Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: LordSuragaha on August 08, 2014, 02:37:57 pm

Title: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 08, 2014, 02:37:57 pm
As the title states what if your forum stats were visible in game?

Say you're an active member on the forum and you gain the title of "Dedicated Member" what if your forum/site rank appeared in game?
Or if you became the Member of the Season and your in game username tag glowed a bright green? Perhaps there'd be a tiny icon beside your username that others could click to see some of your site stats like contest awards etc.

If this was possible what effect do you think it would have on the Feral Heart Community? Positive & or negative. Do you think it would encourage more users to become activite on site?

Share your opinions here.

(Keep in mind that I'm reserving my own opinions to this topic to view everyone else's first)
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: greenart6 on August 08, 2014, 02:57:03 pm
I think this would actually be a good idea. c: I think that it could say that and if you clicked on anyone's bio it would show what their username on the forums is as well, since some people are recognized by their forum but not their username in the game.

I think it would encourage more users to be active on the site, but my worry would be that the members would post just spam everywhere so that their position could grow, and that some like that would attack members who have never gone to forum and are deemed 'newbies' in the game.

I see lots of discussions about bans, useless polls, and tons of posts breaking the rules much too often on the forum. I bet a lot of them wouldn't read the rules when going to the forum, and it would become stressful for the staff and even the members.

The people in-game and then the people who are on the forums quite often seem to be different. In-Game, there's lots of rude people and people breaking the rules while on the forum there isn't as many and the members are very friendly. (Also I don't have to check to make sure someone is buttswinging on me every two seconds on the forum) I'm not saying that all in-game people are bad, but I just think that there would be lots of members breaking the rules since while the staff can see and moderate all the threads here easily and make sure no rules and broken, in-game they can get away with much more since the staff can't see everyone, everywhere, on all the maps.

Gah, rambling again about if they came to the forum DX

But on the more positive side, some members if they saw the people in game could maybe gain a little more trust. If staff members had their staff title in their name that'd be very helpful to floofs. But, if they were to be a higher up member they might want to seek help from them instead of asking some random person or something.

My opinion on this is mixed. I just worry about when they get to the actual forum and what they will do, and if they come only to have their rank grow by spamming and stuff and then attack members with a lower rank. That's my only concern, otherwise, I think it'd be a great addition to the game. (Even though I totally wrote a paragraph about the cons that is bigger than the pros xD)

There's my opinion/rambling on this c: That made no sense xD
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Redlinelies on August 08, 2014, 03:04:01 pm
Any sort of change to link the site more together with the game would be what I'd consider a really welcoming change. There's of course areas where it can be discussed more or less if it would be truly needed but having something just hinting towards the forum like having your title or post count in the bio would be a fun idea. Time spent on here on site can mean just as much as time spent in game, and while people that do spend a lot of time both inside the game and on the site can easily make the transition between the two, people who only play the game will only see the game and the people they fetch there.

Kinda leads to a bit of a troublesome situation when you think about it since there's so many players that just don't have interest for foruming or being on the site in general, they are left quite clueless at time or even fed with the wrong information that leads on even further to issues. Just a thing like having information on ingame profiles hinting towards the site and users activity would help to some extent making people more active and aware. This is by no mean to offend anyone, but judging on how people have been and still is inside the game those who spend time in both places(game & forum) tend to just know more about the surrounding of the game and how it works and runs.

In ways having like something would bring people to the site more, and that's never a bad thing, but one less good thing I could sense out of this is how some might turn into forum/site elitists, automatically looking down on those with no posts or activity. Not much that can be done but people judge others very quickly, I think site stats would be included into just that, much milder than some other things but still there. Another thing is already mentioned above regarding the increase of just junk posts here and there due to people that just want to "rank up". Links between the site and game is a great thing really, but how it would be displayed is really something to think about. Personally I'd wear my activity and posts proudly if they showed in game.

This is a really interesting thought to play around with.
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Insoholic on August 20, 2014, 09:37:54 am
This is an amazing thought, Sura. I've played games, which have a title/rank system and if this was added to FeralHeart... I believe that it will definitely increase the user base and bump up the activity on the forums. You get rewarded in-game for something you've done on the forums.
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Jackkdaw on August 20, 2014, 12:47:12 pm
Aye, as those above me have already stated, I think this would be an awesome idea!
It would most certainly attract more attention to the forum community, and it would be a cool way for users to display their site accomplishments.
It would also help users to strive for further excellence here to shoot for the prize of a little icon or title on their in-game nametag.
*Slams down stamp of approval*

Awesome idea, Sura.
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Wyldercat on August 20, 2014, 02:14:11 pm
I think it sounds like a great idea! Not only would it show off your wisdom and experience with the game, but it could also help with imposters. I've seen a few fake Red's around, and if it showed the forum rank, it could really help with all that. I know I'd definitely wear my newbie rank with pride. XD
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on August 20, 2014, 03:15:01 pm
I really wish we had this in the game. I would love this. Sorry I don't really have a huge post about this idea but that's all I really have to say xS
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Kerriki on August 20, 2014, 06:15:13 pm
I think this would be an awesome thing to have! It would certainly decrease the number of staff imposters because people would just be able to look at their in-game profile and know they're lying ^^ More floofs would visit the forums more and the new members of FH would know who to go to if they need help with something while in-game

Great idea, Sura!
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Berrymutt on August 26, 2014, 04:38:01 pm
Hmmm not trying to be the ''Negative'' Person here but it would be a good idea and yet a bad idea. Some people might feel left out you know? And everyone is equal in FeralHeart and that idea might make them feel left out and stuff. It would help newer members be able to contact those who are experienced with the game. And yet now everyone uses the FeralHeart forums you know?
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Fallenleaf on August 26, 2014, 04:57:00 pm
I think it is a great idea, in the sense that people might be more prone to communicate with someone, knowing their forum identity. But, it is true that some people might feel left out/intimidated by the ranking. A person might have more difficulty talking to someone with a higher ranking, for example.
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: Nemena on August 26, 2014, 10:45:56 pm
I'd say probably not; I'd rather be judged by my in-game actions and behaviour as opposed to the amount of forum posts I have. Can imagine it'd introduce a plethora of unnecessary difficulties, too, especially pertaining to groups and acceptance; "you can't join unless you're (insert rank here)" is bound to happen! While it does sound nifty, I admittedly can't really see it going down too well. Think the negatives may outweigh the benefits in a community like FH's. Personally, I don't frequent the forum-- but I'm active in-game!

It could encourage others to use the forums more, but I think it's rather unnecessary and may be abused by some users.

Plus I still haven't gotten my contest awards. ;A;
Title: Re: What If Series: Forum/Site stats were visible in game
Post by: trinitylovespink on August 26, 2014, 11:02:53 pm
Personally I think its a great Idea since I take pride on just leveling up from New Member, showing how active I am on the Forums and really taking the time to dig deep in the feral-heart community, even If Im not active as often as many members are. And As Red Said, They Take would proudly wear their rank around Fh.

But Every plan has there downsides and I know I am repeating others but, It would create more junk on the forums, create spam and their could be harassment in game about the 'Ranks' and how low or how high someones Activeness on the forums Is. Plus, more people on the forums means more drama and drama is not what the staff and/or other members need.

So Overall I believe its a cool idea but would need some adjusting before any sort of action can be in motion c;