Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Jackkdaw on September 05, 2014, 12:38:01 pm

Title: Journaling Journaling Yeah! [Update 9/6]
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 05, 2014, 12:38:01 pm
*Crams my life activities down your throat*




September 5, 2014

G'day, floofs.
Wowzers this is weird for me. I've never journaled before. Ever. In my entire life. Hnnng.
I figured it might be cool to do this so y'all know what's goin' on in the current events of Jimmy.
I'll make a new entree or update in here whenever something interesting in life happens. Hehe.
Well. Where do I even start. I'm so bad at this. For one thing, I'm super sick at the moment. I've got rolled up pieces of toilet paper jammed up my nose because its runny and gross. On top of that, I think I have an ear infection, too. O_e
I think I'm gonna go to the doctor today.
In other news, I've been super frustrated to be an American lately with everything that's going on with the terror threats and our inactive president who doesn't seem to notice. -_- But that's a whole other rant so I won't go there. Ugh.
School kinda sucks. It's weird being in a "real" college after being at Word of Life last year (because all we did there was study the Bible and it was a really close community). I have to give a speech in Public Speaking class next Wednesday ewww. Halp.
Yep. So, there's the update as of this mornin'. It was all over the place but hey I'm a noob at journaling don't stone me to death. *bows*
So, yeh!
Stay fab, my friends~

September 6, 2014
'Allo again.
So. Went to the docta' yesterday. Turns out I've got a bad sinus infection, and a double ear infection. Oh gawsh.
Yeah, prayers are definitely appreciated, 'cause, I feel like crap.
On a lighter not, IT'S FERAL HEART OFFICIAL ROLEPLAY DAY TODAY. *Fires confetti*
I'm quite excited to get ma roleplay on with my fellow floofs.
See y'all in-game!
Title: Re: Journaling Journaling Yeah! [Update 9/6]
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 06, 2014, 02:18:13 pm