Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Jackkdaw on August 17, 2014, 02:13:24 pm

Title: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Jackkdaw on August 17, 2014, 02:13:24 pm
We all know the bizarre floofs of Bonfire.
What is the weirdest thing to happen to you while there?

For me, hands down, it was one fateful day playing as my Direwolf character, Kelso. I was sitting there minding my own business when a wild Quent Yaiden (the crazy wolf hunter from the anime Wolf's Rain) appeared. Immediately he began shooting at Kelso. Right when it seemed like all was lost, Iron Man suddenly swooped in out of nowhere and deflected the bullet, then proceeded to pick up Kelso and fly him to safety.
Best day of my life.

Well, how about you?
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Kastilla on August 17, 2014, 02:40:40 pm
All I can say from your experience is... LOL, and I don't say that often.
For me... eh, maybe that I was laying down and a group of horses came and trampled me to death ... I didn't even do anything. It was funny, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Vask on August 17, 2014, 04:28:03 pm
-Vask Stamp Of Approval all over this topic-

Hurrhurr  yes well.

I think the weirdest/worst/best experience of my life in Bonfire would be when I was just sitting in there on Vask minding my own buisness. Then suddenly an all neon red wolf sat in front of me named "One." Then a neon orange wolf named "Of". Then another that was yellow named "Us." Eventually there were six wolves surrounding me all the neon colors of the rainbow, and spelled out. "One Of Us One Of Us."

I was utterly terrified and excited at the same time
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: hugrf2 on August 17, 2014, 04:29:26 pm
Became Gordon Freeman. Got fangirls.

Became Groot with my friend, whom was Rocket. Sat there saying "I am Groot" for a while. Got fangirls.

Roleplayed Exxy in Local at his hyper-est. Got "omg wot's with the hobo pictures" faces.

I all find these experiences funny for some reason, or just plain amusing. |D Need I say more?
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Jackkdaw on August 17, 2014, 04:34:25 pm
All of these are utterly awesome.
Thanks for sharin' guyz. xD
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: wolfdog01 on August 17, 2014, 05:48:24 pm
X'D VASK! I love that one! Wish I was there!

Well I was on my char Maxwell and he was watching the MC, complaining about it some as he talked with a few of his newly found friends, and since I lag in Bonfire, I have to stare the sky. Well I look down to see who is around me and suddenly I am part of the MC circle. I make Max have a mini rant and back out of it to watch again, looking back up at the sky....the same thing happened again, twice. Lol, it was funny. Another time the MC had left and said that Maxy was in charge, he was confused and backed out, quitting his job saying he would never do it again.
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on August 17, 2014, 06:31:12 pm
When I was in Bonfire and Thor said I needed plastic surgery xD
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Kerriki on August 17, 2014, 06:46:42 pm
One time during my newbie days I saw a dragon join a TLK roleplay. The dragon was chasing Scar around the map, spitting fireballs at him x3
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Jango_Fett on August 18, 2014, 12:11:50 am
Queen Chrysalis from My little Pony acting as the Adoption center.

Yeah..... That was... Fun.
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: greenart6 on August 18, 2014, 12:29:28 am

Then, when me and a friend went into Bonfire as MateBeggarBrand and he was the assistant, I started saying that there was a few job opening and suddenly there was a MateBeggarBrand Waitress XD

OhGawd I need to get on my MBB charrie again
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: .Dionysus. on August 18, 2014, 01:37:32 am
That is a pretty funny experience XD
And I luff Ironman o3o

Well one time I was sitting in bonfire, chatting with my friend over whisper. Well this mate center had just gotten two wolves together and because of my characters small size (she's a coyote) the new couple came over and asked me to be there pup. I explained to them that my character was a fully grown coyote and the girl started sobbing saying how they'd never have any children. The male was comforting her and glared at me and said:
You should be ashamed of yourself! We thought you were a pup and my mate wanted pups and now you go and break her heart with your lamo story.
I tried explaining to him that my character was almost the same size as them so how could she be classified as pup? And he shunned me XD
Then a couple minutes later, an actual pup came over to me and started yelling at me! Apparently the pup tried to become their pup and they shunned him for not being female or for not being as "pretty as the coyote" XD so I started laughing and he used his
"Pup powers to explode me no miss"
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on August 18, 2014, 04:29:44 am
Well, I actually don't often go to Bonfire, but I like to make my own adventures I guess you could say.
One time I was on my England character, Whispering a friend of mine (whom dared me to go to the Mate Center), and before I could go, I was visited by the Doctor and a delek - I wasn't the most awake, and was being quite lame. -Small laugh- Once they both had to go, I went over to the Mate Center - I was horribly rejected too many times. I crawled back to the rock we originally sat at, and "cried" to my friend. I had a blast.
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: StarrieNova on August 18, 2014, 04:38:13 am
Honestly I have not had anything that amazing happen to me in Bonfire, but it is awesome that it happened to you my amazing floofer xD
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Kovu-The-Lion on August 18, 2014, 05:10:10 am
Best Experience?
Probably the time when 3 Lemon-head Kiaras came fighting over me while I was sitting with my Actual Girlfriend Kiara.
The fight was so Iliterate it was hilarious. xD
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Sandfury on August 18, 2014, 06:04:49 am
 The whole map was empty... The map pretty much crashed, and I had a minute of silence. xD
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on August 18, 2014, 11:27:08 am
The whole map was empty... The map pretty much crashed, and I had a minute of silence. xD

I was there! xD Just about everyone in the map crashed and left with few survivors ouo It was amazing not to see Bonfire swarming with people.
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: Boomi on August 18, 2014, 01:14:40 pm
A Milka Cow and dead corpses:
Well, so it started with, that I saw a character that was called ''FREEMEAT''
So I ate on it, nom nom nom, and then I was poisoned by it, and became dead, but I still talked (Lol)
Then others who also ate on the meat became dead.
And we sat there as dead corpses.
Then it came a Milka cow, pooping chocolate to us, and then the Milka Cow became a Zombie, then I also became a Zombie...
Well, that was a weird thing lol...
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: AlphaEclipse on August 18, 2014, 02:14:16 pm
I think these would have to be some of my top weirdest experiences in Bonfire; I've had to many.
My first one I personally thought was hilarious- a few frands decided it would be a funny idea to make exact copies of Sagitta, with my help, of course.


My second weirdest event just happened yesterday, actually. Whisper, Vask, Stargazer and I decided it would be hilarious to be "whales" and go derp around- basically it turned into a session of "whale yoga." Note that before this we were fruit and we also recreated what Vask's incident was with the "One of us" characters.
Humpback Whale (me lol) says hello:
Title: Re: Weirdest Thing to Happen to You in Bonfire
Post by: greenart6 on August 18, 2014, 03:05:57 pm

Me and a friend roleplayed as leaves.

First we were on a bush but the wind blew us off and we died but kept reviving and dying over and over again until we started killing each other and then reviving again and then we started running all around the map chasing each other. Then we cuddled with mate center.

And for fun we roleplayed this all in the local chat near mate center xD