

Awwwwwwz thank chuz hun bunz