Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: ~Stargazer~ on September 03, 2014, 12:47:54 pm

Title: From Joining to Now
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on September 03, 2014, 12:47:54 pm
[Pfft, I had no idea what to name this topic xD]

This has been brought to my attention a lot recently.

When you joined FeralHeart, what did you think would happen?
Did it happen?

For me, LOLNOPE.
When I joined this small precious community, I did not expect that I would meet such amazing friends. I didn't think that I would waste almost a month of my life on these forums, trying my best to help users with their game and drawing art for other people. In fact, the only reason I started digital art was because I felt like I was the only person on this site that didn't know how to draw. I didn't think that I would stay up until 12 pretending to sleep, then sneaking down into my basement to be on FeralHeart. I didn't think that I would be skyping people at 3 am. I didn't think I would be doing whale yoga in bonfire at 2 in the morning.
I didn't think this would happen to me. But I'm so glad it did xD I feel like it's changed me as a person (lol, I'm not as lonely 8D #ForeverAlone).
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 03, 2014, 01:03:23 pm
Huehue, I'm the same way, Starry-poo.
When I first joined, I was just noobing it up around Bonfire. Wasn't even RPing or anything. Just being a troll and messing with people. X3

Never once in my wildest imagination did I expect to get where I am now- with my amazing friends, #2FAB4U, constantly developing roleplay skills, and even just being on the forum in general!
I'm no where near where I was when I first joined, and I'm thankful for growing in the community the way I did, and for all the wonderful friends I've made. <3
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Vask on September 03, 2014, 01:31:20 pm
Oh gawd this topic
So much yes on this topic <3

Did I think I was going to end up here? Heck nah. It was farthest from my mind when I joined FH if any of this would happen. When I joined I was totally oblivious to what might happen, and what amazing things were to come. All I did was get lost in South Pole, make very bright characters, and flail around bonfire. I had no idea what was to come of my FH life. Let me explain a bit more.
I didn't think I'd spend 100% of my time on FH and on the forums, I didn't think I'd make a group that bloomed into something amazing, I didn't think I'd be laughing my booty off at 4am, I didn't think you people would be the first people I talk to in the morning and the last at night, I didn't think I'd be best friends with someone across the state, I sure didn't think I'd ever be Member Of The Season, I didn't think I'd skype chat with my best friends at the worst times, I didn't think it was possible to have so many inside jokes, and I definitely didn't think I could care about a community this much.

As both of you have said, I too have grown and matured SO much here. I have grown with this community as they have grown with me. I definitely feel like this was all meant to happen somehow. <333
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on September 03, 2014, 01:47:56 pm
I'm no where near where I was when I first joined, and I'm thankful for growing in the community the way I did, and for all the wonderful friends I've made. <3
I feel the same way Jimmeh x3 I've matured so much since I've joined (I've gone and looked through my first posts before >.> Embarrassing). Because of FeralHeart I've literally dropped txt chat. Not really sure why... but I've become so used to avoiding that. Even when I'm actually texting people, I don't use any short cuts like "u" or "cuz" anymore. I'm so glad I bumped into this place. I really feel like it was meant to happen.
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Spottedbears on September 03, 2014, 02:07:30 pm
well, when i first joined i didn't really know what to do. i thought i'd spend all my time playing with my sister.

after that i learned what roleplaying was, and well, i've been roleplaying on this game for a few days over 3 years.

i may not be the same as i was 3 years ago, but all i can say is, friends? had a few. i don't think they like me any more. i'm not sure where i'll be with friends in the future, because i only have two people that i really talk to on skype. came to the forums in hope of finding more but so far it's only been slightly successful
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: darkknight on September 03, 2014, 03:01:32 pm
When I joined Feral Heart, I thought I was going to be another blank slate in the world. What I mean by that, I'll explain. I love to play load of games with loads of different communities and give even more loads of my time. Usually, I just liked to be the one in the background playing and do what I do.

