Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: wolf48877 on August 05, 2014, 06:16:40 pm

Title: ~new character model~
Post by: wolf48877 on August 05, 2014, 06:16:40 pm
So I was walking in game one day and every where I went I saw horse RP, so I was wondering...what if they added new horse models! Sure it won't look EXACTLY like a horse but it would still give users something a bit different other than wolf or feline models, the manes would be different, so would the tail. I think horse models would be a good touch to the game.     Best Wishes~Raven
Title: Re: ~new character model~
Post by: Spottedbears on August 05, 2014, 06:23:45 pm
this has been suggested many times. and while a lot of people think of it as a great idea, i'm not so sure.

FH was a game made for carnivores and the like, and not horses. kovu had no intention of adding horses. in fact, wings were a huge step for this game. he wasn't going to add them, but all the sudden he gave us all a great christmas present: wings and items.

it's also practically impossible to add a new model for:
1. we don't have the source code
2. horse models will be very hard to make
3. it takes a long time to mesh and rig models.
Title: Re: ~new character model~
Post by: greenart6 on August 05, 2014, 06:39:46 pm
As said above it would be impossible at the moment to add a new model, but if it was, I don't think a horse model would be added. With the feline model, you can make lions, tigers, cats, bobcats, etc., and with the canine model you can make wolves, foxes, coyotes, dogs, and more. A horse model wouldn't fit in very well, there's not that much you could make.

If a new model would be added, I think just a hoofed (hooved?) animal in general would be the best way to go. Because then you could make horses, goats (I want goats in the game so bad ;-;), moose, deer, pig, sheep, and many more, instead of just being able to make a horse.

I hope you see what I mean, just a horse model wouldn't let you make as much as the canine and feline models allow you to make. That's just my opinion on this.
Title: Re: ~new character model~
Post by: wolf48877 on August 09, 2014, 02:48:03 am
I understand what you guys r saying, and one question...i have no clue who this ummm..kovu guy is? Isn't he th maker of the game? But anyways I do understand what u guys r saying :3 thx for letting me know
Title: Re: ~new character model~
Post by: greenart6 on August 09, 2014, 03:18:50 am
Kovu/KovuLKD was the creator of the game, I believe. He has left and that's why Feralheart doesn't get updates anymore. I hope he returns though... someday... you just gotta believe~

I would love if another model was added to the game though, heck, even a hippo would be cool xD