Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: [email protected] on August 19, 2014, 02:58:29 am

Title: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!} {HIATUS}
Post by: [email protected] on August 19, 2014, 02:58:29 am
MMORPG - A Multi-Species Animal Game

You can register in the JOTW forum to be overlooked, tested for literacy, and then accepted into databases. Then you may receive acceptance information via email before installing the game and applying registered info there. Once received by Administration, you will await a notification via email & forum that you have been added as a user. This may take up to 2 weeks, depending on Administration status. You may then play however you choose. If you are below the age of 13, the  chat will be disabled until your parent(s)/guardian(s) send Administration an application notifying us that you are able to chat online with a filtered option. If you are 13 and up, you may play without these blocks. If you are below 13 and do not sign a form by the 3rd week after an Admin has contacted you, the account will be
banned until that age.

In JOTW, you will be able to communicate, interact, and battle against NPCs within the game. More information is to be decided later in development.

JOTW will be allowing PvP once you have completed the required training with all necessary NPCs. More information will be revealed later in development.

JOTW is allowing a chat for roleplaying and communicating with other players. There will be different chat categories, however they are to be created later on in game.

You are given the option to block users in-game. This will notify Administration and they may inquire about the block. You will also be provided a list of blocked users in the HUD (BOW)

You have the option to make friends in JOTW. You can locate them, message them privately, and complete missions/tasks together. All private messages will be sent to administrative databases for the security of all players, however, Administration will only check when necessary or at randomized times to ensure the safety of all users.

You are given the chance to make factions. Factions are not limited and can have up to 80 members. You can give it the option of removing players that have been inactive for more than 60 days.

Party Chat
You can also make a party chat, something that will not remain permanent in databases but will allow up to 15 people to chat and have fun.

There will be a list of actions to choose from that will make your character complete the wanted action and then return to it's original position/expression

You can make your own expressions! It's WIP and top secret!

You can make your character's pose. (Must be purchased.)

BOW (Book of Wisdom)
Your character will be provided the book of wisdom. It will probably be located in the lower right hand corner and will be toggled by clicking on the book when hidden and pressing the B key to hide it. It will hold information and other things for your character and user.

The map provided for you in the book can show you your location, the location of your friends, and surrounding areas that hold quests and other useful things. It will come in handy, since the land you explore and attempt to conquer is vast and dangerous!

BOW Character Overview
In the BOW, you can view your character and add/remove items! More details will be added later to this category when development has occurred.

BOW Character Upgrades
As you gain experience and level up, you can upgrade your character and make it more powerful! More detail will be added with development and conceptual design.

BOW Store
In JOTW, you will be able to purchase items within the store. JOTW will be completely free to all users. (You receive currency in-game.)

BOW Quest Log
The BOW will hold all completed, current, and future quests that you have.

BOW Status Page
The status page will hold all statuses made by that character. Details regarding the status page will be added later in development

BOW Menu
The BOW menu will hold menu items that are to be discussed later in development.

BOW Options/Settings
WIP until further development has been made for JOTW.

Cut Scenes
There will be cut scenes in the game for when boss levels are present, when you have leveled up, and when a part of the story will be revealed. The story line will not be told until the release of the game.

Loading Scenes
There will be loading scenes between certain parts of the game. This is a huge WIP.

Credits can be found everywhere in-game.

Transportation Stones
There will be stones/temples that can work as transportation for your character.

Staff will roam the lands as physical gods that can bestow gifts, powers, and give special quests to give to members. Finding one will be rare.

Option of Hosting Major Packs (0) Current
Packs must have been active for at least 4 months with over 40 active members, set hierarchy with high ranks filled, scheduled actions (meetings, guarding posts, territory scans, hunts, ceremonies), must have filled a form and sent to administration, must have back-up leaders to support activity within the pack, must submit the required forms for packs to Administration, must have a territory claimed and bought in the store, must have territory logged in Administrative records, and must always have an updated list of all pack members on hand ready to be given to administration when needed.

