Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: Shenidan on August 18, 2014, 09:02:56 am

Title: Bananas
Post by: Shenidan on August 18, 2014, 09:02:56 am
I know. Le thread name doesnt make any sense at all but ignore my randomness XD

I know it has been 2 or a half month i left on feralheart, quite a short break but when I visited the game I met 3 people who changed my everyday life. Which made me happier and sparked an interest on feralheart again , so uh.. Is it early for me to make this thread because I really feel jts too early to do a come back post XD but erm. There ya go. Im back, Ill see if I can make myself productive for feralheart since I havent done anything.

Excuse my bad english XD  8)
Also I changed my forum name, you can call me froo from now on if yoy want
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on August 18, 2014, 11:36:25 am

And squeeeeeeeeee! YOUR BACK! 8D Hang on lemme just... *tackles and climbs onto you to sit on your face* Welcome back ;D I don't think I ever mentioned that I loved your character's design. He looks so bootiful. I hope you'll stay for good this time too ;O; *clings and never let goes*
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Senrova on August 18, 2014, 02:47:21 pm
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!! You. Are. Baaaaaaaack!!!

Yay! You remember me, right? I used to be EpicWolfie. :3

So glad having you back again! I hope to be seeing you in roleplay!
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: AlphaEclipse on August 18, 2014, 02:57:42 pm
Yay! Welcome back, Frooday.

I'm glad to see you have returned to this lovely community. I hope you have a splendid time back in the game! Mwaha, now I can stalk you in-game again. lol -tackles-
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Honest~Faith on August 18, 2014, 08:19:22 pm
Ermergawd, your back. <3 <3
It is surprising that after my break, I just came back yesterday and chu came back today! c:
I missed you even though I was on a break from feral-heart. <3
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Shenidan on August 18, 2014, 10:08:55 pm

And squeeeeeeeeee! YOUR BACK! 8D Hang on lemme just... *tackles and climbs onto you to sit on your face* Welcome back ;D I don't think I ever mentioned that I loved your character's design. He looks so bootiful. I hope you'll stay for good this time too ;O; *clings and never let goes*
In banana land.

Many thanks to you starry :3 Im happy you like my character, it was easy designing him but means alot to me lol. Im sure Ill have a great stay here and a good time once again.
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!! You. Are. Baaaaaaaack!!!

Yay! You remember me, right? I used to be EpicWolfie. :3

So glad having you back again! I hope to be seeing you in roleplay!

Thank you! and ofcourse i remember you, why wouldnt I? Im not that person that doesnt remember people XD Because its hard for me to forget. I even remember I drew you a gift a year ago :3
Yay! Welcome back, Frooday.

I'm glad to see you have returned to this lovely community. I hope you have a splendid time back in the game! Mwaha, now I can stalk you in-game again. lol -tackles-
Im quite happy I did, Im sure Ill have a great time here again.
Lol, Ill hide in a bush >:3
Ermergawd, your back. <3 <3
It is surprising that after my break, I just came back yesterday and chu came back today! c:
I missed you even though I was on a break from feral-heart. <3
Welcome back!
Thats really surprising!. welcome back to you as well Kara!
Thank you for welcoming me :3 -wears scarf- here, have a potato.
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Meadows on August 18, 2014, 11:33:46 pm
Welcome back! <3
Sadly, I wasn't here to see you before you left.

Anyways, I hope you'll feel at home again c:
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Shenidan on August 19, 2014, 06:41:13 am
Aye thanks there follow floof. I guess welcome to the community to you as well then? Im sure Ill make myself feel like home once again C:
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Jackkdaw on August 19, 2014, 12:00:18 pm
YAAAASSS! Late reaction, but WELCOME BACK, LOVE!
Glad to see you're back and around, it's been too quiet without you ;3
Hope to see more of ye around the forum again!
Stay fab
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: forks on August 19, 2014, 02:20:29 pm
Froooooooooooo I knew you'd come back! I enjoyed our little talk the other day O.O
We missed yew :3 ^^
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: StarrieNova on August 19, 2014, 03:59:03 pm
Well welcome back to the Feral Heart community Froo. ^^
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Shenidan on August 20, 2014, 02:11:13 am
Thank you Domino, Its nice to be back here]
Title: Re: Bananas
Post by: Insoholic on August 20, 2014, 09:18:49 am
Hehe, welcome back to FeralHeart, Frooday. Btw, I luv your nickname <3 xD It's nice to meet you and see you around, floof. ^^ It's nice to hear that you will make yourself feel like home! ;D