Now, this is the first community I considered joining the forum and contribute when I do. Even if it's not a whole lot, it's still more than I would have given others. I adore the fact that I can give my opinion and share with other's thoughts as well. Maybe one of these days, I may even shove my pride to join other forums of communities I like. ~

First one's a start, right?     
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Nemena on September 03, 2014, 04:00:38 pm
I thought it'd be another game I'd play for a month, then quit-- like Impressive Title. A year later, I'm still occasionally dropping into the forums and the game! Most of my friends are those I've met in other places (tumblr, warcraft, real-life etc.) as opposed to anyone from the forums. Even then, it's a surprisingly fun avenue of roleplay-- especially since you can essentially create your own worlds through maps! :D

My friend (aged 28) and I (aged 23) do largely feel like this in the community, though:

Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Neowulf on September 03, 2014, 08:20:24 pm
All of this ^^ (cept for the age part, I'm really young)

Shorty short posts aside, I still think I'm going through a sort of journey for this. When I finish, I'll post here some more-- Shorty shorts still aside, when I joined, I was kinda... Slightly noobish. Not much goin on, sparkly-ish characters...

The turning point, which is a story I'm pretty sure all of my in-game friends heard, was when I tried joining a person named exodus's group. I sent the roleplay sample, and... GROUP VETO! GO AWAY! I decided: Hey... Maybe I need to become a book. And then I became a book overnight, training it into my brain to ditch borders and use quotation marks.

I guess I just wanted to prove something.
Or something.
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Kerriki on September 08, 2014, 01:52:32 am
When I first joined, I was that n00b running around with sparkle dogs and the only posts I made on the forums where in the games board (and uncommonly, some others). When I first discovered Sky's Rim, I completely forgot about the forums and began making dragon characters and would roleplay a lot up there. I think months went by without me visiting the other public maps even once. However, as dragon rps began getting old, Sky's Rim got emptier and emptier, and I was bored enough to actually begin posting all around the forums in February of 2013. I learned what a fursona is, downloaded custom maps, markings, items, etc... and that was when I first created Kiki. She was the last dragon character I created during my time in Sky's Rim dragon rps (she's actually a dragon/tiger hybrid, actually). I easily became attached to her, and I could not bring myself to delete her after deleting all my other dragon characters, and soon enough she officially became my main oc, my fursona. Long story short, I stuck to the forums and... well here I am today
Title: Re: From Joining to Now
Post by: Vespian on September 08, 2014, 03:21:58 am
Oh gosh. Vespian came a long way since joinin' the community.

Long story short, when I first joined, I guess ye' could say my personality wasn't one others could easily get along with. I allowed my short temper to control me, let my pride consume me, and was pretty much a complete lone wolf. I didn't care about makin' new friends, didn't care much about this community in general. The sole reason I joined was to role-play with the only two friends I had at the time (users Tiger Tooth and Skywave) and I only bothered loggin' online when they were on. Otherwise, I was scarce or seen sittin' alone somewhere watchin' the chats go by.
It was when I decided to join a few role-plays did I begin to somewhat open up. I met individuals who taught me lessons, taught me to better hone my role-play, and overall led me down a direction I knew not at the time I'd ever be saunterin' down. I learned how to download add-ons, created characters that I truly can relate to and who mean somethin' more than just pixels to be deleted in a day's time. I made friends who at first were actually intimidated by me before I even knew it. Now they can't even take me seriously, ehheh. While acquaintances did come 'n go, the few that I have now I dearly care for as if they're a part of my family, even if they rarely get on FeralHeart anymore. I don't give a flip if they live in another state or an entirely different country/continent.
Then I decided to participate in the forums once my role-playin' days were more or less over. I became more involved with the community, learned even more keep-in-mind lessons, and grew accustomed to how things were here. While it did take time, pretty soon I was obsessed with the forums. I wanted to know everythin' that was goin' on and throw in my two cents whenever I could. I came online daily, checkin' the forums every 5 minutes to see if a new topic was created or updated. By then my temper has mellowed greatly and I had an entirely different outlook. I became more patient, more understandin', 'n pretty much the Vespian ye' all know today.
I had no idea that I would ever find myself enjoyin' bein' a part of this community so much- even if I am pretty introverted. I knew not that I would ever obtain the MOTS title twice durin' my time here and more so, offered a position on the staff team. I had no idea that the silent, grumpy 'ol Vesp would ever come this far. I'm still a bit surprised about it. Even still, I've come this far 'n I don't plan on abruptly abandonin' my pathway anytime soon for I know not what I would do without all ye' floofs.