Unlimited Factions
All factions are grouped wolves that are attempting to form a pack in JOTW. They have the option of recording info even if they are not wanting to become a pack.

Head Admin: Kata Muse

Admin Email: [email protected]
Co-Admin Email: [email protected] It is to note that Morrow does not check her email much, so should only send it to this email if you don't get a response from the first email. Thank you~ Morrow

Admin Skype: Katherine.monleon
Co-Admin Skype: fourlimos

Rating: PG +13

Game Designing Positions Open

This game is a work in progress.

Link~ http://jotw.boards.net/ (http://jotw.boards.net/)
Thank you in advance if you sign up!
Canine Model progress!
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds
Post by: [email protected] on August 29, 2014, 07:45:32 am
Update 8/29/14:

Models are currently being worked on, our canine model is currently the focus at the moment. 34% is currently done with the model. So it's likely that it'll be done rather soon. Once that's done, I'll post the completed image here.

Maps are also being worked on currently.

Our Roleplaying section is being set up currently, and should be done within a week or so. Most of the Territories for the threads on that board are being worked on. Speaking of which, as soon as this is done being typed, I'll work on those, actually.

Lastly, staff positions are currently available, more specifically for those who are capable of coding, mapping, modeling, etc...

That's all for this update.
I'll be sure to keep this updated with any recent updates.

{End of update}
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds
Post by: [email protected] on August 30, 2014, 10:23:43 pm
Minor Update:

Updating again, yes, this was rather quick, but, we've made more progress with the canine model. Currently being 65% complete.
Once this model is completely done, I will post the images of the completed product here for you to view.

More work is being done with the Roleplaying thread. Though it still should be another few weeks until it's completely prepared and ready for everyone. Give that one time.

End of minor update.
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds
Post by: blackje123 on August 31, 2014, 04:07:22 pm
oooooooooooooooooooooo goddygod!!!! this sounds soooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds
Post by: [email protected] on August 31, 2014, 08:23:14 pm
Aha, I'm glad you think it's interesting!
There should be another update soon, our wonderful admin Kata is hard at work on models! So, I expect within another day or two, I should have an image available for the canine model for here. But, who knows?

I'm not too sure what model we'll be working on after the canine model is finished.
Possibly a feline?
I'm not too sure at the moment! But, we'll find out once the canine model is complete!
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!}
Post by: [email protected] on September 01, 2014, 02:09:15 am
Canine model has been added to the main thread! It is incomplete at the moment, finished model shall replace it once it is done!
But here's what we have so far!
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!}
Post by: Vask on September 01, 2014, 03:03:30 am
Oooooo I very much like the idea of this game!
It looks to me like it has a brilliant structure and a decent staff team.
I would absolutely love to see this game come to life <3
Can't wait to see more!
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!}
Post by: [email protected] on September 01, 2014, 04:34:29 am
Aha, the staff I work with are pretty wonderful! We've been without any drama so far! So that's always a good thing!

I got confirmation that the next model that will be worked on, once the canine model is complete, will be a bird model. Possibly a falcon, or another bird of prey.
So I'll keep everyone updated on that!
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!}
Post by: [email protected] on September 04, 2014, 11:34:01 pm
It's been awhile since we've had an update...

Minor changes to the Roleplay forum. Boards being organized, and cleaned up, while the threads are still being created by a few staff.
After a few minor screw-ups on my part ^-^", we've managed to get the boards into the appropriate sections, and should be sorted out within the next few days completely, while the remaining threads that still need to be worked on shall be created.
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!} {HIATUS}
Post by: [email protected] on September 14, 2014, 08:04:45 pm
Alright, so I'll make this brief.
JOTW is going on a Hiatus, due to some personal issues.

To put this blunt...
JOTW progress is going to be put on hold for a while.
When this will be back up, I don't know.
But, just so everyone is aware.

I'll make another announcement once the Hiatus is over.
Title: Re: Journey Of The Wilds {Canine model up!} {HIATUS}
Post by: Wolflover224 on September 20, 2014, 10:47:35 pm
That looks really cool! If only I could model like you